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  • Joseph(约瑟夫环)



    Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)
    Total Submission(s): 1963    Accepted Submission(s): 1194

    Problem Description
    The Joseph's problem is notoriously known. For those who are not familiar with the original problem: from among n people, numbered 1, 2, . . ., n, standing in circle every mth is going to be executed and only the life of the last remaining person will be saved. Joseph was smart enough to choose the position of the last remaining person, thus saving his life to give us the message about the incident. For example when n = 6 and m = 5 then the people will be executed in the order 5, 4, 6, 2, 3 and 1 will be saved.

    Suppose that there are k good guys and k bad guys. In the circle the first k are good guys and the last k bad guys. You have to determine such minimal m that all the bad guys will be executed before the first good guy. 
    The input file consists of separate lines containing k. The last line in the input file contains 0. You can suppose that 0 < k < 14. 
    The output file will consist of separate lines containing m corresponding to k in the input file. 
    Sample Input
    3 4 0
    Sample Output
    5 30
    约瑟夫环:当数据不是很大,直接用链表模拟就可以过,O(n*m)的复杂度 , 及n*m < 10^6 就可以直接用链表做,但是这个题因为要枚举m 故数据太大可以是超出n的值所以没办法用链表
    要是数据大的话要考虑推约瑟夫环公式,现在将n个人重新编号为0~n-1 这样求解的结果要+1  
     1 #include <cstdio>
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 #define maxn 300
     6 struct Node{
     7     int v;//存入点的编号 
     8     int next;
     9 }nd[maxn];
    11 int main()
    12 {
    13     int n, k; 
    14     while(cin >> n >> k)
    15     {
    16         for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    17             nd[i].v = i, nd[i].next = i+1;
    18         nd[n-1].next = 0;
    20         int cur = 0;
    21         for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
    22         {
    23             for(int j = 1; j < k-1; j++) cur = nd[cur].next;
    24             int dnd = nd[cur].next;//要被删除的结点的编号 
    25             nd[cur].next = nd[dnd].next;
    26             for(int j = cur, c = 0; c < (n-i-1); c++, j = nd[j].next) printf("%d ", nd[j].v); puts("");//输出每次剔除人后的环 
    27         }
    28     }
    29     return 0;
    30 }
    有第一次的去除的人是(m-1)%n 也可以写成 (m%n)-1 第二次从m%n开始计数,那么要算有n 个人每m个人去除一个,则
    1 int f(int n,int m)
    2 {
    3   if(n==1) return 0;
    4   else return ((n%m)+f(n-1,m))%n;
    5 }

     但是这个题要求是前K 步都要不去除好人所以要统计每次去除的人在原先的编号是多少,

    1 int f(int n , int m , int t)//n 个人 每m 个人提出,第t次去除的是编号为几的人(人的编号从0到n-1)
    2 {
    3     if(t==1) return (m-1)%n;
    4     return (m%n+f(n-1,m,t-1))%n;
    5 }


     1 #include<iostream>
     2 #include<cstdio>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 int f(int n , int m , int t)
     5 {
     6     if(t==1) return (m-1)%n;
     7     else return (m%n+f(n-1,m,t-1))%n;
     8 }//n个人,报数到m出列,第t轮出列的人的编号 从0到n-1编号
     9 int res[15];
    10 int main()
    11 {
    12     int n , m , k;
    13     for(int k = 1 ; k <= 13 ;k++)
    14     {
    15         int n = 2*k;
    16         for(m = k+1 ; ; m++)
    17         {
    18             int flag = 1;
    19             for(int i = 1 ; i <= k ; i++)
    20             {
    21                 int cnt = f(n,m ,i);
    22                 if(cnt>=0&&cnt<k)
    23                 {
    24                     flag = 0;
    25                     break;
    26                 }
    27             }
    28             if(flag ) break ;//找到最小的了就不再搜索
    29         }
    30         res[k] = m;
    31     }
    32     while(~scanf("%d",&k),k)
    33     {
    34         printf("%d
    35     }
    36     return 0;
    37 }
  • 相关阅读:
    实验5 函数
    实验4 在分支循环结构中调用自定义函数
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    POI 正常输出WORD 文档
    Spring 注解过滤
    Spring 循环依赖
    Spring 表单标签
    WebService 客户端生成服务端代码
    Jquery 常用函数
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shanyr/p/4674212.html
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