LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't contain the current directory
I am trying to build a self-contain GLIBC 2.7. It shows following error when I run configure
checking whether ranlib is necessary... no
checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable... contains current directory
configure: error:
*** LD_LIBRARY_PATH shouldn't contain the current directory when
*** building glibc. Please change the environment variable
*** and run configure again.
The error message complains that LD_LIBRARY_PATH contain the current directory. However my LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't contain any "current directory". Actually, it's caused by the path seperate character ":" instead of "current directory". If you search LD_LIBRARY_PATH in configure
, you will find this comments
# Test if LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains the notation for the current directory
# since this would lead to problems installing/building glibc.
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains the current directory if one of the following
# is true:
# - one of the terminals (":" and ";") is the first or last sign
# - two terminals occur directly after each other
# - the path contains an element with a dot in it
Which means, The LD_LIBRARY_PATH can not start or end with character ":".
So this issue can be fixed by removing the last ':' character in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
此段文章中,terminals的意思不再是终端,而是终结符,two terminals occur directly after each other ,意思是两个终结符直接相见,注意occur不是相遇的意思,而是出现的意思,A occur after B,A在B之后出现。跟这里的occur的意思是一样的,occur
each other 与下面这个相同
-The bug where two towers are built after each other and both morph to the same tower should be fixed.
eeve.org http://www.eeve.org/board/ |
【官方信息】YouTD beta! v0.5 正式发布! http://www.eeve.org/board/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=3942 |
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Author: | mfdsrax2 [ Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:18 am ] |
Post subject: | 【官方信息】YouTD beta! v0.5 正式发布! |
geX官方发布了YouTD beta! v0.5,我这里重发一次,主要是翻译了一遍,以方便国内玩家,如果有翻译质量问题,请指正。 geX has released YouTD beta! v0.5 officially. I hereby post it again and translated it in order that Chinese players are easier to understand.Should there be any translation mistakes, please notice me and I'll get it fixed immediately. Finally, it's done! YouTD v0.5 is released! 终于。。。。完成了! YouTD v0.5 正式发布了! It took a very long time and I could only review a small part of all towers. I apologize to everybody whose tower wasn't reviewed yet. I worked all day on reviewing from December 26th until January 5th. Now university is starting again and I have exams in february, so if I would have waited until all towers are reviewed properly, the release would have been not before march or april! 制作YouTD耗用了我相当长的时间,现在我只有很少的时间能审核一下一小部分塔。我对那些尚未经审核的塔的作者们致以真诚的歉意。我从12月26日一直到1月5日一直都是一整天地工作。现在我的大学又开学了,而且2月份又有考试,所以如果要将现在所有申请中的塔全部审核过的话,YouTD可能在3月,甚至4月都不能发布! Back to topic: Besides new towers (over 120 new towers!), this version introduces user-created items (46 atm), and a lot of other changes and new additions: 回到主题: 除了新增的塔(超过120座!),这个版本中还引进了玩家自创(user-created)的物品(当前是46个),还有很多改动和额外新增的部分。 