Python线程简介: |
Threading 用于提供线程相关的操作,线程是应用程序中工作的最小单位。
threading 模块提供的类 |
Thread, Lock, Rlock, Condition, Semaphore, Event, Timer, local
threading 模块提供的常用方法 |
threading.currentThread(): 返回当前的线程变量
threading.enumerate(): 返回一个包含正在运行的线程的list。 正在运行指线程启动后,结束钱,不包括启动前盒终止后的线程
threading.activeCount(): 返回正在运行的线程数量。
threading 模块提供的常量 |
threading.TIMEOUT_MAX 设置threading 全局超时时间
Thread 类 |
1 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 import threading 3 import time 4 #方法一: 将要执行的方法左右参数传给Thread的构造方法 5 def action(arg): 6 time.sleep(1) 7 print("the arg is %s"%arg) 8 t_list= [] 9 for i in range(20): 10 t = threading.Thread(target=action,args=("hello",)) #target 填写要执行的方法名称 args 给要执行的方法传入参数。 11 t_list.append(i) 12 t.start() 13 for i in t_list: 14 t.join() 15 #方法二: 从Thread 继承,并重写run() 16 class Mythread(threading.Thread): 17 def __init__(self,agr): 18 super(Mythread,self).__init__() #注意:一定要显示的调用父类的初始化函数 19 self.agr = agr 20 def run(self): # 方法名称一定要定义为run Thread才会调用这个方法 21 time.sleep(1) 22 print("the arg is %s" %self.agr) 23 for i in range(20): 24 t = Mythread("test") 25 t.start()
构造方法 |
Thread(group = None,target=None,name=None,args=().kwargs={})
group: 线程组,目前还没有实现,库引用中提示必须是None;
args/kwargs: 要传入方法的参数
实例方法 |
isAlive(): 返回线程是否再运行。
get/setName(name): 获取/设置线程名
start(): 线程准备就绪,等待CPU调度。启动线程
s/setDaemon(bool): 获取/设置后台线程(默认前台线程(False )).
join: 将线程变成了串行,逐个执行每个线程,执行完毕后继续往下执行。
使用例子(未设置setDaemon) 守护进程 |
1 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 import threading 3 import time 4 def action(arg): 5 time.sleep(1) 6 print("sub thread start! the thread name is %s" %threading.current_thread().getName()) 7 print("the arg is %s"%arg) 8 time.sleep(1) 9 for i in range(4): 10 t = threading.Thread(target=action,args=(i,)) 11 t.start() 12 13 print("main thread done") 14 #执行结果 15 main thread done 16 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-3 17 the arg is 2 18 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-2 19 the arg is 1 20 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-1 21 the arg is 0 22 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-4 23 the arg is 3 24 进程已结束,退出代码0
使用例子二(setDeamon =True) |
1 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 import threading 3 import time 4 def action(arg): 5 time.sleep(1) 6 print("sub thread start! the thread name is %s" %threading.current_thread().getName()) 7 print("the arg is %s"%arg) 8 time.sleep(1) 9 for i in range(4): 10 t = threading.Thread(target=action,args=(i,)) 11 t.setDaemon(True) 12 t.start() 13 14 print("main thread done") 15 #执行结果 16 main thread done 17 18 进程已结束,退出代码0
使用join 例子 |
1 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 import threading 3 import time 4 def action(arg): 5 time.sleep(1) 6 print("sub thread start! the thread name is %s" %threading.current_thread().getName()) 7 print("the arg is %s"%arg) 8 time.sleep(1) 9 t_list = [] 10 for i in range(4): 11 t = threading.Thread(target=action,args=(i,)) 12 t.start() 13 t_list.append(t) 14 for i in t_list: 15 i.join() 16 print("main thread done") 17 #执行结果 18 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-1 19 the arg is 0 20 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-3 21 the arg is 2 22 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-2 23 the arg is 1 24 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-4 25 the arg is 3 26 main thread done 27 28 进程已结束,退出代码0
验证了join()阻塞当前上下文环境的线程,直到调用此方法的线程终止或到达指定的timeout,即使设置了setDaemon(Ture) 主线程依然要等待子线程结束
JOIN 使用不妥当的示例 |
