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  • 马婕 2014MBA专硕考试 报刊选读 4 朝鲜战争会爆发吗?(转)


    War unlikely, but Koreans still on cliff edge


    Will a second Korean war break out? Probably not, though the most intense tensions on the peninsular since the sinking of the Cheonan in 2010 have brought unprecedented challenges to the countries involved. North Korea's constantly strengthened war rhetoric conveys a powerful message that it is deeply worried about its regime survival. The US and North Korea are still in deadlock about whether North Korea should be granted a security guarantee first or North Korea's abandonment of nuclear weapons should come first, and neither country is expected tocompromise.



    Break out  爆发  The war/fire/fight/epidemic broke out.--------outbreak  n  爆发

    Come out 说出来,出版--------outcome 结果

    Set out  出发,启程------outset   开端

    dense population/traffic         ----------n  density                            稠密的

    tense muscles/expression  ---------n   tension                                紧张的

    intense heat//pain                                                    剧烈的疼痛

    intensive care/training                                                   细致的

    ~ investigation                                                 深入的

    extensive knowledge/damage                                      广阔的, 广泛的

    sink  1 n 水池  水槽

     2 沉没   The sinking of the Titanic  泰坦尼克号的沉没

    E.g. A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will float.


    Unprecedented adj 前所未有的,罕见的,空前的

    词根 precede vt 先于 

    Unprecedented success/disaster/scandal 前所未有的成功、灾难、丑闻

    e.g. The scheme has been hailed as an unprecedented success.


    Strong ----strength n----strengthen vt 加强

    E.g. By relieving corporation tax burden and manufacturing backflow, American enterprises are supposed to strengthen their international competitiveness and decrease their unemployment rates.


    Survive  vt 幸存,幸免于难

    E.g. Those organisms that are most suited to the environment will be those that will survive...


    Survivor 幸存者  survival 幸存

    Security check 安检 security guarantee 安全保障

    Compromise vt/n 妥协,让步,折衷---------compromising adj 折衷的,妥协的

    E.g. Be ready and willing to make compromises between your needs and those of your partner...


    The government has compromised with critics over the monetary policy


    For a long time North Korea has believed the annual US and South Korea's joint military drillsare aimed at overthrowing its regime, including the latest "Key Resolve" and "Foal Eagle" exercises, but that they do not become actual wars because of North Korea's nuclear weapon capabilities. This belief was strengthened when the Western countries overthrew then Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) accused the US of having removednuclear capabilities from Libya through negotiations as a precursor to invasion. That's a key reason behind North Korea's satellite launch last December and for the third nuclear test in February after the US turned a deaf ear to its messages of willingness to dialogue.



    Joint military drills 联合军事演习

    Joint adj 联合的,共同的 joint company 合资公司 joint efforts 共同努力

    N 关节

    They didn’t make a joint decision on where they would live

    Overthrow=overturn   vt 推翻,垮台

    e.g. He accused his opponents of wanting to overturn the government.


    overtake/overwhelm 压倒

    e.g. Lung cancer has now overtaken breast cancer as a cause of death for women in the US...


    From the moment Edward had told her of the escape attempt, she had been overtaken by a sense of impending doom.


    Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.


    Overdraw=overdraft 透支

    Overflow 溢出

    Overestimate 高估

    Accuse sb of doing sth 指责、控告=charge sb with sth

    E.G. Her assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police.


    Negotiate vt 谈判,协商

    e.g. A better approach is to negotiate a compromise. 更好的方法就是协商妥协

    precursor campaign 前兆战役

    precursor 前兆,预兆 鲜卑

    e.g. He said that the deal should not be seen as a precursor to a merger.


    Turn a deaf ear 置若罔闻

    Though it knows China will do its utmost to prevent any trouble at its doorstep, North Korea is equally aware whether China is prepared to get involved in a war remains an unknown factor, and that the US has taken many unilateral military actions without other powers' consent in the past decade. It's unlikely the North Korean regime, which is desperate to survive, will provoke a war that will equivalent to suicide, especially after its brinkmanship has worked on South Korea.



    Aware  be aware of =be conscious of 意识到,知道 =know 写作文要用

    e.g. Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.


    He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing.


    He must have been aware that my parents' marriage was breaking up.


    Awareness=consciousness 意识

    Unilateral 单边的   bilateral 双边的

    Desperate adj 绝望的,孤注一掷的

    e.g. Troops are needed to help get food into Kosovo where people are in desperate need...


    They'd been married nearly four years and June was desperate to start a family...


    Provoke vt 引起,激起,煽动

    e.g. His election success has provoked a shocked reaction...


