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  • [POI2014]Cards

      有$n(nle2 imes10^5)$张卡片排成一排,每张卡片正反面有两个数$a_i$和$b_i$。$m(mle10^6)$次操作,每次交换第$c_i$和第$d_i$张卡片,问若可以任意翻转卡片,是否存在一种方案使得卡片上的数字构成一个不下降序列。


     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #include<cctype>
     3 #include<algorithm>
     4 inline int getint() {
     5     register char ch;
     6     while(!isdigit(ch=getchar()));
     7     register int x=ch^'0';
     8     while(isdigit(ch=getchar())) x=(((x<<2)+x)<<1)+(ch^'0');
     9     return x;
    10 }
    11 const int N=200001;
    12 int a[N][2];
    13 class SegmentTree {
    14     #define _left <<1
    15     #define _right <<1|1
    16     private:
    17         int val[N<<2][2];
    18         void push_up(const int &p,const int &b,const int &e) {
    19             const int mid=(b+e)>>1;
    20             val[p][0]=val[p][1]=-1;
    21             if(val[p _left][0]==-1) return;
    22             if(a[mid+1][1]>=a[mid][val[p _left][0]]) val[p][0]=val[p _right][1];
    23             if(a[mid+1][0]>=a[mid][val[p _left][0]]) val[p][0]=val[p _right][0];
    24             if(val[p _left][1]==-1) return;
    25             if(a[mid+1][1]>=a[mid][val[p _left][1]]) val[p][1]=val[p _right][1];
    26             if(a[mid+1][0]>=a[mid][val[p _left][1]]) val[p][1]=val[p _right][0];
    27         }
    28     public:
    29         void build(const int &p,const int &b,const int &e) {
    30             if(b==e) {
    31                 val[p][0]=0;
    32                 val[p][1]=1;
    33                 return;
    34             }
    35             const int mid=(b+e)>>1;
    36             build(p _left,b,mid);
    37             build(p _right,mid+1,e);
    38             push_up(p,b,e);
    39         }
    40         void modify(const int &p,const int &b,const int &e,const int &x) {
    41             if(b==e) return;
    42             const int mid=(b+e)>>1;
    43             if(x<=mid) modify(p _left,b,mid,x);
    44             if(x>mid) modify(p _right,mid+1,e,x);
    45             push_up(p,b,e);
    46         }
    47         bool query() const {
    48             return val[1][0]!=-1;
    49         }
    50     #undef _left
    51     #undef _right
    52 };
    53 SegmentTree t;
    54 int main() {
    55     const int n=getint();
    56     for(register int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
    57         a[i][0]=getint(),a[i][1]=getint();
    58         if(a[i][0]>a[i][1]) std::swap(a[i][0],a[i][1]);
    59     }
    60     t.build(1,1,n);
    61     for(register int m=getint();m;m--) {
    62         const int x=getint(),y=getint();
    63         std::swap(a[x][0],a[y][0]);
    64         std::swap(a[x][1],a[y][1]);
    65         t.modify(1,1,n,x);
    66         t.modify(1,1,n,y);
    67         puts(t.query()?"TAK":"NIE");
    68     }
    69     return 0;
    70 }
  • 相关阅读:
    Chapter 03Using SingleRow Functions to Customize Output(03)
    Chapter 03Using SingleRow Functions to Customize Output(01)
    Chapter 04Using Conversion Functions and Conditional ExpressionsNesting Functions
    Chapter 04Using Conversion Functions and Conditional ExpressionsGeneral Functions
    Chapter 11Creating Other Schema Objects Index
    传奇程序员John Carmack 访谈实录 (zz.is2120)
    保持简单纪念丹尼斯里奇(Dennis Ritchie) (zz.is2120.BG57IV3)
    王江民:传奇一生 (zz.is2120)
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/skylee03/p/8648700.html
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