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  • Cyanogen Updater 5.0 IS HERE!!!


    The updater now includes an updatable list of theme servers maintained by myself so you always have all the themes supported at a press of a button

    FireFart has put ALOT of work in to this - coding day and night
    if you appreciate his work, buy him a beer USD or EUR

    Google Code Page
    Cyrket Page
    Cyanogen's Experimental Branch
    Cyanogen's Recovery Image

    BIG thanks to all the art guys and the coders, including: FireFart, senab, prash, willmav5000, tuxfoo, matt_stang, DirectMatrix, amarkow2 and all the others
    BIG thanks to the translators, including: FireFart, DavidChill, Moksha, Gamempire, Wiebbe, Chahk, Offcina, ss1271, baggus, kog, ZilverZurfan, Jar0b_, zezol and all the others
    If I left you out, let me know and I will add you to the list
    HUGE thanks to the jfupdater guys for making our lives so much easier
    BIGGEST thanks to cyanogen himself for bringing us great ROMs, recovery images and all the rest... KEEP IT UP!!!
    If you like my work, buy me a beer(EUR) or in USD

    Follow me on Twitter for the latest CM-Updater Updates

    Check out the new CyanogenMod-Updater @ XDA or @ Google Code

    Phone: Black TMobile G1
    Rom: CyanogenMod v4.2.11.1
    Recovery: Recovery 1.4
    SPL: HardSPL 1.33.2005
    Radio: 62.50S.20.17H_2.22.19.26I


    CM-Updater 5.0

    Changed Update Folder so theres only one Directory on SDCard (new: /sdcard/cmupdater/updates)
    Screenshots for Themes. They are now stored in an Database on SD-Card(reason for the update folder change)
    Screenshots are only downloaded, if the Modified HTTP Header has changed, otherwise the cached image is taken
    And some other freaky Screenshot Things
    When there is an HTTP-Exception on Downloading a Theme.json, the Updatecheck will continue with the other Themeservers
    More Menu Items in the ThemeServer list to make live easier with Featured ThemeServers
    Version Compare is now working again correctly (hopefully)
    Reduced the Package Size (about 200kb) by using NinePatch Drawables and Changing the PNGs from RGB to Indexed
    There is now a check if theres enough space available on SDCard before downloading the Update
    Downloads are now resumeable (server hosting the update.zip must support it)
    Changed Service Implementation to the AIDL Interface
    Services are now running in the Background
    Made it easier for other devs to use the updater for their roms (see wiki)
    Featured Theme Servers are now marked in Yellow
    Theme Server List is now sorted alphabetically
    Incremental Update Support, till Cyanogen hacks the OTA Updater
    Screenshot Support can now be disabled on Build Time(for other roms).
    Debug Output is now disabled by Default to make the App faster. You can reenable it in Advanced Settings

    CM-Updater 4.5

    Updated Translations (now in UTF8)
    Fixed a Bug in UpdateCheck
    Reset the update.json File back to default for all the people that switched to beta.json

    CM-Updater 4.5

    Updated Translations
    Major Code cleanup. Hope i made no Mistakes
    Theme Version is now Displayed in the Dropdownlist. So if you changed your Theme name to contain the Version name, change it back, or the Version is Displayed twice
    Theme Version is now String Compared, so you can also have a Theme Version like 1.4.5-r3. But remember: 1.4.5-r3 is "greater" and newer than 1.4.5
    When you cancel the download, the half downloaded File gets deleted
    Progress dialog when applying an existing update without md5sum is now disabled
    new logcat command is adb logcat cmupdater:V *:S Now windows user friendly
    Download is not completly canceled when you hit the cancel button
    Now you can add Multiple Theme Servers (sooooooooo much work)
    New UpdateCheck mechanism. It will only notify you on NEW updates. So you can use the automatic UpdateCheck again
    Toasts on MD5verification failure or other downloading Problems
    Now you can update the Theme Servers with a List of Featured Theme Servers
    When you disabled a Featured Theme, and the URL changes (after updateing the Theme Servers again) the disabled state remains
    Remove the scan update.zip qr menu item, cause people get confused about it
    When coming from an older cyanogen rom, you get update instructions

    CM-Updater 4.1

    Fixed Bug when changing orientation while Barcodescanning
    Fixed Bug with MD5SUM to Pad the String to 32chars
    UpdateFolder can now be changed (i think its beta )

