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  • 各种Java序列化性能比较


    这里比较Java对象序列化 XML JSON  Kryo  POF等序列化性能比较。






    public class Order implements Serializable {
         private long id;
         private String description;
         private BigDecimal totalCost = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
         private List orderLines = new ArrayList();
         private Customer customer;
    View Code







    public class Order implements Externalizable {
         private long id;
         private String description;
         private BigDecimal totalCost = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
         private List orderLines = new ArrayList();
         private Customer customer;
        public Order() {
        public void readExternal(ObjectInput stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
             this.id = stream.readLong();
             this.description = (String)stream.readObject();
             this.totalCost = (BigDecimal)stream.readObject();
             this.customer = (Customer)stream.readObject();
             this.orderLines = (List)stream.readObject();
        public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput stream) throws IOException {
    View Code



    EclipseLink MOXy - XML 和 JSON


     public class Order {
         private long id;
         private String description;
         private BigDecimal totalCost = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
         private List orderLines = new ArrayList();
         private Customer customer;
    public class OrderLine {
         private Order order;
         private int lineNumber;
         private String description;
         private BigDecimal cost = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
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    <order id="0" totalCost="0">
     <orderLines lineNumber="1" cost="0">
    View Code




    Kryo 是一种快速,高效的序列化的Java框架。 KRYO是新的BSD许可下一个开源项目提供。这是一个很小的项目,只有3名成员,它首先在2009年出品。

    工作原理类似于Java序列化KRYO,尊重瞬态字段,但不要求一类是可序列化的。KRYO有一定的局限性,比如需要有一个默认的构造函数的类,在序列化将java.sql.Time java.sql.Date java.sql.Timestamp类会遇到一些问题。



    Oracle Coherence POF

     Oracle Coherence 产品提供其自己优化的二进制格式,称为POF (可移植对象格式) 。 Oracle Coherence的是一个内存中的数据网格解决方案(分布式缓存) 。是一个商业产品,并需要许可证。

    POF提供了一个序列化框架,并可以独立使用。 POF要求类实现一个PortableObject接口和读/写方法。您还可以实现一个单独的序列化类,或使用最新版本的序列化的注解。 POF要求每个类都被提前分配一个固定ID,所以你需要通过某种方式确定这个ID 。 POF格式是二进制格式,非常紧凑,高效,快速的,但确实需要你付出一些工作。

    POF的总字节数为一个单一的订单/订单行对象为32个字节, 1593字节100 OrderLines的。我不会放弃的结果, POF是一个商业许可产品的一部分,但是是非常快的。

    public class Order implements PortableObject {
         private long id;
         private String description;
         private BigDecimal totalCost = BigDecimal.valueOf(0);
         private List orderLines = new ArrayList();
         private Customer customer;
        public Order() {
        public void readExternal(PofReader in) throws IOException {
             this.id = in.readLong(0);
             this.description = in.readString(1);
             this.totalCost = in.readBigDecimal(2);
             this.customer = (Customer)in.readObject(3);
             this.orderLines = (List)in.readCollection(4, new ArrayList());
        public void writeExternal(PofWriter out) throws IOException {
             out.writeLong(0, this.id);
             out.writeString(1, this.description);
             out.writeBigDecimal(2, this.totalCost);
             out.writeObject(3, this.customer);
             out.writeCollection(4, this.orderLines);
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    SerializerSize (bytes)Serialize (operations/second)Deserialize (operations/second)% Difference (from Java serialize)% Difference (deserialize)
    Java Serializable 636 128,634 19,180 0% 0%
    Java Externalizable 435 160,549 26,678 24% 39%
    EclipseLink MOXy XML 101 348,056 47,334 170% 146%
    Kryo 90 359,368 346,984 179% 1709%


    SerializerSize (bytes)Serialize (operations/second)Deserialize (operations/second)% Difference (from Java serialize)% Difference (deserialize)
    Java Serializable 2,715 16,470 10,215 0% 0%
    Java Externalizable 2,811 16,206 11,483 -1% 12%
    EclipseLink MOXy XML 6,628 7,304 2,731 -55% -73%
    Kryo 1216 22,862 31,499 38% 208%



    Serialization  ByteBuffer  Unsafe三者性能比较:


