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  • weex环境配置

    C:Userso_o>node > (To exit, press ^C again or type .exit) > C:Userso_o> C:Userso_o> C:Userso_o>node -v v10.15.1 C:Userso_o>npm -v 6.4.1 C:Userso_o>npm install -g weex-toolkit npm WARN deprecated socks@1.1.10: If using 2.x branch, please upgrade to at least 2.1.6 to avoid a serious bug with socket data flow and an import issue introduced in 2.1.0 C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pmweex -> C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesweex-toolkitinweex.js > spawn-sync@1.0.15 postinstall C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesweex-toolkit ode_modulesspawn-sync > node postinstall + weex-toolkit@2.0.0-beta.2 added 329 packages from 220 contributors in 262.567s C:Userso_o>npm install -g weex-toolkit@beta npm WARN deprecated socks@1.1.10: If using 2.x branch, please upgrade to at least 2.1.6 to avoid a serious bug with socket data flow and an import issue introduced in 2.1.0 C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pmweex -> C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesweex-toolkitinweex.js + weex-toolkit@2.0.0-beta.0 updated 1 package in 8.792s C:Userso_o>weex -v Start installing Core, please wait ... √ Installed 1 packages √ Linked 388 latest versions √ Run 0 scripts deprecate @weex-cli/core@2.0.0-beta.2 › metalsmith@2.3.0 › gray-matter@2.1.1 › coffee-script@^1.12.4 CoffeeScript on NPM has moved to "coffeescript" (no hyphen) deprecate @weex-cli/core@2.0.0-beta.2 › npminstall@3.20.2 › urllib@2.33.0 › proxy-agent@2.3.1 › socks-proxy-agent@3.0.1 › socks@^1.1.10 If using 2.x branch, please upgrade to at least 2.1.6 to avoid a serious bug with socket data flow and an import issue introduced in 2.1.0 Recently updated (since 2019-02-21): 3 packages (detail see file C:Userso_o.wxcore ode_modules.recently_updates.txt) 2019-02-26 → @weex-cli/core@latest(2.0.0-beta.2) (19:24:21) → @weex-cli/core@2.0.0-beta.2 › cosmiconfig@5.1.0 › js-yaml@^3.9.0(3.12.2) (23:03:08) 2019-02-23 → @weex-cli/core@2.0.0-beta.2 › npminstall@3.20.2 › node-gyp@3.8.0 › request@2.88.0 › har-validator@5.1.3 › ajv@^6.5.5(6.9.2) (04:16:31) √ All packages installed (430 packages installed from npm registry, used 2m(network 2m), speed 82.13kB/s, json 389(681.51kB), tarball 7.86MB) Start checking Core, please wait ... compelied, cost 110.246s 2.0.0-beta.2 C:Userso_o>weex Welcome to weex CLI version 2.0.0-beta.2! Type weex help to view common commands. C:Userso_o>weex help Weex Cli | Synopsis | Usage | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | General | $ weex [Command Parameters] [--command ] | # General Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | help | Shows additional information about the commands in the terminal. | | doctor | Checks your system for configuration problems which might prevent the Weex CLI from working properly. | | repair | Repair cli dependencies or the core. | | install | Install plugin for the Weex Cli. | | uninstall | Uninstall plugin for the Weex Cli. | # Project Development Commands | Command | Description | | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | create [project-name] | Create a weex project. | | debug | Start weex debugger. | | compile [source] [target] | Compile .we/.vue file. | | preview [file|folder] | Preview a weex page. | | platform | Manage ios/android platforms. | | platform add | Add ios/android platform. | | platform remove | Remove ios/android platform. | | platform list | List ios/android platform. | | platform update | Update ios/android platform. | | plugin | Manage weex plugins. | | plugin add | Add weex ios/android/web plugin. | | plugin remove | Remove weex ios/android/web plugin. | | plugin install | Install plugin for specified platform. | | plugin create [plugin] | Create a weex plugin template. | | run | Build android/ios application and run. | | build | Build android/ios application for production. | | lint | Lint codes and generate code report. | # Device Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | device run | Choose one simulator to run. | | device list | Lists all recognized connected physical or virtual devices. | # Configuration Commands | Command | Description | | ------------------------ | --------------------------------- | | config | Configure