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  • Faster-rnnlm代码分析3


    [root@cq01-forum-rstree01.cq01.baidu.com rnnlm]# pwd


    [root@cq01-forum-rstree01.cq01.baidu.com rnnlm]# cat shijiebei2.txt

    喜欢 观看 巴西 足球 世界杯

    喜欢 观看 巴西 足球

    喜欢 观看 巴西 足球

    喜欢 观看 巴西

    喜欢 观看 巴西

    喜欢 观看




    [root@cq01-forum-rstree01.cq01.baidu.com rnnlm]# gdb ./rnnlm

    (gdb) b 157

    Breakpoint 1 at 0x40e0a3: file rnnlm.cc, line 157.

    (gdb) r -rnnlm model -train shijiebei2.txt -valid shijiebei2.txt -hidden 5- -direct-order 3 -direct 200 -bptt 4 -bptt-block 10 -threads 1

    Starting program: /home/users/chenghuige/rsc/app/search/sep/anti-spam/rnnlm/rnnlm -rnnlm model -train shijiebei.txt -valid shijiebei.txt -hidden 5- -direct-order 3 -direct 200 -bptt 4 -bptt-block 10 -threads 1

    Read the vocabulary: 6 words

    Restoring existing nnet

    Constructing RNN: layer_size=5, layer_type=sigmoid, layer_count=1, maxent_hash_size=199999998, maxent_order=3, vocab_size=6, use_nce=0

    Contructed HS: arity=2, height=4


    Breakpoint 1, EvaluateLM (nnet=0xf6e300, filename="shijiebei.txt", print_logprobs=false, accurate_nce=true) at rnnlm.cc:157

    157                IRecUpdater* rec_layer_updater = nnet->rec_layer->CreateUpdater();


    class IRecUpdater {


    IRecUpdater(int layer_size)

    : size_(layer_size)

    , input_(MAX_SENTENCE_WORDS, size_)

    , input_g_(MAX_SENTENCE_WORDS, size_)

    , output_(MAX_SENTENCE_WORDS, size_)

    , output_g_(MAX_SENTENCE_WORDS, size_) {}


    virtual ~IRecUpdater() {}


    RowMatrix& GetInputMatrix() { return input_; }

    RowMatrix& GetInputGradMatrix() { return input_g_; }

    RowMatrix& GetOutputMatrix() { return output_; }

    RowMatrix& GetOutputGradMatrix() { return output_g_; }


    void ForwardSequence(int steps) { return ForwardSubSequence(0, steps); }

    void ForwardStep(int step_idx) { return ForwardSubSequence(step_idx, 1); }


    virtual void BackwardSequence(int steps, uint32_t truncation_seed, int bptt_period, int bptt) = 0;

    virtual void UpdateWeights(int steps, Real lrate, Real l2reg, Real rmsprop, Real gradient_clipping) = 0;

    virtual void ForwardSubSequence(int start, int steps) = 0;


    // Returns list of pointers on updates

    // The order must much one in corresponding methods in weight class

    virtual std::vector<WeightMatrixUpdater<RowMatrix>*> GetMatrices() = 0;

    virtual std::vector<WeightMatrixUpdater<RowVector>*> GetVectors() = 0;



    const int size_;


    RowMatrix input_, input_g_;

    RowMatrix output_, output_g_;


    为了方便观察 我把 MAX_SENTENCE_WORDS设置为10

    (gdb) p *rec_layer_updater

    $2 = {_vptr.IRecUpdater = 0x7076b0 <vtable for SimpleRecurrentLayer::Updater+16>, size_ = 5,

    input_ = { m_storage = {m_data = 0xf7e1a0, m_rows = 10,

    m_cols = 5}}, <No data fields>},


    4个数组都是 (MAX_SENTENCE_WORDS, hidden_size)




    Real logprob_sum = 0;

    uint64_t n_words = 0


    while (reader.Read()) {

    //获取当前句子的 对应查找Vacabulary词典后的数字编号得到一个数组

    const WordIndex* sen = reader.sentence();

    int seq_length = reader.sentence_length();

    Real sen_logprob = 0.0;



    PropagateForward(nnet, sen, seq_length, rec_layer_updater);


    //通过output 算出对应该句子 当前的log(p)

    const Real logprob = nnet->softmax_layer->CalculateLog10Probability(

    sen[target], ngram_hashes, maxent_present, kHSMaxentPrunning,

    output.row(target - 1).data(), &nnet->maxent_layer);

    sen_logprob -= logprob;


    n_words += seq_length;

    logprob_sum += sen_logprob;


