在10月18日已更新到了 1.5.2 版。这只是一个 bug 修订版本,主要解决了在图形用户界面、BIOS、VGA、VMM、网络、以及 VRDP 等方面的问题。此外,VirtualBox 1.5.2 也包括些许改进,如改进了在 Linux 主机上的键盘处理、NLS、与 Linux KVM 的兼容性、MAC 地址处理,在 VM 关闭对话框中增加了 ACPI 关机选项,支持其他的 RDP 客户端,Linux 附加程序支持 X.org Server 1.4 等等。
以下是引用自 VirtualBox 1.5.2 的完整更新记录,供大家参考:
- Windows Installer: fixed installation on Windows 2000 hosts
- Windows Installer: proper warning when installing a 32-bit VirtualBox version on 64-bit Windows and vice versa
- Linux Installer: no longer require license acceptance during install, instead at first GUI startup (addresses issues with hanging installer on Debian based distributions)
- GUI: added user registration dialog
- GUI: fixed crashes on 64-bit Linux hosts
- GUI: several fixes and improvements to seamless mode
- GUI: fixed DirectDraw mode with certain video cards (e.g. Intel i915)
- GUI: fixed incorrect guest resolution after leaving fullscreen mode
- GUI: improved keyboard handling on Linux host
- GUI: show fatal VM aborts (aka “Guru Meditation”)
- GUI: fixed crashes due to a display update race condition on some systems
- GUI: added ACPI shutdown option to the VM close dialog
- GUI: NLS improvements
- BIOS: fixed floppy boot menu
- BIOS: expose the VM UUID in the DMI/SMBIOS area
- VGA: fixed CGA video modes
- VGA: fixed 8-bit DAC handling (Solaris setup)
- VMM: fixed issue with VT-x on Windows 64-bit hosts
- VMM: improved compatibility with Linux KVM
- VMM: fixed issues with Fedora 8 guests
- VMM: fixed fatal errors while installing Windows guests when using AMD-V
- VMM: fixed sporadic hangs when minimizing VM window and using VT-x/AMD-V
- VMM: fixed high load of ksoftirq on tickless Linux hosts
- VMM: fixed Windows 2000 guests hangs related to IRQ sharing
- VMM: fixed sporadic errors during openSUSE 10.3 installation
- VMM: fixed issue with Linux 2.6.23 guests
- VMM: fixed issues with Solaris guests
- VMM: fixed stability issue related to incorrect relocations
- Serial: significantly reduced CPU utilization
- Network: fixed issues with FreeBSD guests
- Network: added MII support (100MBit detection fix)
- Network: improved MAC address handling
- Network: added PXE release logging
- IDE: large reads from CD could exceed the I/O buffer size
- Audio: load ALSA dynamically on Linux (i.e. do not fail when ALSA is not present)
- VRDP: support additional RDP clients (SunRay, WinConnect, Mac OS X)
- VRDP: fixed issues when client color depth is higher than server color depth
- VRDP: make PAM authentication service name configurable
- VRDP: increased stack size to deal with stack consuming PAM library calls
- Additions: various fixes and enhancements to clipboard handling
- Windows Additions: fixed issues with Additions on NT 4 guests
- Windows Additions: added support for 8-bit video modes
- Windows Additions: allow specifying custom resolutions for secondary screens
- Windows Additions: several fixes and improvements for DirectDraw
- Windows Additions: improved the mouse filter driver compatibility with other mouse drivers
- Linux Additions: several fixes and enhancements to Shared Folders
- Linux Additions: added support for X.org Server 1.4
- Shared folders: fixed MS Powerpoint access issues (Linux host)
- API: fixed RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE startup error on Windows hosts<
- API: fixed SMP race condition on Linux hosts
- API: fixed stability issues on Windows hosts in low memory conditions