package com.qiusongde; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdIn; import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.StdOut; public class Stack<Item> implements Iterable<Item> { private Node first; private int n; private class Node { Item item; Node next; } //1.3.12 public static Stack<String> copy(Stack<String> stack) { Stack<String> temp = new Stack<String>(); Stack<String> result = new Stack<String>(); for(String s : stack) { temp.push(s); } for(String s : temp) { result.push(s); } return result; } public Stack() { first = null; n = 0; } public void push(Item item) { Node oldfirst = first; first = new Node(); first.item = item; first.next = oldfirst; n++; } public Item pop() { if(isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack is empty"); Item item = first.item; first = first.next; n--; return item; } //1.3.7 public Item peek() { if(isEmpty()) throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack is empty"); return first.item; } public boolean isEmpty() { return first == null; } public int size() { return n; } @Override public Iterator<Item> iterator() { return new StackIterator(); } private class StackIterator implements Iterator<Item> { private Node current = first; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return current != null; } @Override public Item next() { if(!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack is empty"); Item item = current.item; current = current.next; return item; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Stack don't support remove"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Stack<String> stack = new Stack<String>(); StdOut.println("Initialized size:" + stack.size()); while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) { String item = StdIn.readString(); if (!item.equals("-")) { stack.push(item); StdOut.println("push success:" + item + " size:" + stack.size()); StdOut.print("Left on stack: "); for (String s : stack) { StdOut.print(s + " "); } StdOut.println(); } else { if(stack.isEmpty()) StdOut.println("pop error, stack empty"); else { StdOut.println("pop success:" + stack.pop() + " size:" + stack.size()); StdOut.print("Left on stack: "); for (String s : stack) { StdOut.print(s + " "); } StdOut.println(); } } } //1.3.12 Stack<String> copy = Stack.copy(stack); StdOut.println("copy stack:"); for(String s : copy) { StdOut.print(s + " "); } StdOut.println(); } }
Initialized size:0 to push success:to size:1 Left on stack: to be push success:be size:2 Left on stack: be to or push success:or size:3 Left on stack: or be to not push success:not size:4 Left on stack: not or be to to push success:to size:5 Left on stack: to not or be to copy stack: to not or be to