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  • Effective Python2 读书笔记3

    Item 22: Prefer Helper Classes Over Bookkeeping with Dictionaries and Tuples

    For example, say you want to record the grades of a set of students whose names aren't konwn in advance. You can define a class to store the names in a dictionary instead of using a predefined attribute for each student.

    class SimpleGradebook(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self._grades = {}
        def add_student(self, name):
            self._grades[name] = []
        def report_grade(self, name, score):
        def average_grade(self, name):
            grades = self._grades[name]
            return float(sum(grades)) / len(grades)

    Using the class is simple.

    book = SimpleGradebook()
    book.add_student('Isaac Newton')
    book.report_grade('Isaac Newton', 90)
    # ...
    print(book.average_grade('Isaac Newton'))

    Now say you want to extend the SimpleGradebook class to keep a list of grades by subject, not just overall. 

    class BySubjectGradebook(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self._grades = {}
        def add_student(self, name):
            self._grades[name] = {}
        def report_grade(self, name, subject, grade):
            by_subject = self._grades[name]
            grade_list = by_subject.setdefault(subject, [])
        def average_grade(self, name):
            by_subject = self._grades[name]
            total, count = 0.0, 0
            for grades in by_subject.values():
                total += sum(grades)
                count += len(grades)
            return total / count

    Using the class remains simple.

    book = BySubjectGradebook()
    book.add_student('Albert Einstein')
    book.report_grade('Albert Einstein', 'Math', 75)
    book.report_grade('Albert Einstein', 'Math', 65)
    book.report_grade('Albert Einstein', 'Gym', 90)
    book.report_grade('Albert Einstein', 'Gym' 95)

    Now, requirements change again. You also want to track the weight of each score toward the overall grade in the class so midterms and finals are more important than pop quizzes. One way to implement this feature is to change the innermost dictionary; instead of mapping subjects (the keys) to grades (the values), I can use the tuple (score, weight) as values.

    def WeightedGradebook(object):
        # ...
        def report_grade(self, name, subject, score, weight):
            by_subject = self._grades[name]
            grade_list = by_subject.setdefault(subject, [])
            grade_list.append((score, weight))
        def average_grade(self, name):
            by_subject = self._grades[name]
            score_sum, score_count = 0.0, 0
            for subject, scores in by_subject.items():
                subject_avg, total_weight = 0.0, 0
                for socre, weight in scores:
                    # ...
            return score_sum / score_count 

    Using the class has also gotten more difficult. It's unclear what all of the numbers in the positional arguments mean.

    When you see complexity like this happen, it's time to make the leap from dictionaries and tuples to a hierarchy of classes.

    At first, you didn't know you'd need to support weighted grades, so the complexity of additional helper classes seemed unwarranted. Python's built-in dictionary and tuple types made it easy to keep going, adding layer after layer to the internal bookkeeping. But you should avoid doing this for more than one level of nesting (i.e.. avoid dictionaries that contain dictionaries). It makes your code hard to read by other programmers and sets you up for a maintenance nightmare.

    As soon as you realize the bookkeeping is getting complicated, break it all out into classes. This lets you provide well-defined interfaces that better encapsulate your data. This also enables you to create a layer of abstranction between your interfaces and your concrete implementations.

    Refactoring to Classes

    You can start moving to classes at the bottom of the dependency tree: a single grade. A class seems too heavyweight for such simple information. A tuple, though, seems appropriate because grades are immutable.

    grades = []
    grades.append((95, 0.45))
    # ...
    total = sum(score * weight for score, weight in grades)
    total_weight = sum(weight for _, weight in grades)
    average_grade = total / total_weight

    The problem is that plain tuples are positional. When you want to associate more information with grade, like a set of notes from the teacher, you'll need to rewrite every usage of the two-tuple to be aware that there are now three items present instead of two.

    grades = []
    grades.append((95, 0.45, 'Great job'))
    # ...
    total = sum(score * weight for score, weight, _ in grades)
    total_weight = sum(weight for _, weight, _ in grades)
    average_grade = total / total_weight

    This pattern of extending tuples longer and longer is similar to deepening layers of dictionaries. As soon as you find yourself going longer than a two-tuple, it's time to consider another approach.

