"use strict";
(function(InjectedScriptHost, inspectedGlobalObject, injectedScriptId) {
var Object = ({}.constructor);
function push(array, var_args)
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
array[array.length] = arguments[i];
function slice(array, index)
var result = [];
for (var i = index || 0, j = 0; i < array.length; ++i, ++j)
result[j] = array[i];
return result;
function concat(array1, array2)
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i)
push(result, array1[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < array2.length; ++i)
push(result, array2[i]);
return result;
function toString(obj)
try {
return "" + obj;
} catch(e) {
var name = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(obj) || InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj) || (typeof obj);
return "#<" + name + ">";
function toStringDescription(obj)
if (typeof obj === "number" && obj === 0 && 1 / obj < 0)
return "-0";
return toString(obj);
function bind(func, thisObject, var_args)
var args = slice(arguments, 2);
function bound(var_args)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(func, thisObject, concat(args, slice(arguments)));
bound.toString = function()
return "bound: " + toString(func);
return bound;
function nullifyObjectProto(obj)
if (obj && typeof obj === "object")
obj.__proto__ = null;
return obj;
function isUInt32(obj)
if (typeof obj === "number")
return obj >>> 0 === obj && (obj > 0 || 1 / obj > 0);
return "" + (obj >>> 0) === obj;
function isArrayLike(obj)
if (typeof obj !== "object")
return false;
try {
if (typeof obj.splice === "function") {
if (!InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, obj, ["length"]))
return false;
var len = obj.length;
return typeof len === "number" && isUInt32(len);
} catch(e) {}
return false;
function max(a, b)
return a > b ? a: b;
function isSymbol(obj)
var type = typeof obj;
return (type === "symbol");
function indexOf(str, searchElement, fromIndex)
var len = str.length;
var n = fromIndex || 0;
var k = max(n >= 0 ? n: len + n, 0);
while (k < len) {
if (str[k] === searchElement)
return k; ++k;
return - 1;
var domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet = nullifyObjectProto({});
domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Request"] = nullifyObjectProto({});
domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Request"]["body"] = true;
domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Response"] = nullifyObjectProto({});
domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Response"]["body"] = true;
function doesAttributeHaveObservableSideEffectOnGet(object, attribute)
for (var interfaceName in domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet) {
var isInstance = InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(function(object, interfaceName) {
return typeof inspectedGlobalObject[interfaceName] === "function" && object instanceof inspectedGlobalObject[interfaceName];
null, [object, interfaceName]);
if (isInstance) {
return attribute in domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet[interfaceName];
return false;
var InjectedScript = function()
InjectedScript.primitiveTypes = {
"undefined": true,
"boolean": true,
"number": true,
"string": true,
__proto__: null
InjectedScript.prototype = {
isPrimitiveValue: function(object)
return InjectedScript.primitiveTypes[typeof object] && !this._isHTMLAllCollection(object);
wrapObject: function(object, groupName, canAccessInspectedGlobalObject, generatePreview)
if (canAccessInspectedGlobalObject)
return this._wrapObject(object, groupName, false, generatePreview);
return this._fallbackWrapper(object);
_fallbackWrapper: function(object)
var result = {
__proto__: null
result.type = typeof object;
if (this.isPrimitiveValue(object))
result.value = object;
result.description = toString(object);
return (result);
wrapTable: function(canAccessInspectedGlobalObject, table, columns)
if (!canAccessInspectedGlobalObject)
return this._fallbackWrapper(table);
var columnNames = null;
if (typeof columns === "string")
columns = [columns];
if (InjectedScriptHost.subtype(columns) === "array") {
columnNames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i)
columnNames[i] = toString(columns[i]);
return this._wrapObject(table, "console", false, true, columnNames, true);
_inspect: function(object)
if (arguments.length === 0)
var objectId = this._wrapObject(object, "");
var hints = {
__proto__: null
InjectedScriptHost.inspect(objectId, hints);
return object;
_wrapObject: function(object, objectGroupName, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, doNotBind, customObjectConfig)
try {
return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(object, objectGroupName, doNotBind, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, undefined, customObjectConfig);
} catch(e) {
try {
var description = injectedScript._describe(e);
} catch(ex) {
var description = "<failed to convert exception to string>";
return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(description);
_bind: function(object, objectGroupName)
var id = InjectedScriptHost.bind(object, objectGroupName || "");
return "{"injectedScriptId":" + injectedScriptId + ","id":" + id + "}";
_parseObjectId: function(objectId)
return nullifyObjectProto((InjectedScriptHost.eval("(" + objectId + ")")));
clearLastEvaluationResult: function()
delete this._lastResult;
getProperties: function(objectId, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, generatePreview)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
if (!this._isDefined(object) || isSymbol(object))
return false;
object = (object);
var descriptors = [];
var iter = this._propertyDescriptors(object, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, undefined);
for (var descriptor of iter) {
if ("get" in descriptor)
descriptor.get = this._wrapObject(descriptor.get, objectGroupName);
if ("set" in descriptor)
descriptor.set = this._wrapObject(descriptor.set, objectGroupName);
if ("value" in descriptor)
descriptor.value = this._wrapObject(descriptor.value, objectGroupName, false, generatePreview);
if (! ("configurable" in descriptor))
descriptor.configurable = false;
if (! ("enumerable" in descriptor))
descriptor.enumerable = false;
if ("symbol" in descriptor)
descriptor.symbol = this._wrapObject(descriptor.symbol, objectGroupName);
push(descriptors, descriptor);
return descriptors;
getInternalProperties: function(objectId)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
if (!this._isDefined(object) || isSymbol(object))
return false;
object = (object);
var descriptors = [];
var internalProperties = InjectedScriptHost.getInternalProperties(object);
if (internalProperties) {
for (var i = 0; i < internalProperties.length; i += 2) {
var descriptor = {
name: internalProperties[i],
value: this._wrapObject(internalProperties[i + 1], objectGroupName),
__proto__: null
push(descriptors, descriptor);
return descriptors;
getFunctionDetails: function(functionId)
var parsedFunctionId = this._parseObjectId(functionId);
var func = this._objectForId(parsedFunctionId);
if (typeof func !== "function")
return "Cannot resolve function by id.";
var details = nullifyObjectProto((InjectedScriptHost.functionDetails(func)));
if ("rawScopes" in details) {
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedFunctionId.id);
var rawScopes = details["rawScopes"];
delete details["rawScopes"];
var scopes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rawScopes.length; ++i)
scopes[i] = InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._createScopeJson(rawScopes[i].type, rawScopes[i].name, rawScopes[i].object, objectGroupName);
details.scopeChain = scopes;
return details;
getGeneratorObjectDetails: function(objectId)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
if (!object || typeof object !== "object")
return "Could not find object with given id";
var details = nullifyObjectProto((InjectedScriptHost.generatorObjectDetails(object)));
if (!details)
return "Object is not a generator";
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
details["function"] = this._wrapObject(details["function"], objectGroupName);
return details;
getCollectionEntries: function(objectId)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
if (!object || typeof object !== "object")
return "Could not find object with given id";
var entries = InjectedScriptHost.collectionEntries(object);
if (!entries)
return "Object with given id is not a collection";
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
var entry = nullifyObjectProto(entries[i]);
if ("key" in entry)
entry.key = this._wrapObject(entry.key, objectGroupName);
entry.value = this._wrapObject(entry.value, objectGroupName);
entries[i] = entry;
return entries;
_propertyDescriptors: function * (object, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, propertyNamesOnly)
var propertyProcessed = {
__proto__: null
function * process(o, properties)
for (var property of properties) {
if (propertyProcessed[property])
var name = property;
if (isSymbol(property))
name = (injectedScript._describe(property));
try {
propertyProcessed[property] = true;
var descriptor = nullifyObjectProto(InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Object, [o, property]));
if (descriptor) {
if (accessorPropertiesOnly && !("get" in descriptor || "set" in descriptor))
if ("get" in descriptor && "set" in descriptor && name != "__proto__" && InjectedScriptHost.formatAccessorsAsProperties(object) && !doesAttributeHaveObservableSideEffectOnGet(object, name)) {
descriptor.value = InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(function(attribute) {
