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  • 3.5.4 分组、合并、透视表


    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.read_csv('table.csv',index_col='ID') #用来指定表格的索引值



    1101 S_1 C_1 M street_1 173 63 34.0 A+
    1102 S_1 C_1 F street_2 192 73 32.5 B+





    danlie = df.groupby('School')


    S_1 2636 1050 956.2
    S_2 3459 1563 1191.1



    duolie = df.groupby(['School','Class'])


    S_1C_1 877 363 318.9
    C_2 853 341 321.5
    C_3 906 346 315.8
    S_2C_1 821 384 292.8
    C_2 900 418 314.0
    C_3 869 419 315.3
    C_4 869 342 269.0




    tiqu = df['Address Math'.split()].groupby(by='Address')


    street_1 3
    street_2 6
    street_4 8
    street_5 6
    street_6 6
    street_7 6




    sheet = pd.ExcelFile('用户借款数据.xlsx')


    ['基础信息', '就业信息', '借款信息']


    hb1 = pd.read_excel('用户借款数据.xlsx',sheet_name='基础信息')
    hb2 = pd.read_excel('用户借款数据.xlsx',sheet_name='就业信息')
    hb3 = pd.read_excel('用户借款数据.xlsx',sheet_name='借款信息')
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 999 entries, 0 to 998
    Data columns (total 8 columns):
     #   Column   Non-Null Count  Dtype  
    ---  ------   --------------  -----  
     0   编号       999 non-null    int64  
     1   城市       999 non-null    object 
     2   国家       999 non-null    object 
     3   出生日期     999 non-null    object 
     4   教育程度     999 non-null    int64  
     5   性别       999 non-null    int64  
     6   房屋所有权类型  763 non-null    float64
     7   婚姻状况     999 non-null    int64  
    dtypes: float64(1), int64(4), object(3)
    memory usage: 62.6+ KB




    0 0 AESPA EE 21/11/1975 4 0 6.0 4
    1 2 P脛RNU EE 25/10/1969 4 1 9.0 1
    2 3 TALLINN EE 22/11/1965 4 0 1.0 4
    3 4 KEHTNA EE 05/12/1983 2 0 1.0 3
    4 5 KIVI脮LI EE 13/07/1980 4 1 4.0 3
    5 6 P脛RNU EE 05/07/1993 3 1 2.0 3



    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 999 entries, 0 to 998
    Data columns (total 9 columns):
     #   Column     Non-Null Count  Dtype  
    ---  ------     --------------  -----  
     0   编号         999 non-null    int64  
     1   申请签字时间     999 non-null    int64  
     2   申请签证周      999 non-null    int64  
     3   当前雇主的雇佣期限  926 non-null    object 
     4   就业岗位       962 non-null    object 
     5   就业状况       977 non-null    float64
     6   主要工作收入     999 non-null    int64  
     7   收入总额       999 non-null    int64  
     8   工作经验       999 non-null    object 
    dtypes: float64(1), int64(5), object(3)
    memory usage: 70.4+ KB




    0 0 12 4 UpTo5Years Worker 3.0 1000 1000 15To25Years
    1 2 14 2 MoreThan5Years SpecialistOfficeWorker 3.0 633 633 15To25Years
    2 3 22 4 MoreThan5Years Owner 5.0 550 550 MoreThan25Years
    3 4 15 3 MoreThan5Years Worker 3.0 833 833 5To10Years
    4 5 10 3 MoreThan5Years Worker 3.0 341 341 5To10Years
    5 6 14 4 UpTo1Year Worker 3.0 430 430 LessThan2Years



    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 899 entries, 0 to 898
    Data columns (total 12 columns):
     #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
    ---  ------  --------------  -----  
     0   编号      899 non-null    int64  
     1   状态      899 non-null    object 
     2   金额      899 non-null    float64
     3   现有负债    899 non-null    int64  
     4   贷款日期    899 non-null    object 
     5   贷款期限    899 non-null    int64  
     6   新信用客户   899 non-null    bool   
     7   贷前贷款数   899 non-null    int64  
     8   占用区     859 non-null    float64
     9   贷款用途    899 non-null    int64  
     10  先前得分    763 non-null    float64
     11  违约      899 non-null    bool   
    dtypes: bool(2), float64(3), int64(5), object(2)
    memory usage: 72.1+ KB




