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  • Python基础




    - 进制基础

      数据存储在磁盘上或者内存中,都是以0、1形式存在的;即是以 二进制 的形式存在;

      为了存储和展示,人们陆续扩展了数据的表示形式:八进制 -> 十进制 -> 十六进制...

     二进制:0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 10000 10001  ...
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 ... 十进制:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ... 十六进制:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 ...

     - 文件读写相关函数方法





    #1 Python中文件读写的小例子:

    1 #!/usr/bin/python
     2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     4 f1 = open('log','r',encoding='utf-8')
     5 f2 = open('log','rb')
     6 data1 = f1.read()
     7 data2= f2.read()
     8 print(data1)
     9 print(data2)
    11 result:
    12 D:softworkpython35python.exe D:/soft/work/Python_17/day02/s01.py
    13 adada英文——_.
    14 b'adadaxe8x8bxb1xe6x96x87xe2x80x94xe2x80x94_.'
    16 Process finished with exit code 0



    - 类/class



    - 对象/object


    - 面向对象

      - 封装

      - 继承

      - 多态

        - 重载


    > 例如:水果是一个类/class,香蕉则是一个对象/object;

    - Python 中的类和对象


    1 class str(object):{...}
    2 ---
    3 #!/usr/bin/python
    4 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    6 string = "Hello"
    7 new_str = string.upper()
    8 print(new_str)

     string 变量通过 '=' 赋值,成为了一个str类的对象实例,存储在内存中;因为str类具有 'upper()' 方法,所以string对象继承了该方法,可以执行相关操作;


    - 字符串/str

      - 类型:  不可变(immutable)


     1 #!/usr/bin/python
     2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
     4 string = "Hello"
     5 print(string)
     6 print(string[2])
     7 string[2] = '+'
     8 print(string)
     9 print(string[2])
    11 ---
    12 D:softworkpython35python.exe D:/soft/work/Python_17/day02/s03.py
    13 Hello
    14 l
    15 Traceback (most recent call last):
    16   File "D:/soft/work/Python_17/day02/s03.py", line 9, in <module>
    17     string[2] = '+'
    18 TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
    20 Process finished with exit code 1

       - 基础功能

        - 1.capitalize | 首字母大写

    1 name = 'alex'
    2 v = name.capitalize()
    3 print(name)
    4 print(v)
    6 ---
    7 alex
    8 Alex

         - 2.casefold 和 lower | 所有大写变小写,casefold 功能强于 lower

     1 name = 'HeLLo!'
     2 v = name.casefold()
     3 v2 = name.lower()
     4 print(name)
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     8 ---
     9 HeLLo!
    10 hello!
    11 hello!
     1 # ß 是德语里的一个大写字符
     3 name = 'ß'
     4 v = name.casefold()
     5 v2 = name.lower()
     6 print(v)
     7 print(v2)
     9 ---
    10 ss
    11 ß

        - 3.center, ljust, rjust | 文本居中,居左,居右,并填充显示,arg1 -> 表示总长度;arg2 -> 表示填充字符;

     1 name = 'standby'
     2 v = name.center(10,'#')
     3 v2 = name.ljust(10,'@')
     4 v3 = name.rjust(10,'+')
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     7 print(v3)
     9 ---
    10 #standby##
    11 standby@@@
    12 +++standby

         - 4.count | 子序列在字符串中出现的次数;arg1 -> 子序列; arg2 -> 匹配查找的起始位置; arg3 -> 匹配查找的结束位置;

     1 desc = "This is www.iqiyi.com."
     2 v = desc.count('i')
     3 v2 = desc.count('is')
     4 v3 = desc.count('is',1,5)
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     7 print(v3)
     9 ---
    10 5
    11 2
    12 1

         - 5.encode | 把字符串转换成 bytes 类型表示; arg1 -> 指定编码;

