使用 apache livy时,进行高并发任务压测出现错误
pool-1-thread-111---start run xx.xx.xxx.xx [亲,你的任务正在节点 xx.xx.xxx.xx 的LivyServer 上飞, job history id: null] [Run Sql error: java.io.IOException: Unable to connect to provided ports 10000~10010", 亲,你的任务正在节点 xx.xx.xxx.xx 的HiveServer 上飞, job history id: null]
RpcServer 使用
/** * Creating RPC Server * @param lconf The default RSC configs * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public RpcServer(RSCConf lconf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.config = lconf; this.portRange = config.get(LAUNCHER_PORT_RANGE); this.group = new NioEventLoopGroup( this.config.getInt(RPC_MAX_THREADS), Utils.newDaemonThreadFactory("RPC-Handler-%d")); int [] portData = getPortNumberAndRange(); int startingPortNumber = portData[PortRangeSchema.START_PORT.ordinal()]; int endPort = portData[PortRangeSchema.END_PORT.ordinal()]; boolean isContected = false; int attempts = 0; for(int tries = startingPortNumber ; tries<=endPort ; tries++){ try { this.channel = getChannel(tries); isContected = true; break; } catch(SocketException e){ LOG.debug("RPC not able to connect port " + tries + " " + e.getMessage()); } } if(!isContected) { connectRetrying(startingPortNumber, endPort, attempts); //throw new IOException("Unable to connect to provided ports " + this.portRange); }
当端口都重试一遍没连接上就报错 Unable to connect to provided ports
private Boolean connectRetrying(int startingPortNumber, int endPort, int attempts) throws InterruptedException, IOException { boolean isContected = false; while (true) { attempts++; if (attempts >= 3) { throw new IOException("Unable to connect to provided ports " + this.portRange + " the three attempt"); } for (int tries = startingPortNumber; tries <= endPort; tries++) { try { this.channel = getChannel(tries); isContected = true; break; } catch (SocketException e) { LOG.debug("RPC not able to connect port " + tries + " " + e.getMessage()); } } if (isContected) { break; } Thread.sleep(100); }
/** * Creating RPC Server * @param lconf The default RSC configs * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public RpcServer(RSCConf lconf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { this.config = lconf; this.portRange = config.get(LAUNCHER_PORT_RANGE); this.group = new NioEventLoopGroup( this.config.getInt(RPC_MAX_THREADS), Utils.newDaemonThreadFactory("RPC-Handler-%d")); int [] portData = getPortNumberAndRange(); int startingPortNumber = portData[PortRangeSchema.START_PORT.ordinal()]; int endPort = portData[PortRangeSchema.END_PORT.ordinal()]; boolean isContected = false; int attempts = 0; for(int tries = startingPortNumber ; tries<=endPort ; tries++){ try { this.channel = getChannel(tries); isContected = true; break; } catch(SocketException e){ LOG.debug("RPC not able to connect port " + tries + " " + e.getMessage()); } } if(!isContected) { connectRetrying(startingPortNumber, endPort, attempts); //throw new IOException("Unable to connect to provided ports " + this.portRange); } this.port = ((InetSocketAddress) channel.localAddress()).getPort(); this.pendingClients = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); LOG.info("Connected to the port " + this.port); String address = config.get(RPC_SERVER_ADDRESS); if (address == null) { address = config.findLocalAddress(); } this.address = address; }