这段时间总是无法访问google.com,已输入google.com就直接被导向google.cn,今天装了一个英文版的操作系统,结果发现可以访问google.com了,后来发现,原来是“区域和语言”设置中,要把Location设置为United States才可以,同时发现,在英文系统中安装中文软件时,如果想不显示乱码,需要把system locale设置为中文。以下是系统解释:
The system locale is the language that is used to display the text in menus and dialog boxes for programs that do not use Unicode. You might need to change the default system locale when you install additional display languages on your computer. Selecting a different language for the system locale does not affect the language in menus and dialog boxes for Windows or other programs that do use Unicode.
Current location:
Some softwares and services provide you with local information such as news and weather.