    CM-Updater 4.0

    Support for Theme Developers to provide their updates also via the updater
    Progressdialog on Updatechecking will now go away on errors
    Mod Version in Title Bar
    Updated Translations
    Seperate JSON File for Themes. Also via Barcodescanner
    URL Checker when entering new UpdateServer urls, so there will be no Exceptions
    themes.theme File configurable via Advanced Properties
    ALternative md5sum Method, so the md5sum binary is not needed
    No Updatecheck Exceuted --> Last updatecheck was printed as Mindate. its now a String.
    When no themes.theme File is present, a Wildcard is used for Updates, so you can install them, without having this File. Your SystemROM still must match the Property in the JSON so you will not mess up your system. You can also put a * in the themes.theme File. It has the same effect
    New Structured Preferences Menu
    Loading image is displayed while app is loading. No more black screen on starting

    CM-Updater 3.7:

    Changed the Changelogdialog Titles to App Changelog and Rom Changelog
    UpdateCheck Notification is now removed, when you click on it to open the App
    Downloadinfo in Notificationbar much more efficient (thanks zillode for the patch) and it will be displayed in minutes and seconds
    Toast when Downloading Fails will now go away and not stay at the screen forever
    Minor Bugfixes(You will not recognize them in the app)
    There are now Icons representing Experimental and Stable in the List of available Updates. Thanks to Quintin for the initial work.
    New/Updated Translations
    Removed an unnecessary layout
    Now with a cool Looking ViewFlipper to Change between the Layouts

    CM-Updater 3.6

    Application Changelog via downloaded XML
    Rom Changelog for selected ROM. Changelogbutton is only shown, when there is a description in the JSON file
    Found Updates are now saved again, when closing the App
    Updated German Translations
    Updated Russian Translations

    CM-Updater 3.5

    New Menu Icons and new Notificatiobaricon thanks Prash
    Updated Russian Translation
    Download Status in the Notification Bar and can run in Background
    User is now notified via Toast that he has to uninstall the old Version
    Now Stable/Experimental is shown next to each Update Entry
    New Advanced Preferences, to play with the Update Speed of the Download Notifications. Please handle with care

    CM-Updater 3.1.1

    The App will Prompt you to uninstall any old Version. The dialog will pop up, till you uninstall the old Version

    Changed the Package name, so we can put it on the Market
    Old Version MUST be uninstalled to make the App start. So we can be sure that there will not be 2 cm-updaters and 2 backgroundservices on your system
    Korean Translation
    Italian Translation
    Removed unneeded code

    CM-Updater 3.0 (uninstall old Version first)

    Download should be cancelled correctly(no more downloading in the background)
    Download will now be cancelled, if one of the front keys on the g1 are pressed
    Download will be cancelled, when a menu is opened(Preferences, QR Scan,...)
    Abbility to delete only the selected Update in the Update folder instead of the whole folder
    Fixed the Translation Bugs that force closes (some strings will be in english)
    User is redirected to Updater Chooser Layout after a fresh install(No metadatafile in cache) when there are Updates in the Update folder, so he can apply them through the app
    Added a Check Now Button on the UpdateChooser Layout (point Above) if no metadatafile is cached (otherwise you have to da a menu --> check now )
    Orientation Changes in the Download View no longer cancels the download
    New Item in JSON File to support the upcoming Cyanogen MyTouch Mod (board: board1|board2|board3...)
    Ringtone Preferences will now work
    Vibrate Setting for Notifications
    Fixed Bug, that Found Updates are not shown in Dropdown List
    now you can do an adb logcat | grep "<CM-Updater>" so see only our Output from the App
    Last Update Check Date is now shown on GUI
    If the update you're trying to download exists, the app will promp you to overwrite it or not
    No more strechted Background on the updatechooser Layout when showing all Buttons
    If no MD5SUM exists in the existing Update Folder, User is asked what to do before Applying
    Check for Update in the App no longer closes it. Runs in a seperate Thread
    New Landscape Wallpaper
    Notifications can now be disabled at all. But when no Notifications are selected, no automated Updatechecking will be done
    Changelog via Menu. This opens just the Browser and redirects to the Google Code Page. Internal Changelog programmed, but there are a few layout issues so it will probably in the next release.
    Changes of the MetaData File URL now works immediatly

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shenhaocn/p/1730416.html
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