Weex Toolkit settings. | | config set | Set key-value. | | config get | Get value by key. | | config list [--json] | List key-value as string or json. | | config delete | Delete key-value by key. | # Third Part Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------- | --------------------- | # Global Options | Option | Description | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | --help, -h | Prints help about the selected command in the console. | | --version | Prints the client version. | C:Userso_o>npm install -g weex-toolkit@2.0.0-beta.2 npm WARN deprecated socks@1.1.10: If using 2.x branch, please upgrade to at least 2.1.6 to avoid a serious bug with socket data flow and an import issue introduced in 2.1.0 C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pmweex -> C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesweex-toolkitinweex.js + weex-toolkit@2.0.0-beta.2 updated 1 package in 56.329s C:Userso_o>npm install -g weex-toolkit@2.0.0-beta.2 npm WARN deprecated socks@1.1.10: If using 2.x branch, please upgrade to at least 2.1.6 to avoid a serious bug with socket data flow and an import issue introduced in 2.1.0 C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pmweex -> C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesweex-toolkitinweex.js + weex-toolkit@2.0.0-beta.2 updated 1 package in 6.687s C:Userso_o>npm install -g weex-toolkit@beta npm WARN deprecated socks@1.1.10: If using 2.x branch, please upgrade to at least 2.1.6 to avoid a serious bug with socket data flow and an import issue introduced in 2.1.0 C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pmweex -> C:Userso_oAppDataRoaming pm ode_modulesweex-toolkitinweex.js + weex-toolkit@2.0.0-beta.0 updated 1 package in 426.296s C:Userso_o> C:Userso_o> C:Userso_o> C:Userso_o>weex -v 2.0.0-beta.2 C:Userso_o>weex help Weex Cli | Synopsis | Usage | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | General | $ weex [Command Parameters] [--command ] | # General Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | help | Shows additional information about the commands in the terminal. | | doctor | Checks your system for configuration problems which might prevent the Weex CLI from working properly. | | repair | Repair cli dependencies or the core. | | install | Install plugin for the Weex Cli. | | uninstall | Uninstall plugin for the Weex Cli. | # Project Development Commands | Command | Description | | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | create [project-name] | Create a weex project. | | debug | Start weex debugger. | | compile [source] [target] | Compile .we/.vue file. | | preview [file|folder] | Preview a weex page. | | platform | Manage ios/android platforms. | | platform add | Add ios/android platform. | | platform remove | Remove ios/android platform. | | platform list | List ios/android platform. | | platform update | Update ios/android platform. | | plugin | Manage weex plugins. | | plugin add | Add weex ios/android/web plugin. | | plugin remove | Remove weex ios/android/web plugin. | | plugin install | Install plugin for specified platform. | | plugin create [plugin] | Create a weex plugin template. | | run | Build android/ios application and run. | | build | Build android/ios application for production. | | lint | Lint codes and generate code report. | # Device Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | device run | Choose one simulator to run. | | device list | Lists all recognized connected physical or virtual devices. | # Configuration Commands | Command | Description | | ------------------------ | --------------------------------- | | config | Configure Weex Toolkit settings. | | config set | Set key-value. | | config get | Get value by key. | | config list [--json] | List key-value as string or json. | | config delete | Delete key-value by key. | # Third Part Commands | Command | Description | | ----------------- | --------------------- | # Global Options | Option | Description | | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | --help, -h | Prints help about the selected command in the console. | | --version | Prints the client version. | C:Userso_o> 中间会出现deprecate变红报错,这个可以不用管
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rswl/p/10450551.html
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