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  • Java7新语法 -try-with-resources


    The try-with-resources Statement

    The try-with-resources statement is a try statement that declares one or more resources. A resource is as an object that must be closed after the program is finished with it. The try-with-resources statement ensures that each resource is closed at the end of the statement. Any object that implements java.lang.AutoCloseable, which includes all objects which implement java.io.Closeable, can be used as a resource.

    The following example reads the first line from a file. It uses an instance of BufferedReader to read data from the file. BufferedReader is a resource that must be closed after the program is finished with it:

    使用try-with-resources, 可以自动关闭实现了AutoCloseable或者Closeable接口的资源。

    static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path) throws IOException {
      try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
        return br.readLine();

    In this example, the resource declared in the try-with-resources statement is a BufferedReader. The declaration statement appears within parentheses immediately after the try keyword. The class BufferedReader, in Java SE 7 and later, implements the interface java.lang.AutoCloseable. Because the BufferedReader instance is declared in a try-with-resource statement, it will be closed regardless of whether the try statement completes normally or abruptly (as a result of the method BufferedReader.readLine throwing an IOException).

    Prior to Java SE 7, you can use a finally block to ensure that a resource is closed regardless of whether the try statement completes normally or abruptly. The following example uses a finally block instead of a try-with-resources statement:

    在出现try-with-resources之前可以使用finally子句来确保资源被关闭, 比如下面的方法。

    static String readFirstLineFromFileWithFinallyBlock(String path) throws IOException {
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));
      try {
        return br.readLine();
      } finally {
        if (br != null) br.close();

    However, in this example, if the methods readLine and close both throw exceptions, then the method readFirstLineFromFileWithFinallyBlock throws the exception thrown from the finally block; the exception thrown from the tryblock is suppressed. In contrast, in the example readFirstLineFromFile, if exceptions are thrown from both the try block and the try-with-resources statement, then the method readFirstLineFromFile throws the exception thrown from the try block; the exception thrown from the try-with-resources block is suppressed. In Java SE 7 and later, you can retrieve suppressed exceptions; see the section Suppressed Exceptions for more information.

    You may declare one or more resources in a try-with-resources statement. The following example retrieves the names of the files packaged in the zip file zipFileName and creates a text file that contains the names of these files:

    可以在一个try-with-resources语句中声明多个资源,这些资源将会以声明的顺序相反之顺序关闭, 比如下面的方法。

      public static void writeToFileZipFileContents(String zipFileName, String outputFileName)
        throws java.io.IOException {
        java.nio.charset.Charset charset = java.nio.charset.Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
        java.nio.file.Path outputFilePath = java.nio.file.Paths.get(outputFileName);
        // Open zip file and create output file with try-with-resources statement
        try (
          java.util.zip.ZipFile zf = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFileName);
          java.io.BufferedWriter writer = java.nio.file.Files.newBufferedWriter(outputFilePath, charset)
        ) {
          // Enumerate each entry
          for (java.util.Enumeration entries = zf.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            // Get the entry name and write it to the output file
            String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
            String zipEntryName = ((java.util.zip.ZipEntry)entries.nextElement()).getName() + newLine;
            writer.write(zipEntryName, 0, zipEntryName.length());

    In this example, the try-with-resources statement contains two declarations that are separated by a semicolon: ZipFile and BufferedWriter. When the block of code that directly follows it terminates, either normally or because of an exception, the close methods of the BufferedWriter and ZipFile objects are automatically called in this order. Note that the close methods of resources are called in the opposite order of their creation.

    The following example uses a try-with-resources statement to automatically close a java.sql.Statement object:

      public static void viewTable(Connection con) throws SQLException {
        String query = "select COF_NAME, SUP_ID, PRICE, SALES, TOTAL from COFFEES";
        try (Statement stmt = con.createStatement()) {
          ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
          while (rs.next()) {
            String coffeeName = rs.getString("COF_NAME");
            int supplierID = rs.getInt("SUP_ID");
            float price = rs.getFloat("PRICE");
            int sales = rs.getInt("SALES");
            int total = rs.getInt("TOTAL");
            System.out.println(coffeeName + ", " + supplierID + ", " + price +
                               ", " + sales + ", " + total);
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    The resource java.sql.Statement used in this example is part of the JDBC 4.1 and later API.

