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  • TeeChart使用小技巧之 曲线分页显示,轴分别显示日期

    在TeEngine.Unit的TChartAxis里,增加一个Public的属性:property NeedDateTime : Boolean read FNeedDateTime write FNeedDateTime;再增加一个私有字段:FNeedDateTime : Boolean;
    修改Function TChartAxis.IsDateTime:Boolean;函数.


     1 Function TChartAxis.IsDateTime:Boolean;   
    2 var tmpSeries : Integer;
    3 tmpList : TChartValueList;
    4 Begin
    5 if FNeedDateTime then
    6 begin
    7 Result := True;
    8 Exit;
    9 end; //solokey
    10 With ParentChart do
    11 for tmpSeries:=0 to SeriesCount-1 do
    12 With Series[tmpSeries] do
    13 if Active then
    14 begin
    15 tmpList:=ValueListOfAxis(Self);
    16 if Assigned(tmpList) then
    17 begin
    18 result:=tmpList.DateTime;
    19 exit;
    20 end;
    21 end;
    23 result:=False;
    24 end;



     1 object Form1: TForm1   
    2 Left = 194
    3 Top = 170
    4 Width = 870
    5 Height = 500
    6 Caption = 'Chart Page'
    7 Color = clBtnFace
    8 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    9 Font.Color = clWindowText
    10 Font.Height = -11
    11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
    12 Font.Style = []
    13 OldCreateOrder = False
    14 OnCreate = FormCreate
    15 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
    16 PixelsPerInch = 96
    17 TextHeight = 13
    18 object Chart1: TChart
    19 Left = 16
    20 Top = 48
    21 Width = 833
    22 Height = 409
    23 Title.Text.Strings = (
    24 'TChart')
    25 OnZoom = Chart1Zoom
    26 View3D = False
    27 TabOrder = 4
    28 end
    29 object ChartPageNavigator1: TChartPageNavigator
    30 Left = 24
    31 Top = 8
    32 Width = 240
    33 Height = 25
    34 TabOrder = 0
    35 Chart = Chart1
    36 OnButtonClicked = ChartPageNavigator1ButtonClicked
    37 end
    38 object Button1: TButton
    39 Left = 576
    40 Top = 8
    41 Width = 75
    42 Height = 25
    43 Caption = 'Reset'
    44 TabOrder = 1
    45 OnClick = Button1Click
    46 end
    47 object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
    48 Left = 465
    49 Top = 11
    50 Width = 73
    51 Height = 17
    52 Caption = 'Zoom'
    53 TabOrder = 2
    54 OnClick = CheckBox1Click
    55 end
    56 object ScrollBar1: TScrollBar
    57 Left = 294
    58 Top = 12
    59 Width = 163
    60 Height = 17
    61 Hint = 'MaxPointsPerPage: 5'
    62 Min = 5
    63 PageSize = 0
    64 ParentShowHint = False
    65 Position = 5
    66 ShowHint = True
    67 TabOrder = 3
    68 OnChange = ScrollBar1Change
    69 end
    70 end


