# coding=utf-8 from pythonds.basic.stack import Stack # 栈可以不用此包,入栈append,出栈pop def parChecker(symbolString): s = Stack() balanced = True symbolList = list(symbolString) index = 0 while balanced == True and index < len(symbolString): if symbolString[index] == "(": s.push(symbolString[index]) else: # symbolString=")" if s.isEmpty(): balanced = False else: s.pop() index += 1 if s.isEmpty(): balanced = True else: balanced = False # for i in symbolList: # if i == '(': # s.push(i) # else: # i == ')' # if s.isEmpty(): # balanced = False # else: # s.pop() # if s.isEmpty(): # balanced = True # else: # balanced = False return balanced if __name__ == "__main__": symbolString = '(())()()()((()()(()())))(' print(parChecker(symbolString))
def match_parentheses(s): # 把一个list当做栈使用 ls = [] parentheses = "()[]{}" for i in range(len(s)): si = s[i] # 如果不是括号则继续 if parentheses.find(si) == -1: continue # 左括号入栈 if si == '(' or si == '[' or si == '{': ls.append(si) continue if len(ls) == 0: return False # 出栈比较是否匹配 p = ls.pop() if (p == '(' and si == ')') or (p == '[' and si == ']') or (p == '{' and si == '}'): continue else: return False if len(ls) > 0: return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': s = "{abc}{de}(f)[(g)" result = match_parentheses(s) print(s, result) s = "0{abc}{de}(f)[(g)]9" result = match_parentheses(s) print(s, result)