    Real entropy = logprob_sum / log10(2) / n_words;

    return entropy


    这里用的是交叉熵,参考之前介绍语言模型的评估,和PPL的关系就是一个2^的关系 PPL = 2^cross_entropy


    1. 首先看下句子的索引编号数组是咋样的

    sen_[0] = 0 //首先添加了<s>

    然后读取的时候 </s>对应读到0 作为结束

    I1110 11:45:06.033421 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [喜欢] *wid -- [1]

    I1110 11:45:06.033535 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [观看] *wid -- [2]

    I1110 11:45:06.033542 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [巴西] *wid -- [3]

    I1110 11:45:06.033548 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [足球] *wid -- [4]

    I1110 11:45:06.033555 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [世界杯] *wid -- [5]

    I1110 11:45:06.033562 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [</s>] *wid -- [0]

    I1110 11:45:06.033573 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] senVec --- 6

    I1110 11:45:06.033579 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 0 0

    I1110 11:45:06.033587 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 1 1

    I1110 11:45:06.033592 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 2 2

    I1110 11:45:06.033597 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 3 3

    I1110 11:45:06.033602 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 4 4

    I1110 11:45:06.033607 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 5 5


    I1110 11:45:06.036772 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [喜欢] *wid -- [1]

    I1110 11:45:06.036780 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [观看] *wid -- [2]

    I1110 11:45:06.036787 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [巴西] *wid -- [3]

    I1110 11:45:06.036792 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [足球] *wid -- [4]

    I1110 11:45:06.036798 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [</s>] *wid -- [0]

    I1110 11:45:06.036808 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] senVec --- 5

    I1110 11:45:06.036813 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 0 0

    I1110 11:45:06.036818 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 1 1

    I1110 11:45:06.036823 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 2 2

    I1110 11:45:06.036828 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 3 3

    I1110 11:45:06.036834 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 4 4


    I1110 11:45:06.036772 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [喜欢] *wid -- [1]

    I1110 11:45:06.036780 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [观看] *wid -- [2]

    I1110 11:45:06.036787 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [巴西] *wid -- [3]

    I1110 11:45:06.036792 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [足球] *wid -- [4]

    I1110 11:45:06.036798 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [</s>] *wid -- [0]

    I1110 11:45:06.036808 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] senVec --- 5

    I1110 11:45:06.036813 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 0 0

    I1110 11:45:06.036818 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 1 1

    I1110 11:45:06.036823 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 2 2

    I1110 11:45:06.036828 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 3 3

    I1110 11:45:06.036834 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 4 4



    I1110 11:45:06.041893 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [喜欢] *wid -- [1]

    I1110 11:45:06.041901 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [观看] *wid -- [2]

    I1110 11:45:06.041908 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [巴西] *wid -- [3]

    I1110 11:45:06.041913 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [</s>] *wid -- [0]

    I1110 11:45:06.041921 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] senVec --- 4

    I1110 11:45:06.041926 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 0 0

    I1110 11:45:06.041931 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 1 1

    I1110 11:45:06.041936 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 2 2

    I1110 11:45:06.041941 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 3 3


    大概这个样子 ,看一下对第一个句子的处理

    喜欢 观看 巴西 足球 世界杯

    I1110 11:45:06.033421 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [喜欢] *wid -- [1]

    I1110 11:45:06.033535 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [观看] *wid -- [2]

    I1110 11:45:06.033542 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [巴西] *wid -- [3]

    I1110 11:45:06.033548 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [足球] *wid -- [4]

    I1110 11:45:06.033555 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [世界杯] *wid -- [5]

    I1110 11:45:06.033562 3878 words.cc:327] buffer -- [</s>] *wid -- [0]

    I1110 11:45:06.033573 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] senVec --- 6

    I1110 11:45:06.033579 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 0 0

    I1110 11:45:06.033587 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 1 1

    I1110 11:45:06.033592 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 2 2

    I1110 11:45:06.033597 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 3 3

    I1110 11:45:06.033602 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 4 4

    I1110 11:45:06.033607 3878 rnnlm.cc:189] 5 5


    这里提一下rnnlm的计算思路,参考Mikolov<<Statistical Language Models Based on Neural Net-Works>>



    参考图3.1 这里输入w(t)可以看成一个 one-hotvector,也就是长度为Vacabulary的大小|V|,每个词对应一个位置为1 其余位置为0,本质就是一个词编号作用。

    3.2是一个整体结构图,注意不同t step对应的U,W是相同的

    f对应隐层的计算, f可以有多种非线性映射选择,这里简单的可以采用sigmoid

    g对应输出层,softmax, softmax意味着概率值之和累加为1



    这里 W 对应 H*H

    U对应 H*V

    U其实对应embedding矩阵,也就是每个词汇对应的一个长度为hidden size的词向量 U (V*H) wU 1 * V V * H -> 1 * H

    sW 1 * H H * H -> 1 * H

    累加结果 然后softmax输出即可


    其实wU 就是简单对应每个单词通过其编号index选取embedding矩阵中词向量的一行即可



    inline void PropagateForward(NNet* nnet, const WordIndex* sen, int sen_length, IRecUpdater* layer) {