      1 unit Unit1;   
    3 interface
    5 uses
    6 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
    7 TeEngine, Series, ExtCtrls, TeeProcs, Chart, StdCtrls, TeeNavigator,
    8 TeeEdiGene, TeeTools, TeePageNumTool;
    10 type
    11 TForm1 = class(TForm)
    12 Chart1: TChart;
    13 ChartPageNavigator1: TChartPageNavigator;
    14 Button1: TButton;
    15 CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
    16 ScrollBar1: TScrollBar;
    17 procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    18 procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    19 procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    20 procedure ScrollBar1Change(Sender: TObject);
    21 procedure ChartPageNavigator1ButtonClicked(Index: TTeeNavigateBtn);
    22 procedure CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
    23 procedure Chart1Zoom(Sender: TObject);
    24 private
    25 { Private declarations }
    26 FPageTool: TPageNumTool;
    27 FSeries1: TFastLineSeries;
    28 FSeries2: TFastLineSeries;
    29 FDateTime: TDateTime;
    30 procedure InitPage;
    31 public
    32 { Public declarations }
    33 end;
    35 var
    36 Form1: TForm1;
    38 implementation
    40 {$R *.DFM}
    42 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    43 begin
    44 Chart1.UndoZoom;
    45 end;
    47 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    48 begin
    49 FPageTool := TPageNumTool.Create(Chart1);
    50 FPageTool.ParentChart := Chart1;
    51 FPageTool.ShowButtons := False;
    52 FPageTool.Position := ppLeftTop;
    53 FPageTool.Format := '第 %d页,共 %d页';
    55 FSeries1 := TFastLineSeries.Create(Chart1);
    56 FSeries1.ParentChart := Chart1;
    57 FSeries1.VertAxis := aLeftAxis;
    58 FSeries1.HorizAxis := aBothHorizAxis;
    60 FSeries2 := TFastLineSeries.Create(Chart1);
    61 FSeries2.ParentChart := Chart1;
    62 FSeries2.VertAxis := aLeftAxis;
    63 FSeries2.HorizAxis := aBothHorizAxis;
    65 Chart1.TopAxis.NeedDateTime := True;
    66 Chart1.TopAxis.Grid.Visible := False;
    67 Chart1.TopAxis.LabelsSeparation := 20;
    68 Chart1.TopAxis.DateTimeFormat := 'YY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS';
    70 Chart1.BottomAxis.Title.Caption := '(Minute)';
    72 FSeries1.FillSampleValues(100);
    73 FSeries2.FillSampleValues(100);
    75 FDateTime := Now;
    77 Chart1.MaxPointsPerPage := ScrollBar1.Position;
    78 InitPage;
    80 Chart1.Zoom.Pen.Color := clRed;
    81 end;
    83 procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    84 begin
    85 FSeries1.Free;
    86 FSeries2.Free;
    87 FPageTool.Free;
    88 end;
    90 procedure TForm1.ScrollBar1Change(Sender: TObject);
    91 begin
    92 Chart1.MaxPointsPerPage := ScrollBar1.Position;
    93 ScrollBar1.Hint := Format('MaxPointsPerPage: %d', [ScrollBar1.Position]);
    94 InitPage;
    95 end;
    97 procedure TForm1.ChartPageNavigator1ButtonClicked(Index: TTeeNavigateBtn);
    98 var
    99 Min, Max: Double;
    100 begin
    101 Chart1.UndoZoom;
    102 Min := (Chart1.Page - 1) * ScrollBar1.Position;
    103 Max := Chart1.Page * ScrollBar1.Position;
    104 Chart1.BottomAxis.SetMinMax(Min, Max);
    105 Chart1.TopAxis.SetMinMax(FDateTime + Min * 60 / SecsPerDay, FDateTime + Max * 60 / SecsPerDay);
    106 end;
    108 procedure TForm1.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
    109 begin
    110 Chart1.OriginalCursor := crDefault;
    111 if CheckBox1.Checked then
    112 Chart1.OriginalCursor := crCross;
    113 Chart1.Zoom.Allow := CheckBox1.Checked;
    114 end;
    116 procedure TForm1.Chart1Zoom(Sender: TObject);
    117 var
    118 i: Integer;
    119 Min,Max: Double;
    120 begin
    121 with Chart1.LeftAxis, Chart1.Zoom do
    122 begin
    123 if Visible then
    124 begin
    125 Min := CalcPosPoint(Y0);
    126 Max := CalcPosPoint(Y1);
    127 SetMinMax(Min, Max);
    128 end;
    129 end;
    130 end;
    132 procedure TForm1.InitPage;
    133 var
    134 Min, Max: Double;
    135 begin
    136 Chart1.UndoZoom;
    137 Min := 0;
    138 Max := ScrollBar1.Position;
    139 Chart1.BottomAxis.SetMinMax(Min, Max);
    140 Chart1.TopAxis.SetMinMax(FDateTime + Min * 60 / SecsPerDay, FDateTime + Max * 60 / SecsPerDay);
    141 ChartPageNavigator1.EnableButtons;
    142 ChartPageNavigator1.Buttons[nbFirst].Click;
    143 end;
    145 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/solokey/p/2126616.html
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