    The destruction of the mosque has provoked anger throughout the Muslim world.


    Be equivalent to 等同于

    Even the cheapest car costs the equivalent of 70 years' salary for a government worker.


    Commit suicide 自杀

    On Thursday, South Korean President Park Geun-hye for the first time proposed to hold dialogue with the North and provide humanitarian aid. Park's turning point will not only likely bring concrete material aid to the North, but also be portrayed as a big victory of the North over the South to consolidate Kim Jong-un's leadership. On the same day Park released the sign to easetensions, the KCNA claimed that South Korea is already in chaos and South Koreans "buy out food and daily necessities out of extreme war-phobia" and foreigners residing in the South are rushing to evacuate.


    Human beings 人类

    Humanity 人性,人道,人文科学

    Humanitarian  人道主义的

    Consolidate 巩固,合并

    But change brought about the growth and consolidation of the working class...


    release news/ energy/ suspect                                                释放,发布

    relieve pressure/ pain                                               减轻,缓解

    reveal a secrecy/ mystery/the end of a story                                       揭示

    Studies ~ that …                                                   显示

    Ease/alleviate/relieve the tension/pain/pressure  缓解疼痛、压力、紧张

    Necessary ------necessity 必要性---necessities 生活必需品

    Evacuate vt 撤离,疏散

    The fire is threatening about sixty homes, and residents have evacuated the area.


    Reside 居住-------resident 居民

    Such reports are targeted at domestic readers who lack access to other information sources, in order to arouse their confidence in Kim Jong-un's "capabilities" to defeat South Korea and the US upon the first anniversary of his taking over the top leadership. Despite the limited chance of North Korea truly provoking a war, it is highly possible it might launch its missiles but not attack any city as it claimed, or that it could replicate an incident like the Cheonan sinking.


    Target 目标  The missiles missed the target 导弹未击中目标。

    Domestic 国内的,家庭的,家养的

    e.g She was kind and domestic and put her family before her part-time job.


    Domestic departure 国内离港  domestic market  国内市场

    Source of news/information   来源,源头

    Human resources/natural resources/mineral resources 人力资源、自然资源、矿物资源

    Launch a war 发动战争  launch a missile 发射导弹

    Replicate 复制,复现

    He invited her to his laboratory to see if she could replicate the experiment.


    South Korean officials and media's judgment that North Korea is playing a psychological game hasirritated the North. The North cannot end the current game with only a war of words after it hasmobilized its people to prepare for a fight, or else Kim's image will be damaged at home. North Korea's nuclear tests have already endangered China the most, through the huge nuclear radiation risks to China's Northeast, the possibility of damaging the development of the Northeast, and the provision of a justification for the US to strengthen its military presence in Asia. There is a heated debate over North Korea in China, and the US will grab the opportunity to reach as much consensus as possible on how to deal with North Korea.



    Psychology 生理学 philosophy 哲学

    Irritate 刺激,使发怒

    e.g Not surprisingly, her teacher is getting irritated with her.


    Just adj 公正的 ----justify vt 证明。。。有理----justification 辩解,正当理由

    e.g. No argument can justify a war...


    Conscious adj-----consciousness 意识

    He is acutely conscious that this transition will bring with it the risk of social unrest.


    conscience   according to one’s ~/ a bad ~                              良知,良心

    Consensus  一致,同意

    The consensus amongst the world's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.世界各国科学家一致认为在未来几十年里地球有可能变暖。


    North Korea might keep silent on whether it has the capability to arm a ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead. North Korea needs to flex its nuclear muscles both abroad and at home: The stronger it is, it believes, the safer the regime is. But North Korea shouldn't forget that the US misjudgment that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction led to the Iraq War, even without UNendorsement.  


    Endorse 批准,赞同,支持

    I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.


    North Korea's determination to own nuclear weapons will also affect China's North Korean policy, with some even advocating abandoning North Korea. Such proposal will in turn enhance North Korea's sense of insecurity and make it believe neither China nor Russia can truly protect it. It will be more determined to own nuclear weapons, even if China promises to provide a nuclear umbrella. Although there is no war in sight yet, bigger risks are embedded in this conflict. For a long time to come, the Korean nuclear issue will remain a bomb that can explode any time.



    affect  v. 影响 ~ health/ ~ mood; (使)感动deeply ~ed by the news

    affection  n. 友爱, 爱情, 影响 fix one's ~ on  sb./ the deep ~ between parents and kids

    effect  v. 造成 What he said ~ed a change of my opinions.

    effective  a. 有效的, 有作用的 ~ method/ measures

    embed 把。。嵌入 深留记忆

    I think that hatred of the other is deeply embedded in our society.


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