    package com.ifenglian.test.safe;
    import sun.misc.Unsafe;
    import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
    import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
    import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
    import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    public final class TestSerialisationPerf {
        public static final int REPETITIONS = 1 * 1000 * 1000;
        private static ObjectToBeSerialised ITEM = new ObjectToBeSerialised(1010L, true, 777, 99,
                new double[] { 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 },
                new long[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 });
        public static void main(final String[] arg) throws Exception {
            for (final PerformanceTestCase testCase : testCases) {
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    System.out.format("%d %s	write=%,dns read=%,dns total=%,dns
    ", i, testCase.getName(),
                            testCase.getWriteTimeNanos(), testCase.getReadTimeNanos(),
                            testCase.getWriteTimeNanos() + testCase.getReadTimeNanos());
                    if (!ITEM.equals(testCase.getTestOutput())) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Objects do not match");
        private static final PerformanceTestCase[] testCases = {
                new PerformanceTestCase("Serialisation", REPETITIONS, ITEM) {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    public void testWrite(ObjectToBeSerialised item) throws Exception {
                        for (int i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; i++) {
                            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
                    public ObjectToBeSerialised testRead() throws Exception {
                        ObjectToBeSerialised object = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; i++) {
                            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
                            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
                            object = (ObjectToBeSerialised) ois.readObject();
                        return object;
                new PerformanceTestCase("ByteBuffer", REPETITIONS, ITEM) {
                    ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024);
                    public void testWrite(ObjectToBeSerialised item) throws Exception {
                        for (int i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; i++) {
                    public ObjectToBeSerialised testRead() throws Exception {
                        ObjectToBeSerialised object = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; i++) {
                            object = ObjectToBeSerialised.read(byteBuffer);
                        return object;
                new PerformanceTestCase("UnsafeMemory", REPETITIONS, ITEM) {
                    UnsafeMemory buffer = new UnsafeMemory(new byte[1024]);
                    public void testWrite(ObjectToBeSerialised item) throws Exception {
                        for (int i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; i++) {
                    public ObjectToBeSerialised testRead() throws Exception {
                        ObjectToBeSerialised object = null;
                        for (int i = 0; i < REPETITIONS; i++) {
                            object = ObjectToBeSerialised.read(buffer);
                        return object;
                }, };
    abstract class PerformanceTestCase {
        private final String name;
        private final int repetitions;
        private final ObjectToBeSerialised testInput;
        private ObjectToBeSerialised testOutput;
        private long writeTimeNanos;
        private long readTimeNanos;
        public PerformanceTestCase(final String name, final int repetitions, final ObjectToBeSerialised testInput) {
            this.name = name;
            this.repetitions = repetitions;
            this.testInput = testInput;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public ObjectToBeSerialised getTestOutput() {
            return testOutput;
        public long getWriteTimeNanos() {
            return writeTimeNanos;
        public long getReadTimeNanos() {
            return readTimeNanos;
        public void performTest() throws Exception {
            final long startWriteNanos = System.nanoTime();
            writeTimeNanos = (System.nanoTime() - startWriteNanos) / repetitions;
            final long startReadNanos = System.nanoTime();
            testOutput = testRead();
            readTimeNanos = (System.nanoTime() - startReadNanos) / repetitions;
        public abstract void testWrite(ObjectToBeSerialised item) throws Exception;
        public abstract ObjectToBeSerialised testRead() throws Exception;
    class ObjectToBeSerialised implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 10275539472837495L;
        private final long sourceId;
        private final boolean special;
        private final int orderCode;
        private final int priority;
        private final double[] prices;
        private final long[] quantities;
        public ObjectToBeSerialised(final long sourceId, final boolean special, final int orderCode, final int priority,
                final double[] prices, final long[] quantities) {
            this.sourceId = sourceId;
            this.special = special;
            this.orderCode = orderCode;
            this.priority = priority;
            this.prices = prices;
            this.quantities = quantities;
        public void write(final ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
            byteBuffer.put((byte) (special ? 1 : 0));
            for (final double price : prices) {
            for (final long quantity : quantities) {
        public static ObjectToBeSerialised read(final ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
            final long sourceId = byteBuffer.getLong();
            final boolean special = 0 != byteBuffer.get();
            final int orderCode = byteBuffer.getInt();
            final int priority = byteBuffer.getInt();
            final int pricesSize = byteBuffer.getInt();
            final double[] prices = new double[pricesSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < pricesSize; i++) {
                prices[i] = byteBuffer.getDouble();
            final int quantitiesSize = byteBuffer.getInt();
            final long[] quantities = new long[quantitiesSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < quantitiesSize; i++) {
                quantities[i] = byteBuffer.getLong();
            return new ObjectToBeSerialised(sourceId, special, orderCode, priority, prices, quantities);
        public void write(final UnsafeMemory buffer) {
        public static ObjectToBeSerialised read(final UnsafeMemory buffer) {
            final long sourceId = buffer.getLong();
            final boolean special = buffer.getBoolean();
            final int orderCode = buffer.getInt();
            final int priority = buffer.getInt();
            final double[] prices = buffer.getDoubleArray();
            final long[] quantities = buffer.getLongArray();
            return new ObjectToBeSerialised(sourceId, special, orderCode, priority, prices, quantities);
        public boolean equals(final Object o) {
            if (this == o) {
                return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
                return false;
            final ObjectToBeSerialised that = (ObjectToBeSerialised) o;
            if (orderCode != that.orderCode) {
                return false;
            if (priority != that.priority) {
                return false;
            if (sourceId != that.sourceId) {
                return false;
            if (special != that.special) {
                return false;
            if (!Arrays.equals(prices, that.prices)) {
                return false;
            if (!Arrays.equals(quantities, that.quantities)) {
                return false;
            return true;
    class UnsafeMemory {
        private static final Unsafe unsafe;
        static {
            try {
                Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
                unsafe = (Unsafe) field.get(null);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        private static final long byteArrayOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class);
        private static final long longArrayOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(long[].class);
        private static final long doubleArrayOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(double[].class);
        private static final int SIZE_OF_BOOLEAN = 1;
        private static final int SIZE_OF_INT = 4;
        private static final int SIZE_OF_LONG = 8;
        private int pos = 0;
        private final byte[] buffer;
        public UnsafeMemory(final byte[] buffer) {
            if (null == buffer) {
                throw new NullPointerException("buffer cannot be null");
            this.buffer = buffer;
        public void reset() {
            this.pos = 0;
        public void putBoolean(final boolean value) {
            unsafe.putBoolean(buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos, value);
            pos += SIZE_OF_BOOLEAN;
        public boolean getBoolean() {
            boolean value = unsafe.getBoolean(buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos);
            pos += SIZE_OF_BOOLEAN;
            return value;
        public void putInt(final int value) {
            unsafe.putInt(buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos, value);
            pos += SIZE_OF_INT;
        public int getInt() {
            int value = unsafe.getInt(buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos);
            pos += SIZE_OF_INT;
            return value;
        public void putLong(final long value) {
            unsafe.putLong(buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos, value);
            pos += SIZE_OF_LONG;
        public long getLong() {
            long value = unsafe.getLong(buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos);
            pos += SIZE_OF_LONG;
            return value;
        public void putLongArray(final long[] values) {
            long bytesToCopy = values.length << 3;
            unsafe.copyMemory(values, longArrayOffset, buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos, bytesToCopy);
            pos += bytesToCopy;
        public long[] getLongArray() {
            int arraySize = getInt();
            long[] values = new long[arraySize];
            long bytesToCopy = values.length << 3;
            unsafe.copyMemory(buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos, values, longArrayOffset, bytesToCopy);
            pos += bytesToCopy;
            return values;
        public void putDoubleArray(final double[] values) {
            long bytesToCopy = values.length << 3;
            unsafe.copyMemory(values, doubleArrayOffset, buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos, bytesToCopy);
            pos += bytesToCopy;
        public double[] getDoubleArray() {
            int arraySize = getInt();
            double[] values = new double[arraySize];
            long bytesToCopy = values.length << 3;
            unsafe.copyMemory(buffer, byteArrayOffset + pos, values, doubleArrayOffset, bytesToCopy);
            pos += bytesToCopy;
            return values;
    View Code