    1 name = '中国'
    2 new_name1 = name.encode('utf-8')
    3 new_name2 = name.encode('gbk')
    4 print(new_name1, type(new_name1), len(new_name1))
    5 print(new_name2, type(new_name2), len(new_name2))
    7 ---
    8 b'xe4xb8xadxe5x9bxbd' <class 'bytes'> 6
    9 b'xd6xd0xb9xfa' <class 'bytes'> 4

         - 6.endswith 和 startswith | 是否以xxx结尾、开头; arg1 -> xxx;arg2 -> 匹配查找的起始位置; arg3 -> 匹配查找的结束位置;

    1 hitwh = "Just stick to what you love and believe in."
    2 v = hitwh.startswith('Just')
    3 v2 = hitwh.startswith('s',5,11)
    4 v3 = hitwh.endswith('t',5,12)
    5 print(v,v2,v3)
    7 ---
    8 True True True

         - 7.expandtabs | 找到制表符 ,进行替换;arg1 -> 指定替换后的长度(包含 ' ' 前面的子序列);

     1 my = 'haha	Python_17	www.baidu.com
    www.standby.pub	xxxx	like'
     2 print(my)
     3 v = my.expandtabs(20)
     4 print(v)
     6 ---
     7 haha    Python_17    www.baidu.com
     8 www.standby.pub    xxxx    like
     9 haha                Python_17           www.baidu.com
    10 www.standby.pub     xxxx                like

         - 8.find 和 index | 查找子序列索引位置,不存在则返回 '-1';index查找,不存在的话就报错了;默认是从左向右查找,另外还有 rfind 和 rindex,即从右向左查找;

    name = 'alex'
    v = name.find('e')
    v2 = name.find('o')
    1 name = 'alex'
    2 v = name.index('o')
    3 print(v)
    5 ---
    6 Traceback (most recent call last):
    7   File "D:/soft/work/Python_17/day02/s02.py", line 35, in <module>
    8     v = name.index('o')
    9 ValueError: substring not found

        - 9.format 和 format_map | 格式化输出的几种形式

     1 # Format output 1
     2 my = "I am %s, age is %s, gender is %s."
     3 print(my % ('standby',22,'male'))
     4 # Format output 2
     5 my = "I am {0}, age is {1}, gender is {2}."
     6 print(my.format('standby',23,'male'))
     7 # Format output 3
     8 my = "I am {name}, age is {age}, gender is {gender}."
     9 print(my.format(name = 'standby',age = 24,gender = 'male'))
    10 # Format output 4
    11 my = "I am {name}, age is {age}, gender is {gender}."
    12 print(my.format_map({'name':'standby','age':25,'gender':'male'}))
    14 ---
    15 I am standby, age is 22, gender is male.
    16 I am standby, age is 23, gender is male.
    17 I am standby, age is 24, gender is male.
    18 I am standby, age is 25, gender is male.

         - 10.isdecimal, isdigit, isnumeric | 判断是否是数字;isdecimal < isdigit < isnumeric

     1 num = '123'
     2 num2 = '九十八'
     3 num3 = ''
     4 v1 = num.isdecimal()
     5 v2 = num.isdigit()
     6 v3 = num.isnumeric()
     7 print(v1,v2,v3)
     8 v1 = num2.isdecimal()
     9 v2 = num2.isdigit()
    10 v3 = num2.isnumeric()
    11 print(v1,v2,v3)
    12 v1 = num3.isdecimal()
    13 v2 = num3.isdigit()
    14 v3 = num3.isnumeric()
    15 print(v1,v2,v3)
    17 ---
    18 True True True
    19 False False True
    20 False True True

         - 11.isalpha | 判断字符串是否只有字母组成

     1 string = 'str'
     2 name = 'alex123'
     3 v = name.isalpha()
     4 v2 = string.isalpha()
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     8 ---
     9 False
    10 True

         - 12.isalnum | 判断字符串是否由字母和数字组成

     1 name = 'alex123'
     2 string = 'str赢.'
     3 v = name.isalnum()
     4 v2 = string.isalnum()
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     8 ---
     9 True
    10 False