    The namedtuple type in the collections module does exactly what you need. It lets you easily define tiny, immutable data classes.

    from collections import namedtuple
    Grade = namedtuple('Grade', ('score', 'weight'))

    These classes can be constructed with positional or keyword arguments. The fields are accessible with named attributes. Having named attributes makes it easy to move from a namedtuple to your own class later if your requirements change again and you need to add behaviors to the simple data containers.

    Limitations of namedtuple

    Although useful in many circumstances, it's important to understand when namedtuple can cause more harm than good.

    • You can't specify default argument values for namedtuple classes. This makes them unwieldy when your data may have many optional properities. If you find yourself using more than a handful of attributes, defining your own class may be a better choice.
    • The attribute values of namedtuple instances are still accessible using numerical indexes and iteration. If you're not in control of all of the usage of your namedtuple instances, it's better to define your own class.

    Next, you can write a class to represent a single subject that contains a set of grades.

    class Subject(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self._grades = []
        def report_grade(self, score, weight):
            self._grades.append(Grade(score, weight))
        def average_grade(self):
            total, total_weight = 0, 0
            for grade in self._grades:
                total += grade.score * grade.weight
                total_weight += grade.weight
            return total / total_weight

    Then you would write a class to represent a set of subjects that are being studied by a single student.

    class Student(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self._subjects = {}
        def subject(self, name):
            if name not in self._subjects:
                self._subjects[name] = Subject()
            return self._subjects[name]
        def average_grade(self):
            total, count = 0, 0
            for subject in self._subjects.values():
                total += subjects.average_grade()
                count += 1
            return total / count

    Finally, you'd write a container for all of the students keyed dynamically by their names.

    class Gradebook(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self._students = {}
        def student(self, name):
            if name not in self._students:
                self._students[name] = Student()
            return self._students[name]

    The line count of these classes is almost double the previous implementation's size. But this code is much easier to read. The example driving the classes is also more clear and extensible.

    book = Gradebook()
    albert = book.student('Albert Einstein')
    math = albert.subject('Math')
    math.report_grade(score=80, weight=0.10)
    # ...

    Item 23: Accept Functions for Simple Iterfaces Instead of Classes

    Many of Python's built-in APIs allow you to customize behavior by passing in a function. These hooks are used by APIs to call back your code while they execute.

    The __call__ special method enables instances of a class to be called like plain Python functions.

    When you need a function to maintain state, consider defining a class that provides the __call__ method instead of defining a stateful closure.

    Item 24: Use @classmethod Polymorphism to Construct Object Generically

    Say you're writing a MapReduce implementation and you want a common class to respresent the input data. Here, I define such a class with a read method that must be defined by subclass:

    class InputData(object):
        def read(self):
            raise NotImplementedError

    Here, I have a concrete subclass of InputData that reads data from a file on disk:

    class PathInputData(InputData):
        def __init__(self, path):
            self.path = path
        def read(self):
            return open(self.path).read()

    You'd want a similar abstract interface for the MapReduce worker that consumes the input data in a standard way.

    class Worker(object):
        def __init__(self, input_data):
            self.input_data = input_data
            self.result = None
        def map(self):
            raise NotImplementedError
        def reduce(self, other):
            raise NotImplementedError

    Here, I define a concrete subclass of Worker to implement the specific MapReduce function I want to apply: a simple newline counter:

    class LineCountWorker(Worker):
        def map(self):
            data = self.input_data.read()
            self.result = data.count('
        def reduce(self, other):
            self.result += other.result

    It may look like this implementation is going great, but I've reached the biggest hurdle in all of this. What connects all of these pieces?