return this[attribute];
object, [name]);
descriptor.isOwn = true;
delete descriptor.get;
delete descriptor.set;
} else {
if (accessorPropertiesOnly)
try {
descriptor = {
name: name,
value: o[property],
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
__proto__: null
if (o === object)
descriptor.isOwn = true;
yield descriptor;
} catch(e) {}
} catch(e) {
if (accessorPropertiesOnly)
var descriptor = {
__proto__: null
descriptor.value = e;
descriptor.wasThrown = true;
descriptor.name = name;
if (o === object)
descriptor.isOwn = true;
if (isSymbol(property))
descriptor.symbol = property;
yield descriptor;
function * arrayIndexNames(length)
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
yield "" + i;
if (propertyNamesOnly) {
for (var i = 0; i < propertyNamesOnly.length; ++i) {
var name = propertyNamesOnly[i];
for (var o = object; this._isDefined(o); o = o.__proto__) {
if (InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, o, [name])) {
for (var descriptor of process(o, [name]))
yield descriptor;
if (ownProperties)
var skipGetOwnPropertyNames;
try {
skipGetOwnPropertyNames = InjectedScriptHost.isTypedArray(object) && object.length > 500000;
} catch(e) {}
for (var o = object; this._isDefined(o); o = o.__proto__) {
if (skipGetOwnPropertyNames && o === object) {
for (var descriptor of process(o, arrayIndexNames(o.length)))
yield descriptor;
} else {
for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.keys((o))))
yield descriptor;
for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.getOwnPropertyNames((o))))
yield descriptor;
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols((o))))
yield descriptor;
if (ownProperties) {
if (object.__proto__ && !accessorPropertiesOnly)
yield {
name: "__proto__",
value: object.__proto__,
writable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
isOwn: true,
__proto__: null
evaluate: function(expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview)
return this._evaluateAndWrap(null, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview);
callFunctionOn: function(objectId, expression, args, returnByValue)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
if (!this._isDefined(object))
return "Could not find object with given id";
if (args) {
var resolvedArgs = [];
var callArgs = (InjectedScriptHost.eval(args));
for (var i = 0; i < callArgs.length; ++i) {
try {
resolvedArgs[i] = this._resolveCallArgument(callArgs[i]);
} catch(e) {
return toString(e);
var objectGroup = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
function wrap(object, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, customObjectConfig)
return this._wrapObject(object, objectGroup, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, false, customObjectConfig);
try {
var remoteObjectAPI = {
bindRemoteObject: bind(wrap, this),
__proto__: null
InjectedScriptHost.setNonEnumProperty(inspectedGlobalObject, "__remoteObjectAPI", remoteObjectAPI);
var func = InjectedScriptHost.eval("with (typeof __remoteObjectAPI !== 'undefined' ? __remoteObjectAPI : { __proto__: null }) {(" + expression + ")}");
if (typeof func !== "function")
return "Given expression does not evaluate to a function";
return {
wasThrown: false,
result: this._wrapObject(InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(func, object, resolvedArgs), objectGroup, returnByValue),
__proto__: null
} catch(e) {
return this._createThrownValue(e, objectGroup, false);
} finally {
try {
delete inspectedGlobalObject["__remoteObjectAPI"];
} catch(e) {}
_substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview: function(objectGroupName, jsonMLObject)
var maxCustomPreviewRecursionDepth = 20;
this._customPreviewRecursionDepth = (this._customPreviewRecursionDepth || 0) + 1
try {
if (this._customPreviewRecursionDepth >= maxCustomPreviewRecursionDepth)
throw new Error("Too deep hierarchy of inlined custom previews");
if (!isArrayLike(jsonMLObject))
if (jsonMLObject[0] === "object") {
var attributes = jsonMLObject[1];
var originObject = attributes["object"];
var config = attributes["config"];
if (typeof originObject === "undefined")
throw new Error("Illegal format: obligatory attribute "object" isn't specified");
jsonMLObject[1] = this._wrapObject(originObject, objectGroupName, false, false, null, false, false, config);
for (var i = 0; i < jsonMLObject.length; ++i)
this._substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview(objectGroupName, jsonMLObject[i]);
} finally {
_resolveCallArgument: function(callArgumentJson)
callArgumentJson = nullifyObjectProto(callArgumentJson);
var objectId = callArgumentJson.objectId;
if (objectId) {
var parsedArgId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
if (!parsedArgId || parsedArgId["injectedScriptId"] !== injectedScriptId)
throw "Arguments should belong to the same JavaScript world as the target object.";
var resolvedArg = this._objectForId(parsedArgId);
if (!this._isDefined(resolvedArg))
throw "Could not find object with given id";
return resolvedArg;
} else if ("value" in callArgumentJson) {
var value = callArgumentJson.value;
if (callArgumentJson.type === "number" && typeof value !== "number")
value = Number(value);
return value;
return undefined;
_evaluateAndWrap: function(callFrame, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview, scopeChain)
var wrappedResult = this._evaluateOn(callFrame, objectGroup, expression, injectCommandLineAPI, scopeChain);
if (!wrappedResult.exceptionDetails) {
return {
wasThrown: false,
result: this._wrapObject(wrappedResult.result, objectGroup, returnByValue, generatePreview),
__proto__: null
return this._createThrownValue(wrappedResult.result, objectGroup, generatePreview, wrappedResult.exceptionDetails);
_createThrownValue: function(value, objectGroup, generatePreview, exceptionDetails)
var remoteObject = this._wrapObject(value, objectGroup, false, generatePreview && InjectedScriptHost.subtype(value) !== "error");
if (!remoteObject.description) {
try {
remoteObject.description = toStringDescription(value);
} catch(e) {}
return {
wasThrown: true,
result: remoteObject,
exceptionDetails: exceptionDetails,
__proto__: null
_evaluateOn: function(callFrame, objectGroup, expression, injectCommandLineAPI, scopeChain)
var scopeExtensionForEval = (callFrame && injectCommandLineAPI) ? new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, callFrame) : undefined;
var injectScopeChain = scopeChain && scopeChain.length && !("__scopeChainForEval" in inspectedGlobalObject);
try {
var prefix = "";
var suffix = "";
if (injectScopeChain) {
InjectedScriptHost.setNonEnumProperty(inspectedGlobalObject, "__scopeChainForEval", scopeChain);
for (var i = 0; i < scopeChain.length; ++i) {
prefix = "with (typeof __scopeChainForEval !== 'undefined' ? __scopeChainForEval[" + i + "] : { __proto__: null }) {" + (suffix ? " ": "") + prefix;
if (suffix)
suffix += " }";
suffix = "}";
if (prefix)
expression = prefix + " " + expression + " " + suffix;
var wrappedResult = callFrame ? callFrame.evaluateWithExceptionDetails(expression, scopeExtensionForEval) : InjectedScriptHost.evaluateWithExceptionDetails(expression, injectCommandLineAPI ? new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, callFrame) : undefined);
if (objectGroup === "console" && !wrappedResult.exceptionDetails)
this._lastResult = wrappedResult.result;
return wrappedResult;
} finally {
if (injectScopeChain) {
try {
delete inspectedGlobalObject["__scopeChainForEval"];
} catch(e) {}
wrapCallFrames: function(callFrame, asyncOrdinal)
if (!callFrame)
return false;
var result = [];
var depth = 0;
do {
result[depth] = new InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy(depth, callFrame, asyncOrdinal);
callFrame = callFrame.caller; ++depth;
while (callFrame);
return result;
evaluateOnCallFrame: function(topCallFrame, isAsyncStack, callFrameId, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview)
var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId);
if (!callFrame)
return "Could not find call frame with given id";
if (isAsyncStack)
return this._evaluateAndWrap(null, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview, callFrame.scopeChain);
return this._evaluateAndWrap(callFrame, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview);
restartFrame: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId)
var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId);
if (!callFrame)
return "Could not find call frame with given id";
return callFrame.restart();
getStepInPositions: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId)
var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId);
if (!callFrame)
return "Could not find call frame with given id";
var stepInPositionsUnpacked = JSON.parse(callFrame.stepInPositions);
if (typeof stepInPositionsUnpacked !== "object")
return "Step in positions not available";
return stepInPositionsUnpacked;
setVariableValue: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId, functionObjectId, scopeNumber, variableName, newValueJsonString)
try {
var newValueJson = (InjectedScriptHost.eval("(" + newValueJsonString + ")"));
var resolvedValue = this._resolveCallArgument(newValueJson);
if (typeof callFrameId === "string") {
var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId);
if (!callFrame)
return "Could not find call frame with given id";
callFrame.setVariableValue(scopeNumber, variableName, resolvedValue)
} else {
var parsedFunctionId = this._parseObjectId((functionObjectId));
var func = this._objectForId(parsedFunctionId);
if (typeof func !== "function")
