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  • STM32F103 移植UCOSIII LED例子测试 在GNU编译下实现

    STM32F103 移植UCOSIII GNU编译实现  


        当前进入网站首页时,选择STM 法意半导体 芯片生产商查看全部型号。


    下图,这里我们选择STM32F107 它使用的是UCOSIII V3.03.01 版本,IDE使用了

    Atollic TrueSTUDIO V3.x   是市售增强C / C ++ IDE基于Eclipse ®,CDT ™,GCC和GDB。2017年以来已停止更新,ST已收购。

    IAR (EWARM) V6.x     是IARSystems 公司为ARM 微处理器开发的一个集成开发环境。

    Keil MDK V3.x       是美国Keil Software公司出品的单片机C语言软件开发系统。

    以上三种IED 使用的编译链接器不相同,有GNU 、IAR、 RealView 、后面讲到选择uC-CPU文件夹里面的程序时,需要特别留意








      ├文件夹1:[UCOSIII_BSP]  <-----------------------里面的bsp.c、bsp.h是自定义的程序。
      │ ├(1)bsp.c
      │ ├(2)bsp.h
      │ └█
      ├文件夹2:[UCOSIII_CONFIG]  <------------------MicriumSoftwareEvalBoardsMicriumuC-Eval-STM32F107uCOS-III
      │ ├(1)app_cfg.h
      │ ├(2)cpu_cfg.h
      │ ├(3)includes.h
      │ ├(4)lib_cfg.h
      │ ├(5)os_app_hooks.c
      │ ├(6)os_app_hooks.h
      │ ├(7)os_cfg.h
      │ ├(8)os_cfg_app.h
      │ └█
      ├文件夹3:[UCOSIII_CORE]   <--------------------MicriumSoftwareuCOS-IIISource
      │ ├(1)os.h
      │ ├(2)os_cfg_app.c
      │ ├(3)os_core.c
      │ ├(4)os_dbg.c
      │ ├(5)os_flag.c
      │ ├(6)os_int.c
      │ ├(7)os_mem.c
      │ ├(8)os_msg.c
      │ ├(9)os_mutex.c
      │ ├(10)os_pend_multi.c
      │ ├(11)os_prio.c
      │ ├(12)os_q.c
      │ ├(13)os_sem.c
      │ ├(14)os_stat.c
      │ ├(15)os_task.c
      │ ├(16)os_tick.c
      │ ├(17)os_time.c
      │ ├(18)os_tmr.c
      │ ├(19)os_type.h
      │ ├(20)os_var.c
      │ └█
      ├文件夹4:[UCOSIII_CPU]  <--------------------MicriumSoftwareuC-CPU
      │ ├(1)cpu.h
      │ ├(2)cpu_a.s
      │ ├(3)cpu_c.c
      │ ├(4)cpu_core.c
      │ ├(5)cpu_core.h

      │ ├(6)cpu_def.h
      │ └█
      ├文件夹5:[UCOSIII_LIB]  <--------------------MicriumSoftwareuC-LIB
      │ ├(1)lib_ascii.c
      │ ├(2)lib_ascii.h
      │ ├(3)lib_def.h
      │ ├(4)lib_math.c
      │ ├(5)lib_math.h
      │ ├(6)lib_mem.c
      │ ├(7)lib_mem.h
      │ ├(8)lib_mem_a.s
      │ ├(9)lib_str.c
      │ ├(10)lib_str.h
      │ └█
      ├文件夹6:[UCOSIII_PORT]  <--------------------uCOS-IIIPortsARM-Cortex-M3GenericGNU
      │ ├(1)os_cpu.h
      │ ├(2)os_cpu_a.s
      │ ├(3)os_cpu_c.c
      │ └█

     这里需要特别说明文件夹6:确认自己的IDE 使用的编译器是GNU 、IAR、 RealView哪一种,对应着拷贝,使用不同的代码,移植会有

    一些差异,具体可以参照其它教程,这里我们选择GNU编译的代码,即 ;uCOS-IIIPortsARM-Cortex-M3GenericGNU  的    os_cpu.h  、  os_cpu_a.s  、 os_cpu_c.c  。

    拷贝到UCOSIII文件夹到工程后,根据自己IDE设置方法将UCOSIII这个文件夹添加到IDE编译路径,不同的IDE是不同的,比如 我这边使用的是Clion 通过修改CMakelists.txt 增加代码的路径。

