#coding=utf8 import atexit from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl from pyVim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect import sys import copy import requests import time import json import pymysql import ssl from datetime import timedelta import datetime db = pymysql.connect('', port=3306, user='root', passwd='', db='') now = int(time.time()) def VmInfo(vm, content, vchtime, interval, perf_dict, name,ip): try: statInt = interval / 20 summary = vm.summary stats = summary.quickStats memoryUsage = stats.guestMemoryUsage * 1024 * 1024# memoryCapacity = summary.runtime.maxMemoryUsage * 1024 * 1024 maxMemoryPercentage =(float(memoryUsage) / float(memoryCapacity)) * 100 if not ip: ip=vm_raw_infos.get(name) add_data("vm.memory.maxPercent", float(maxMemoryPercentage), "GAUGE", name,ip) except Exception as error: if not ip: ip=vm_raw_infos.get(name) add_data("vm.memory.maxPercent", 'no data', "GAUGE", name, ip) def add_data(metric, value, conterType, name,ip): global now,payload if isinstance(value,float): has_data=True else: has_data=False data = {"metric": metric, "timestamp": now, "step": interval, "value": value, "counterType": conterType, "name": name,'ip':ip,'has_data':has_data} # payload.append(copy.copy(data)) payload.update({ip:data}) def run(host, user, pwd, port, interval): global vm_ip_infos,vm_raw_infos,vms,vm_name_infos try: context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) si = SmartConnect(host=host, user=user, pwd=pwd, port=port,sslContext=context) atexit.register(Disconnect, si) content = si.RetrieveContent() vchtime = si.CurrentTime() perf_dict = {} perfList = content.perfManager.perfCounter for counter in perfList: counter_full = "{}.{}.{}".format(counter.groupInfo.key, counter.nameInfo.key, counter.rollupType) perf_dict[counter_full] = counter.key if True: #config.vm_enable == True: obj = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(content.rootFolder, [vim.VirtualMachine], True) for vm in obj.view: summary = vm.summary boot_time = summary.runtime.bootTime ip = summary.guest.ipAddress if vm.name and vm.name in vm_name_infos: VmInfo(vm, content, vchtime, interval, perf_dict, vm.name,ip) elif vm.name in vms['stop']: add_data("vm.memory.freePercent", 'PowerDown', "GAUGE", vm.name, ip) elif vm.name in vms['other']: add_data("vm.memory.freePercent", 'vmTools Error', "GAUGE", vm.name, vm_raw_infos.get(vm.name)) elif vm.name in vms['start']: add_data("vm.memory.freePercent", '--', "GAUGE", vm.name, ip) except vmodl.MethodFault as error: print "Caught vmodl fault : " + error.msg return False, error.msg return True, "ok" def hello_vcenter(vchost, username, password, port): try: context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) si = SmartConnect( host=vchost, user=username, pwd=password, port=port,sslContext=context) atexit.register(Disconnect, si) return True, "ok" except vmodl.MethodFault as error: return False, error.msg except Exception as e: return False, str(e) def BuildQuery(content, vchtime, counterId, instance, entity, interval): perfManager = content.perfManager metricId = vim.PerformanceManager.MetricId(counterId=counterId, instance=instance) startTime = vchtime - timedelta(seconds=(interval + 60)) endTime = vchtime - timedelta(seconds=60) query = vim.PerformanceManager.QuerySpec(intervalId=20, entity=entity, metricId=[metricId], startTime=startTime, endTime=endTime) perfResults = perfManager.QueryPerf(querySpec=[query]) if perfResults: return perfResults else: return False def get_status(): from pysphere import VIServer global vm_raw_infos,vm_name_infos vmnames=[] ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context server = VIServer() server.connect('', '', '') vm_infos={'stop':[],'start':[],'other':[]} for i in vm_name_infos: try: pvm = server.get_vm_by_name(i) status=pvm.get_status() if status=='POWERED OFF': vm_infos['stop'].append(i) elif status=='POWERED ON': vm_infos['start'].append(i) else: vm_infos['other'].append(i) except Exception as e: vm_infos['other'].append(i) return vm_infos def get_datas(): vm_infos = {} global db cursor = db.cursor() sql = "select * from vminfo where status='used' and owner not in('unknown','',' ' );" cursor.execute(sql) datas = cursor.fetchall() for i in datas: vm_infos.update({i[2]:i[0]}) return vm_infos def drop_data(): global db cursor = db.cursor() sql = "delete from vm_memory where date(insert_time) < date_sub(curdate(), INTERVAL 60 DAY)" print sql cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() cursor = db.cursor() sql = "delete from vm_memory_fail where date(insert_time) < date_sub(curdate(), INTERVAL 60 DAY)" print sql cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() if __name__ == "__main__": host = '' user = '' pwd = '' port = 443 interval=60 payload = {} #获取当前已申请的虚拟机记录清单 vm_raw_infos=get_datas() vm_ip_infos=vm_raw_infos.values() vm_name_infos=vm_raw_infos.keys() # 测试vsphere连接 success, msg = hello_vcenter(host, user, pwd, port) if success == False: print 'vcenter登录失败' sys.exit(1) #获取虚拟机状态 vms=get_status() #获取监控数据 run(host, user, pwd, port, interval) # print json.dumps(payload,indent=4) result={} error_result=[] vm_ips=payload.keys() timeArray = time.localtime(now) insert_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", timeArray) # 删除数据库里超过两个月的记录 drop_data() #获取内存信息并插入数据库 insert_data=[] for name,ip in vm_raw_infos.items(): if ip in vm_ips and not isinstance(payload[ip]['value'],float): # error_result.update({ip: payload[ip]['value']}) error_result.append((name, ip, insert_time,payload[ip]['value'])) elif ip in vm_ips and isinstance(payload[ip]['value'],float): insert_data.append((name, ip, insert_time,payload[ip]['value'])) else: error_result.append((name, ip, insert_time, 'vmTools Error Or Powerdown')) # error_result.update({ip: 'vmTools Error Or Powerdown'}) with db.cursor() as cursor: sql = "insert into vm_memory(name,ip,insert_time,value) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)" cursor.executemany(sql, insert_data) db.commit() with db.cursor() as cursor: sql = "insert into vm_memory_fail(name,ip,insert_time,value) values(%s,%s,%s,%s)" cursor.executemany(sql, error_result) db.commit() #生成虚拟机状态表 vm_result=[] for name,ip in vm_raw_infos.items(): if name in vms['start']: vm_result.append((ip,insert_time,'开机')) if name in vms['stop']: vm_result.append((ip, insert_time, '停机')) if name in vms['other']: vm_result.append((ip, insert_time, '其他')) with db.cursor() as cursor: sql = "truncate table vm_status" cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() sql = "insert into vm_status(ip,insert_time,status) values(%s,%s,%s)" cursor.executemany(sql, vm_result) db.commit()
(vim.vm.Summary) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], vm = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-1181', runtime = (vim.vm.RuntimeInfo) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], device = (vim.vm.DeviceRuntimeInfo) [ (vim.vm.DeviceRuntimeInfo) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], runtimeState = (vim.vm.DeviceRuntimeInfo.VirtualEthernetCardRuntimeState) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], vmDirectPathGen2Active = false, vmDirectPathGen2InactiveReasonVm = (str) [], vmDirectPathGen2InactiveReasonOther = (str) [ 'vmNptIncompatibleNetwork' ], vmDirectPathGen2InactiveReasonExtended = <unset>, reservationStatus = <unset> }, key = 4000 } ], host = 'vim.HostSystem:host-329', connectionState = 'connected', powerState = 'poweredOn', faultToleranceState = 'notConfigured', dasVmProtection = <unset>, toolsInstallerMounted = false, suspendTime = <unset>, bootTime = 2019-07-25T06:32:58.834961Z, suspendInterval = 0L, question = <unset>, memoryOverhead = 250761216L, maxCpuUsage = 9596, maxMemoryUsage = 32768, numMksConnections = 0, recordReplayState = 'inactive', cleanPowerOff = <unset>, needSecondaryReason = <unset>, onlineStandby = false, minRequiredEVCModeKey = <unset>, consolidationNeeded = false, offlineFeatureRequirement = (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) [ (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.lm', featureName = 'cpuid.lm', value = 'Bool:Min:1' } ], featureRequirement = (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) [ (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.AES', featureName = 'cpuid.AES', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.AVX', featureName = 'cpuid.AVX', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.CMPXCHG16B', featureName = 'cpuid.CMPXCHG16B', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.DS', featureName = 'cpuid.DS', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.FMA', featureName = 'cpuid.FMA', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.Intel', featureName = 'cpuid.Intel', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.LAHF64', featureName = 'cpuid.LAHF64', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.LM', featureName = 'cpuid.LM', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.MOVBE', featureName = 'cpuid.MOVBE', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.NX', featureName = 'cpuid.NX', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.PCLMULQDQ', featureName = 'cpuid.PCLMULQDQ', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.POPCNT', featureName = 'cpuid.POPCNT', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.RDTSCP', featureName = 'cpuid.RDTSCP', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.SS', featureName = 'cpuid.SS', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.SSE3', featureName = 'cpuid.SSE3', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.SSE41', featureName = 'cpuid.SSE41', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.SSE42', featureName = 'cpuid.SSE42', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.SSSE3', featureName = 'cpuid.SSSE3', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.XCR0_MASTER_SSE', featureName = 'cpuid.XCR0_MASTER_SSE', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.XCR0_MASTER_YMM_H', featureName = 'cpuid.XCR0_MASTER_YMM_H', value = 'Bool:Min:1' }, (vim.vm.FeatureRequirement) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], key = 'cpuid.XSAVE', featureName = 'cpuid.XSAVE', value = 'Bool:Min:1' } ], featureMask = (vim.host.FeatureMask) [], vFlashCacheAllocation = <unset>, paused = <unset>, snapshotInBackground = <unset>, quiescedForkParent = <unset> }, guest = (vim.vm.Summary.GuestSummary) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], guestId = 'centos64Guest', guestFullName = u'CentOS 4/5/6 (64 u4f4d)', toolsStatus = 'toolsOk', toolsVersionStatus = 'guestToolsCurrent', toolsVersionStatus2 = 'guestToolsCurrent', toolsRunningStatus = 'guestToolsRunning', hostName = 'localhost.localdomain', ipAddress = '' }, config = (vim.vm.Summary.ConfigSummary) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], name = '61.123-platform', template = false, vmPathName = '[Innovative_SAAS1] 61.123-platform/61.123-platform.vmx', memorySizeMB = 32768, cpuReservation = 0, memoryReservation = 0, numCpu = 4, numEthernetCards = 1, numVirtualDisks = 1, uuid = '4239f236-e960-1366-f69e-cfec7698fe71', instanceUuid = '50394433-de7a-7b91-e828-3f9169f05029', guestId = 'centos64Guest', guestFullName = u'CentOS 4/5/6 (64 u4f4d)', annotation = '', product = <unset>, installBootRequired = false, ftInfo = <unset>, managedBy = <unset> }, storage = (vim.vm.Summary.StorageSummary) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], committed = 63243843022L, uncommitted = 14165213184L, unshared = 63243843022L, timestamp = 2019-08-23T02:00:26.8525Z }, quickStats = (vim.vm.Summary.QuickStats) { dynamicType = <unset>, dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [], overallCpuUsage = 1919, overallCpuDemand = 2878, guestMemoryUsage = 1638, hostMemoryUsage = 32017, guestHeartbeatStatus = 'green', distributedCpuEntitlement = 2878, distributedMemoryEntitlement = 9759, staticCpuEntitlement = 202, staticMemoryEntitlement = 12617, privateMemory = 31630, sharedMemory = 1008, swappedMemory = 0, balloonedMemory = 0, consumedOverheadMemory = 187, ftLogBandwidth = -1, ftSecondaryLatency = -1, ftLatencyStatus = 'gray', compressedMemory = 0L, uptimeSeconds = 2493235, ssdSwappedMemory = 0L }, overallStatus = 'green', customValue = (vim.CustomFieldsManager.Value) [] }