return "Could not resolve function by id";
InjectedScriptHost.setFunctionVariableValue(func, scopeNumber, variableName, resolvedValue);
} catch(e) {
return toString(e);
return undefined;
commandLineAPI: function()
return new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, null);
_callFrameForId: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId)
var parsedCallFrameId = nullifyObjectProto((InjectedScriptHost.eval("(" + callFrameId + ")")));
var ordinal = parsedCallFrameId["ordinal"];
var callFrame = topCallFrame;
while (--ordinal >= 0 && callFrame)
callFrame = callFrame.caller;
return callFrame;
_objectForId: function(objectId)
return objectId.injectedScriptId === injectedScriptId ? (InjectedScriptHost.objectForId(objectId.id)) : void 0;
_isDefined: function(object)
return !! object || this._isHTMLAllCollection(object);
_isHTMLAllCollection: function(object)
return (typeof object === "undefined") && !!InjectedScriptHost.subtype(object);
_subtype: function(obj)
if (obj === null)
return "null";
if (this.isPrimitiveValue(obj))
return null;
var subtype = InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj);
if (subtype)
return subtype;
if (isArrayLike(obj))
return "array";
return null;
_describe: function(obj)
if (this.isPrimitiveValue(obj))
return null;
var subtype = this._subtype(obj);
if (subtype === "regexp")
return toString(obj);
if (subtype === "date")
return toString(obj);
if (subtype === "node") {
var description = obj.nodeName.toLowerCase();
switch (obj.nodeType) {
case 1:
description += obj.id ? "#" + obj.id: "";
var className = obj.className;
description += (className && typeof className === "string") ? "." + className.trim().replace(/s+/g, ".") : "";
case 10:
description = "<!DOCTYPE " + description + ">";
return description;
var className = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(obj);
if (subtype === "array") {
if (typeof obj.length === "number")
className += "[" + obj.length + "]";
return className;
if (typeof obj === "function")
return toString(obj);
if (isSymbol(obj)) {
try {
return (InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(Symbol.prototype.toString, obj)) || "Symbol";
} catch(e) {
return "Symbol";
if (InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj) === "error") {
try {
var stack = obj.stack;
var message = obj.message && obj.message.length ? ": " + obj.message: "";
var firstCallFrame = /^s+ats/m.exec(stack);
var stackMessageEnd = firstCallFrame ? firstCallFrame.index: -1;
if (stackMessageEnd !== -1) {
var stackTrace = stack.substr(stackMessageEnd);
return className + message + " " + stackTrace;
return className + message;
} catch(e) {}
return className;
setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled: function(enabled)
this._customObjectFormatterEnabled = enabled;
var injectedScript = new InjectedScript();
InjectedScript.RemoteObject = function(object, objectGroupName, doNotBind, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, skipEntriesPreview, customObjectConfig)
this.type = typeof object;
if (this.type === "undefined" && injectedScript._isHTMLAllCollection(object))
this.type = "object";
if (injectedScript.isPrimitiveValue(object) || object === null || forceValueType) {
if (this.type !== "undefined")
this.value = object;
if (object === null)
this.subtype = "null";
if (this.type === "number") {
this.description = toStringDescription(object);
switch (this.description) {
case "NaN":
case "Infinity":
case "-Infinity":
case "-0":
this.value = this.description;
object = (object);
if (!doNotBind)
this.objectId = injectedScript._bind(object, objectGroupName);
var subtype = injectedScript._subtype(object);
if (subtype)
this.subtype = subtype;
var className = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(object);
if (className)
this.className = className;
this.description = injectedScript._describe(object);
if (generatePreview && this.type === "object" && this.subtype !== "node")
this.preview = this._generatePreview(object, undefined, columnNames, isTable, skipEntriesPreview);
if (injectedScript._customObjectFormatterEnabled) {
var customPreview = this._customPreview(object, objectGroupName, customObjectConfig);
if (customPreview)
this.customPreview = customPreview;
InjectedScript.RemoteObject.prototype = {
_customPreview: function(object, objectGroupName, customObjectConfig)
function logError(error)
Promise.resolve().then(inspectedGlobalObject.console.error.bind(inspectedGlobalObject.console, "Custom Formatter Failed: " + error.message));
try {
var formatters = inspectedGlobalObject["devtoolsFormatters"];
if (!formatters || !isArrayLike(formatters))
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < formatters.length; ++i) {
try {
var formatted = formatters[i].header(object, customObjectConfig);
if (!formatted)
var hasBody = formatters[i].hasBody(object, customObjectConfig);
injectedScript._substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview(objectGroupName, formatted);
var formatterObjectId = injectedScript._bind(formatters[i], objectGroupName);
var result = {
header: JSON.stringify(formatted),
hasBody: !!hasBody,
formatterObjectId: formatterObjectId
if (customObjectConfig)
result["configObjectId"] = injectedScript._bind(customObjectConfig, objectGroupName);
return result;
} catch(e) {
} catch(e) {
return null;
_createEmptyPreview: function()
var preview = {
type: (this.type),
description: this.description || toStringDescription(this.value),
lossless: true,
overflow: false,
properties: [],
__proto__: null
if (this.subtype)
preview.subtype = (this.subtype);
return preview;
_generatePreview: function(object, firstLevelKeys, secondLevelKeys, isTable, skipEntriesPreview)
var preview = this._createEmptyPreview();
var firstLevelKeysCount = firstLevelKeys ? firstLevelKeys.length: 0;
var propertiesThreshold = {
properties: isTable ? 1000: max(5, firstLevelKeysCount),
indexes: isTable ? 1000: max(100, firstLevelKeysCount),
__proto__: null
try {
var descriptors = injectedScript._propertyDescriptors(object, undefined, undefined, firstLevelKeys);
this._appendPropertyDescriptors(preview, descriptors, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable);
if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0)
return preview;
var rawInternalProperties = InjectedScriptHost.getInternalProperties(object) || [];
var internalProperties = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rawInternalProperties.length; i += 2) {
push(internalProperties, {
name: rawInternalProperties[i],
value: rawInternalProperties[i + 1],
isOwn: true,
enumerable: true,
__proto__: null
this._appendPropertyDescriptors(preview, internalProperties, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable);
if (this.subtype === "map" || this.subtype === "set" || this.subtype === "iterator")
this._appendEntriesPreview(object, preview, skipEntriesPreview);
} catch(e) {
preview.lossless = false;
return preview;
_appendPropertyDescriptors: function(preview, descriptors, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable)
for (var descriptor of descriptors) {
if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0)
if (!descriptor)
if (descriptor.wasThrown) {
preview.lossless = false;
var name = descriptor.name;
if (name === "__proto__")
if (!descriptor.isOwn && !descriptor.enumerable)
if (this.subtype === "array" && name === "length")
if ((this.subtype === "map" || this.subtype === "set") && name === "size")
if (!descriptor.isOwn) {
preview.lossless = false;
if (! ("value" in descriptor)) {
preview.lossless = false;
var value = descriptor.value;
var type = typeof value;
if (type === "function" && (this.subtype !== "array" || !isUInt32(name))) {
preview.lossless = false;
if (type === "undefined" && injectedScript._isHTMLAllCollection(value))
type = "object";
if (value === null) {
this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, {
name: name,
type: "object",
subtype: "null",
value: "null",
__proto__: null
var maxLength = 100;
if (InjectedScript.primitiveTypes[type]) {
if (type === "string" && value.length > maxLength) {
value = this._abbreviateString(value, maxLength, true);
preview.lossless = false;
this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, {
name: name,
type: type,
value: toStringDescription(value),
__proto__: null
var property = {
name: name,
type: type,
__proto__: null
var subtype = injectedScript._subtype(value);
if (subtype)
property.subtype = subtype;
if (secondLevelKeys === null || secondLevelKeys) {
var subPreview = this._generatePreview(value, secondLevelKeys || undefined, undefined, isTable);
property.valuePreview = subPreview;
if (!subPreview.lossless)
preview.lossless = false;
if (subPreview.overflow)
preview.overflow = true;
} else {
var description = "";
if (type !== "function")
description = this._abbreviateString((injectedScript._describe(value)), maxLength, subtype === "regexp");
property.value = description;
preview.lossless = false;
this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, property, propertiesThreshold);
_appendPropertyPreview: function(preview, property, propertiesThreshold)
if (toString(property.name >>> 0) === property.name)
if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0) {
preview.overflow = true;
preview.lossless = false;
} else {
push(preview.properties, property);
_appendEntriesPreview: function(object, preview, skipEntriesPreview)
var entries = InjectedScriptHost.collectionEntries(object);
if (!entries)
if (skipEntriesPreview) {
if (entries.length) {
preview.overflow = true;
preview.lossless = false;
preview.entries = [];
var entriesThreshold = 5;
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