I decided to end the map at level 120 (there is also a trial mode up to level 80). Since 120 was only reached by really sick people and mostly with Icy Spires (which are patched now!), capping the game at 120 seemed okay to me (and the poll agreed). After 120 or 80, respectively, there is a "survive-as-long-as-possible" bonus level where different creeps spawn. Their spawn rate increases over time so the player will lose at some point. After the bonus level, there is a small end sequence where all contributors are mentioned, have fun with it . 我现在最终决定在第120关时结束游戏(在体验模式(Trial mode)下是80关)。因为能够到达120关的人都是绝对痴狂的人,并且大部分都使用了冰刺(Icy Spires)(现在被修正了!),让游戏在120关时结束对我来说似乎不错(这也是公众投票(poll)的结果)。在120关或80关后,有一个叫做”生存大挑战“(survive-as-long-as-possible)的奖励关卡,各种各样的怪物都会一拥而上。它们出现的频率会越来越快,所以玩家终究会在某一处输掉。在这个奖励关卡后,还有一个小型的游戏结局(End senquence),所有对YouTD做出过贡献的人都会上榜,祝您玩的愉快:) The next big change are save codes. You will receive a save code (only in multiplayer!) after a game or when you type save. When you type -load in the next game followed by the code, you will receive your XP back and gain "player levels" with it. With those levels, you can buy advanced and specialist builders and invest them in an XP shop near your stashes. There you can buy various smal bonuses with your levels. 下一个重大更新就是保存代码(Save code)了。玩家将在游戏结束时或者输入 save 时获取一个保存代码,(只在多人游戏时有效!)它保存着您的经验值(XP)和玩家等级(Player levels)。如果您的玩家等级足够高,就可以购买高级或专业的建造者。或者用您的积分在储藏箱附近的经验商店购买各式各样的小型奖励。 Also build mode is working now (even if its lame and even often a disadvantage since you cannot replace one tower with another one, so famous astral towers that level up and then get replaced by Furby are not possible in build mode!). 同时,建造模式终于开放了:)(虽然现在还有点不全,甚至不足,因为塔不能相互替换。所以由Furby制作和更新的有名的星塔(astral tower)不能出现在建造模式里。 Here is the complete changelog: 下面是完整的更新情报: Quote:
YouTD v0.5 changelog
YouTD v0.5 更新日志 beta v0.05【有误,版本号应为 beta v0.5 】 公开测试(beta)版本(version) 0.5 -Added XP codes. After a game or when you type -save, you will get a code that you can type in later games to get back your XP. XP will enable advanced builders and will be displayed to other players. In addition, a shop pops up near your Force Destillator, where you can buy small global bonuses for your XP. -新增了积分代码(XP code),在游戏结束时玩家可以获得一套代码(code),在以后的游戏中输入这套代码可以读取您上次游戏的积分,您也可以输入 -save 在游戏中途获取代码。拥有足够的积分后,您将可以选择高级的建筑者。其它玩家也能看到您的积分。同时,在您的能量主控中心(Force Destillator)【确实不知道该怎么翻译】附近会出现一个小商店,您可以在这里用积分换取一些奖励。 -You will no longer be asked for bounty distribution, when playing single player teams -在各自为战(Single player team)模式下,不会再出现奖励金分配选项,系统将会自动分配奖励金。 -Build mode is now available. -玩家现在可以选择建造模式(Build mode)了。 -The map now supports HCL codes. If you are running a host bot for YouTD and want to choose game modes with HCL, check out http://www.eeve.org/YouTD/hcl.php which contains a code generator for your game modes. -现在YouTD开始支持HCL代码。【不明白,总之不是盐酸】如果您在使用游戏机器人(bot)创建YouTD地图,并准备用HCL选择游戏模式,请访问http://www.eeve.org/YouTD/hcl.php 以获取自动代码生成器。 -You will no longer get towers of element that you haven't skilled. (very simple formula now: 10% tower chance (7.5% in Upgrade mode) for each skill point in an element, if chances go over 100% you get a tower for sure and a second chance. You always get at least one tower per round.) -如果玩家没有学习某种元素,那么就不能获取该种含元素属性的塔。 (这里给出一个非常简单的公式:一种元素每升一级,玩家获取含该元素属性的塔的概率将增加10%(在升级模式下是7.5%)。