Implement pow(x, n)
首先是n可能为INT_MIN ,如果将n直接取绝对值,则会溢出,另外,此时直接求分母,最后再求倒数,也可能在求分母的过程中溢出.
大坑:python -1/2 = -1 , -1>>1 = -1. C++ -1/2=0, -1>>1=-1.一定要注意.
class Solution(object): def myPow(self, x, n): """ :type x: float :type n: int :rtype: float """ #binary search, each time wo only need to calculate the half pow if x == 0 and n < 0: return 0 if n == 0: return 1 res = self.pow_re(x, abs(n)) #此处如果为C++会溢出 return res if n > 0 else 1.0/res #直接求分母也可能会溢出 def pow_re(self, x, n): if n == 1: return x half = self.pow_re(x, n>>1) if n & 1 == 1: return half * half * x else: return half *half
class Solution { public: double myPow(double x, int n) { if (n==0) return 1.; double half = myPow(x, n/2); //一定要这样写. return n % 2 == 0? half*half: n > 0? half*half*x : 1/x*half*half ; } };