if (preview.entries.length >= entriesThreshold) {
preview.overflow = true;
preview.lossless = false;
var entry = nullifyObjectProto(entries[i]);
var previewEntry = {
value: generateValuePreview(entry.value),
__proto__: null
if ("key" in entry)
previewEntry.key = generateValuePreview(entry.key);
push(preview.entries, previewEntry);
function generateValuePreview(value)
var remoteObject = new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(value, undefined, true, undefined, true, undefined, undefined, true);
var valuePreview = remoteObject.preview || remoteObject._createEmptyPreview();
if (!valuePreview.lossless)
preview.lossless = false;
return valuePreview;
_abbreviateString: function(string, maxLength, middle)
if (string.length <= maxLength)
return string;
if (middle) {
var leftHalf = maxLength >> 1;
var rightHalf = maxLength - leftHalf - 1;
return string.substr(0, leftHalf) + "u2026" + string.substr(string.length - rightHalf, rightHalf);
return string.substr(0, maxLength) + "u2026";
__proto__: null
InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy = function(ordinal, callFrame, asyncOrdinal)
this.callFrameId = "{"ordinal":" + ordinal + ","injectedScriptId":" + injectedScriptId + (asyncOrdinal ? ","asyncOrdinal":" + asyncOrdinal: "") + "}";
this.functionName = callFrame.functionName;
this.functionLocation = {
scriptId: toString(callFrame.sourceID),
lineNumber: callFrame.functionLine,
columnNumber: callFrame.functionColumn,
__proto__: null
this.location = {
scriptId: toString(callFrame.sourceID),
lineNumber: callFrame.line,
columnNumber: callFrame.column,
__proto__: null
this.scopeChain = this._wrapScopeChain(callFrame);
this.this = injectedScript._wrapObject(callFrame.thisObject, "backtrace");
if (callFrame.isAtReturn)
this.returnValue = injectedScript._wrapObject(callFrame.returnValue, "backtrace");
InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy.prototype = {
_wrapScopeChain: function(callFrame)
var scopeChain = callFrame.scopeChain;
var scopeChainProxy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < scopeChain.length; ++i)
scopeChainProxy[i] = InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._createScopeJson(callFrame.scopeType(i), callFrame.scopeName(i), scopeChain[i], "backtrace");
return scopeChainProxy;
__proto__: null
InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._scopeTypeNames = {
0: "global",
1: "local",
2: "with",
3: "closure",
4: "catch",
5: "block",
6: "script",
__proto__: null
InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._createScopeJson = function(scopeTypeCode, scopeName, scopeObject, groupId)
var scope = {
object: injectedScript._wrapObject(scopeObject, groupId),
type: InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._scopeTypeNames[scopeTypeCode],
__proto__: null
if (scopeName)
scope.name = scopeName;
return scope;
function CommandLineAPI(commandLineAPIImpl, callFrame)
function inScopeVariables(member)
if (!callFrame)
return (member in inspectedGlobalObject);
var scopeChain = callFrame.scopeChain;
for (var i = 0; i < scopeChain.length; ++i) {
if (member in scopeChain[i])
return true;
return false;
function customToStringMethod(name)
return function()
var funcArgsSyntax = "";
try {
var funcSyntax = "" + commandLineAPIImpl[name];
funcSyntax = funcSyntax.replace(/ /g, " ");
funcSyntax = funcSyntax.replace(/^function[^(]*(([^)]*)).*$/, "$1");
funcSyntax = funcSyntax.replace(/s*,s*/g, ", ");
funcSyntax = funcSyntax.replace(/opt_(w+)/g, "[$1]");
funcArgsSyntax = funcSyntax.trim();
} catch(e) {}
return "function " + name + "(" + funcArgsSyntax + ") { [Command Line API] }";
for (var i = 0; i < CommandLineAPI.members_.length; ++i) {
var member = CommandLineAPI.members_[i];
if (inScopeVariables(member))
this[member] = bind(commandLineAPIImpl[member], commandLineAPIImpl);
this[member].toString = customToStringMethod(member);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
var member = "$" + i;
if (inScopeVariables(member))
this.__defineGetter__("$" + i, bind(commandLineAPIImpl._inspectedObject, commandLineAPIImpl, i));
this.$_ = injectedScript._lastResult;
this.__proto__ = null;
CommandLineAPI.members_ = ["$", "$$", "$x", "dir", "dirxml", "keys", "values", "profile", "profileEnd", "monitorEvents", "unmonitorEvents", "inspect", "copy", "clear", "getEventListeners", "debug", "undebug", "monitor", "unmonitor", "table"];
function CommandLineAPIImpl()
CommandLineAPIImpl.prototype = {
$: function(selector, opt_startNode)
if (this._canQuerySelectorOnNode(opt_startNode))
return opt_startNode.querySelector(selector);
return inspectedGlobalObject.document.querySelector(selector);
$$: function(selector, opt_startNode)
if (this._canQuerySelectorOnNode(opt_startNode))
return slice(opt_startNode.querySelectorAll(selector));
return slice(inspectedGlobalObject.document.querySelectorAll(selector));
_canQuerySelectorOnNode: function(node)
return !! node && InjectedScriptHost.subtype(node) === "node" && (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE);
$x: function(xpath, opt_startNode)
var doc = (opt_startNode && opt_startNode.ownerDocument) || inspectedGlobalObject.document;
var result = doc.evaluate(xpath, opt_startNode || doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
switch (result.resultType) {
case XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE:
return result.numberValue;
case XPathResult.STRING_TYPE:
return result.stringValue;
case XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE:
return result.booleanValue;
var nodes = [];
var node;
while (node = result.iterateNext())
push(nodes, node);
return nodes;
dir: function(var_args)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.dir, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
dirxml: function(var_args)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.dirxml, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
keys: function(object)
return Object.keys(object);
values: function(object)
var result = [];
for (var key in object)
push(result, object[key]);
return result;
profile: function(opt_title)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.profile, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
profileEnd: function(opt_title)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.profileEnd, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
monitorEvents: function(object, opt_types)
if (!object || !object.addEventListener || !object.removeEventListener)
var types = this._normalizeEventTypes(opt_types);
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
object.removeEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false);
object.addEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false);
unmonitorEvents: function(object, opt_types)
if (!object || !object.addEventListener || !object.removeEventListener)
var types = this._normalizeEventTypes(opt_types);
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
object.removeEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false);
inspect: function(object)
return injectedScript._inspect(object);
copy: function(object)
var string;
if (injectedScript._subtype(object) === "node") {
string = object.outerHTML;
} else if (injectedScript.isPrimitiveValue(object)) {
string = toString(object);
} else {
try {
string = JSON.stringify(object, null, " ");
} catch(e) {
string = toString(object);
var hints = {
copyToClipboard: true,
__proto__: null
var remoteObject = injectedScript._wrapObject(string, "")
InjectedScriptHost.inspect(remoteObject, hints);
clear: function()
getEventListeners: function(node)
var result = nullifyObjectProto(InjectedScriptHost.getEventListeners(node));
if (!result)
return result;
var removeFunc = function()
node.removeEventListener(this.type, this.listener, this.useCapture);
for (var type in result) {
var listeners = result[type];
for (var i = 0, listener; listener = listeners[i]; ++i) {
listener["type"] = type;
listener["remove"] = removeFunc;
return result;
debug: function(fn)
undebug: function(fn)
monitor: function(fn)
unmonitor: function(fn)
table: function(data, opt_columns)
InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.table, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
_inspectedObject: function(num)
return InjectedScriptHost.inspectedObject(num);
_normalizeEventTypes: function(types)
if (typeof types === "undefined")
types = ["mouse", "key", "touch", "pointer", "control", "load", "unload", "abort", "error", "select", "input", "change", "submit", "reset", "focus", "blur", "resize", "scroll", "search", "devicemotion", "deviceorientation"];
else if (typeof types === "string")
types = [types];
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
if (types[i] === "mouse")
push(result, "click", "dblclick", "mousedown", "mouseeenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "mouseleave", "mousewheel");
else if (types[i] === "key")
push(result, "keydown", "keyup", "keypress", "textInput");
else if (types[i] === "touch")
push(result, "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel");
else if (types[i] === "pointer")
push(result, "pointerover", "pointerout", "pointerenter", "pointerleave", "pointerdown", "pointerup", "pointermove", "pointercancel", "gotpointercapture", "lostpointercapture");
else if (types[i] === "control")
push(result, "resize", "scroll", "zoom", "focus", "blur", "select", "input", "change", "submit", "reset");
push(result, types[i]);
return result;
_logEvent: function(event)
inspectedGlobalObject.console.log(event.type, event);
injectedScript._commandLineAPIImpl = new CommandLineAPIImpl();
