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  • C#通过MinIoc源码带你了解Ioc容器实现


     IOC容器是构建一个应用程序非常重要的组成部分,在很多的IoC-Invertion of Control,即控制反转,是一种程序设计思想,在彻底了解Ioc容器之前我们先要来理解一些重要的一些概念,有了这些概念你才能对整个Ioc容器有一个非常清晰地认知。


    • 依赖(Dependency):表示一个类依赖于另一个类,类之间彼此相互联系。

    • 依赖倒置原则(DIP):设计模式六大原则之一,是一种软件架构设计原则。

    • 控制反转(IoC):一种软件设计原则,上层对下层的依赖(即底层模块的获得)交给第三方。

    • 依赖注入(DI):实现IoC的一种方式、手段。

    IoC容器:依赖注入的框架,用来映射依赖,管理对象的创建和生存周期, IoC容器是一个DI框架,对于IOC容器主要功能有一下几点:

    • A.动态创建、注入依赖对象;

    • B.管理对象生命周期;

    • C.映射依赖关系;

     常见的IoC容器:Spring.NET,Castle Windsor, Ninject,Autofac,Unity......今天通过Microsoft的一个开源MinIoc的项目来带你彻底了解Ioc容器的实现细节



    1. 接口定义

     这个是我们首先来重点关注的内容,在这个MinIoc主要定义了三个接口IScopeIRegisteredType以及ILifetime,第一个是整个Container本身实现的接口,这个接口是从IDisposable, IServiceProvider这两个接口继承而来的,这个IDisposable接口就不用赘述,主要是用于一些对象的释放,第二个IServiceProvider接口里面主要是通过传入Type来获取最终的容器中的对象,我们先来看一下简单代码实现。

            /// <summary>
            /// Returns the object registered for the given type, if registered
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="type">Type as registered with the container</param>
            /// <returns>Instance of the registered type, if registered; otherwise <see langword="null"/></returns>
            public object GetService(Type type)
                Func<ILifetime, object> registeredType;
                if (!_registeredTypes.TryGetValue(type, out registeredType))
                    return null;
                return registeredType(_lifetime);


            // Map of registered types
            private readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<ILifetime, object>> _registeredTypes = new Dictionary<Type, Func<ILifetime, object>>();
            // Lifetime management
            private readonly ContainerLifetime _lifetime;


    // ILifetime management adds resolution strategies to an IScope
            interface ILifetime : IScope
                object GetServiceAsSingleton(Type type, Func<ILifetime, object> factory);
                object GetServicePerScope(Type type, Func<ILifetime, object> factory);


    1. 重点接口实现


     // Container lifetime management
            class ContainerLifetime : ObjectCache, ILifetime
                // Retrieves the factory functino from the given type, provided by owning container
                public Func<Type, Func<ILifetime, object>> GetFactory { get; private set; }
                public ContainerLifetime(Func<Type, Func<ILifetime, object>> getFactory) => GetFactory = getFactory;
                public object GetService(Type type) => GetFactory(type)(this);
                // Singletons get cached per container
                public object GetServiceAsSingleton(Type type, Func<ILifetime, object> factory)
                    => GetCached(type, factory, this);
                // At container level, per-scope items are equivalent to singletons
                public object GetServicePerScope(Type type, Func<ILifetime, object> factory)
                    => GetServiceAsSingleton(type, factory);


    // ObjectCache provides common caching logic for lifetimes
            abstract class ObjectCache
                // Instance cache
                private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object> _instanceCache = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object>();
                // Get from cache or create and cache object
                protected object GetCached(Type type, Func<ILifetime, object> factory, ILifetime lifetime)
                    => _instanceCache.GetOrAdd(type, _ => factory(lifetime));
                public void Dispose()
                    foreach (var obj in _instanceCache.Values)
                        (obj as IDisposable)?.Dispose();


