在.NET中,随机数一般是用Random来获取,但是当在多任务的并行化编程时,问题就出现了。因为Random是基于时间作为种子来生成伪随机数的,而如果程序在多核并行时,在同一时间内的多个核中取到的时间是一样的,这样一来,生成的伪随机数就有可能会有一样的。如果业务需求中需要不可重复的随机数,那么这后果将会相当严重,所以必须采取一种新的方式来获取线程安全的伪随机数。下面是摘自《.NET Parallel Extensions》中的一段关于线程安全随机数生成的类,也可参看http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Samples-for-Parallel-b4b76364/sourcecode?fileId=44488&pathId=1352203765。
public class ThreadSafeRandom : Random { //This is the seed provider private static readonly RNGCryptoServiceProvider _global = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider(); //This is the provider of randomness. //There is going to be one instance of Random per thread //because it is declared as ThreadLocal<Random> private ThreadLocal<Random> _local = new ThreadLocal<Random>(() => { //This is the valueFactory function //This code will run for each thread to initialize each independent instance of Random. var buffer = new byte[4]; //Calls the GetBytes method for RNGCryptoServiceProvider because this class is thread-safe //for this usage. _global.GetBytes(buffer); //Return the new thread-local Random instance initialized with the generated seed. return new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0)); }); public override int Next() { return _local.Value.Next(); } public override int Next(int maxValue) { return _local.Value.Next(maxValue); } public override int Next(int minValue, int maxValue) { return _local.Value.Next(minValue, maxValue); } public override double NextDouble() { return _local.Value.NextDouble(); } public override void NextBytes(byte[] buffer) { _local.Value.NextBytes(buffer); } }这个类ThreadSafeRandom继承自Random,所以可以像Random一样使用。
2、使用ThreadLocal来懒惰初使化(Lazy-Initialize)随机数的实例。因为ThreadLocal是针对于每一个线程的线程安全类,是线程的本地存储形式。如果同一个线程多次初始化ThreadLocal,那么得到的实例将会是一样的。因为如果一个线程已经初始化了该实例之后( ThreadSafeRandom safeRandom = new ThreadSafeRandom()),该线程后面继续初始化(再次调用 ThreadSafeRandom safeRandom = new ThreadSafeRandom())是不会再初始化一次,而是会返回之前的实例(有点像单件模式)。不过,这也带来了另一个问题,如果就是要在线程中不断产生新的实例时,这种做法就变的不合适了,不悉采用变通或者其他做法。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Chapter11_Console { public class RadomTest { #region Run Function public static void Run() { Console.WriteLine("Started!"); var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); int normalRandomSameCount = randomSerial(generateNormalRadoms); Console.WriteLine("Normal Random Same Count:{0}, Consume Time:{1}", normalRandomSameCount, sw.Elapsed.ToString()); sw.Restart(); int threadSafeRandomSameCount = randomSerial(generateThreadSafeRadoms); Console.WriteLine("Thread Safe Random Same Count:{0}, Consume Time:{1}", threadSafeRandomSameCount, sw.Elapsed.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Completed!"); Console.ReadLine(); } private static int randomSerial(Func<int, List<int>> generateRadoms) { int randomCount = 100000; Task<List<int>>[] tasks = new Task<List<int>>[2]; for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++) { tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { return generateRadoms(randomCount); }); } Task.WaitAll(tasks); int sameCount = 0; Task finalTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { for (int i = 0; i < randomCount; i++) { if (tasks[0].Result[i] == tasks[1].Result[i]) { sameCount++; } } }); finalTask.Wait(); return sameCount; } private static List<int> generateNormalRadoms(int randomCount) { List<int> randoms = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < randomCount; i++) { Random random = new Random(); randoms.Add(random.Next()); } return randoms; } private static List<int> generateThreadSafeRadoms(int randomCount) { List<int> randoms = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < randomCount; i++) { ThreadSafeRandom safeRandom = new ThreadSafeRandom(); randoms.Add(safeRandom.Next()); } return randoms; } #endregion } }
多运行几次会发现,有的时候Normal Random Same Count也有为0的时候,有的时候会很小,有的时候会很大,具体多少是随机性的。