return injectedScript;
(function(InjectedScriptHost, inspectedGlobalObject, injectedScriptId) {
var Object = ({}.constructor);
function push(array, var_args)
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
array[array.length] = arguments[i];
function slice(array, index)
var result = [];
for (var i = index || 0, j = 0; i < array.length; ++i, ++j)
result[j] = array[i];
return result;
function concat(array1, array2)
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i)
push(result, array1[i]);
for (var i = 0; i < array2.length; ++i)
push(result, array2[i]);
return result;
function toString(obj)
try {
return "" + obj;
} catch(e) {
var name = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(obj) || InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj) || (typeof obj);
return "#<" + name + ">";
function toStringDescription(obj)
if (typeof obj === "number" && obj === 0 && 1 / obj < 0)
return "-0";
return toString(obj);
function bind(func, thisObject, var_args)
var args = slice(arguments, 2);
function bound(var_args)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(func, thisObject, concat(args, slice(arguments)));
bound.toString = function()
return "bound: " + toString(func);
return bound;
function nullifyObjectProto(obj)
if (obj && typeof obj === "object")
obj.__proto__ = null;
return obj;
function isUInt32(obj)
if (typeof obj === "number")
return obj >>> 0 === obj && (obj > 0 || 1 / obj > 0);
return "" + (obj >>> 0) === obj;
function isArrayLike(obj)
if (typeof obj !== "object")
return false;
try {
if (typeof obj.splice === "function") {
if (!InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, obj, ["length"]))
return false;
var len = obj.length;
return typeof len === "number" && isUInt32(len);
} catch(e) {}
return false;
function max(a, b)
return a > b ? a: b;
function isSymbol(obj)
var type = typeof obj;
return (type === "symbol");
function indexOf(str, searchElement, fromIndex)
var len = str.length;
var n = fromIndex || 0;
var k = max(n >= 0 ? n: len + n, 0);
while (k < len) {
if (str[k] === searchElement)
return k; ++k;
return - 1;
var domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet = nullifyObjectProto({});
domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Request"] = nullifyObjectProto({});
domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Request"]["body"] = true;
domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Response"] = nullifyObjectProto({});
domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet["Response"]["body"] = true;
function doesAttributeHaveObservableSideEffectOnGet(object, attribute)
for (var interfaceName in domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet) {
var isInstance = InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(function(object, interfaceName) {
return typeof inspectedGlobalObject[interfaceName] === "function" && object instanceof inspectedGlobalObject[interfaceName];
null, [object, interfaceName]);
if (isInstance) {
return attribute in domAttributesWithObservableSideEffectOnGet[interfaceName];
return false;
var InjectedScript = function()
InjectedScript.primitiveTypes = {
"undefined": true,
"boolean": true,
"number": true,
"string": true,
__proto__: null
InjectedScript.prototype = {
isPrimitiveValue: function(object)
return InjectedScript.primitiveTypes[typeof object] && !this._isHTMLAllCollection(object);
wrapObject: function(object, groupName, canAccessInspectedGlobalObject, generatePreview)
if (canAccessInspectedGlobalObject)
return this._wrapObject(object, groupName, false, generatePreview);
return this._fallbackWrapper(object);
_fallbackWrapper: function(object)
var result = {
__proto__: null
result.type = typeof object;
if (this.isPrimitiveValue(object))
result.value = object;
result.description = toString(object);
return (result);
wrapTable: function(canAccessInspectedGlobalObject, table, columns)
if (!canAccessInspectedGlobalObject)
return this._fallbackWrapper(table);
var columnNames = null;
if (typeof columns === "string")
columns = [columns];
if (InjectedScriptHost.subtype(columns) === "array") {
columnNames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i)
columnNames[i] = toString(columns[i]);
return this._wrapObject(table, "console", false, true, columnNames, true);
_inspect: function(object)
if (arguments.length === 0)
var objectId = this._wrapObject(object, "");
var hints = {
__proto__: null
InjectedScriptHost.inspect(objectId, hints);
return object;
_wrapObject: function(object, objectGroupName, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, doNotBind, customObjectConfig)
try {
return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(object, objectGroupName, doNotBind, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, undefined, customObjectConfig);
} catch(e) {
try {
var description = injectedScript._describe(e);
} catch(ex) {
var description = "<failed to convert exception to string>";
return new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(description);
_bind: function(object, objectGroupName)
var id = InjectedScriptHost.bind(object, objectGroupName || "");
return "{"injectedScriptId":" + injectedScriptId + ","id":" + id + "}";
_parseObjectId: function(objectId)
return nullifyObjectProto((InjectedScriptHost.eval("(" + objectId + ")")));
clearLastEvaluationResult: function()
delete this._lastResult;
getProperties: function(objectId, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, generatePreview)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
if (!this._isDefined(object) || isSymbol(object))
return false;
object = (object);
var descriptors = [];
var iter = this._propertyDescriptors(object, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, undefined);
for (var descriptor of iter) {
if ("get" in descriptor)
descriptor.get = this._wrapObject(descriptor.get, objectGroupName);
if ("set" in descriptor)
descriptor.set = this._wrapObject(descriptor.set, objectGroupName);
if ("value" in descriptor)
descriptor.value = this._wrapObject(descriptor.value, objectGroupName, false, generatePreview);
if (! ("configurable" in descriptor))
descriptor.configurable = false;
if (! ("enumerable" in descriptor))
descriptor.enumerable = false;
if ("symbol" in descriptor)
descriptor.symbol = this._wrapObject(descriptor.symbol, objectGroupName);
push(descriptors, descriptor);
return descriptors;
getInternalProperties: function(objectId)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
if (!this._isDefined(object) || isSymbol(object))
return false;
object = (object);
var descriptors = [];
var internalProperties = InjectedScriptHost.getInternalProperties(object);
if (internalProperties) {
for (var i = 0; i < internalProperties.length; i += 2) {
var descriptor = {
name: internalProperties[i],
value: this._wrapObject(internalProperties[i + 1], objectGroupName),
__proto__: null
push(descriptors, descriptor);
return descriptors;
getFunctionDetails: function(functionId)
var parsedFunctionId = this._parseObjectId(functionId);
var func = this._objectForId(parsedFunctionId);
if (typeof func !== "function")
return "Cannot resolve function by id.";
var details = nullifyObjectProto((InjectedScriptHost.functionDetails(func)));
if ("rawScopes" in details) {
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedFunctionId.id);
var rawScopes = details["rawScopes"];
delete details["rawScopes"];
var scopes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rawScopes.length; ++i)
scopes[i] = InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._createScopeJson(rawScopes[i].type, rawScopes[i].name, rawScopes[i].object, objectGroupName);
details.scopeChain = scopes;
return details;
getGeneratorObjectDetails: function(objectId)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
if (!object || typeof object !== "object")
return "Could not find object with given id";
var details = nullifyObjectProto((InjectedScriptHost.generatorObjectDetails(object)));
if (!details)
return "Object is not a generator";
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
details["function"] = this._wrapObject(details["function"], objectGroupName);
return details;
getCollectionEntries: function(objectId)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
if (!object || typeof object !== "object")
return "Could not find object with given id";
var entries = InjectedScriptHost.collectionEntries(object);
if (!entries)
return "Object with given id is not a collection";
var objectGroupName = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
var entry = nullifyObjectProto(entries[i]);
if ("key" in entry)
entry.key = this._wrapObject(entry.key, objectGroupName);
entry.value = this._wrapObject(entry.value, objectGroupName);
entries[i] = entry;
return entries;
_propertyDescriptors: function * (object, ownProperties, accessorPropertiesOnly, propertyNamesOnly)
var propertyProcessed = {
__proto__: null
function * process(o, properties)
for (var property of properties) {
if (propertyProcessed[property])
var name = property;
if (isSymbol(property))
name = (injectedScript._describe(property));
try {
propertyProcessed[property] = true;
var descriptor = nullifyObjectProto(InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Object, [o, property]));
if (descriptor) {
if (accessorPropertiesOnly && !("get" in descriptor || "set" in descriptor))
if ("get" in descriptor && "set" in descriptor && name != "__proto__" && InjectedScriptHost.formatAccessorsAsProperties(object) && !doesAttributeHaveObservableSideEffectOnGet(object, name)) {
descriptor.value = InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(function(attribute) {