     2.1修改 UCOSIII_BSP 的代码



    #ifndef  BSP_PRESENT
    #define  BSP_PRESENT
    #ifdef   BSP_MODULE
    #define  BSP_EXT
    #define  BSP_EXT  extern
    #include  <stdio.h>
    #include  <stdarg.h>
    #include  <cpu.h>
    #include  <cpu_core.h>
    #include  <lib_def.h>
    #include  <lib_ascii.h>
    //#include  <stm32f10x_conf.h>  //标准库方式的
    #include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"  //对应HAL库 主要目的是为了获取系统时钟源


    #define   BSP_MODULE
    #include  <bsp.h>
    #define  BSP_REG_DEM_CR                           (*(CPU_REG32 *)0xE000EDFC)	//DEMCR寄存器
    #define  BSP_REG_DWT_CR                           (*(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0001000)  	//DWT控制寄存器
    #define  BSP_REG_DWT_CYCCNT                       (*(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0001004)	//DWT时钟计数寄存器	
    #define  BSP_REG_DBGMCU_CR                        (*(CPU_REG32 *)0xE0042004)
    //DEMCR寄存器的第24位,如果要使用DWT ETM ITM和TPIU的话DEMCR寄存器的第24位置1
    #define  BSP_BIT_DEM_CR_TRCENA                    DEF_BIT_24			
    #define  BSP_BIT_DWT_CR_CYCCNTENA                 DEF_BIT_00
    *                                            BSP_CPU_ClkFreq()
    * Description : Read CPU registers to determine the CPU clock frequency of the chip.
    * Argument(s) : none.
    * Return(s)   : The CPU clock frequency, in Hz.
    * Caller(s)   : Application.
    * Note(s)     : none.
    CPU_INT32U  BSP_CPU_ClkFreq (void)
    //    RCC_ClocksTypeDef  rcc_clocks;
    //    RCC_GetClocksFreq(&rcc_clocks);		//获取各个时钟频率
    //    return ((CPU_INT32U)rcc_clocks.HCLK_Frequency);  //返回HCLK时钟频率
        //RCC_ClkInitTypeDef rcc_clocks ;
        //HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq();		//获取各个时钟频率
        return ((CPU_INT32U)HAL_RCC_GetHCLKFreq());  //返回HCLK时钟频率
    *                                          CPU_TS_TmrInit()
    * Description : Initialize & start CPU timestamp timer.
    * Argument(s) : none.
    * Return(s)   : none.
    * Caller(s)   : CPU_TS_Init().
    *               This function is an INTERNAL CPU module function & MUST be implemented by application/
    *               BSP function(s) [see Note #1] but MUST NOT be called by application function(s).
    * Note(s)     : (1) CPU_TS_TmrInit() is an application/BSP function that MUST be defined by the developer
    *                   if either of the following CPU features is enabled :
    *                   (a) CPU timestamps
    *                   (b) CPU interrupts disabled time measurements
    *                   See 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #1'
    *                     & 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION  Note #1a'.
    *               (2) (a) Timer count values MUST be returned via word-size-configurable 'CPU_TS_TMR'
    *                       data type.
    *                       (1) If timer has more bits, truncate timer values' higher-order bits greater
    *                           than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR' timestamp timer data type word size.
    *                       (2) Since the timer MUST NOT have less bits than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR'
    *                           timestamp timer data type word size; 'CPU_CFG_TS_TMR_SIZE' MUST be
    *                           configured so that ALL bits in 'CPU_TS_TMR' data type are significant.
    *                           In other words, if timer size is not a binary-multiple of 8-bit octets
    *                           (e.g. 20-bits or even 24-bits), then the next lower, binary-multiple
    *                           octet word size SHOULD be configured (e.g. to 16-bits).  However, the
    *                           minimum supported word size for CPU timestamp timers is 8-bits.
    *                       See also 'cpu_cfg.h   CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #2'
    *                              & 'cpu_core.h  CPU TIMESTAMP DATA TYPES     Note #1'.
    *                   (b) Timer SHOULD be an 'up'  counter whose values increase with each time count.
    *                   (c) When applicable, timer period SHOULD be less than the typical measured time
    *                       but MUST be less than the maximum measured time; otherwise, timer resolution
    *                       inadequate to measure desired times.
    *                   See also 'CPU_TS_TmrRd()  Note #2'.
    void  CPU_TS_TmrInit (void)
        CPU_INT32U  fclk_freq;
        fclk_freq = BSP_CPU_ClkFreq();
        BSP_REG_DEM_CR     |= (CPU_INT32U)BSP_BIT_DEM_CR_TRCENA; //使用DWT  /* Enable Cortex-M4's DWT CYCCNT reg.                   */
        BSP_REG_DWT_CYCCNT  = (CPU_INT32U)0u;					 //初始化CYCCNT寄存器
    *                                           CPU_TS_TmrRd()
    * Description : Get current CPU timestamp timer count value.
    * Argument(s) : none.
    * Return(s)   : Timestamp timer count (see Notes #2a & #2b).
    * Caller(s)   : CPU_TS_Init(),
    *               CPU_TS_Get32(),
    *               CPU_TS_Get64(),
    *               CPU_IntDisMeasStart(),
    *               CPU_IntDisMeasStop().
    *               This function is an INTERNAL CPU module function & MUST be implemented by application/
    *               BSP function(s) [see Note #1] but SHOULD NOT be called by application function(s).
    * Note(s)     : (1) CPU_TS_TmrRd() is an application/BSP function that MUST be defined by the developer
    *                   if either of the following CPU features is enabled :
    *                   (a) CPU timestamps
    *                   (b) CPU interrupts disabled time measurements
    *                   See 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #1'
    *                     & 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION  Note #1a'.
    *               (2) (a) Timer count values MUST be returned via word-size-configurable 'CPU_TS_TMR'
    *                       data type.
    *                       (1) If timer has more bits, truncate timer values' higher-order bits greater
    *                           than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR' timestamp timer data type word size.
    *                       (2) Since the timer MUST NOT have less bits than the configured 'CPU_TS_TMR'
    *                           timestamp timer data type word size; 'CPU_CFG_TS_TMR_SIZE' MUST be
    *                           configured so that ALL bits in 'CPU_TS_TMR' data type are significant.