    The simplest approach is to manually build and connect the objects with some helper functions. Here I list the contents of a directory and construct a PathInputData instance for each file it contains:

    def generate_inputs(data_dir):
        for name in os.listdir(data_dir):
            yield PathInputData(os.path.join(data_dir, name))

    Next, I create the LineCountWorker instances using the InputData instances returned by generate_inputs.

    def create_workers(input_list):
        workers = []
        for input_data in input_list:
        return workers

    Then, I call reduce repeatedly to combine the results into one final value.

    def execute(workers):
        threads = [Thread(target=w.map) for w in workers]
        for thread in threads: thread.start()
        for thread in threads: thread.join()
        first, rest = workers[0], workers[1:]
        for worker in rest:
        return first.result

    Finally, I connect all of these pieces together in a function to run each step.

    def mapreduce(data_dir):
        inputs = generate_inputs(data_dir)
        workers = create_workers(inputs)
        return execute(workers)

    What's the problem? The huge issue is the mapreduce function is not generic at all. If you want to write another InputData or Worker subclass, you would also have to rewrite the generate_inputs, create_workers and mapreduce functions to match.

    The best way to solve this problem is with @classmethod polymorphism.

    Here, I extend the InputData class with a generic class method that's responsible for creating new InputData instances using a common interface.

    class GenericInputData(object):
      def read(self):
        raise NotImplementedError
      def generate_inputs(cls, config):
        raise NotImplementedError

    I have generate_inputs take a dictionary with a set of configuration parameters that are up to the InputData concrete subclass to interpret. Here, I use the config to find the directory to list for input files.

    class PathInputData(GenericInputData):
        def __init__(self, path):
            self.path = path
        def read(self):
            return open(self.path).read()
        def generate_inputs(cls, config):
            data_dir = config['data_dir']
            for name in os.listdir(data_dir)
                yield cls(os.path.join(data_dir, name))

    Here, I use the input_class parameter, which must be a subclass of GenericInputData, to generate the necessary inputs. I construct instances of the GenericWorker concrete subclass using cls() as a generic constructor.

    class GenericWorker(object):
        def __init__(self, input_data):
            self.input_data = input_data
            self.result = None
        def map(self):
            raise NotImplementedError
        def reduce(self):
            raise NotImplementedError
        def create_workers(cls, input_class, config):
            workers = []
            for input_data in input_class.generate_inputs(config):
            return workers

    Note that the call to input_class.generate_inputs above is the class polymorphism I'm trying to show. You can also see how create_workers calling cls provides an alternate way to construct GenericWorker objects besides using the __init__ method directly.

    LineCountWorker is nothing more than changing its parent class.

    And finally, I can rewrite the mapreduce function to be completely generic.

    def mapreduce(worker_class, input_class, config):
        workers = worker_class.create_workers(input_class, config)
        return execute(workers)

    Item 25: Initialize Parent Classes with super

    class MyBaseClass(object):
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value
    # old way, breaks down in multiple inheritance
    class MyChildClass(MyBaseClass):
        def __init__(self, value):
            MyBaseClass.__init__(self, value)
    # use super
    class MyChildClass(MyBaseClass):
        def __init__(self, value):
            super(MyChildClass, self).__init__(value)

    Python's standard method resolution order (MRO) solves the problems of superclass initialization order and diamond inheritance.

    Always use the super built-in function to initialize parent classes.

    Item 26: Use Multiple Inheritance Only for Mix-in Utility Classes

    It's too hard for me now.

    Item 27: Perfer Public Attributes Over Private Ones

    Private attributes aren't rigorously enforced by the Python compiler.

    Plan from the beginning to allow subclasses to do more with you internal APIs and attributes instead of locking them out by default.

    Use documentation of protected fields to guide subclasses instead of trying to force access control with private attributes.

    Only consider using private attributes to avoid naming conflicts with subclasses that are out of your control.

    Item 28: Inherit from collections.abc for Custom Container Types

    Still a little too hard for me now. Fuck binary tree!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/senjougahara/p/5598827.html
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