return this[attribute];
object, [name]);
descriptor.isOwn = true;
delete descriptor.get;
delete descriptor.set;
} else {
if (accessorPropertiesOnly)
try {
descriptor = {
name: name,
value: o[property],
writable: false,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
__proto__: null
if (o === object)
descriptor.isOwn = true;
yield descriptor;
} catch(e) {}
} catch(e) {
if (accessorPropertiesOnly)
var descriptor = {
__proto__: null
descriptor.value = e;
descriptor.wasThrown = true;
descriptor.name = name;
if (o === object)
descriptor.isOwn = true;
if (isSymbol(property))
descriptor.symbol = property;
yield descriptor;
function * arrayIndexNames(length)
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
yield "" + i;
if (propertyNamesOnly) {
for (var i = 0; i < propertyNamesOnly.length; ++i) {
var name = propertyNamesOnly[i];
for (var o = object; this._isDefined(o); o = o.__proto__) {
if (InjectedScriptHost.suppressWarningsAndCallFunction(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, o, [name])) {
for (var descriptor of process(o, [name]))
yield descriptor;
if (ownProperties)
var skipGetOwnPropertyNames;
try {
skipGetOwnPropertyNames = InjectedScriptHost.isTypedArray(object) && object.length > 500000;
} catch(e) {}
for (var o = object; this._isDefined(o); o = o.__proto__) {
if (skipGetOwnPropertyNames && o === object) {
for (var descriptor of process(o, arrayIndexNames(o.length)))
yield descriptor;
} else {
for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.keys((o))))
yield descriptor;
for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.getOwnPropertyNames((o))))
yield descriptor;
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
for (var descriptor of process(o, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols((o))))
yield descriptor;
if (ownProperties) {
if (object.__proto__ && !accessorPropertiesOnly)
yield {
name: "__proto__",
value: object.__proto__,
writable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
isOwn: true,
__proto__: null
evaluate: function(expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview)
return this._evaluateAndWrap(null, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview);
callFunctionOn: function(objectId, expression, args, returnByValue)
var parsedObjectId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
var object = this._objectForId(parsedObjectId);
if (!this._isDefined(object))
return "Could not find object with given id";
if (args) {
var resolvedArgs = [];
var callArgs = (InjectedScriptHost.eval(args));
for (var i = 0; i < callArgs.length; ++i) {
try {
resolvedArgs[i] = this._resolveCallArgument(callArgs[i]);
} catch(e) {
return toString(e);
var objectGroup = InjectedScriptHost.idToObjectGroupName(parsedObjectId.id);
function wrap(object, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, customObjectConfig)
return this._wrapObject(object, objectGroup, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, false, customObjectConfig);
try {
var remoteObjectAPI = {
bindRemoteObject: bind(wrap, this),
__proto__: null
InjectedScriptHost.setNonEnumProperty(inspectedGlobalObject, "__remoteObjectAPI", remoteObjectAPI);
var func = InjectedScriptHost.eval("with (typeof __remoteObjectAPI !== 'undefined' ? __remoteObjectAPI : { __proto__: null }) {(" + expression + ")}");
if (typeof func !== "function")
return "Given expression does not evaluate to a function";
return {
wasThrown: false,
result: this._wrapObject(InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(func, object, resolvedArgs), objectGroup, returnByValue),
__proto__: null
} catch(e) {
return this._createThrownValue(e, objectGroup, false);
} finally {
try {
delete inspectedGlobalObject["__remoteObjectAPI"];
} catch(e) {}
_substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview: function(objectGroupName, jsonMLObject)
var maxCustomPreviewRecursionDepth = 20;
this._customPreviewRecursionDepth = (this._customPreviewRecursionDepth || 0) + 1
try {
if (this._customPreviewRecursionDepth >= maxCustomPreviewRecursionDepth)
throw new Error("Too deep hierarchy of inlined custom previews");
if (!isArrayLike(jsonMLObject))
if (jsonMLObject[0] === "object") {
var attributes = jsonMLObject[1];
var originObject = attributes["object"];
var config = attributes["config"];
if (typeof originObject === "undefined")
throw new Error("Illegal format: obligatory attribute "object" isn't specified");
jsonMLObject[1] = this._wrapObject(originObject, objectGroupName, false, false, null, false, false, config);
for (var i = 0; i < jsonMLObject.length; ++i)
this._substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview(objectGroupName, jsonMLObject[i]);
} finally {
_resolveCallArgument: function(callArgumentJson)
callArgumentJson = nullifyObjectProto(callArgumentJson);
var objectId = callArgumentJson.objectId;
if (objectId) {
var parsedArgId = this._parseObjectId(objectId);
if (!parsedArgId || parsedArgId["injectedScriptId"] !== injectedScriptId)
throw "Arguments should belong to the same JavaScript world as the target object.";
var resolvedArg = this._objectForId(parsedArgId);
if (!this._isDefined(resolvedArg))
throw "Could not find object with given id";
return resolvedArg;
} else if ("value" in callArgumentJson) {
var value = callArgumentJson.value;
if (callArgumentJson.type === "number" && typeof value !== "number")
value = Number(value);
return value;
return undefined;
_evaluateAndWrap: function(callFrame, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview, scopeChain)
var wrappedResult = this._evaluateOn(callFrame, objectGroup, expression, injectCommandLineAPI, scopeChain);
if (!wrappedResult.exceptionDetails) {
return {
wasThrown: false,
result: this._wrapObject(wrappedResult.result, objectGroup, returnByValue, generatePreview),
__proto__: null
return this._createThrownValue(wrappedResult.result, objectGroup, generatePreview, wrappedResult.exceptionDetails);
_createThrownValue: function(value, objectGroup, generatePreview, exceptionDetails)
var remoteObject = this._wrapObject(value, objectGroup, false, generatePreview && InjectedScriptHost.subtype(value) !== "error");
if (!remoteObject.description) {
try {
remoteObject.description = toStringDescription(value);
} catch(e) {}
return {
wasThrown: true,
result: remoteObject,
exceptionDetails: exceptionDetails,
__proto__: null
_evaluateOn: function(callFrame, objectGroup, expression, injectCommandLineAPI, scopeChain)
var scopeExtensionForEval = (callFrame && injectCommandLineAPI) ? new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, callFrame) : undefined;
var injectScopeChain = scopeChain && scopeChain.length && !("__scopeChainForEval" in inspectedGlobalObject);
try {
var prefix = "";
var suffix = "";
if (injectScopeChain) {
InjectedScriptHost.setNonEnumProperty(inspectedGlobalObject, "__scopeChainForEval", scopeChain);
for (var i = 0; i < scopeChain.length; ++i) {
prefix = "with (typeof __scopeChainForEval !== 'undefined' ? __scopeChainForEval[" + i + "] : { __proto__: null }) {" + (suffix ? " ": "") + prefix;
if (suffix)
suffix += " }";
suffix = "}";
if (prefix)
expression = prefix + " " + expression + " " + suffix;
var wrappedResult = callFrame ? callFrame.evaluateWithExceptionDetails(expression, scopeExtensionForEval) : InjectedScriptHost.evaluateWithExceptionDetails(expression, injectCommandLineAPI ? new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, callFrame) : undefined);
if (objectGroup === "console" && !wrappedResult.exceptionDetails)
this._lastResult = wrappedResult.result;
return wrappedResult;
} finally {
if (injectScopeChain) {
try {
delete inspectedGlobalObject["__scopeChainForEval"];
} catch(e) {}
wrapCallFrames: function(callFrame, asyncOrdinal)
if (!callFrame)
return false;
var result = [];
var depth = 0;
do {
result[depth] = new InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy(depth, callFrame, asyncOrdinal);
callFrame = callFrame.caller; ++depth;
while (callFrame);
return result;
evaluateOnCallFrame: function(topCallFrame, isAsyncStack, callFrameId, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview)
var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId);
if (!callFrame)
return "Could not find call frame with given id";
if (isAsyncStack)
return this._evaluateAndWrap(null, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview, callFrame.scopeChain);
return this._evaluateAndWrap(callFrame, expression, objectGroup, injectCommandLineAPI, returnByValue, generatePreview);
restartFrame: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId)
var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId);
if (!callFrame)
return "Could not find call frame with given id";
return callFrame.restart();
getStepInPositions: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId)
var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId);
if (!callFrame)
return "Could not find call frame with given id";
var stepInPositionsUnpacked = JSON.parse(callFrame.stepInPositions);
if (typeof stepInPositionsUnpacked !== "object")
return "Step in positions not available";
return stepInPositionsUnpacked;
setVariableValue: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId, functionObjectId, scopeNumber, variableName, newValueJsonString)
try {
var newValueJson = (InjectedScriptHost.eval("(" + newValueJsonString + ")"));
var resolvedValue = this._resolveCallArgument(newValueJson);
if (typeof callFrameId === "string") {
var callFrame = this._callFrameForId(topCallFrame, callFrameId);
if (!callFrame)
return "Could not find call frame with given id";