    2.8GHz Nehalem - Java 1.7.0_04


     0 Serialisation write=2,517ns read=11,570ns total=14,087ns

     1 Serialisation write=2,198ns read=11,122ns total=13,320ns

     2 Serialisation write=2,190ns read=11,011ns total=13,201ns

     3 Serialisation write=2,221ns read=10,972ns total=13,193ns

     4 Serialisation write=2,187ns read=10,817ns total=13,004ns

     0 ByteBuffer write=264ns read=273ns total=537ns

     1 ByteBuffer write=248ns read=243ns total=491ns

     2 ByteBuffer write=262ns read=243ns total=505ns

     3 ByteBuffer write=300ns read=240ns total=540ns

     4 ByteBuffer write=247ns read=243ns total=490ns

     0 UnsafeMemory write=99ns read=84ns total=183ns

     1 UnsafeMemory write=53ns read=82ns total=135ns

     2 UnsafeMemory write=63ns read=66ns total=129ns

     3 UnsafeMemory write=46ns read=63ns total=109ns

     4 UnsafeMemory write=48ns read=58ns total=106ns

    2.4GHz Sandy Bridge - Java 1.7.0_04


     0 Serialisation write=1,940ns read=9,006ns total=10,946ns

     1 Serialisation write=1,674ns read=8,567ns total=10,241ns

     2 Serialisation write=1,666ns read=8,680ns total=10,346ns

     3 Serialisation write=1,666ns read=8,623ns total=10,289ns

     4 Serialisation write=1,715ns read=8,586ns total=10,301ns

     0 ByteBuffer write=199ns read=198ns total=397ns

     1 ByteBuffer write=176ns read=178ns total=354ns

     2 ByteBuffer write=174ns read=174ns total=348ns

     3 ByteBuffer write=172ns read=183ns total=355ns

     4 ByteBuffer write=174ns read=180ns total=354ns

     0 UnsafeMemory write=38ns read=75ns total=113ns

     1 UnsafeMemory write=26ns read=52ns total=78ns

     2 UnsafeMemory write=26ns read=51ns total=77ns

     3 UnsafeMemory write=25ns read=51ns total=76ns

     4 UnsafeMemory write=27ns read=50ns total=77ns

    很显然允许自己内存操作的 Unsafe性能是最快的。

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    Leetcode 173. 二叉搜索树迭代器
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    Leetcode 102. 二叉树的层次遍历
    Leetcode 96. 不同的二叉搜索树
    Leetcode 700. 二叉搜索树中的搜索
    Leetcode 2. Add Two Numbers
    Leetcode 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shixm/p/5933648.html
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