    *                           In other words, if timer size is not a binary-multiple of 8-bit octets
    *                           (e.g. 20-bits or even 24-bits), then the next lower, binary-multiple
    *                           octet word size SHOULD be configured (e.g. to 16-bits).  However, the
    *                           minimum supported word size for CPU timestamp timers is 8-bits.
    *                       See also 'cpu_cfg.h   CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #2'
    *                              & 'cpu_core.h  CPU TIMESTAMP DATA TYPES     Note #1'.
    *                   (b) Timer SHOULD be an 'up'  counter whose values increase with each time count.
    *                       (1) If timer is a 'down' counter whose values decrease with each time count,
    *                           then the returned timer value MUST be ones-complemented.
    *                   (c) (1) When applicable, the amount of time measured by CPU timestamps is
    *                           calculated by either of the following equations :
    *                           (A) Time measured  =  Number timer counts  *  Timer period
    *                                   where
    *                                       Number timer counts     Number of timer counts measured
    *                                       Timer period            Timer's period in some units of
    *                                                                   (fractional) seconds
    *                                       Time measured           Amount of time measured, in same
    *                                                                   units of (fractional) seconds
    *                                                                   as the Timer period
    *                                                  Number timer counts
    *                           (B) Time measured  =  ---------------------
    *                                                    Timer frequency
    *                                   where
    *                                       Number timer counts     Number of timer counts measured
    *                                       Timer frequency         Timer's frequency in some units
    *                                                                   of counts per second
    *                                       Time measured           Amount of time measured, in seconds
    *                       (2) Timer period SHOULD be less than the typical measured time but MUST be less
    *                           than the maximum measured time; otherwise, timer resolution inadequate to
    *                           measure desired times.
    CPU_TS_TMR  CPU_TS_TmrRd (void)
        CPU_TS_TMR  ts_tmr_cnts;
        ts_tmr_cnts = (CPU_TS_TMR)BSP_REG_DWT_CYCCNT;
        return (ts_tmr_cnts);
    *                                         CPU_TSxx_to_uSec()
    * Description : Convert a 32-/64-bit CPU timestamp from timer counts to microseconds.
    * Argument(s) : ts_cnts   CPU timestamp (in timestamp timer counts [see Note #2aA]).
    * Return(s)   : Converted CPU timestamp (in microseconds           [see Note #2aD]).
    * Caller(s)   : Application.
    *               This function is an (optional) CPU module application programming interface (API)
    *               function which MAY be implemented by application/BSP function(s) [see Note #1] &
    *               MAY be called by application function(s).
    * Note(s)     : (1) CPU_TS32_to_uSec()/CPU_TS64_to_uSec() are application/BSP functions that MAY be
    *                   optionally defined by the developer when either of the following CPU features is
    *                   enabled :
    *                   (a) CPU timestamps
    *                   (b) CPU interrupts disabled time measurements
    *                   See 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION  Note #1'
    *                     & 'cpu_cfg.h  CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION  Note #1a'.
    *               (2) (a) The amount of time measured by CPU timestamps is calculated by either of
    *                       the following equations :
    *                                                                        10^6 microseconds
    *                       (1) Time measured  =   Number timer counts   *  -------------------  *  Timer period
    *                                                                            1 second
    *                                              Number timer counts       10^6 microseconds
    *                       (2) Time measured  =  ---------------------  *  -------------------
    *                                                Timer frequency             1 second
    *                               where
    *                                   (A) Number timer counts     Number of timer counts measured
    *                                   (B) Timer frequency         Timer's frequency in some units
    *                                                                   of counts per second
    *                                   (C) Timer period            Timer's period in some units of
    *                                                                   (fractional)  seconds
    *                                   (D) Time measured           Amount of time measured,
    *                                                                   in microseconds
    *                   (b) Timer period SHOULD be less than the typical measured time but MUST be less
    *                       than the maximum measured time; otherwise, timer resolution inadequate to
    *                       measure desired times.
    *                   (c) Specific implementations may convert any number of CPU_TS32 or CPU_TS64 bits
    *                       -- up to 32 or 64, respectively -- into microseconds.
    #if (CPU_CFG_TS_32_EN == DEF_ENABLED)
    CPU_INT64U  CPU_TS32_to_uSec (CPU_TS32  ts_cnts)
        CPU_INT64U  ts_us;
        CPU_INT64U  fclk_freq;
        fclk_freq = BSP_CPU_ClkFreq();
        ts_us     = ts_cnts / (fclk_freq / DEF_TIME_NBR_uS_PER_SEC);
        return (ts_us);
    #if (CPU_CFG_TS_64_EN == DEF_ENABLED)
    CPU_INT64U  CPU_TS64_to_uSec (CPU_TS64  ts_cnts)
        CPU_INT64U  ts_us;
        CPU_INT64U  fclk_freq;
        fclk_freq = BSP_CPU_ClkFreq();
        ts_us     = ts_cnts / (fclk_freq / DEF_TIME_NBR_uS_PER_SEC);
        return (ts_us);




