ASAP(as soon as possible 尽快)
BID(break it down 细分明细)
BTW(by the way 顺带一提)
COB(close of business 下班时)
EOB(end of business 下班时)
EOD(end of day 今天以内)
DOE(depending on experience 视工作经验而定)
ETA(estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间)
FAQ(frequently asked questions 常问的问题)
FTE(full-time employee 全职员工)
FWIW(for what it’s worth 无论如何、不管有没有用)
FYI(for your information 供你参考(邮件常用)
FYR(for your reference 供你参考)
FYU(for your use 供你使用)
IAM(in a meeting 会议中)
IMO(in my opinion 个人浅见、在我看来)
LET(leaving early today 今天提早走)
LMK(let me know 让我知道、通知我)
MoM(month over month 月度比较)
MTD(month to date 月初到现在)
OOO(out of office 不在办公室)
OT(over time 加班)
OTP(on the phone 通话中)
PA(performance appraisal 绩效考核)
POC(point of contact 首要联系人)
PTE(part-time employee 兼职雇员)
PTO(paid time off 带薪休假)
NDA(Non-disclosure agreement 保密合约)
NRN(no reply necessary 不需回覆)
NSFW(not safe for work 不适合工作场域)
RFD(request for discussion 请求讨论)
RSVP(Répondez s’il vous plait 法文的请回覆)
TBA(to be announced 待公布)
TBD(to be determined 待决定)
TCC(teleconference call 电话会议)
TED(Tell me, explain to me, describe to me)
TL;DR(Too long didn’t read 太长,没读)
TOS(terms of service 服务条款)
TYT(take your time 别着急、慢慢来)
WFH(work from home 在家办公)
WIIFM(what’s in it for me 这对我有什么好处?)
WOM(word of mouth 口碑传播)
YTD(year to date 年底、今年之内)