在ServerA上安装oozie测试数据库时遇到该提示,我的数据库选择是serverB的mysql数据库,测试连通性时提示错误 JDBC driver cannot be found on ServerA
1.Download the MySQL JDBC driver from http://www.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/5.1.html.
2.Extract the JDBC driver JAR file from the downloaded file. For example:
tar zxvf mysql-connector-java-5.1.31.tar.gz3.Copy the JDBC driver, renamed, to the relevant host. For example:
$ sudo cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.31/mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jarIf the target directory does not yet exist on this host, you can create it before copying the JAR file. For example:
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/java/ $ sudo cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.31/mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar