-- Example 6 -- Case Sensitive.
-- Lua is case sensitive so all variable names & keywords -- must be in correct case. ab=1 Ab=2 AB=3 print(ab,Ab,AB) -------- Output ------ 1 2 3
-- Example 7 -- Keywords.
-- Lua reserved words are: and, break, do, else, elseif, -- end, false, for, function, if, in, local, nil, not, or, -- repeat, return, then, true, until, while. -- Keywords cannot be used for variable names, -- 'and' is a keyword, but AND is not, so it is a legal variable name. AND=3 print(AND) -------- Output ------ 3
-- Example 8 -- Strings.
a="single 'quoted' string and double \"quoted\" string inside" b='single \'quoted\' string and double "quoted" string inside' c= [[ multiple line with 'single' and "double" quoted strings inside.]] print(a) print(b) print(c) -------- Output ------ single 'quoted' string and double "quoted" string inside single 'quoted' string and double "quoted" string inside multiple line with 'single' and "double" quoted strings inside.
-- Example 9 -- Assignments.
-- Multiple assignments are valid. -- var1,var2=var3,var4 a,b,c,d,e = 1, 2, "three", "four", 5 print(a,b,c,d,e) -------- Output ------ 1 2 three four 5
-- Example 10 -- More Assignments.
-- Multiple assignments allows one line to swap two variables. print(a,b) a,b=b,a print(a,b) -------- Output ------ 1 2 2 1