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  • 免费的ASP.NET空间和SQLServer2008 Express

    Free ASP.NET 4.0 web hosting with SQL Server 2008 Express
    免费的ASP.NET空间和SQLServer2008 Express
    Are you looking for free ASP.NET webhosting to learn, practice and demonstrate ASP.NET and SQL Server 2008? AspSpider offers free hosting for educational purpose. Use our webhosting services to create ASP.NET websites absolutely free and give demonstrations to your manager or client.13742031.58522
    What you can do at AspSpider?你可以在AspSpider做什么呢?

    - Learn ASP.NET 4.0  学习ASP.NET4.0
    - Host your ASP.NET 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 web sites  运行你的ASP.NET2.0,3.5,4.0网站
    - Host it for free (and no Ads on your sites!).免费运行它(没广告)
    - Hosting with SQL Server 2005 or 2008 Express editions.使用SQLServer2005或2008Express版本
    - MS Access support.支持MS Access、
    - Up to 100 MB disk space. 超过100MB的硬盘空间
    - 2 GB monthly data transfer. 每月2gb的流量
    Our free ASP.NET web hosting is an absolutely free offer from a group of .NET programmers for the peer technical community.
    我们提供过.net开发团队来交流技术一个完全免费 的ASP.NET空间。

    We have limited number of servers and new registration will be closed as soon as we reach our server limits.

    Why do we offer free hosting? 为什么我们要提供免费的空间呢?

    AspSpider is presented to you by the same group of software engineers who developed www.dotnetspider.com and ww.IndiaStudyChannel.com. 
    是开发出  www.dotnetspider.com和www.IndiaStudyChannel.com.  的软件工程师提出AspSpider。

    We have several sponsors and advertisers for our technical web sites including this one. We use a portion of our income through advertisements in our sites to provide this free hosting service to the developers for educational purpose. We love Microsoft technologies and it is our humble efforts to give something back to the society after working on various .NET related technologies for several years.
    We do not have any paid hosting plans. If you like to upgrade your free hosting, please consider our sponsors.

    Create a free ASP.NET website 创建一个免费的APS.NET网站

    Here are the simple steps to use our free ASP.NET web hosting services:

    1. Register as a member. 注册会员

    2. Go to Dashboard and click on the link to create a website. 

    3. Upload your files using File Manager and replace the sample web pages we created for you.

    Enjoy your free hosting account!
    This free ASP.NET hosting is for educational purpose only. You may use this service to learn and practice web development using ASP.NET and other related technologies. AspSpider.com has no relationship, association or connection, whether directly or indirectly, with Microsoft Corporation or its affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and group companies. ASP.NET and SQL Server are trademarks of Microsoft and we are neither affiliated to ASP.NET nor are we related to Microsoft or other products and services of Microsoft.

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