callFrame.setVariableValue(scopeNumber, variableName, resolvedValue)
} else {
var parsedFunctionId = this._parseObjectId((functionObjectId));
var func = this._objectForId(parsedFunctionId);
if (typeof func !== "function")
return "Could not resolve function by id";
InjectedScriptHost.setFunctionVariableValue(func, scopeNumber, variableName, resolvedValue);
} catch(e) {
return toString(e);
return undefined;
commandLineAPI: function()
return new CommandLineAPI(this._commandLineAPIImpl, null);
_callFrameForId: function(topCallFrame, callFrameId)
var parsedCallFrameId = nullifyObjectProto((InjectedScriptHost.eval("(" + callFrameId + ")")));
var ordinal = parsedCallFrameId["ordinal"];
var callFrame = topCallFrame;
while (--ordinal >= 0 && callFrame)
callFrame = callFrame.caller;
return callFrame;
_objectForId: function(objectId)
return objectId.injectedScriptId === injectedScriptId ? (InjectedScriptHost.objectForId(objectId.id)) : void 0;
_isDefined: function(object)
return !! object || this._isHTMLAllCollection(object);
_isHTMLAllCollection: function(object)
return (typeof object === "undefined") && !!InjectedScriptHost.subtype(object);
_subtype: function(obj)
if (obj === null)
return "null";
if (this.isPrimitiveValue(obj))
return null;
var subtype = InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj);
if (subtype)
return subtype;
if (isArrayLike(obj))
return "array";
return null;
_describe: function(obj)
if (this.isPrimitiveValue(obj))
return null;
var subtype = this._subtype(obj);
if (subtype === "regexp")
return toString(obj);
if (subtype === "date")
return toString(obj);
if (subtype === "node") {
var description = obj.nodeName.toLowerCase();
switch (obj.nodeType) {
case 1:
description += obj.id ? "#" + obj.id: "";
var className = obj.className;
description += (className && typeof className === "string") ? "." + className.trim().replace(/s+/g, ".") : "";
case 10:
description = "<!DOCTYPE " + description + ">";
return description;
var className = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(obj);
if (subtype === "array") {
if (typeof obj.length === "number")
className += "[" + obj.length + "]";
return className;
if (typeof obj === "function")
return toString(obj);
if (isSymbol(obj)) {
try {
return (InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(Symbol.prototype.toString, obj)) || "Symbol";
} catch(e) {
return "Symbol";
if (InjectedScriptHost.subtype(obj) === "error") {
try {
var stack = obj.stack;
var message = obj.message && obj.message.length ? ": " + obj.message: "";
var firstCallFrame = /^s+ats/m.exec(stack);
var stackMessageEnd = firstCallFrame ? firstCallFrame.index: -1;
if (stackMessageEnd !== -1) {
var stackTrace = stack.substr(stackMessageEnd);
return className + message + " " + stackTrace;
return className + message;
} catch(e) {}
return className;
setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled: function(enabled)
this._customObjectFormatterEnabled = enabled;
var injectedScript = new InjectedScript();
InjectedScript.RemoteObject = function(object, objectGroupName, doNotBind, forceValueType, generatePreview, columnNames, isTable, skipEntriesPreview, customObjectConfig)
this.type = typeof object;
if (this.type === "undefined" && injectedScript._isHTMLAllCollection(object))
this.type = "object";
if (injectedScript.isPrimitiveValue(object) || object === null || forceValueType) {
if (this.type !== "undefined")
this.value = object;
if (object === null)
this.subtype = "null";
if (this.type === "number") {
this.description = toStringDescription(object);
switch (this.description) {
case "NaN":
case "Infinity":
case "-Infinity":
case "-0":
this.value = this.description;
object = (object);
if (!doNotBind)
this.objectId = injectedScript._bind(object, objectGroupName);
var subtype = injectedScript._subtype(object);
if (subtype)
this.subtype = subtype;
var className = InjectedScriptHost.internalConstructorName(object);
if (className)
this.className = className;
this.description = injectedScript._describe(object);
if (generatePreview && this.type === "object" && this.subtype !== "node")
this.preview = this._generatePreview(object, undefined, columnNames, isTable, skipEntriesPreview);
if (injectedScript._customObjectFormatterEnabled) {
var customPreview = this._customPreview(object, objectGroupName, customObjectConfig);
if (customPreview)
this.customPreview = customPreview;
InjectedScript.RemoteObject.prototype = {
_customPreview: function(object, objectGroupName, customObjectConfig)
function logError(error)
Promise.resolve().then(inspectedGlobalObject.console.error.bind(inspectedGlobalObject.console, "Custom Formatter Failed: " + error.message));
try {
var formatters = inspectedGlobalObject["devtoolsFormatters"];
if (!formatters || !isArrayLike(formatters))
return null;
for (var i = 0; i < formatters.length; ++i) {
try {
var formatted = formatters[i].header(object, customObjectConfig);
if (!formatted)
var hasBody = formatters[i].hasBody(object, customObjectConfig);
injectedScript._substituteObjectTagsInCustomPreview(objectGroupName, formatted);
var formatterObjectId = injectedScript._bind(formatters[i], objectGroupName);
var result = {
header: JSON.stringify(formatted),
hasBody: !!hasBody,
formatterObjectId: formatterObjectId
if (customObjectConfig)
result["configObjectId"] = injectedScript._bind(customObjectConfig, objectGroupName);
return result;
} catch(e) {
} catch(e) {
return null;
_createEmptyPreview: function()
var preview = {
type: (this.type),
description: this.description || toStringDescription(this.value),
lossless: true,
overflow: false,
properties: [],
__proto__: null
if (this.subtype)
preview.subtype = (this.subtype);
return preview;
_generatePreview: function(object, firstLevelKeys, secondLevelKeys, isTable, skipEntriesPreview)
var preview = this._createEmptyPreview();
var firstLevelKeysCount = firstLevelKeys ? firstLevelKeys.length: 0;
var propertiesThreshold = {
properties: isTable ? 1000: max(5, firstLevelKeysCount),
indexes: isTable ? 1000: max(100, firstLevelKeysCount),
__proto__: null
try {
var descriptors = injectedScript._propertyDescriptors(object, undefined, undefined, firstLevelKeys);
this._appendPropertyDescriptors(preview, descriptors, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable);
if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0)
return preview;
var rawInternalProperties = InjectedScriptHost.getInternalProperties(object) || [];
var internalProperties = [];
for (var i = 0; i < rawInternalProperties.length; i += 2) {
push(internalProperties, {
name: rawInternalProperties[i],
value: rawInternalProperties[i + 1],
isOwn: true,
enumerable: true,
__proto__: null
this._appendPropertyDescriptors(preview, internalProperties, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable);
if (this.subtype === "map" || this.subtype === "set" || this.subtype === "iterator")
this._appendEntriesPreview(object, preview, skipEntriesPreview);
} catch(e) {
preview.lossless = false;
return preview;
_appendPropertyDescriptors: function(preview, descriptors, propertiesThreshold, secondLevelKeys, isTable)
for (var descriptor of descriptors) {
if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0)
if (!descriptor)
if (descriptor.wasThrown) {
preview.lossless = false;
var name = descriptor.name;
if (name === "__proto__")
if (!descriptor.isOwn && !descriptor.enumerable)
if (this.subtype === "array" && name === "length")
if ((this.subtype === "map" || this.subtype === "set") && name === "size")
if (!descriptor.isOwn) {
preview.lossless = false;
if (! ("value" in descriptor)) {
preview.lossless = false;
var value = descriptor.value;
var type = typeof value;
if (type === "function" && (this.subtype !== "array" || !isUInt32(name))) {
preview.lossless = false;
if (type === "undefined" && injectedScript._isHTMLAllCollection(value))
type = "object";
if (value === null) {
this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, {
name: name,
type: "object",
subtype: "null",
value: "null",
__proto__: null
var maxLength = 100;
if (InjectedScript.primitiveTypes[type]) {
if (type === "string" && value.length > maxLength) {
value = this._abbreviateString(value, maxLength, true);
preview.lossless = false;
this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, {
name: name,
type: type,
value: toStringDescription(value),
__proto__: null
var property = {
name: name,
type: type,
__proto__: null
var subtype = injectedScript._subtype(value);
if (subtype)
property.subtype = subtype;
if (secondLevelKeys === null || secondLevelKeys) {
var subPreview = this._generatePreview(value, secondLevelKeys || undefined, undefined, isTable);
property.valuePreview = subPreview;
if (!subPreview.lossless)
preview.lossless = false;
if (subPreview.overflow)
preview.overflow = true;
} else {
var description = "";
if (type !== "function")
description = this._abbreviateString((injectedScript._describe(value)), maxLength, subtype === "regexp");
property.value = description;
preview.lossless = false;
this._appendPropertyPreview(preview, property, propertiesThreshold);
_appendPropertyPreview: function(preview, property, propertiesThreshold)
if (toString(property.name >>> 0) === property.name)
if (propertiesThreshold.indexes < 0 || propertiesThreshold.properties < 0) {
preview.overflow = true;
preview.lossless = false;
} else {
push(preview.properties, property);
_appendEntriesPreview: function(object, preview, skipEntriesPreview)
var entries = InjectedScriptHost.collectionEntries(object);
if (!entries)
if (skipEntriesPreview) {
if (entries.length) {
preview.overflow = true;
preview.lossless = false;
preview.entries = [];
