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  • 如何在系统启动时完成资源加载





    如果这个类是通过Spring加载的,那么可以让Spring初始化之后直接调用该类的loadResource方法。因为Spring框架基本都是系统启动的时候就加载的,而且对于ApplicationContext来说,其bean都是pre-loading的Lazy loading vs. pre-loading beans with Spring Framework


    1. Spring的@PostConstruct注解

    这个注解会导致Spring在初始化完Bean之后,调用该bean的@PostConstruct注解的方法。系统启动时候加载Spring,Spring的ApplicationContext会pre-loading所有的bean,@PostConstruct会在bean loading完成后触发init方法。

    public class MetadataService {
        private String                       source         = SOURCE_YIXUN;
        public static final String           SOURCE_YIXUN   = "yixun";
        public static final String           SOURCE_WANGGOU = "wanggou";
        public static final String           SOURCE_PAIPAI  = "paipai";
        private volatile ApiMetadataDTO      apiMetadata    = null;
        private volatile Map<String, ApiDTO> apiMetadataMap = null;
        public void loadMetadata() {
            // 调用IDL得到最新元数据
            if (apiMetadataMap == null) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (apiMetadataMap == null) {
                        try {
                            ApiMetadataIdlClient apiMetadataIdlCilent = new ApiMetadataIdlClient(StringUtils.EMPTY, TIMEOUT);
                            apiMetadata = apiMetadataIdlCilent.getMetadata(source, true, true);
                            apiMetadataMap = transformToMap(apiMetadata);
                            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(apiMetadataMap)) {
                                logger.warn("apiMetadataMap for source " + source + " is Empty!");
                            } else {
                                logger.info("success loading api metadata to map! source: " + source + ",MapSize: "
                                            + apiMetadataMap.size());
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            logger.error("getMetadata failed for source: " + source, ex);
                            System.exit(-1); // 获取不到元数据,相当于废物一个,直接应用退出。
                            // throw new RuntimeException("getMetadata failed!", ex);

    By default, Spring will not aware of the @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy annotation. To enable it, you have to either registerCommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor or specify the <context:annotation-config /> in bean configuration file,

    2. Spring Bean的init-method
    <bean class="me.arganzheng.study.api.service.MetadataService" init-method="loadMetadata" />


    3. Spring的InitializingBean接口
    public class MetadataService implements InitializingBean {
        private String                       source         = SOURCE_YIXUN;
         * 元数据Map。key: methodName
        private volatile ApiMetadataDTO      apiMetadata    = null;
        private volatile Map<String, ApiDTO> apiMetadataMap = null;
        public void loadMetadata() {
            // 调用IDL得到最新元数据
            if (apiMetadataMap == null) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (apiMetadataMap == null) {
                        try {
                            ApiMetadataIdlClient apiMetadataIdlCilent = new ApiMetadataIdlClient(StringUtils.EMPTY, TIMEOUT);
                            apiMetadata = apiMetadataIdlCilent.getMetadata(source, true, true);
                            apiMetadataMap = transformToMap(apiMetadata);
                            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(apiMetadataMap)) {
                                logger.warn("apiMetadataMap for source " + source + " is Empty!");
                            } else {
                                logger.info("success loading api metadata to map! source: " + source + ",MapSize: "
                                            + apiMetadataMap.size());
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            logger.error("getMetadata failed for source: " + source, ex);
                            System.exit(-1); // 获取不到元数据,相当于废物一个,直接应用退出。
                            // throw new RuntimeException("getMetadata failed!", ex);
        public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
    4. 通过BeanPostProcessor接口


    org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor implementation that supports common Java annotations out of the box, in particular the JSR-250 annotations in the javax.annotation package. These common Java annotations are supported in many Java EE 5 technologies (e.g. JSF 1.2), as well as in Java 6's JAX-WS.

    This post-processor includes support for the javax.annotation.PostConstruct and javax.annotation.PreDestroy annotations - as init annotation and destroy annotation, respectively - through inheriting from InitDestroyAnnotationBeanPostProcessor with pre-configured annotation types.

    public class InitMetadataServicePostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
        public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
            return bean;
        public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {    
            if (bean instanceof MetadataService) {
                System.out.println("postProcessAfterInitialization with MetadataService!");
                MetadataService metaDataService = (MetadataService) bean;
            return bean;


    <bean class="me.arganzheng.study.api.tools.common.InitMetadataServicePostProcessor" />

    TIPS Spring的注解和AOP基本都是通过实现BeanPostProcessor接口完成的,可以在bean初始化之后做一些事情。



    public class MetadataService {
        private volatile ApiMetadataDTO       apiMetadata    = null;
        private volatile Map<String, ApiDTO>  apiMetadataMap = null;
        private volatile Map<String, Service> idlMetadataMap = null;
        private MetadataService(String source){
        private static MetadataService instance = new MetadataService(SOURCE_YIXUN);
        public static MetadataService getInstance() {
            return instance;
        private void checkUpdate(String source) {
            if (apiMetadataMap == null || idlMetadataMap == null) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    if (apiMetadataMap == null || idlMetadataMap == null) {
                        try {
                            ApiMetadataIdlClient apiMetadataIdlCilent = new ApiMetadataIdlClient(StringUtils.EMPTY, TIMEOUT);
                            IdlMetadataIdlClient idlMetadataIdlClient = new IdlMetadataIdlClient(StringUtils.EMPTY, TIMEOUT);
                            apiMetadata = apiMetadataIdlCilent.getMetadata(source, true, true);
                            apiMetadataMap = transformToMap(apiMetadata);
                            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(apiMetadataMap)) {
                                logger.warn("apiMetadataMap is Empty!");
                            } else {
                                logger.info("success loading api metadata to map! MapSize: " + apiMetadataMap.size());
                            GetIdlMetadataResp idlMetadata = idlMetadataIdlClient.getMetadata(source, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                            idlMetadataMap = trasformToMap(idlMetadata);
                            if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(idlMetadataMap)) {
                                logger.warn("idlMetadataMap is Empty!");
                            } else {
                                logger.info("success loading idl metadata to map! MapSize: " + idlMetadataMap.size());
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            logger.error("getMetadata failed for source: " + source, ex);
                            throw new RuntimeException("getMetadata failed!", ex);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shininguang/p/5522386.html
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