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  • Backtrader中文笔记之Operating the platform(操作平台)。

    Line Iterators

    行 迭代器

    To engage into operations, the plaftorm uses the notion of line iterators. They have been loosely modeled after Python’s iterators but have actually nothing to do with them.


    Strategies and Indicators are line iterators


    The line iterator concept tries to describe the following:


    A Line Iterator kicks slave line iterators telling them to iterate


    A Line Iterator then iterates over its own declared named lines setting values


    The key to iteration, just like with regular Python iterators, is


    The next method


    It will be called for each iteration. The datas array which the line iterator has and serve as basis for logic/calculations will have already been moved to the next index by the platform (barring data replay)


    Called when the minimum period for the line iterator has been met. A bit more on this below.


    But because they are not regular iterators, two additional methods exist:



    Called before the minimum period for the line iterator` has been met



    Called exactly ONCE when the minimum period for the line iterator` has been met.


    The default behavior is to forward the call to next, but can of course be overriden if needed.


    Extra methods for Indicators


    To speed up operations, Indicators support a batch operation mode which has been termed as runonce. It is not strictly needed (a next method suffices) but it greatly reduces time.


    The runonce methods rules void the get/set point with index 0 and relies on direct access to the underlying arrays holding the data and being passed the right indices for each state.


    The defined methods follow the naming of the next family:


    • once(self, start, end)

      Called when the minimum period has been met. The internal array must be processed between start and end which are zero based from the start of the internal array

    • 当满足最小周期时调用。内部数组必须在开始和结束之间进行处理,从内部数组的开始到结束都是零
    • preonce(self, start, end)

      Called before the minimum period has been met.

    • 在满足最小期限之前调用。
    • oncestart(self, start, end)

    • Called exactly ONCE when the minimum period has been met.

      The default behavior is to forward the call to once, but can of course be overriden if needed.

    • 恰好在满足最小周期时调用一次。


    Minimum Period


    A picture is worth a thousand words and in this case possibly an example too. A SimpleMovingAverage is capable of explaining it:

    一张图片胜过千言万语,在这种情况下,也可能是一个例子。一个 SimpleMovingAverage能够解释它:

    class SimpleMovingAverage(Indicator):
        lines = ('sma',)
        params = dict(period=20)
        def __init__(self):
            ...  # Not relevant for the explanation
        def prenext(self):
            print('prenext:: current period:', len(self))
        def nextstart(self):
            print('nextstart:: current period:', len(self))
            # emulate default behavior ... call next
        def next(self):
            print('next:: current period:', len(self))


    And the instantiation could look like:


    sma = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(self.data, period=25)

    Briefly explained:


    • Assuming the data passed to the moving average is a standard data feed its default period is 1 that is: the data feed produces a bar with no initial delay.

    • 假设传递给移动平均线的数据是一个标准数据馈送,它的默认周期是1,也就是说:数据馈送产生一个没有初始延迟的条。
    • Then the “period=25” instantiated moving average would have its methods called as follows:

    • 那么实例化的“period=25”移动平均线的方法调用如下:
      • prenext 24 times

      • prenext运行24次
      • nextstart 1 time (in turn calling next)

      • nextstart运行一次(转向next)
      • next n additional times until the data feed has been exhausted

      • next将运行n次,知道数据用完

    Let’s go for the killer indicator: a SimpleMovingAverage over another SimpleMovingAverage. The instantiation could look like:

    sma1 = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(self.data, period=25)
    sma2 = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(sma1, period=20)

    What now goes on:


    • The same as above for sma1

    • sma1与之前一样
    • sma2 is receiving a data feed which has a minimum period of 25 which is our sma1 and therefore

    • sma2接收的数据feed至少有25个周期,这是我们的sma1,因此
    • The sma2 methods are called as indicated:

    • 按照指示调用sma2方法
      • prenext the first 25 + 18 times for a total of 43 times

      • prenext前25 + 18次,共43次
      • 25 times to let sma1 produce its 1st sensible value

      • 25次的时候让sma1产生第一个合理价值
      • 18 times to accumulate extra sma1 values

      • 18次以积累额外的sma1值
      • For a total of 19 values (1 after 25 calls and then 18 more)

      • 总共19个值(1个在25次调用之后,18个以上)
      • nextstart then 1 time (in turn calling next)

      • nextstart然后1次(依次调用next)
      • next the n additional times until the data feed has been exhausted

      • 接下来的n次,直到数据提要被耗尽

    The platform is calling next when the system has already processed 44 bars.