如果概率超越了100%,那么玩家就一定能获取该类型的塔,并且还有机会再次获得一座该类型的塔。玩家每个回合至少会获得一座塔。) -You now have to skill at least one element before you can roll starting towers. -如果玩家没有学习任何一种元素,那么就不能投掷骰子(Roll starting towers)并开始游戏。 -The roll button is no longer green when disabled. -投掷骰子按钮(roll button)在未激活状态下不再会变成一个绿色框了。【哈哈,这个Bug是我发现的。】 -Changed some details in the tower random system that previously made very cheap towers beeing chosen only very rarely. -以前相当便宜的塔很难被选到,现在通过修改了随机系统(Tower random system)中的某些细节修复了这个问题。 -Added Range checkers. These are free towers that can be used to check different tower ranges and then be upgraded to a desired tower (they have an item slot for tower items) -新增了射程检测器(Range checker)。它们是免费的,能够检测塔的射程,还能被替换为其它的塔。(它们有一个可以放入塔的物品槽(Item slot)) -Added the "Order Attack" button to the builder: It makes all towers attack the chosen creep, if it is in their range. -建造者现在拥有了”集中攻击“(Order Attack)能力:让所有玩家控制的塔攻击指定的目标。当然,目标要在塔的射程内。 -Added the "Show Tower Stats" button to the builder: It shows a towers stats just like the Tower Info button but can also be used on other player's towers. -建造者现在具有”显示塔的信息“(Show Tower Stats)能力:和塔自身的信息按钮(Info button)一样,可以显示塔的信息,不过这个技能也能用在其它玩家的塔上。 -Creeps cannot have armor and spell resistance together anymore. -现在怪物不能同时拥有强化护甲(Armor)和魔法抗性(Spell resistance)这两个能力。 -The bug where two towers are built after each other and both morph to the same tower should be fixed. -相继建成的两座塔,其中一座被替换成其它塔时,另一座也会同时被替换。这个问题应该得到了修正。 -The levels-not-spawning-anymore bug (especially with an Ancient Energy Converter) should be fixed, hopefully. -关卡不再出怪的问题(The levels-not-spawning-anymore bug)(特别是涉及到远古能量转换器(Ancient Energy Converte)时)应该得到了修正,我是这样希望的。 -Added 8 new creep special abilities. -新增了8种新的怪物特殊能力。 -Added 6 new builders. -新增了6位建造者。 -You now see a floating text when a tower gains exp or when an item drops. -在塔获得经验时或者有物品掉落时,屏幕上会出现浮动文字(Floating text)提示。 -Removed countless bugs in the engine. I wonder why v0.4 worked at all... -消灭了引擎中数不胜数的漏洞。我甚至在怀疑为什么0.4版本还能正常游戏。。。 -The map now ends after 120 or 80 levels. After the last level a "surive-as-long-as-you-can" bonus-level starts where random creeps spawn faster and faster. -游戏会在80关或120关后结束。在最后一关后会出现一个奖励关卡(Bonus-level)----”生存大挑战“(surive-as-long-as-you-can),随机敌人会越来越快地向您扑来。 -Added an ending sequence after the bonus level where all contributors are mentioned. (so try to beat the TD if you want to see it ) -增加了游戏结局(Ending sequence),它会在奖励关卡完成后,并且全体工作者(all contributors)显示完毕后出现。(所以如果想看的话,就努力通关吧!) -Adjusted item drop base ratio sligthly up to 4.75%. (since there are items and oils to drop now) -物品掉落率稍微增加至4.75%。(因为现在有很多可以掉落的物品(item)和油(oil)。) -Adjusted creep hitpoints slightly up, because with the new items and tower, the game should get easier. -怪物的生命值(hitpoint)稍微提高了一点,因为有了新的物品和塔,游戏会变得容易一些。 -Slightly reduced the movement speed of later levels. (+1.5 ms per level instead of +2.0 ms) -稍微降低了后面关卡敌人的移动速度(由每波+2.0ms 降为 +1.5ms)【我也不知道ms是什么意思】 -Items you drop somewhere fly back to your stash automatically. (so you won't lose any items and no item will mess up the update of a tower) -玩家扔下的物品会自动飞回您的储藏箱。(这样您就不会丢失物品,并且物品也不会再干扰塔的升级) -The items in a tower no longer vanish when selling or upgrading it. -变卖或者升级塔后,塔里的物品不会再消失了。 请通过官方下载地址下载YouTD beta! v0.5。 Please download YouTD beta! v0.5 from this official site. |