    Note: A try-with-resources statement can have catch and finally blocks just like an ordinary try statement. In a try-with-resources statement, any catch or finally block is run after the resources declared have been closed.


    Suppressed Exceptions

    An exception can be thrown from the block of code associated with the try-with-resources statement. In the example writeToFileZipFileContents, an exception can be thrown from the try block, and up to two exceptions can be thrown from the try-with-resources statement when it tries to close the ZipFile and BufferedWriter objects. If an exception is thrown from the try block and one or more exceptions are thrown from the try-with-resources statement, then those exceptions thrown from the try-with-resources statement are suppressed, and the exception thrown by the block is the one that is thrown by the writeToFileZipFileContents method. You can retrieve these suppressed exceptions by calling the Throwable.getSuppressed method from the exception thrown by the try block.

    注意:前面提到,如果try-with-resources语句中打开资源的Close方法和try代码块中都抛出了异常,Close 方法抛出的异常被抑制,try代码块中的异常会被抛出。

    Classes That Implement the AutoCloseable or Closeable Interface

    See the Javadoc of the AutoCloseable and Closeable interfaces for a list of classes that implement either of these interfaces. The Closeable interface extends the AutoCloseable interface. The close method of the Closeableinterface throws exceptions of type IOException while the close method of the AutoCloseable interface throws exceptions of type Exception. Consequently, subclasses of the AutoCloseable interface can override this behavior of theclose method to throw specialized exceptions, such as IOException, or no exception at all.


    [java] view plain copy
    1. import java.io.Closeable;  
    2. import java.io.IOException;  
    4. public class DummyClosable implements Closeable {  
    5.     private final boolean throwInClose;  
    6.     private final String name;  
    8.     public DummyClosable(boolean throwInConstruction, boolean throwInClose, String name) throws IOException {  
    9.         this.throwInClose = throwInClose;  
    10.         this.name = name;  
    11.         if (throwInConstruction) {  
    12.             throw new IOException("throwing in construction");  
    13.         }  
    14.     }  
    16.     @Override  
    17.     public void close() throws IOException {  
    18.         if (throwInClose) {  
    19.             throw new IOException("throwing in close");  
    20.         }  
    21.         System.out.println(name + " is closing...");  
    22.     }  
    24.     public static void main(String[] args) {  
    25.         try (DummyClosable d1 = new DummyClosable(false, false, "a");  
    26.                 DummyClosable d2 = new DummyClosable(true, false, "b");) {  
    27.             throw new IOException("in main1");  
    28.         } catch (Exception ex) {  
    29.             ex.printStackTrace(System.out);  
    30.         }  
    32.         System.out.println("----end1----");  
    34.         try (DummyClosable d1 = new DummyClosable(false, false, "a");  
    35.                 DummyClosable d2 = new DummyClosable(false, true, "b");) {  
    36.             throw new IOException("in main2");  
    37.         } catch (Exception ex) {  
    38.             ex.printStackTrace(System.out);  
    39.         }  
    41.         System.out.println("----end2----");  
    42.     }  
    43. }  

    [plain] view plain copy
    1. a is closing...  
    2. java.io.IOException: throwing in construction  
    3.     at learning.io.DummyClosable.<init>(DummyClosable.java:14)  
    4.     at learning.io.DummyClosable.main(DummyClosable.java:28)  
    5. ----end1----  
    6. a is closing...  
    7. java.io.IOException: in main2  
    8.     at learning.io.DummyClosable.main(DummyClosable.java:37)  
    9.     Suppressed: java.io.IOException: throwing in close  
    10.         at learning.io.DummyClosable.close(DummyClosable.java:21)  
    11.         at learning.io.DummyClosable.main(DummyClosable.java:38)  
    12. ----end2----  


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/softidea/p/5816014.html
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