    The minimum period has been automatically adjusted to the incoming data.


    Strategies and Indicators adhere to this behavior:


    • Only when the automatically calculated minimum period has been reached will next be called (barring the initial hook call to nextstart)
    • 只有当达到自动计算的最小周期时,才会下一次调用(除非对nextstart的初始钩子调用)nextstart方法比next提前执行


    The same rules apply to preonce, oncestart and once for the runonce batch operation mode



    The minimum period behavior can be manipulated although it’s not recommended. Should it be wished used the setminperiod(minperiod) method in either Strategies or Indicators


    Up and Running


    Getting up and running involves at least 3 Lines objects:


    • A Data feed

    • A Strategy (actually a class derived from Strategy)

    • A Cerebro (brain in Spanish)

    Data Feeds


    These objects, obviously, provide the data which will be backtested by applying calculations (direct and/or with Indicators)

    显然,这些对象提供了将通过应用计算(直接 和/或 指示符)进行回溯测试的数据

    The platform provides several data feeds:


    • Several CSV Format and a Generic CSV reader

    • 通用CSV
    • Yahoo online fetcher

    • Yahoo在线提取
    • Support for receiving Pandas DataFrames and blaze objects

    • 用于接收Pandas数据格式以及blzae对象
    • Live Data Feeds with Interacive Brokers, Visual Chart and Oanda

    • 互动的数据

    The platform makes no assumption about the content of the data feed such as timeframe and compression. Those values, together with a name, can be supplied for informational purposes and advance operations like Data Feed Resampling (turning a for example a 5 minute Data Feed into a Daily Data Feed)


    Example of setting up a Yahoo Finance Data Feed:

    import backtrader as bt
    import backtrader.feeds as btfeeds
    datapath = 'path/to/your/yahoo/data.csv'
    data = btfeeds.YahooFinanceCSVData(

    The optional reversed parameter for Yahoo is shown, because the CSV files directly downloaded from Yahoo start with the latest date, rather than with the oldest.


    If your data spans a large time range, the actual loaded data can be limited as follows:


    data = btfeeds.YahooFinanceCSVData(
        fromdate=datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1),
        todate=datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 31))

    Both the fromdate and the todate will be included if present in the data feed.


    As already mentioned timeframe, compression and name can be added:


    data = btfeeds.YahooFinanceCSVData(
        fromdate=datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1),
        todate=datetime.datetime(2014, 12, 31)

    If the data is plotted, those values will be used.


    A Strategy (derived) class

    一个 策略(派生)类


    Before going on and for a more simplified approach, please check the Signals section of the documentation if subclassing a strategy is not wished.


    The goal of anyone using the platform is backtesting the data and this is done inside a Strategy (derived class).


    There are 2 methods which at least need customization:


    • __init__

    • next

    During initialization indicators on data and other calculations are created prepared to later apply the logic.


    The next method is later called to apply the logic for each and every bar of the data.



    If data feeds of different timeframes (and thus different bar counts) are passed the next method will be called for the master data (the 1st one passed to cerebro, see below) which must be the the data with the smaller timeframe



    If the Data Replay functionality is used, the next method will be called several time for the same bar as the development of the bar is replayed.


    A basic Strategy derived class:

    class MyStrategy(bt.Strategy):
        def __init__(self):
            self.sma = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(self.data, period=20)
        def next(self):
            if self.sma > self.data.close:
            elif self.sma < self.data.close:

    Strategies have other methods (or hook points) which can be overriden:


    class MyStrategy(bt.Strategy):
        def __init__(self):
            self.sma = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(self.data, period=20)
        def next(self):
            if self.sma > self.data.close:
                submitted_order = self.buy()
            elif self.sma < self.data.close:
                submitted_order = self.sell()
        def start(self):
            print('Backtesting is about to start')
        def stop(self):
            print('Backtesting is finished')
        def notify_order(self, order):
            print('An order new/changed/executed/canceled has been received')

    The start and stop methods should be self-explanatory. As expected and following the text in the print function, the notify_order method will be called when the strategy needs a notification. Use case:


        • A buy or sell is requested (as seen in next)

        • 一个买或者卖的请求,在next方法里面
        • buy/sell will return an order which is submitted to the broker. Keeping a reference to this submitted order is up to the caller.

