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  • Python使用rsa模块实现非对称加密与解密



    RSA加密算法是一种非对称加密算法 是由已知加密密钥推导出解密密钥在计算上是不可行的”密码体制。加密密钥(即公开密钥)PK是公开信息,而解密密钥(即秘密密钥)SK是需要保密的。
    由于RSA的特性,一个1024位的密钥只能加密117位字节数据,当数据量超过117位字节的时候,程序就会抛出异常。 ——来自大佬



    import rsa
    # 一、生成公钥及私钥, 并保存
    public_key, private_key = rsa.newkeys(1024)  # 生成公钥和私钥
    # 将生成的公钥和私钥进行转换,以便存储
    pub = public_key.save_pkcs1()
    pri = private_key.save_pkcs1('PEM')  # save_pkcsl()是内置方法,其默认参数是‘PEM’
    with open('pubkey.pem', mode='wb') as f, open('privkey.pem', mode='wb') as f1:
    	f.write(pub)  # 打开两个文件,分别存储公钥及私钥
    # 二. 使用公钥加密, 私钥解密
    def func():
    	with open('pubkey.pem', mode='rb') as f, open('privkey.pem', 'rb') as f1:
    		pub = f.read()  # 从文件中再读出公钥和私钥
    		pri = f1.read()
    		public_key = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(pub)  # 转换为原始状态
    		private_key = rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(pri)
    	message = "rsa加密测试"
    	info = rsa.encrypt(message.encode('utf-8'), public_key)  # 使用公钥加密内容,内容必须是二进制
    	msg = rsa.decrypt(info, private_key)  # 使用私钥解密,获得解密后的内容
    	print(msg.decode('utf-8'))  # 使用之前记得先解码


    现在我将上述的代码段封装成一个Rsa class(包含的方法有:__init__——初始化方法,key_transform_store——存储公钥与私钥的方法、encry——加密方法、decry——解密方法),使用的时候,直接将下面的代码段拎到我们需要的地方去引用:先创建一Rsa对象,然后调用里面的方法即可:

    import rsa
    class Rsa(object):
    	def __init__(self, number, pub_path='public_key.pem', priv_path='private_key.pem'):
    		:param pub_path: the path to public key, default its path is public_key.pem
    		:param priv_path: the path to private key, default its path is private_key.pem
    		# Generate the public and private keys, and returns them
    		self.public_key, self.private_key = rsa.newkeys(number)
    		self.public_key_path = pub_path
    		self.private_key_path = priv_path
    	def key_transform_store(self):
    		convert and save the generated public and private keys to a file
    		:return: None
    		# convert the generated public and private keys for storage
    		pub = self.public_key.save_pkcs1()
    		pri = self.private_key.save_pkcs1('PEM')
    		# open two files to store the public key and private key respectively
    		with open(self.public_key_path, mode='wb') as f:
    		with open(self.private_key_path, mode='wb') as f1:
    	def encry(self, info):
    		encrypt information
    		:param info: the original string information to be encrypted
    		# read the public key from the file
    		with open(self.public_key_path, mode='rb') as f:
    			pub = f.read()
    			# convert pub to original state
    			public_key = rsa.PublicKey.load_pkcs1(pub)
    		# use the public key to encrypt the content, which must be binary
    		info_encrypted = rsa.encrypt(info.encode('utf-8'), public_key)
    		return info_encrypted
    	def decry(self, info_encrypted):
    		decrypt information
    		:param info_encrypted: encrypted information
    		:return: info
    		# read the private key from the file
    		with open(self.private_key_path, 'rb') as f:
    			pri = f.read()
    			# convert pri to original state
    			private_key = rsa.PrivateKey.load_pkcs1(pri)
    		# decrypt with private key to obtain the decrypted content
    		msg = rsa.decrypt(info_encrypted, private_key)
    		info = msg.decode('utf-8')  # decode
    		return info
    rsa_obj = Rsa(1024)  # 实例化
    rsa_obj.key_transform_store()  # 
    info_encrypted = rsa_obj.encry('我是真心喜欢你的。')  # 加密
    info = rsa_obj.decry(info_encrypted)  # 解密
    print(info)  # 我是真心喜欢你的。

    这里会出现一个问题:由于RSA的特性,一个1024位的密钥只能加密117位字节数据,当数据量超过117位字节的时候,程序就会抛出异常。如下测试会抛出:OverflowError: 189 bytes needed for message, but there is only space for 117

    rsa_obj = Rsa(1024)  # 实例化
    rsa_obj.key_transform_store()  # 
    info_encrypted = rsa_obj.encry('我是真心喜欢你的。我是真心喜欢你的。我是真心喜欢你的。我是真心喜欢你的。我是真心喜欢你的。我是真心喜欢你的。我是真心喜欢你的。')  # 加密
    info = rsa_obj.decry(info_encrypted)  # 解密


    后记: 通常使用中, 会先对数据进行bas64加密, 再对加密后的内容使用rsa加密, 最后对rsa解密后的内容进行bas64解密。


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