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  • MagicAjax.NET Framework Configuration配制

    MagicAjax.NET Framework


    Table of Contents

    Setting Configuration Options


    You can set the configuration options for MagicAjax inside web.config's configuration section. The options will be applied to all the pages of your application that use MagicAjax. If you ommit an option from web.config, MagicAjax will use its default setting. A sample of MagicAjax's default configuration options is this:


    (note: There is a sample web.config file inside the 'Core' folder of the distribution with short descriptions for each available option) 有一个例子 web.configCore目录中,其中有简短的有效选项的描述。


                   <section name="magicAjax"

                           type="MagicAjax.Configuration.MagicAjaxSectionHandler, MagicAjax"/>














    By code

    The web.config MagicAjax settings can be overriden for a particular page, by code. The MagicAjaxContext.Current.Configuration property carries all the options and you can change any of them at the Load event of your page. Example:

    web.config MagicAjax设定可以被特定页的设定覆盖。通过代码, MagicAjaxContext.Current.Configuration属性拥有所有的配制选项,你可以在页的load事件中执行它

            private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


                   MagicAjaxContext.Current.Configuration.PageStore.Mode = MagicAjax.Configuration.PageStoreMode.Session;


    Any changes you make to the configuration options by code will be stored in a hidden field of the page and will be restored for a PostBack/AjaxCall. Thus, the following example has the same effect as the previous:


            private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


                   if ( !IsPostBack )


                           MagicAjaxContext.Current.Configuration.PageStore.Mode = MagicAjax.Configuration.PageStoreMode.Session;



    Note: Configuration options can be changed during a PostBack, but changing them during an AjaxCall is not allowed and will throw an exception.


    Configuration Options


    Type: string
    Default: null (omitted)
    Description: MagicAjax's script files are embedded in the dll and are put on page using script tags like this:


            <script type="text/javascript" src="AjaxCallObject.js.aspx"></script>

    If you set ScriptPath to a value, the src attribute of the script tag will contain the path of ScriptPath. That way you can use your own modified versions of MagicAjax's script files. Example:


            <magicAjax ScriptPath="~/script" />


    Type: enumeration (HashCode / MD5 / FullHtml)
    Default: HashCode
    Description: When an AjaxCall is invoked, MagicAjax compares the previous html renderings of controls included in an AjaxPanel with the current ones, to see if changes occured. Instead of keeping the complete html string, MagicAjax produces 'fingerprints' of the html rendering strings to compare them. When 'NoStore' PageStore mode is selected, the fingerprints are kept on page in hidden fields. This option defines how the fingerprints are going to be produced:

    AjaxCall被调用的时候,MagicAjax把先前的在AjaxPanel中的控件的输出与当前的进行比较。来看看是否改变发生了。为了取替总是保持完整的html输出,MagicAjax产生输出html指纹来比较它们,录这'NoStore' PageStore两种模式被选择的时候,“指纹”就会存在页面的陷藏域中,这个选项定义了是如何“指纹”被产生的。

    HashCode: The String.GetHashCode() method is used. This produces the smaller in size fingerprints but with the bigger chance for collisions.


    MD5: MD5 hashing is used. It is slower and larger in size, but practically there is no chance for collisions.


    FullHtml: The full html rendering is kept. This is provided only for debugging purposes.



    Type: boolean
    Default: false
    Description: If tracing is enabled, when an AjaxCall is invoked, a tracing window is created that displays the information about the data that were sent by the client to the server as POST data and the javascript code that the client received as a response from the server. That way you can monitor the traffic of AjaxCalls for debugging purposes or to find a page setup with less AJAX traffic.

    是否跟踪是有效的,当AjaxCall被调用的时候,一个跟踪窗口就是被创建来显示,从客户端post到服务器端的数据和客户端收到的javascript代码。那个方法,你可以监控AjaxCall的调用过程,以Debug的目的。or to find a page setup with less AJAX traffic.

    PageStore - Mode

    Type: enumeration (NoStore / Session / Cache)
    Default: NoStore
    Description: This is the option that has the most impact on how MagicAjax is going to function and to the page's execution cycle. Study the different modes carefully before deciding which one suits the needs of your application.


    NoStore : The default and recommended PageStore mode. The page's execution cycle for an AjaxCall is the same as a PostBack. The page and its controls are recreated at each AjaxCall, nothing is kept on the server, and the ASP.NET control events (Load, Unload etc.) are raised. This mode works for both NET 1.1 and NET 2.0.


    Session : The page object of the request is stored at the server in Session, and MagicAjax raises the various events on the stored page object. This mode bypasses the ASP.NET Page execution cycle; the control events (Init, Load, PreRender, Unload) are not raised but instead MagicAjax's stored page events are raised (AjaxCall, PreWriteScript, AjaxCallEnd) and the PostBack events of controls (Click, SelectedIndexChanged, CheckChanged etc.)

    请求的页面对象被缓存在服务器端的Session中。且MagicAjax激发各种事件on the stored page object(在页存储对象的上)。绕过asp.net page的执行周期,控件的事件将不会发生(Init, Load, PreRender, Unload),仅仅MagicAjaxstored page events(AjaxCall, PreWriteScript, AjaxCallEnd)和控件的postBack事件(Click, SelectedIndexChanged, CheckChanged etc.)将会被激发

    In order to handle the stored page events you need to implement the appropriate interfaces (IAjaxCallEventHandler, IPreWriteScriptEventHandler) on your Page/Usercontrol/Custom control class, or use AjaxPage/AjaxUserControl (see Usage ).