        • 买入/卖出将返回一个提交给经纪人的订单。保持对这个提交订单的引用由调用者决定。
        • It can for example be used to ensure that no new orders are submitted if an order is still pending.

        • 例如,它可以用于确保在订单仍然挂起时不会提交新订单。
        • If the order is Accepted/Executed/Canceled/Changed the broker will notify the status change (and for example execution size) back to the strategy via the notify method

        • 如果订单被接受/执行/取消/更改,经济人将通过notify方法将状态变更(比如执行大小)告知策略

        The QuickStart guide has a complete and functional example of order management in the notify_order method.

      • 快速开始指南里面有notify_order方法的完整的、功能性的订单管理示例
      • More can be done with other Strategy classes:

      • 更多其他策略类
        • buy / sell / close

          Use the underlying broker and sizer to send the broker a buy/sell order

        • 使用基础经纪人和sizer向经纪人发送一个买入或卖出订单
        • The same could be done by manually creating an Order and passing it over to the broker. But the platform is about making it easy for those using it.

        • 通过手动创建订单并将其传递给经纪人,可以完成同样的操作。但这个平台为了让使用它的人更简单
        • close will get the current market position and close it immediately.

        • close将得到当前市场的位置和close当前的价格
        • getposition (or the property “position”)

          Returns the current market position

        • 返回市场的定位
        • setsizer/getsizer (or the property “sizer”)

          These allow setting/getting the underlying stake Sizer. The same logic can be checked against Sizers which provide different stakes for the same situation (fixed size, proportional to capital, exponential)

        • 这允许设置/获取底层的Sizer。同样的逻辑,可以针对不同的情况,设置不同的筹码。
        • There is plenty of literature but Van K. Tharp has excellent books on the subject.

        • 这方面的文献很多,但范·k·萨普有很多这方面的优秀著作。

        A Strategy is a Lines object and these support parameters, which are collected using the standard Python kwargs argument:

      • 策略是一个Lines对象和这些支持参数,使用标准Python kwargs参数收集:
      • class MyStrategy(bt.Strategy):
            params = (('period', 20),)
            def __init__(self):
                self.sma = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(self.data, period=self.params.period)

        Notice how the SimpleMovingAverage is no longer instantiated with a fixed value of 20, but rather with the parameter “period” which has been defined for the strategy.

      • 注意,SimpleMovingAverage不再使用固定值20实例化,而是使用为策略定义的参数“period”实例化。
      • A Cerebro

      • 大脑

        Once Data Feeds are available and the Strategy has been defined, a Cerebro instance is what brings everything together and execute the actions. Instantiating one is easy:

      • 一旦提供了数据feed并定义了策略,就可以使用一个Cerebro实例将所有内容组合在一起并执行操作。实例化一个很容易:
      • cerebro = bt.Cerebro()

        Defaults are taking care of if nothing special is wished.

      • 如果没什么特殊要求,默认的设置将被执行
        • A default broker is created

        • 一个默认的经济人被创建了
        • No commission for the operations

        • 交易没有任何佣金
        • Data Feeds will be preloaded

        • 数据传输被预装
        • The default execution mode will be runonce (batch operation) which is the faster

        • 默认的执行模式是runonce(批处理操作),速度更快
        • All indicators must support the runonce mode for full speed. The ones included in the platform do.

        • 所有指标必须支持runonce模式以实现全速运行。包括在平台中的那些。
        • Custom indicators do not need to implement the runonce functionality. Cerebro will simulate it, which means those non-runonce compatible indicators will run slower. But still most of the system will run in batch mode.

        • 自定义指标不需要实现runonce功能。Cerebro将模拟它,这意味着那些非运行一次兼容的指标将运行得更慢。但系统的大部分仍将以批处理模式运行。

        Since a Data feed is already available and a Strategy too (created earlier) the standard way to put it all together and get it up and running is:

      • 既然已经有了数据feed和策略(之前创建的),那么将它们组合在一起并启动和运行的标准方法是:
      • cerebro.adddata(data)
        cerebro.addstrategy(MyStrategy, period=25)

        Notice the following:

        • The Data Feed “instance” is added

        • Data Feed实例被添加
        • The MyStrategy “class” is added along with parameters (kwargs) that will be passed to it.

