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  • transformations 变换集合关系 仿射变换



    Maps points (x, y) in one coordinate system to points (x', y') in another coordinate system

    x' = ax + by + c

    y' = dx + ey + f

    For example, IFS:

    Can be combined

    Are these operations invertible?

    Yes, except scale = 0

    恒等 平移 旋转 等比缩放


    Classes of Transformations 变换分类

    Rigid Body / Euclidean Transforms 刚体、欧式变换

    Similitudes / Similarity Transforms 相似性变换

    Linear 线性变换

    Affine 放射

    Projective 投影



    Rigid-Body / Euclidean Transforms

    Preserves distances

    Preserves angles

    Rigid / Euclidean

    Translation Identity Rotation

    Similitudes / Similarity Transforms

    Linear Transformations

    L(p + q) = L(p) + L(q)

    L(ap) = a L(p)


    vt. 剪;修剪;剥夺

    vi. 剪;剪切;修剪

    切力 切变

    Affine Transformations

    Projective Transformations

    preserves lines

    Representing Transformations 变换的表示

    Combining Transformations 变换的联合

    Change of Orthonormal Basis 改变正交基 

    How are Transforms Represented?

    Homogeneous Coordinates 齐次坐标 

    Add an extra dimension

    in 2D, we use 3 x 3 matrices

    in 3D, we use 4 x 4 matrices

    Each point has an extra value, w

     Most of the time w = 1, and we can ignore it

    If we multiply a homogeneous coordinate by an affine matrix, w is unchanged


     Divide by w to normalize (homogenize)

    W = 0? Point at infinity (direction)



    Translate (tx, ty, tz)

    Why bother with the extra dimension? Because now translations can be encoded in the matrix!


    Scale (sx, sy, sz)

    Isotropic (uniform) scaling: sx = sy = sz




    About (kx, ky, kz), a unit vector on an arbitrary axis (Rodrigues Formula)

    How are transforms combined?

    Scale then Translate

    Use matrix multiplication:   p'  =  T ( S p )  =  TS p

    Caution: matrix multiplication is NOT commutative!


    Non-commutative Composition

    Scale then Translate: p' = T ( S p ) = TS p

    Translate then Scale:   p'  =  S ( T p )  =  ST p


    Review of Dot Product


    Change of Orthonormal Basis

    Given: coordinate frames

    xyz and uvn

    point p = (x,y,z)


    Find: p = (u,v,n)


    Substitute into equation for p:


    p = (u,v,n) = u u + v v + n n

    Expressed in uvn basis:

    In matrix form:

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rsapaper/p/10598858.html
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