        - 13.isidentifier | 判断是否可以用作标识符、变量名

     1 string1 = '1a'
     2 string2 = 'int'
     3 string3 = 'name'
     4 v = string1.isidentifier()
     5 v2 = string2.isidentifier()
     6 v3 = string3.isidentifier()
     7 print(v)
     8 print(v2)
     9 print(v3)
    11 ---
    12 False
    13 True
    14 True

         - 14.islower 和 isupper | 判断字符串是否全都是大、小写

     1 name = 'aLeX'
     2 v = name.islower()
     3 v2 = name.isupper()
     4 print(v)
     5 print(v2)
     6 print(name.upper())
     7 print(name.lower())
     9 ---
    10 False
    11 False
    12 ALEX
    13 alex

         - 15.isprintable | 是否包含隐含的 ' ' ' ' 'a'...

     1 desc = 'aaa121212---.'
     2 name = 'alex 	sss'
     3 v = name.isprintable()
     4 v2 = desc.isprintable()
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     8 ---
     9 False
    10 True

         - 16.isspace | 是否全部是空格

     1 name = '    '
     2 name2 = '    .'
     3 v = name.isspace()
     4 v2 = name2.isspace()
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     8 ---
     9 True
    10 False

         - 17.join | 字符串/子序列拼接

     1 str = 'alexall'
     2 list = ['A','L','E','X']
     3 v = '-'.join(str)
     4 v2 = ''.join(list)
     5 v3 = '<-->'.join(list)
     6 print(v)
     7 print(type(v2),v2)
     8 print(type(v3),v3)
    10 ---
    11 a-l-e-x-a-l-l
    12 <class 'str'> ALEX
    13 <class 'str'> A<-->L<-->E<-->X

         - 18.lower, upper, swapcase | 大小写转换:全部变小写、全部变大写、大小写全部对换 

     1 name = 'AleX'
     2 v = name.lower()
     3 v2 = name.upper()
     4 v3 = name.swapcase()
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     7 print(v3)
     9 ---
    10 alex
    11 ALEX
    12 aLEx

         - 19.strip, rstrip, lstrip | 移除空白,' ',' ',也可以自定义要移除的字符

     1 name2 = '   standby     '
     2 v2 = name2.strip()
     3 v3 = name2.lstrip()
     4 v4 = name2.rstrip()
     5 print(v2)
     6 print(v3)
     7 print(v4)
     9 ---
    10 standby
    11 standby     
    12    standby
    1 name = 'alex'
    2 v = name.strip("x")
    3 v2 = name.strip("a")
    4 print(v)
    5 print(v2)
    7 ---
    8 ale
    9 lex

        - 20.maketrans 和 translate | 对应关系 + 翻译

    1 m = str.maketrans('hello','12345') # 对应关系
    2 name = "---->hello@world<-----"
    3 v = name.translate(m)
    4 print(v)
    6 ---
    7 ---->12445@w5r4d<-----

        - 21.partition,rpartition | 分割字符串,并保留自定义的分隔符;arg1 -> 分隔符;则返回一个3元的元组,第一个为分隔符左边的子串,第二个为分隔符本身,第三个为分隔符右边的子串。

    1 name = 'standby'
    2 v = name.partition('nd')
    3 print(type(v),v)
    4 v1 = name.split('nd')
    5 print(type(v1),v1)
    7 ---
    8 <class 'tuple'> ('sta', 'nd', 'by')           <-- 元组,并且保留了自定义的分隔符: nd
    9 <class 'list'> ['sta', 'by']                  <-- 列表,去掉了自定义的分隔符
    1 name = 'standby--nd++'
    2 v = name.partition('nd')
    3 v2 = name.rpartition('nd')
    4 print(type(v),v)
    5 print(type(v2),v2)
    7 ---
    8 <class 'tuple'> ('sta', 'nd', 'by--nd++')
    9 <class 'tuple'> ('standby--', 'nd', '++')