        • 添加MyStrategy“类”以及将传递给它的参数(kwargs)。
        • The instantiation of MyStrategy will be done by cerebro in the background and any kwargs in “addstrategy” will be passed to it

        • MyStrategy的实例化将由cerebro在后台完成,“addstrategy”中的任何kwarg将被传递给它

        The user may add as many Strategies and Data Feeds as wished. How Strategies communicate with each other to achieve coordination (if wished be) is not enforced/restricted by the platform.

      • 用户可以添加任意多的策略和数据提要。策略之间如何沟通以实现协调(如果愿意的话)不受平台的执行/限制。
      • Of course a Cerebro offers additional possibilities:

      • 当然,Cerebro提供了更多的可能性:

        • Decide about preloading and operation mode:

      • cerebro = bt.Cerebro(runonce=True, preload=True)

        There is a constraint here: runonce needs preloading (if not, a batch operation cannot be run) Of course preloading Data Feeds does not enforce runonce

      • 这里有一个约束:runonce需要预加载(如果不需要,就不能运行批处理操作)当然,预加载数据提要不会强制执行runonce
      • setbroker / getbroker (and the broker property)

        A custom broker can be set if wished. The actual broker instance can also be accesed

      • 如果愿意可以自己设置经纪人,还可以访问经纪人实例.
      • Plotting. In a regular case as easy as:

      • cerebro.run()

        plot takes some arguments for the customization

      • plot定制了一些参数
        • numfigs=1

          If the plot is too dense it may be broken down into several plots

        • 如果过于密集,可以分成多个块
        • plotter=None

          A customer plotter instance can be passed and cerebro will not instantiate a default one

        • 可以传递一个客户绘图仪实例,而cerebro不会实例化一个默认的实例
        • **kwargs - standard keyword arguments

          Which will get passed to the plotter.

        Please see the plotting section for more information.

      • 请参阅有关更多信息,绘制部分
      • Optimization of strategies.

      • 优化策略
      • As mentioned above, Cerebro gets a Strategy derived class (not an instance) and the keyword arguments that will be passed to it upon instantiation, which will happen when “run” is called.

      • 如上所述,Cerebro获得一个策略派生类(不是实例)和实例化时传递给它的关键字参数,实例化将在调用“run”时发生。
      • This is so to enable optimization. The same Strategy class will be instantiated as many times as needed with new parameters. If an instance had been passed to cerebro … this would not be possible

      • 这是为了实现优化。同一个策略类将根据需要用新参数实例化多次。如果一个实例被传递给cerebro…这将是不可能的。.

        Optimization is requested as follows:

      • 优化要求如下:
    cerebro.optstrategy(MyStrategy, period=xrange(10, 20))

    The method optstrategy has the same signature as addstrategy but does extra housekeeping to ensure optimization runs as expected. A strategy could be expecting a range as a normal parameter for a strategy and addstrategy will make no assumptions about the passed parameter.


    On the other hand, optstrategy will understand that an iterable is a set of values that has to be passed in sequence to each instantiation of the Strategy class.


    Notice that instead of a single value a range of values is passed. In this simple case 10 values 10 -> 19 (20 is the upper limit) will be tried for this strategy.

    If a more complex strategy is developed with extra parameters they can all be passed to optstrategy.

    注意,传递的不是单个值,而是一系列的值。在这个简单的例子中,这个策略将尝试10个值10 -> 19(20是上限)。Parameters which must not undergo optimization can be passed directly without the end user having to create a dummy iterable of just one value. Example:



    cerebro.optstrategy(MyStrategy, period=xrange(10, 20), factor=3.5)

    The optstrategy method sees factor and creates (a needed) dummy iterable in the background for factor which has a single element (in the example 3.5)



    Interactive Python shells and some types of frozen executables under Windows have problems with the Python multiprocessing module

    交互式Python shell和Windows下的某些类型的可执行文件与Python的multiprocessing模块可能有问题

    Please read the Python documentation about multiprocessing.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sidianok/p/13453669.html
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