var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(myMC)) as Class;
var tmpMC=new ClassReference();
var tmpMC=new ClassReference();
var NewClass:Class = myMC.constructor;
var tmpMC:MovieClip = new NewClass();
var tmpMC:MovieClip = new NewClass();
ActionScript 3 no longer has a duplicateMovieClip method for MovieClip instances (or any DisplayObject instances). Instead, it's suggested that you just create a new instance of the display object you wish to duplicate using its constructor. This, however, is not the same as duplicateMovieClip, and, really, is more like using AS1 and AS2's attachMovieClip. For a more accurate representation of duplicateMovieClip in AS3, consider the following function:
ActionScript 3不再有duplicateMovieClip方法的影片剪辑实例(或任何DisplayObject实例)。替代的,它提示您只需建立一个新的实例显示对象要重复使用其构造。然而这是不同概念的复制,其实更像是用AS1或AS2的 attachMovieClip 。在AS3中如果想要更为准确duplicateMovieClip复制,考虑下面的函数:

package com.senocular.display
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
public function duplicateDisplayObject(target:DisplayObject, autoAdd:Boolean = false):DisplayObject
// create duplicate
var targetClass:Class = Object(target).constructor;
var duplicate:DisplayObject = new targetClass();
// duplicate properties
duplicate.transform = target.transform;
duplicate.filters = target.filters;
duplicate.cacheAsBitmap = target.cacheAsBitmap;
duplicate.opaqueBackground = target.opaqueBackground;
if (target.scale9Grid)
var rect:Rectangle = target.scale9Grid;
// Flash 9 bug where returned scale9Grid is 20x larger than assigned
rect.x /= 20, rect.y /= 20, rect.width /= 20, rect.height /= 20;
duplicate.scale9Grid = rect;
// add to target parent's display list
// if autoAdd was provided as true
if (autoAdd && target.parent)
return duplicate;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
public function duplicateDisplayObject(target:DisplayObject, autoAdd:Boolean = false):DisplayObject
// create duplicate
var targetClass:Class = Object(target).constructor;
var duplicate:DisplayObject = new targetClass();
// duplicate properties
duplicate.transform = target.transform;
duplicate.filters = target.filters;
duplicate.cacheAsBitmap = target.cacheAsBitmap;
duplicate.opaqueBackground = target.opaqueBackground;
if (target.scale9Grid)
var rect:Rectangle = target.scale9Grid;
// Flash 9 bug where returned scale9Grid is 20x larger than assigned
rect.x /= 20, rect.y /= 20, rect.width /= 20, rect.height /= 20;
duplicate.scale9Grid = rect;
// add to target parent's display list
// if autoAdd was provided as true
if (autoAdd && target.parent)
return duplicate;

import com.senocular.display.duplicateDisplayObject;
// create duplicate and assign to newInstance variable
// using true for autoAdd automatically adds the newInstance
// into the display list where myOldSprite is located
var newInstance:Sprite = duplicateDisplayObject(myOldSprite, true);
newInstance.x += 100; // shift to see duplicate
// create duplicate and assign to newInstance variable
// using true for autoAdd automatically adds the newInstance
// into the display list where myOldSprite is located
var newInstance:Sprite = duplicateDisplayObject(myOldSprite, true);
newInstance.x += 100; // shift to see duplicate
The only thing duplicateMovieClip does that this does not is copy dynamic drawing information. Currently, the graphics object in display objects cannot be duplicated so there is no way to obtain that information for duplicates in duplicateDisplayObject.
这里duplicateMovieClip唯一不能办到的是不能复制动态绘制出的图形。现在,图形对象在显示对象中不能被复制,所以没有办法在duplicateDisplayObject中获取复制它的信息 。