    // Per-scope lifetime management
            class ScopeLifetime : ObjectCache, ILifetime
                // Singletons come from parent container's lifetime
                private readonly ContainerLifetime _parentLifetime;
                public ScopeLifetime(ContainerLifetime parentContainer) => _parentLifetime = parentContainer;
                public object GetService(Type type) => _parentLifetime.GetFactory(type)(this);
                // Singleton resolution is delegated to parent lifetime
                public object GetServiceAsSingleton(Type type, Func<ILifetime, object> factory)
                    => _parentLifetime.GetServiceAsSingleton(type, factory);
                // Per-scope objects get cached
                public object GetServicePerScope(Type type, Func<ILifetime, object> factory)
                    => GetCached(type, factory, this);


    1. 注册过程


            public void RecursiveReflectionConstruction()
                IBaz instance = Container.Resolve<IBaz>();
                // Test that the correct types were created
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(instance, typeof(Baz));
                var baz = instance as Baz;
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(baz.Bar, typeof(Bar));
                Assert.IsInstanceOfType(baz.Foo, typeof(Foo));


     #region Types used for tests
            interface IFoo
            class Foo : IFoo
            interface IBar
            class Bar : IBar
                public IFoo Foo { get; set; }
                public Bar(IFoo foo)
                    Foo = foo;
            interface IBaz
            class Baz : IBaz
                public IFoo Foo { get; set; }
                public IBar Bar { get; set; }
                public Baz(IFoo foo, IBar bar)
                    Foo = foo;
                    Bar = bar;
            class SpyDisposable : IDisposable
                public bool Disposed { get; private set; }
                public void Dispose() => Disposed = true;


    /// <summary>
        /// Extension methods for Container
        /// </summary>
        static class ContainerExtensions
            /// <summary>
            /// Registers an implementation type for the specified interface
            /// </summary>
            /// <typeparam name="T">Interface to register</typeparam>
            /// <param name="container">This container instance</param>
            /// <param name="type">Implementing type</param>
            /// <returns>IRegisteredType object</returns>
            public static Container.IRegisteredType Register<T>(this Container container, Type type)
                => container.Register(typeof(T), type);
            /// <summary>
            /// Registers an implementation type for the specified interface
            /// </summary>
            /// <typeparam name="TInterface">Interface to register</typeparam>
            /// <typeparam name="TImplementation">Implementing type</typeparam>
            /// <param name="container">This container instance</param>
            /// <returns>IRegisteredType object</returns>
            public static Container.IRegisteredType Register<TInterface, TImplementation>(this Container container)
                where TImplementation : TInterface
                => container.Register(typeof(TInterface), typeof(TImplementation));
            /// <summary>
            /// Registers a factory function which will be called to resolve the specified interface
            /// </summary>
            /// <typeparam name="T">Interface to register</typeparam>
            /// <param name="container">This container instance</param>
            /// <param name="factory">Factory method</param>
            /// <returns>IRegisteredType object</returns>
            public static Container.IRegisteredType Register<T>(this Container container, Func<T> factory)
                => container.Register(typeof(T), () => factory());
            /// <summary>
            /// Registers a type
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="container">This container instance</param>
            /// <typeparam name="T">Type to register</typeparam>
            /// <returns>IRegisteredType object</returns>
            public static Container.IRegisteredType Register<T>(this Container container)
                => container.Register(typeof(T), typeof(T));
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns an implementation of the specified interface
            /// </summary>
            /// <typeparam name="T">Interface type</typeparam>
            /// <param name="scope">This scope instance</param>
            /// <returns>Object implementing the interface</returns>
            public static T Resolve<T>(this Container.IScope scope) => (T)scope.GetService(typeof(T));


     /// <summary>
            /// Registers an implementation type for the specified interface
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="interface">Interface to register</param>
            /// <param name="implementation">Implementing type</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public IRegisteredType Register(Type @interface, Type implementation)
                => RegisterType(@interface, FactoryFromType(implementation));
            private IRegisteredType RegisterType(Type itemType, Func<ILifetime, object> factory)
                => new RegisteredType(itemType, f => _registeredTypes[itemType] = f, factory);