    RowMatrix& input = layer->GetInputMatrix();

    for (int i = 0; i < sen_length; ++i) {

    input.row(i) = nnet->embeddings.row(sen[i]); //对应上面提到的wU也就是选取embedding中词向量的一行






    void SimpleRecurrentLayer::Updater::ForwardSubSequence(int start, int steps) {

    output_.middleRows(start, steps) = input_.middleRows(start, steps);

    if (use_input_weights_) {

    output_.middleRows(start, steps) *= syn_in_.W().transpose();


    for (int step = start; step < start + steps; ++step) {

    if (step != 0) {

    output_.row(step).noalias() += output_.row(step - 1) * syn_rec_.W().transpose(); //对应 wU + sW


    activation_->Forward(output_.row(step).data(), output_.cols()); //对应隐层的非线性f计算




    struct SigmoidActivation : public IActivation {

    void Forward(Real* hidden, int size) {


    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

    hidden[i] = exp(hidden[i]) / (1 + exp(hidden[i]));







    const Real logprob = nnet->softmax_layer->CalculateLog10Probability(

    sen[target], ngram_hashes, maxent_present, kHSMaxentPrunning,

    output.row(target - 1).data(), &nnet->maxent_layer);


    看使用HSTree方式的,这里先略过maxent部分 关于 hierarchical softmax 参考 http://www.tuicool.com/articles/7jQbQvr

    // see the comment in the header

    Real HSTree::CalculateLog10Probability(

    WordIndex target_word,

    const uint64_t* feature_hashes, int maxent_order,

    bool dynamic_maxent_prunning,

    const Real* hidden, const MaxEnt* maxent) const {

    double softmax_state[ARITY]; //一般使用二叉huffman 也就是softmax_state[2]

    Real logprob = 0.;


    for (int depth = 0; depth < tree_->GetPathLength(target_word) - 1; depth++) {

    int node = tree_->GetPathToLeaf(target_word)[depth];



    this, node, hidden,

    feature_hashes, maxent_order, maxent,



    //获取分支0 or 1

    const int selected_branch = tree_->GetBranchPathToLead(target_word)[depth];

    logprob += log10(softmax_state[selected_branch]); //root到叶子内部节点预测的累加




    return logprob;



    这里看下 PropagateNodeForward


    inline void PropagateNodeForward(

    const HSTree* hs, int node, const Real* hidden,

    const uint64_t* feature_hashes, int maxent_order, const MaxEnt* maxent,

    double* state) {

    Real tmp[ARITY];


    //(gdb) p tmp[0]

    //$8 = -nan(0x7fcfc0)

    //(gdb) p tmp[1]

    //$9 = 4.59163468e-41


    CalculateNodeChildrenScores(hs, node, hidden, feature_hashes, maxent_order, maxent, tmp);


    //(gdb) p tmp[0]

    //$10 = 3.87721157

    //(gdb) p tmp[1]

    //$11 = 4.59163468e-41


    double max_score = 0;

    state[ARITY - 1] = 1.;

    double f = state[ARITY - 1];

    for (int i = 0; i < ARITY - 1; ++i) {

    state[i] = exp(tmp[i] - max_score);

    f += state[i];


    for (int i = 0; i < ARITY; ++i) {

    state[i] /= f;



    F = 1 + exp^tmp

    Result = exp^temp / 1 + exp^tmp 刚好是softmax方式



    inline void CalculateNodeChildrenScores(

    const HSTree* hs, int node, const Real* hidden,

    const uint64_t* feature_hashes, int maxent_order, const MaxEnt* maxent,

    Real* branch_scores) {

    for (int branch = 0; branch < ARITY - 1; ++branch) {

    branch_scores[branch] = 0;

    int child_offset = hs->tree_->GetChildOffset(node, branch); //2叉不需要考虑branch 就是每个内部节点对应的索引

    const Real* sm_embedding = hs->weights_.row(child_offset).data();

    for (int i = 0; i < hs->layer_size; ++i) {

    branch_scores[branch] += hidden[i] * sm_embedding[i]; //binary soft max





    (gdb) p hs->weights_

    $16 = {<Eigen::m_storage = {m_data = 0xf6e680, m_rows = 6,

    m_cols = 5}}, <No data fields>}


    hs->weights_ (word_num, hidden_size)

    但是这里注意其实都是对应内部节点的 内部节点的数目 = leafNum - 1


    默认的2huffman其实就不用考虑branch 必然是0 也就是其实是对应每个内部节点 一组权重参数数据



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