Apache Commons Codec 1.7 发布,该版本要求 Java 6 的支持。
这是 Commons 项目中用来处理常用的编码方法的工具类包,例如DES、SHA1、MD5、Base64等等。
New features:
o CODEC-157: DigestUtils: Add MD2 APIs. Thanks to ggregory.
o CODEC-156: DigestUtils: add APIs named after standard algorithm name
SHA-1. Thanks to ggregory.
o CODEC-155: DigestUtils.getDigest(String) should throw
IllegalArgumentException instead of RuntimeException. Thanks to ggregory.
o CODEC-153: Create a class MessageDigestAlgorithms to define standard
algorithm names. Thanks to ggregory.
o CODEC-152: DigestUtils.getDigest(String) loses the original exception.
Thanks to ggregory.
o CODEC-151: Remove unnecessary attempt to fill up the salt variable in
UnixCrypt. Thanks to lathspell.
o CODEC-150: Remove unnecessary call to Math.abs(). Thanks to lathspell.
o CODEC-148: More tests and minor things. Thanks to lathspell.
o CODEC-146: Added regression tests for PhoneticEngine based on
Solr-3.6.0. Thanks to Julius Davies.
o CODEC-139: DigestUtils: add updateDigest methods and make methods
public. Thanks to dsebastien.
o CODEC-133: Add classes for MD5/SHA1/SHA-512-based Unix crypt(3) hash
variants. Thanks to lathspell.
o CODEC-130: Base64InputStream.skip skips underlying stream, not output.
Thanks to tn.
o CODEC-63: Implement NYSIIS phonetic encoder. Thanks to bayard.
Fixed Bugs:
o CODEC-96: Base64 encode() method is no longer thread-safe, breaking
clients using it as a shared BinaryEncoder.
Note: the fix breaks binary compatibility, however the
changes are to a class (BaseNCodec) which is
intended for internal use. Thanks to sebb.
o CODEC-138: Complete FilterInputStream interface for
o CODEC-136: Use Charset objects when possible, create Charsets for
required character encodings.
o CODEC-132: BeiderMorseEncoder OOM issues. Thanks to rcmuir.
o CODEC-131: DoubleMetaphone javadoc contains dead links. Thanks to smolav.
o CODEC-147: BeiderMorseEncoder/PhoneticEngine: make results deterministic
by using a LinkedHashSet
instead of a HashSet.
o CODEC-143: StringBuffer could be replaced by StringBuilder for local