1 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 2 import threading 3 import time 4 def action(arg): 5 time.sleep(1) 6 print("sub thread start! the thread name is %s" %threading.current_thread().getName()) 7 print("the arg is %s"%arg) 8 time.sleep(1) 9 for i in range(4): 10 t = threading.Thread(target=action,args=(i,)) 11 t.start() 12 t.join() 13 print("main thread done") 14 #执行结果 15 vsub thread start! the thread name is Thread-1 16 the arg is 0 17 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-2 18 the arg is 1 19 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-3 20 the arg is 2 21 sub thread start! the thread name is Thread-4 22 the arg is 3 23 main thread done 24 25 进程已结束,退出代码0
Lock |
acquire([timeout]): 使线程进入同步阻塞状态,尝试获得锁定。
release(): 释放锁。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常
1 # encoding: UTF-8 2 import threading 3 import time 4 5 data = 0 6 lock = threading.Lock() 7 8 def func(): 9 global data 10 print '%s acquire lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName() 11 12 # 调用acquire([timeout])时,线程将一直阻塞, 13 # 直到获得锁定或者直到timeout秒后(timeout参数可选)。 14 # 返回是否获得锁。 15 if lock.acquire(): 16 print '%s get the lock.' % threading.currentThread().getName() 17 data += 1 18 time.sleep(2) 19 print '%s release lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName() 20 21 # 调用release()将释放锁。 22 lock.release() 23 24 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func) 25 t2 = threading.Thread(target=func) 26 t3 = threading.Thread(target=func) 27 t1.start() 28 t2.start() 29 t3.start()
Rlock |
以认为RLock包含一个锁定池和一个初始值为0的计数器,每次成功调用 acquire()/release(),计数器将+1/-1,为0时锁处于未锁定状态。
acquire([timeout])/release(): 跟Lock差不多。
1 #encoding: UTF-8 2 import threading 3 import time 4 5 rlock = threading.RLock() 6 7 def func(): 8 # 第一次请求锁定 9 print '%s acquire lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName() 10 if rlock.acquire(): 11 print '%s get the lock.' % threading.currentThread().getName() 12 time.sleep(2) 13 14 # 第二次请求锁定 15 print '%s acquire lock again...' % threading.currentThread().getName() 16 if rlock.acquire(): 17 print '%s get the lock.' % threading.currentThread().getName() 18 time.sleep(2) 19 20 # 第一次释放锁 21 print '%s release lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName() 22 rlock.release() 23 time.sleep(2) 24 25 # 第二次释放锁 26 print '%s release lock...' % threading.currentThread().getName() 27 rlock.release() 28 29 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func) 30 t2 = threading.Thread(target=func) 31 t3 = threading.Thread(target=func) 32 t1.start() 33 t2.start() 34 t3.start()
Condition |
acquire([timeout])/release(): 调用关联的锁的相应方法。
wait([timeout]): 调用这个方法将使线程进入Condition的等待池等待通知,并释放锁。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。
notify(): 调用这个方法将从等待池挑选一个线程并通知,收到通知的线程将自动调用acquire()尝试获得锁定(进入锁定池);其他线程仍然在等待池中。调用这个方法不会释放锁定。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。
notifyAll(): 调用这个方法将通知等待池中所有的线程,这些线程都将进入锁定池尝试获得锁定。调用这个方法不会释放锁定。使用前线程必须已获得锁定,否则将抛出异常。
示例 生产者/消费者 |
1 # encoding: UTF-8 2 import threading 3 import time 4 5 # 商品 6 product = None 7 # 条件变量 8 con = threading.Condition() 9 10 # 生产者方法 11 def produce(): 12 global product 13 14 if con.acquire(): 15 while True: 16 if product is None: 17 print 'produce...' 18 product = 'anything' 19 20 # 通知消费者,商品已经生产 21 con.notify() 22 23 # 等待通知 24 con.wait() 25 time.sleep(2) 26 27 # 消费者方法 28 def consume(): 29 global product 30 31 if con.acquire(): 32 while True: 33 if product is not None: 34 print 'consume...' 35 product = None 36 37 # 通知生产者,商品已经没了 38 con.notify() 39 40 # 等待通知 41 con.wait() 42 time.sleep(2) 43 44 t1 = threading.Thread(target=produce) 45 t2 = threading.Thread(target=consume) 46 t2.start() 47 t1.start()