    为了处理stored page events,你需要在Page/Usercontrol/Custom control class, or use AjaxPage/AjaxUserControl中你的实现合适的气接口,(IAjaxCallEventHandler, IPreWriteScriptEventHandler)

    This mode offers better performance than 'NoStore' and less AJAX traffic, at the expense of consuming server's memory. Also, keeping the page object 'alive' has the benefit that any control that gets created during an AjaxCall, will be available during the next AjaxCall. For example, if you wanted to have a button that every time it is clicked, a new checkbox is added in a panel, here's how you can do it with an AjaxPanel and 'Session' mode:

    比起NoStore模式,这种模式提供了更好的性能和少量的ajax的数据的传递,但是有服务器内存的消耗,保持页对角处于”alive”状态的价值在于,任何控件可以在AjaxCall时被创建,在下一下AjaxCall调用时将是有效的,不需要创建。例如,如果你想要一个每次被单击的按钮,一个新checkbox被添加到Panel中,这里你可以做这件事情用ajaxPanel Session model

            private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


                   CheckBox check = new CheckBox();

                   check.Text = "Checkbox" + AjaxPanel1.Controls.Count;

                   AjaxPanel1.Controls.Add (check);


    On the other hand, if you wanted to do the same with a normal PostBack or 'NoStore' mode, you would have to implement code that keeps track of the created CheckBoxs and recreate them at the Load event. The 'alive' page object can be programmed almost like a desktop application form.


    This mode has drawbacks that you must consider:


    • It works only with 'InProc' Session state mode; it will not work with 'StateServer' or 'SQLServer' Session state modes.
    • 它仅仅可以工作在InProc Session模式下
    • It is supported only for NET 1.1
    • 它仅仅支持.net 1.1
    • HtmlAnchor and HtmlImage controls loose their attributes during an AjaxCall; AjaxHtmlAnchor and AjaxHtmlImage should be used in their place. (see Usage)
    • HtmlAnchor and HtmlImage将会失去它们的属性在ajaxCall调用时,应该使用AjaxHtmlAnchor and AjaxHtmlImage

    Cache: This mode works like 'Session' with the only difference being that the page object is stored in server's Cache, so the 'StateServer' and 'SQLServer' Session state modes can be used.

    PageStore - UnloadStoredPage

    Type: boolean
    Default: false
    Description: (Applicable only to Session/Cache PageStore modes) If the page object is stored (Session/Cache PageStore modes), this option defines whether the stored page object should be dropped when the browser's page is unloaded (when the user closes the window, navigates to another page, etc.). If it is enabled, an invisible AjaxCall is invoked at the Unload event of the browser's page, requesting that the server should drop the page object immediately. Although this can reduce a bit the memory consumption of page storing modes, it has the drawback that the page's state is not kept in browser's cache, so if the user returns to the MagicAjax-enabled page using the browser's Back button, the page will not have kept any AJAX changes and the user will see the initial page before any AjaxCalls were invoked.

    (仅仅可以适用于Session/Cache PageStore模式)如果页面对象被存储(Session/Cache PageStore modes 这个选项定义是否stored page object 应该被丢弃,当客户端页面被卸载时(当用户关闭窗口,导航到另一个页面),如果是有效的,在浏览器的Unload事件中一种不可见的AjaxCall被调用,要求服务器应该立即丢弃页面对象。尽管这种方式可以降低内存的占用。它的缺点是页面的状态并不保持在浏览器的缓存中,这个页将不保持ajax改变,用户将会看到ajaxCall调用之前的初使页面。

    PageStore - CacheTimeout

    Type: integer
    Default: 5
    Description: (Applicable only to Cache PageStore mode) Defines the time in minutes that the page object will be kept in server's Cache, if Cache PageStore mode is selected.

    仅仅可以适用于Cache PageStore模式)页面对象保存在服务器上的时间,哪果Cache PageStore被选中,

    PageStore - MaxConcurrentPages

    Type: integer
    Default: 5
    Description: (Applicable only to Session/Cache PageStore modes) Every new page request creates a new page object on the server. MagicAjax distinguishes page objects based on the user's session id and the requested page. If the user opens, in his session, the same page more than once, MagicAjax stores the page objects that belong to the same page and session, but only until MaxConcurrentPages limit is reached. If the limit is reached and the user requests the same page in his session, MagicAjax will not store the new page object, but instead it will find the page object that was accessed less recently and use this for the new page request as well.

    If the MaxConcurrentPages limit didn't exist, a new page object would have to be created and stored on the server every time the 'Refresh' button of the client's browser was clicked.

    (仅仅可以适用于Session/Cache PageStore模式)每一个新的页面请求去在服务器端创建一个新的页面对象。MagicAjax根据用户的Session id来区分页面对象。如果在用户的session中,它打开同一页面不止一次,MaxConcurrentPages达到极限之前,MagicAjax存储页面对象(这个对象属于同样的页面和session)。如果这个极限达到了,用户请求同样的页面在它的session中,MagicAjax将不会存储新的页面对象,取而代之的是查找最近很少访问的页面对象来使用它做为新的页面请求


    PageStore - MaxPagesLimitAlert

    Type: boolean
    Default: false
    Description: (Applicable only to Session/Cache PageStore modes) If this option is true, when a page request by the user reaches the MaxConcurrentPages limit, a notification alert box appears. Provided mainly for debugging purposes.

    (应用仅仅针对于Session/Cache PageStore模式)如果这个选项是有效的,如果页面的请求达到了MaxConcurrentPages极限,一个警告框将会出现,提供debug的目的。


  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/snowball/p/613996.html
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