     // Compiles a lambda that calls the given type's first constructor resolving arguments
            private static Func<ILifetime, object> FactoryFromType(Type itemType)
                // Get first constructor for the type
                var constructors = itemType.GetConstructors();
                if (constructors.Length == 0)
                    // If no public constructor found, search for an internal constructor
                    constructors = itemType.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                var constructor = constructors.First();
                // Compile constructor call as a lambda expression
                var arg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ILifetime));
                return (Func<ILifetime, object>)Expression.Lambda(
                    Expression.New(constructor, constructor.GetParameters().Select(
                        param =>
                            var resolve = new Func<ILifetime, object>(
                                lifetime => lifetime.GetService(param.ParameterType));
                            return Expression.Convert(
                                Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(resolve.Target), resolve.Method, arg),


    // RegisteredType is supposed to be a short lived object tying an item to its container
            // and allowing users to mark it as a singleton or per-scope item
            class RegisteredType : IRegisteredType
                private readonly Type _itemType;
                private readonly Action<Func<ILifetime, object>> _registerFactory;
                private readonly Func<ILifetime, object> _factory;
                public RegisteredType(Type itemType, Action<Func<ILifetime, object>> registerFactory, Func<ILifetime, object> factory)
                    _itemType = itemType;
                    _registerFactory = registerFactory;
                    _factory = factory;
                public void AsSingleton()
                    => _registerFactory(lifetime => lifetime.GetServiceAsSingleton(_itemType, _factory));
                public void PerScope()
                    => _registerFactory(lifetime => lifetime.GetServicePerScope(_itemType, _factory));           

     这个里面最重要的是其构造函数,我们来看看创建这个实例时候传入的参数,其中第二个参数是这样一个表达式 f => _registeredTypes[itemType] = f,这个_registeredTypes是我们在Container中定义的一个Dictionary,这个字典存放的是要注册的接口类型以一个ILifetime为输入的泛型委托,当创建一个新的RegisteredType的时候在构造函数中会默认将当前的接口类型和这个Func委托添加到集合中作为一个默认的键值对,这个键值对的Key是我们之前想要注册的接口类型,而这个Value是一个Func<ILifetime,object>委托,这个委托的具体实例是通过FactoryFromType(implementation)构建的,还记得这个方法吗?这个方法是通过传入ILifetime通过反射每次都构建一个新的对象,这个就是我们常说的瞬时对象,即每一次都new一个新的对象,这个是默认的实现。但是我们发现下面还有连个公共的方法,我们以AsSingleton方法为例,调用这个方法的时候还是调用RegisteredType构造函数中传入的Action委托,但是我们发现这个时候参数变成了lifetime => lifetime.GetServiceAsSingleton(_itemType, _factory)这个表达式,还记得lifetime的GetServiceAsSingleton方法代表的是什么吗?这个是从ObjectCache中一个线程安全的字典中获取或者增加对象,通过这个委托我们能够实现调用这个委托的时候每一次都获取的是同一个实例,这样就能够实现单例模式,到了这里整个过程是不是就豁然开朗了,到这里基本上整个过程的思路就缕清了,怎么样这个设计确实好,而且非常巧妙。

    1. 解析过程

     这个过程相反,如果你理解了上面的整个注册的过程你会发现这个是非常简单的就是从 _registeredTypes这个Dictionary中通过对应的接口定义找到Func<ILifetime,object>定义然后调用这个委托就能够获取最终的对象,我们来看看这个具体的代码

     /// <summary>
            /// Returns the object registered for the given type, if registered
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="type">Type as registered with the container</param>
            /// <returns>Instance of the registered type, if registered; otherwise <see langword="null"/></returns>
            public object GetService(Type type)
                Func<ILifetime, object> registeredType;
                if (!_registeredTypes.TryGetValue(type, out registeredType))
                    return null;
                return registeredType(_lifetime);


     /// <summary>
            /// Creates a new instance of IoC Container
            /// </summary>
            public Container() => _lifetime = new ContainerLifetime(t => _registeredTypes[t]);



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/seekdream/p/15260075.html
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