    3.1  UCOSIII/UCOSIII_CONFIG/includes.h 修改

      将#include <stm32f10x_lib.h> 注释掉,我们不需要使用。


    3.2  UCOSIII/UCOSIII_PORT/os_cpu_a.s 及  Core/Src/stm32f1xx_it.c 修改


      OS_CPU_PendSVHandler 改为 PendSV_Handler





      ucos在进行任务切换的时候触发了异常中断,而ucos异常中断函数相当于是没用的,所以如果将OS_CPU_PendSVHandler 改为 PendSV_Handler 出现了卡死情况。



      将 void PendSV_Handler(void) 注释掉如下图,原因是:stm32f1xx_it.c 和 os_cpu_a.s 中重复定义了 PendSV_Handler 这个函数。


    3.3  延时delay.c 程序的修改。

      delay.c是用于时间延时控制的,STM32 delay.c的网上有很多教程,这里就不另外展开了。

      3.3.1 SysTick_Handler (void) 重名修改。

      自定义的Delay.c 延时程序中使用了void SysTick_Handler(void) 函数系统滴答计时器如右图。因为自定义的Delay.c 和 stm32f1xx_it.c 中存在同名冲突,  所以需要屏蔽掉stm32f1xx_it.c 中的函数如左图。

      屏蔽掉stm32f1xx_it.c的函数后,HAL的时钟也不启用,其它程序不能使用HAL的Delay() 函数功能。


      3.3.2 Delay.c 支持 Ucosiii 功能启用。

        自定义的 sys.h 的 SYSTEM_SUPPORT_OS = 1 支持Ucosiii




    #include "main.h"
    /* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
    /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */
    #include "sys.h"      // 时钟配置、GPIO位带 【时钟配置不用这里的】
    #include "delay.h"
    #include "includes.h"
    void SystemClock_Config(void);
    static void MX_GPIO_Init(void);
    void flesh_LED(int Delay);
    void flesh_LEDB8(int Delay);
    #define START_TASK_PRIO		3           //任务优先级
    #define START_STK_SIZE 		512         //任务堆栈大小
    OS_TCB StartTaskTCB;                        //任务控制块
    void start_task(void *p_arg);               //任务函数
    #define LED0_TASK_PRIO		4           //任务优先级
    #define LED0_STK_SIZE 		128         //任务堆栈大小
    OS_TCB Led0TaskTCB;                         //任务控制块
    CPU_STK LED0_TASK_STK[LED0_STK_SIZE];       //任务堆栈
    void led0_task(void *p_arg);                //任务函数
    #define LED1_TASK_PRIO		5           //任务优先级
    #define LED1_STK_SIZE 		128         //任务堆栈大小
    OS_TCB Led1TaskTCB;                         //任务控制块
    CPU_STK LED1_TASK_STK[LED1_STK_SIZE];       //任务堆栈
    void led1_task(void *p_arg);                //任务函数
      * @brief  The application entry point.
      * @retval int
    int main(void)
        /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/
        /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick.
         * 重置所有外围设备,初始化Flash接口和Systick*/
        /* 系统时钟初始化 */
        /* 系统初始化*/
        OS_ERR err;
        HAL_NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping(NVIC_PRIORITYGROUP_2); //中断分组配置
        OSInit(&err);		                            //初始化UCOSIII
        OS_CRITICAL_ENTER();                            //进入临界区
        OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB 	* )&StartTaskTCB,		//任务控制块
                     (CPU_CHAR	* )"start task", 		//任务名字
                     (OS_TASK_PTR )start_task, 			//任务函数
                     (void		* )0,					//传递给任务函数的参数
                     (OS_PRIO	  )START_TASK_PRIO,     //任务优先级
                     (CPU_STK   * )&START_TASK_STK[0],//任务堆栈基地址
