using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Proxy Pattern Example Judith Bishop Aug 2007
// Sets up a SpaceBook page with registration and authentication
class SpaceBookSystem {
// The Subject
private class SpaceBook {
static SortedList <string,SpaceBook> community =
new SortedList <string,SpaceBook> (100);
string pages;
string name;
string gap = "\n\t\t\t\t";
static public bool IsUnique (string name) {
return community.ContainsKey(name);
internal SpaceBook (string n) {
name = n;
community [n] = this;
internal void Add(string s) {
pages += gap+s;
Console.Write(gap+"======== "+name+"'s SpaceBook =========");
internal void Add(string friend, string message) {
internal void Poke (string who, string friend) {
community[who].pages += gap + friend + " poked you";
// The Proxy
public class MySpaceBook {
// Combination of a virtual and authentication proxy
SpaceBook mySpaceBook;
string password;
string name;
bool loggedIn = false;
void Register () {
Console.WriteLine("Let's register you for SpaceBook");
do {
Console.WriteLine("All SpaceBook names must be unique");
Console.Write("Type in a user name: ");
name = Console.ReadLine();
} while (SpaceBook.IsUnique(name));
Console.Write("Type in a password: ");
password = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Thanks for registering with SpaceBook");
bool Authenticate () {
Console.Write("Welcome "+name+". Please type in your password: ");
string supplied = Console.ReadLine();
if (supplied==password) {
loggedIn = true;
Console.WriteLine("Logged into SpaceBook");
if (mySpaceBook == null)
mySpaceBook = new SpaceBook(name);
return true;
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect password");
return false;
public void Add(string message) {
if (loggedIn) mySpaceBook.Add(message);
public void Add(string friend, string message) {
if (loggedIn)
mySpaceBook.Add(friend, name + " said: "+message);
public void Poke(string who) {
if (loggedIn)
void Check() {
if (!loggedIn)
if (password==null)
if (mySpaceBook == null)
// The Client
class ProxyPattern : SpaceBookSystem {
static void Main () {
MySpaceBook me = new MySpaceBook();
me.Add("Hello world");
me.Add("Today I worked 18 hours");
MySpaceBook tom = new MySpaceBook();
tom.Add("Judith","Poor you");
tom.Add("Off to see the Lion King tonight");
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Proxy Pattern Example Judith Bishop Aug 2007
// Sets up a SpaceBook page with registration and authentication
class SpaceBookSystem {
// The Subject
private class SpaceBook {
static SortedList <string,SpaceBook> community =
new SortedList <string,SpaceBook> (100);
string pages;
string name;
string gap = "\n\t\t\t\t";
static public bool IsUnique (string name) {
return community.ContainsKey(name);
internal SpaceBook (string n) {
name = n;
community [n] = this;
internal void Add(string s) {
pages += gap+s;
Console.Write(gap+"======== "+name+"'s SpaceBook =========");
internal void Add(string friend, string message) {
internal void Poke (string who, string friend) {
community[who].pages += gap + friend + " poked you";
// The Proxy
public class MySpaceBook {
// Combination of a virtual and authentication proxy
SpaceBook mySpaceBook;
string password;
string name;
bool loggedIn = false;
void Register () {
Console.WriteLine("Let's register you for SpaceBook");
do {
Console.WriteLine("All SpaceBook names must be unique");
Console.Write("Type in a user name: ");
name = Console.ReadLine();
} while (SpaceBook.IsUnique(name));
Console.Write("Type in a password: ");
password = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Thanks for registering with SpaceBook");
bool Authenticate () {
Console.Write("Welcome "+name+". Please type in your password: ");
string supplied = Console.ReadLine();
if (supplied==password) {
loggedIn = true;
Console.WriteLine("Logged into SpaceBook");
if (mySpaceBook == null)
mySpaceBook = new SpaceBook(name);
return true;
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect password");
return false;
public void Add(string message) {
if (loggedIn) mySpaceBook.Add(message);
public void Add(string friend, string message) {
if (loggedIn)
mySpaceBook.Add(friend, name + " said: "+message);
public void Poke(string who) {
if (loggedIn)
void Check() {
if (!loggedIn)
if (password==null)
if (mySpaceBook == null)
// The Client
class ProxyPattern : SpaceBookSystem {
static void Main () {
MySpaceBook me = new MySpaceBook();
me.Add("Hello world");
me.Add("Today I worked 18 hours");
MySpaceBook tom = new MySpaceBook();
tom.Add("Judith","Poor you");
tom.Add("Off to see the Lion King tonight");