var entriesThreshold = 5;
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; ++i) {
if (preview.entries.length >= entriesThreshold) {
preview.overflow = true;
preview.lossless = false;
var entry = nullifyObjectProto(entries[i]);
var previewEntry = {
value: generateValuePreview(entry.value),
__proto__: null
if ("key" in entry)
previewEntry.key = generateValuePreview(entry.key);
push(preview.entries, previewEntry);
function generateValuePreview(value)
var remoteObject = new InjectedScript.RemoteObject(value, undefined, true, undefined, true, undefined, undefined, true);
var valuePreview = remoteObject.preview || remoteObject._createEmptyPreview();
if (!valuePreview.lossless)
preview.lossless = false;
return valuePreview;
_abbreviateString: function(string, maxLength, middle)
if (string.length <= maxLength)
return string;
if (middle) {
var leftHalf = maxLength >> 1;
var rightHalf = maxLength - leftHalf - 1;
return string.substr(0, leftHalf) + "u2026" + string.substr(string.length - rightHalf, rightHalf);
return string.substr(0, maxLength) + "u2026";
__proto__: null
InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy = function(ordinal, callFrame, asyncOrdinal)
this.callFrameId = "{"ordinal":" + ordinal + ","injectedScriptId":" + injectedScriptId + (asyncOrdinal ? ","asyncOrdinal":" + asyncOrdinal: "") + "}";
this.functionName = callFrame.functionName;
this.functionLocation = {
scriptId: toString(callFrame.sourceID),
lineNumber: callFrame.functionLine,
columnNumber: callFrame.functionColumn,
__proto__: null
this.location = {
scriptId: toString(callFrame.sourceID),
lineNumber: callFrame.line,
columnNumber: callFrame.column,
__proto__: null
this.scopeChain = this._wrapScopeChain(callFrame);
this.this = injectedScript._wrapObject(callFrame.thisObject, "backtrace");
if (callFrame.isAtReturn)
this.returnValue = injectedScript._wrapObject(callFrame.returnValue, "backtrace");
InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy.prototype = {
_wrapScopeChain: function(callFrame)
var scopeChain = callFrame.scopeChain;
var scopeChainProxy = [];
for (var i = 0; i < scopeChain.length; ++i)
scopeChainProxy[i] = InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._createScopeJson(callFrame.scopeType(i), callFrame.scopeName(i), scopeChain[i], "backtrace");
return scopeChainProxy;
__proto__: null
InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._scopeTypeNames = {
0: "global",
1: "local",
2: "with",
3: "closure",
4: "catch",
5: "block",
6: "script",
__proto__: null
InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._createScopeJson = function(scopeTypeCode, scopeName, scopeObject, groupId)
var scope = {
object: injectedScript._wrapObject(scopeObject, groupId),
type: InjectedScript.CallFrameProxy._scopeTypeNames[scopeTypeCode],
__proto__: null
if (scopeName)
scope.name = scopeName;
return scope;
function CommandLineAPI(commandLineAPIImpl, callFrame)
function inScopeVariables(member)
if (!callFrame)
return (member in inspectedGlobalObject);
var scopeChain = callFrame.scopeChain;
for (var i = 0; i < scopeChain.length; ++i) {
if (member in scopeChain[i])
return true;
return false;
function customToStringMethod(name)
return function()
var funcArgsSyntax = "";
try {
var funcSyntax = "" + commandLineAPIImpl[name];
funcSyntax = funcSyntax.replace(/ /g, " ");
funcSyntax = funcSyntax.replace(/^function[^(]*(([^)]*)).*$/, "$1");
funcSyntax = funcSyntax.replace(/s*,s*/g, ", ");
funcSyntax = funcSyntax.replace(/opt_(w+)/g, "[$1]");
funcArgsSyntax = funcSyntax.trim();
} catch(e) {}
return "function " + name + "(" + funcArgsSyntax + ") { [Command Line API] }";
for (var i = 0; i < CommandLineAPI.members_.length; ++i) {
var member = CommandLineAPI.members_[i];
if (inScopeVariables(member))
this[member] = bind(commandLineAPIImpl[member], commandLineAPIImpl);
this[member].toString = customToStringMethod(member);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
var member = "$" + i;
if (inScopeVariables(member))
this.__defineGetter__("$" + i, bind(commandLineAPIImpl._inspectedObject, commandLineAPIImpl, i));
this.$_ = injectedScript._lastResult;
this.__proto__ = null;
CommandLineAPI.members_ = ["$", "$$", "$x", "dir", "dirxml", "keys", "values", "profile", "profileEnd", "monitorEvents", "unmonitorEvents", "inspect", "copy", "clear", "getEventListeners", "debug", "undebug", "monitor", "unmonitor", "table"];
function CommandLineAPIImpl()
CommandLineAPIImpl.prototype = {
$: function(selector, opt_startNode)
if (this._canQuerySelectorOnNode(opt_startNode))
return opt_startNode.querySelector(selector);
return inspectedGlobalObject.document.querySelector(selector);
$$: function(selector, opt_startNode)
if (this._canQuerySelectorOnNode(opt_startNode))
return slice(opt_startNode.querySelectorAll(selector));
return slice(inspectedGlobalObject.document.querySelectorAll(selector));
_canQuerySelectorOnNode: function(node)
return !! node && InjectedScriptHost.subtype(node) === "node" && (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE);
$x: function(xpath, opt_startNode)
var doc = (opt_startNode && opt_startNode.ownerDocument) || inspectedGlobalObject.document;
var result = doc.evaluate(xpath, opt_startNode || doc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
switch (result.resultType) {
case XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE:
return result.numberValue;
case XPathResult.STRING_TYPE:
return result.stringValue;
case XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE:
return result.booleanValue;
var nodes = [];
var node;
while (node = result.iterateNext())
push(nodes, node);
return nodes;
dir: function(var_args)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.dir, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
dirxml: function(var_args)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.dirxml, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
keys: function(object)
return Object.keys(object);
values: function(object)
var result = [];
for (var key in object)
push(result, object[key]);
return result;
profile: function(opt_title)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.profile, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
profileEnd: function(opt_title)
return InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.profileEnd, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
monitorEvents: function(object, opt_types)
if (!object || !object.addEventListener || !object.removeEventListener)
var types = this._normalizeEventTypes(opt_types);
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
object.removeEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false);
object.addEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false);
unmonitorEvents: function(object, opt_types)
if (!object || !object.addEventListener || !object.removeEventListener)
var types = this._normalizeEventTypes(opt_types);
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
object.removeEventListener(types[i], this._logEvent, false);
inspect: function(object)
return injectedScript._inspect(object);
copy: function(object)
var string;
if (injectedScript._subtype(object) === "node") {
string = object.outerHTML;
} else if (injectedScript.isPrimitiveValue(object)) {
string = toString(object);
} else {
try {
string = JSON.stringify(object, null, " ");
} catch(e) {
string = toString(object);
var hints = {
copyToClipboard: true,
__proto__: null
var remoteObject = injectedScript._wrapObject(string, "")
InjectedScriptHost.inspect(remoteObject, hints);
clear: function()
getEventListeners: function(node)
var result = nullifyObjectProto(InjectedScriptHost.getEventListeners(node));
if (!result)
return result;
var removeFunc = function()
node.removeEventListener(this.type, this.listener, this.useCapture);
for (var type in result) {
var listeners = result[type];
for (var i = 0, listener; listener = listeners[i]; ++i) {
listener["type"] = type;
listener["remove"] = removeFunc;
return result;
debug: function(fn)
undebug: function(fn)
monitor: function(fn)
unmonitor: function(fn)
table: function(data, opt_columns)
InjectedScriptHost.callFunction(inspectedGlobalObject.console.table, inspectedGlobalObject.console, slice(arguments));
_inspectedObject: function(num)
return InjectedScriptHost.inspectedObject(num);
_normalizeEventTypes: function(types)
if (typeof types === "undefined")
types = ["mouse", "key", "touch", "pointer", "control", "load", "unload", "abort", "error", "select", "input", "change", "submit", "reset", "focus", "blur", "resize", "scroll", "search", "devicemotion", "deviceorientation"];
else if (typeof types === "string")
types = [types];
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
if (types[i] === "mouse")
push(result, "click", "dblclick", "mousedown", "mouseeenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "mouseleave", "mousewheel");
else if (types[i] === "key")
push(result, "keydown", "keyup", "keypress", "textInput");
else if (types[i] === "touch")
push(result, "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel");
else if (types[i] === "pointer")
push(result, "pointerover", "pointerout", "pointerenter", "pointerleave", "pointerdown", "pointerup", "pointermove", "pointercancel", "gotpointercapture", "lostpointercapture");
else if (types[i] === "control")
push(result, "resize", "scroll", "zoom", "focus", "blur", "select", "input", "change", "submit", "reset");
push(result, types[i]);
return result;
_logEvent: function(event)
inspectedGlobalObject.console.log(event.type, event);
injectedScript._commandLineAPIImpl = new CommandLineAPIImpl();
return injectedScript;