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  • CSS function

    按照 winter 老师「知识完备性」的思路,尝试整理了一下 CSS 函数。

    1. Common CSS Functions

      1. url()

      2. attr()

      3. calc()

      4. lang()

      5. :not()

    2. CSS Custom Properties

      1. var()
    3. Color Functions

      1. rgb() and rgba()

      2. hsl() and hsla()

    4. Pseudo Class Selector Functions

      1. :nth-child()

      2. :nth-last-child()

      3. :nth-of-type()

      4. :nth-last-of-type()

    5. Animation Functions

      1. cubic-bezier()

      2. path()

      3. steps()

    6. Sizing & Scaling Functions

      1. scaleX(), scaleY(), scaleZ(), scale3d(), and scale()

      2. translateX(), translateY(), translateZ(), translate3d(), and translate()

      3. perspective()

      4. rotateX(), rotateY(), rotateZ(), rotate3d(), and rotate()

      5. skewX(), skewY(), and skew()

    7. Filter Functions

      1. brightness()

      2. blur()

      3. contrast()

      4. grayscale()

      5. invert()

      6. opacity()

      7. saturate()

      8. sepia()

      9. drop-shadow()

      10. hue-rotate()

      11. SVG filters

    8. Gradient Functions

      1. linear-gradient() and repeating-linear-gradient()

      2. radial-gradient() and repeating-radial-gradient()

      3. conic-gradient() and `repeating-conical-gradi

    9. Gradient Functions

      1. linear-gradient() and repeating-linear-gradient()

      2. radial-gradient() and repeating-radial-gradient()

      3. conic-gradient() and repeating-conical-gradient

    10. Grid Functions

      1. fit-content()

      2. minmax()

      3. repeat()

    11. Shape Functions

      1. circle()

      2. ellipse()

      3. polygon()

      4. inset()

    12. Miscellaneous Functions

      1. element()

      2. image-set()

      3. ::slotted()

  • 相关阅读:
    java String hashCode遇到的坑
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ssaylo/p/13223077.html
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