安装:pip install munch
Munch is a dictionary that supports attribute-style access, a la JavaScript.意思是支持"a.b"的写法获取属性值
In [4]: from munch import Munch In [5]: b=Munch() In [6]: b.hello='world' In [7]: b Out[7]: Munch({'hello': 'world'}) In [8]: b.hello Out[8]: 'world' In [9]: b.hello+="!" In [10]: b Out[10]: Munch({'hello': 'world!'}) In [11]: b.fool=Munch(lol=True) In [12]: b Out[12]: Munch({'hello': 'world!', 'fool': Munch({'lol': True})}) In [13]: b.fool Out[13]: Munch({'lol': True}) In [14]: b.fool.lol Out[14]: True
In [16]: b['fool'] Out[16]: Munch({'lol': True}) In [17]: b['fool']['lol'] Out[17]: True In [18]: b['fool'].lol Out[18]: True
In [19]: b.keys() Out[19]: dict_keys(['hello', 'fool']) In [20]: b.update({'ponies':'are prettty!'},hello=42) In [21]: b Out[21]: Munch({'hello': 42, 'ponies': 'are prettty!', 'fool': Munch({'lol': True})}) In [22]: print(repr(b)) Munch({'hello': 42, 'ponies': 'are prettty!', 'fool': Munch({'lol': True})}) In [23]: [ (k,b[k]) for k in b ] Out[23]: [('hello', 42), ('ponies', 'are prettty!'), ('fool', Munch({'lol': True}))] In [24]: "The {knights} who say {ni}!".format(**Munch(knights='lolcats', ni='can haz')) Out[24]: 'The lolcats who say can haz!' In [25]: "The {knights} who say {ni}!".format(**{'knights':'test','ni':'wo'}) Out[25]: 'The test who say wo!'
In [26]: b = Munch(foo=Munch(lol=True), hello=42, ponies='are pretty!') In [27]: import json In [28]: json.dumps(b) Out[28]: '{"hello": 42, "ponies": "are pretty!", "foo": {"lol": true}}' In [29]: import yaml In [30]: yaml.dump(b) Out[30]: '!munch.Munch foo: !munch.Munch {lol: true} hello: 42 ponies: are pretty! ' In [31]: yaml.safe_dump(b) Out[31]: 'foo: {lol: true} hello: 42 ponies: are pretty! '
Default Values
DefaultMunch instances return a specific default value when an attribute is missing from the collection. Like collections.defaultdict, the first argument is the value to use for missing keys: >>> undefined = object() >>> b = DefaultMunch(undefined, {'hello': 'world!'}) >>> b.hello 'world!' >>> b.foo is undefined True DefaultMunch.fromDict() also takes the default argument: >>> undefined = object() >>> b = DefaultMunch.fromDict({'recursively': {'nested': 'value'}}, undefined) >>> b.recursively.nested == 'value' True >>> b.recursively.foo is undefined True Or you can use DefaultFactoryMunch to specify a factory for generating missing attributes. The first argument is the factory: >>> b = DefaultFactoryMunch(list, {'hello': 'world!'}) >>> b.hello 'world!' >>> b.foo [] >>> b.bar.append('hello') >>> b.bar ['hello']