#include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; float *solve_equ(float, float, float);//a, b, c int main() { float a, b, c; cout << "enter a, b, c : " << endl; cin >> a >> b>>c; float *p = solve_equ(a, b, c); if (*p == 0) { cout << "x1= " << *(p + 1) << endl; cout << "x2= " << *(p + 2) << endl; } else if (*p = 1) { cout << "x1= " << *(p + 1) <<"+"<< *(p + 2) << 'i' << endl; cout << "x2= " << *(p + 1) << *(p + 3) << 'i' << endl; } else cout << "False! "; system("pause"); return 0; } float *solve_equ(float a, float b, float c) { float delta = b * b - 4 * a*c; float x1, x2, v1, v2, r; //v stands for virtual part; r stands for real part float *t; if (delta >= 0) { int flag=0; //to tell the different kinds of solutions; x1 = float(-b + sqrt(delta)) / float(2 * a); x2 = float((-b - sqrt(delta))) / float((2 * a)); t = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * 3); *t = flag; *(t+1) = x1; *(t+2) = x2; return t; } else { int flag=1; r = float(-b) / float(2 * a); v1 = float(sqrt(-delta)) / float(2 * a); v2 = -v1; t = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * 4); *t = flag; *(t+1) = r; *(t+2) = v1; *(t+3) = v2; return t; } }