public bool AppendChunk(string serverFileName, byte[] buff, long offset, out string errMsg) { errMsg = string.Empty; int maxSize =1024 * 1024;//1M bool result = false; //"D:MedicalImageipReceived" string ReceivePath = AppSettingHelper.Instance().AppSetting(WcfFolderEnum.RECEIVEFOLDER); string FilePath = Path.Combine(ReceivePath, serverFileName); if (buff != null && buff.Length <= maxSize) { try { if (!Directory.Exists(ReceivePath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(ReceivePath); if (offset == 0) // 创建新文件 File.Create(FilePath).Close(); // 写入分块 using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { fs.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(buff, 0, buff.Length); } result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { errMsg = string.Format("AppendChunk offset[{0}] error:{1}", offset, ex.Message); } } else { errMsg = "AppendChunk buff error,the count of bytes in buff can not be zero or bigger than " + maxSize; } return result; }
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog=new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.InitialDirectory="D:\";//注意这里写路径时要用c:\而不是c: openFileDialog.Filter="压缩文件|*.zip;*.rar"; openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory=true; openFileDialog.FilterIndex=1; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog()==DialogResult.OK) { TransitSVC.TransitServiceClient client=new TransitSVC.TransitServiceClient(); string fName=openFileDialog.FileName; FileInfo file=new FileInfo(fName); FileStream fs = File.Open(fName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); string msg=String.Empty; byte[] bytes = new byte[0]; BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(fs); int length = (int) fs.Length; int size = 10 * 1024; if (length > size)//10K一块 { int chunckCount = length % size == 0 ? length / size : (length / size) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < chunckCount; i++) { try { r.BaseStream.Seek(i * size, SeekOrigin.Begin);//将文件指针设置到文件开 bytes = r.ReadBytes(size); if (client.AppendChunk(out msg, file.Name, bytes, i*size)) { this.showProgress(i+1+"块传输成功"); } else { this.showProgress(msg); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.showProgress(ex.Message); } } } else { try { r.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); bytes = r.ReadBytes((int)r.BaseStream.Length); if (client.AppendChunk(out msg, file.Name, bytes, bytes.Length)) { this.showProgress("传输成功"); } else { this.showProgress(msg); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.showProgress(ex.Message); } } } protected delegate void ShowProgress(string info);//委托方法记录信息 protected void showProgress(string text) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { ShowProgress h = new ShowProgress(this.showProgress); this.BeginInvoke(h, new object[] { text }); return; } this.textBox.Text += text + " "; this.textBox.SelectionStart = this.textBox3.Text.Length; this.textBox.SelectionLength = 0; this.textBox.ScrollToCaret(); }