    0 0 Current 5000.0 9 05/05/2015 60 False 1 8.0 0 0.0957 False
    1 2 Repaid 530.0 7 19/10/2015 60 True 0 1.0 2 0.1034 False
    2 3 Current 5500.0 1 02/09/2015 60 True 0 13.0 2 0.0772 False
    3 4 Repaid 6900.0 10 20/05/2015 60 False 1 19.0 7 0.0773 False
    4 5 Current 2655.0 6 29/12/2015 60 True 0 17.0 2 0.1898 False


    data2 = pd.merge(hb1,hb2,how='outer')


    0 0 AESPA EE 21/11/1975 4 0 6.0 4 12 4 UpTo5Years Worker 3.0 1000 1000 15To25Years
    1 2 P脛RNU EE 25/10/1969 4 1 9.0 1 14 2 MoreThan5Years SpecialistOfficeWorker 3.0 633 633 15To25Years
    2 3 TALLINN EE 22/11/1965 4 0 1.0 4 22 4 MoreThan5Years Owner 5.0 550 550 MoreThan25Years
    3 4 KEHTNA EE 05/12/1983 2 0 1.0 3 15 3 MoreThan5Years Worker 3.0 833 833 5To10Years
    4 5 KIVI脮LI EE 13/07/1980 4 1 4.0 3 10 3 MoreThan5Years Worker 3.0 341 341 5To10Years
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    994 1257 P脛RISPEA EE 08/04/1971 3 0 NaN 3 19 5 UpTo2Years valvur 3.0 3820 8452 10To15Years
    995 1258 TALLINN EE 29/11/1949 4 1 NaN 5 13 6 UpTo4Years klienditeenindaja 3.0 9000 9000 MoreThan25Years
    996 1259 UUEM脮ISA EE 21/02/1979 4 1 NaN 1 17 1 UpTo1Year Noorem referent 3.0 7200 7500 10To15Years
    997 1260 TARTU EE 21/10/1983 5 1 NaN 3 16 7 NaN administraator 3.0 6500 10500 2To5Years
    998 1261 VILJANDI EE 30/08/1977 1 1 NaN 2 21 7 MoreThan5Years NaN 3.0 8000 8300 10To15Years

    999 rows × 16 columns




    shuju = pd.read_csv('table.csv')


    0 S_1 C_1 1101 M street_1 173 63 34.0 A+
    1 S_1 C_1 1102 F street_2 192 73 32.5 B+
    2 S_1 C_1 1103 M street_2 186 82 87.2 B+
    3 S_1 C_1 1104 F street_2 167 81 80.4 B-
    4 S_1 C_1 1105 F street_4 159 64 84.8 B+






    1101 NaN 173.0
    1102 192.0 NaN
    1103 NaN 186.0
    1104 167.0 NaN
    1105 159.0 NaN






    F 173.125000 173.727273 1385 1911
    M 178.714286 172.000000 1251 1548




    S_1C_1 NaN 179.5 159.0 NaN NaN NaN 173.0 186.0 NaN NaN ... 64.0 NaN NaN NaN 63.0 82.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
    C_2 NaN NaN 176.0 162.0 167.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 188.0 ... 94.0 63.0 63.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN 68.0 53.0 NaN
    C_3 175.0 NaN NaN 187.0 NaN NaN NaN 195.0 161.0 NaN ... NaN 69.0 NaN NaN NaN 70.0 68.0 NaN NaN 82.0
    S_2C_1 NaN NaN NaN 159.0 161.0 NaN NaN NaN 163.5 NaN ... NaN 97.0 61.0 NaN NaN NaN 71.0 NaN NaN 84.0
    C_2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 188.5 175.0 NaN 155.0 193.0 ... NaN NaN NaN 76.5 74.0 NaN 91.0 100.0 NaN NaN
    C_3 NaN NaN 157.0 NaN 164.0 190.0 NaN NaN 187.0 171.0 ... 78.0 NaN 81.0 99.0 NaN NaN 73.0 88.0 NaN NaN
    C_4 NaN 176.0 NaN NaN 175.5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN 57.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 82.0

    7 rows × 24 columns



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