Semaphore /BoundeSemaphore |
Semaphore管理一个内置的计数器,每当调用acquire()时-1,调用release() 时+1。计数器不能小于0;当计数器为0时,acquire()将阻塞线程至同步锁定状态,直到其他线程调用release()。
BoundedSemaphore 与Semaphore的唯一区别在于前者将在调用release()时检查计数器的值是否超过了计数器的初始值,如果超过了将抛出一个异常。
Semaphore(value=1): value是计数器的初始值。
acquire([timeout]): 请求Semaphore。如果计数器为0,将阻塞线程至同步阻塞状态;否则将计数器-1并立即返回。
release(): 释放Semaphore,将计数器+1,如果使用BoundedSemaphore,还将进行释放次数检查。release()方法不检查线程是否已获得 Semaphore。
1 # encoding: UTF-8 2 import threading 3 import time 4 5 # 计数器初值为2 6 semaphore = threading.Semaphore(2) 7 8 def func(): 9 10 # 请求Semaphore,成功后计数器-1;计数器为0时阻塞 11 print '%s acquire semaphore...' % threading.currentThread().getName() 12 if semaphore.acquire(): 13 14 print '%s get semaphore' % threading.currentThread().getName() 15 time.sleep(4) 16 17 # 释放Semaphore,计数器+1 18 print '%s release semaphore' % threading.currentThread().getName() 19 semaphore.release() 20 21 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func) 22 t2 = threading.Thread(target=func) 23 t3 = threading.Thread(target=func) 24 t4 = threading.Thread(target=func) 25 t1.start() 26 t2.start() 27 t3.start() 28 t4.start() 29 30 time.sleep(2) 31 32 # 没有获得semaphore的主线程也可以调用release 33 # 若使用BoundedSemaphore,t4释放semaphore时将抛出异常 34 print 'MainThread release semaphore without acquire' 35 semaphore.release()
Event |
Event(事件)是最简单的线程通信机制之一:一个线程通知事件,其他线程等待事件。Event内置了一个初始为False的标志,当调用set()时设为True,调用clear()时重置为 False。wait()将阻塞线程至等待阻塞状态。
Event其实就是一个简化版的 Condition。Event没有锁,无法使线程进入同步阻塞状态。
isSet(): 当内置标志为True时返回True。
set(): 将标志设为True,并通知所有处于等待阻塞状态的线程恢复运行状态。
lear(): 将标志设为False。
wait([timeout]): 如果标志为True将立即返回,否则阻塞线程至等待阻塞状态,等待其他线程调用set()。
1 # encoding: UTF-8 2 import threading 3 import time 4 5 event = threading.Event() 6 7 def func(): 8 # 等待事件,进入等待阻塞状态 9 print '%s wait for event...' % threading.currentThread().getName() 10 event.wait() 11 12 # 收到事件后进入运行状态 13 print '%s recv event.' % threading.currentThread().getName() 14 15 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func) 16 t2 = threading.Thread(target=func) 17 t1.start() 18 t2.start() 19 20 time.sleep(2) 21 22 # 发送事件通知 23 print 'MainThread set event.' 24 event.set()
local |
local是一个小写字母开头的类,用于管理 thread-local(线程局部的)数据。对于同一个local,线程无法访问其他线程设置的属性;线程设置的属性不会被其他线程设置的同名属性替换。
可以把local看成是一个“线程-属性字典”的字典,local封装了从自身使用线程作为 key检索对应的属性字典、再使用属性名作为key检索属性值的细节。
1 # encoding: UTF-8 2 import threading 3 4 local = threading.local() 5 local.tname = 'main' 6 7 def func(): 8 local.tname = 'notmain' 9 print local.tname 10 11 t1 = threading.Thread(target=func) 12 t1.start() 13 t1.join() 14 15 print local.tname
1 # encoding: UTF-8 2 import threading 3 4 alist = None 5 condition = threading.Condition() 6 7 def doSet(): 8 if condition.acquire(): 9 while alist is None: 10 condition.wait() 11 for i in range(len(alist))[::-1]: 12 alist[i] = 1 13 condition.release() 14 15 def doPrint(): 16 if condition.acquire(): 17 while alist is None: 18 condition.wait() 19 for i in alist: 20 print i, 21 print 22 condition.release() 23 24 def doCreate(): 25 global alist 26 if condition.acquire(): 27 if alist is None: 28 alist = [0 for i in range(10)] 29 condition.notifyAll() 30 condition.release() 31 32 tset = threading.Thread(target=doSet,name='tset') 33 tprint = threading.Thread(target=doPrint,name='tprint') 34 tcreate = threading.Thread(target=doCreate,name='tcreate') 35 tset.start() 36 tprint.start() 37 tcreate.start()
Timer |
Timer(interval, function, args=[], kwargs={})
interval: 指定的时间
function: 要执行的方法
args/kwargs: 方法的参数
1 # encoding: UTF-8 2 import threading 3 4 def func(): 5 print 'hello timer!' 6 7 timer = threading.Timer(5, func) 8 timer.start()