leaflet.markerRotation.js 代码(这段代码是从插件 leaflet.polylineDecorator.js 中复制的):

// leaflet 实现 marker 旋转 (function () { // save these original methods before they are overwritten var proto_initIcon = L.Marker.prototype._initIcon; var proto_setPos = L.Marker.prototype._setPos; var oldIE = (L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM === 'msTransform'); L.Marker.addInitHook(function () { var iconOptions = this.options.icon && this.options.icon.options; var iconAnchor = iconOptions && this.options.icon.options.iconAnchor; if (iconAnchor) { iconAnchor = (iconAnchor[0] + 'px ' + iconAnchor[1] + 'px'); } this.options.rotationOrigin = this.options.rotationOrigin || iconAnchor || 'center bottom'; this.options.rotationAngle = this.options.rotationAngle || 0; // Ensure marker keeps rotated during dragging this.on('drag', function (e) { e.target._applyRotation(); }); }); L.Marker.include({ _initIcon: function () { proto_initIcon.call(this); }, _setPos: function (pos) { proto_setPos.call(this, pos); this._applyRotation(); }, _applyRotation: function () { if (this.options.rotationAngle) { this._icon.style[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM + 'Origin'] = this.options.rotationOrigin; if (oldIE) { // for IE 9, use the 2D rotation this._icon.style[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM] = 'rotate(' + this.options.rotationAngle + 'deg)'; } else { // for modern browsers, prefer the 3D accelerated version this._icon.style[L.DomUtil.TRANSFORM] += ' rotateZ(' + this.options.rotationAngle + 'deg)'; } } }, setRotationAngle: function (angle) { this.options.rotationAngle = angle; this.update(); return this; }, setRotationOrigin: function (origin) { this.options.rotationOrigin = origin; this.update(); return this; } }); })();
引用 leaflet.markerRotation.js,然后就可以设置 marker 的旋转角度了:

marker.setRotationOrigin('center center');