bool isbalance(const string &str) { string::size_type len = str.size(); stack<char> Mystack; for(string::size_type i = 0; i < len ; ++ i) { /*first selection*/ if(str[i] == '[' || str[i] == '{' || str[i] == '(' || str[i] == '<') { Mystack.push(str[i]); } /*如果是对称的符号,则从栈中弹出*/ if(str[i] == ']' || str[i] == '}' || str[i] == ')' || str[i] == '>') { /*如果栈中没有对象,则说明不平衡*/ if(Mystack.empty()) { cout << "the string is Unblanced" << endl; return false; } /*采用switch-case语句判断*/ switch(str[i]) { case ']': { /*判断是否是匹配的*/ char tem =; Mystack.pop(); if('[' != tem) { cout << "Can not blanced with ]" << endl; return false; } break; } case ')': { /*判断是否是匹配的*/ char tem =; Mystack.pop(); if('(' != tem) { cout << "Can not blanced with )" << endl; return false; } break; } case '}': { /*判断是否是匹配的*/ char tem =; Mystack.pop(); if('{' != tem) { cout << "Can not blanced with }" << endl; return false; } break; } case '>': { /*判断是否是匹配的*/ char tem =; Mystack.pop(); if('<' != tem) { cout << "Can not blanced with >" << endl; return false; } break; } /*一般的非对称字符*/ default: break; } } } /************************************************ *当所有对象遍历完成以后,需要判断栈中是否存在对象 *栈中为空说明是平衡的,非空则说明是非空的对象 ************************************************/ if(Mystack.empty()) { cout << "string is blanced!!" << endl; return true; } else/*没有正确的匹配,并输出具体不匹配的符号*/ { char tem =; Mystack.pop(); cout << tem << " " << "Unblance string!!" << endl; return false; } }