                     (CPU_STK_SIZE)START_STK_SIZE/10,	//任务堆栈深度限位
                     (CPU_STK_SIZE)START_STK_SIZE,		//任务堆栈大小
                     (OS_MSG_QTY  )0,					//任务内部消息队列能够接收的最大消息数目,为0时禁止接收消息
                     (OS_TICK	  )0,				    //当使能时间片轮转时的时间片长度,为0时为默认长度,
                     (void   	* )0,					//用户补充的存储区
                     (OS_OPT      )OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CHK|OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CLR, //任务选项
                     (OS_ERR 	* )&err);				//存放该函数错误时的返回值
        OS_CRITICAL_EXIT();	                            //退出临界区
        OSStart(&err);                                  //开启UCOSIII
        while (1)
    void start_task(void *p_arg)
        OS_ERR err;
        p_arg = p_arg;
    #if OS_CFG_STAT_TASK_EN > 0u
        OSStatTaskCPUUsageInit(&err);  	//统计任务
    #ifdef CPU_CFG_INT_DIS_MEAS_EN		//如果使能了测量中断关闭时间
    #if	OS_CFG_SCHED_ROUND_ROBIN_EN  //当使用时间片轮转的时候
        OS_CRITICAL_ENTER();	//进入临界区
        OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB 	* )&Led0TaskTCB,
                     (CPU_CHAR	* )"led0 task",
                     (OS_TASK_PTR )led0_task,
                     (void		* )0,
                     (OS_PRIO	  )LED0_TASK_PRIO,
                     (CPU_STK   * )&LED0_TASK_STK[0],
                     (OS_MSG_QTY  )0,
                     (OS_TICK	  )0,
                     (void   	* )0,
                     (OS_OPT      )OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CHK|OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CLR,
                     (OS_ERR 	* )&err);
        OSTaskCreate((OS_TCB 	* )&Led1TaskTCB,
                     (CPU_CHAR	* )"led1 task",
                     (OS_TASK_PTR )led1_task,
                     (void		* )0,
                     (OS_PRIO	  )LED1_TASK_PRIO,
                     (CPU_STK   * )&LED1_TASK_STK[0],
                     (OS_MSG_QTY  )0,
                     (OS_TICK	  )0,
                     (void   	* )0,
                     (OS_OPT      )OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CHK|OS_OPT_TASK_STK_CLR,
                     (OS_ERR 	* )&err);
        OS_TaskSuspend((OS_TCB*)&StartTaskTCB,&err);		//挂起开始任务
        OS_CRITICAL_EXIT();	//进入临界区
      * @brief 任务0 PB8 LED闪烁
    void led0_task(void *p_arg)
        OS_ERR err;
        p_arg = p_arg;
      * @brief 任务1  PC13 LED闪烁
    void led1_task(void *p_arg)
        OS_ERR err;
        p_arg = p_arg;
      * @brief LED闪烁PC13
      * @param Delay 延时ms
      * @retval None
    void flesh_LED(int Delay)
    {  //闪烁一个LED PC13 自定义函数
        PCout(13) =0;
        PCout(13) =1;
    void flesh_LEDB8(int Delay)
    {  //闪烁一个LED PC13 自定义函数
        PBout(8) =0;
        PBout(8) =1;

      运行程序后可以发现PC13 和PB8 通过位带操作以不同的频率进行闪烁。







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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/siyun/p/14529658.html
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