        - 22.replace | 替换; arg1 -> 匹配的子序列; arg2 -> 指定替换后的子序列; arg3 -> 替换的个数

     1 content = "巴基斯坦help中国help俄罗斯help中国"
     2 print(content)
     3 v = content.replace('help','Love')
     4 print(v)
     5 v = content.replace('help','Love',2)
     6 print(v)
     8 ---
     9 巴基斯坦help中国help俄罗斯help中国
    10 巴基斯坦Love中国Love俄罗斯Love中国
    11 巴基斯坦Love中国Love俄罗斯help中国

        - 23.split, rsplit | 通过指定分隔符 arg1 对字符串进行切片,如果参数 arg2 有指定值,则仅分隔 arg2 个子序列

     1 name = 'standby--nd++And######worldnd@@@.'
     2 v = name.split('nd')
     3 v2 = name.rsplit('nd')
     4 v3 = name.split('nd',2)
     5 v4 = name.rsplit('nd',2)
     6 print(type(v),v)
     7 print(type(v2),v2)
     8 print(type(v3),v3)
     9 print(type(v4),v4)
    11 ---
    12 <class 'list'> ['sta', 'by--', '++A', '######world', '@@@.']
    13 <class 'list'> ['sta', 'by--', '++A', '######world', '@@@.']
    14 <class 'list'> ['sta', 'by--', '++And######worldnd@@@.']
    15 <class 'list'> ['standby--nd++A', '######world', '@@@.']

        - 24. zfill | 填充0; arg1 -> 指定总长度,包括已有字符串长度;

    1 name = "alex"
    2 v = name.zfill(10)
    3 print(v)
    5 ---
    6 000000alex

       - 扩展补充

        - 切片

     1 desc = 'Hello @_@ world.'
     2 print(desc)
     3 print(desc[0])
     4 print(desc[3:7])
     5 print(desc[0:8:2])
     7 ---
     8 Hello @_@ world.
     9 H
    10 lo @
    11 Hlo@

         - 求长度和 for循环遍历

    1 desc = 'Hello @_@ world.'
    2 print(len(desc))
    3 for i in desc:
    4     print(i)
    5 for i in range(0, len(desc)):
    6     print(desc[i])

    - 整数/int

      - 类型  不可变(immutable)

     1 >>> num=1
     2 >>> id(num)         <-- 查看num的内存地址
     3 1795490256
     4 >>> num2=1      <-- 给num2赋予同样的值:1
     5 >>> id(num2)        <-- num2 和 num 引用的是同一个内存地址,可见 Python3 在内存中为每一个值只保存一份;
     6 1795490256
     7 >>>
     8 >>> num=9            <-- 给num重新赋值:9
     9 >>> id(num)          <-- num 的内存地址已经更改了,所以int值是不可变类型的!
    10 1795490512
    11 >>> id(num2)
    12 1795490256
    13 >>>
    14 >>> num
    15 9
    16 >>> num2
    17 1
    18 >>>

       - 基础功能

        - 1.bit_length | 查看某整数用二进制表示时的最小位数; 可以用 'bin()' 函数获得整数的二进制表示形式;

     1 print("十进制".ljust(5),"二进制".ljust(5), "二进制表示的最小位数")
     2 for i in range(1,9):
     3     print(str(i).ljust(10), bin(i).ljust(10), i.bit_length())
     5 ---
     6 十进制   二进制   二进制表示的最小位数
     7 1          0b1        1
     8 2          0b10       2
     9 3          0b11       2
    10 4          0b100      3
    11 5          0b101      3
    12 6          0b110      3
    13 7          0b111      3
    14 8          0b1000     4

        - 2.to_bytes | 获取指定整数的字节按照大小端序进行表示

     1 num_list = [254,255,256,257]
     2 for age in num_list:
     3     print("%s  大端序  -->  %s" % (age, age.to_bytes(4,'big')))
     4     print("%s  小端序  -->  %s" % (age, age.to_bytes(4,'little')))
     6 ---
     7 254  大端序  -->  b'x00x00x00xfe'
     8 254  小端序  -->  b'xfex00x00x00'
     9 255  大端序  -->  b'x00x00x00xff'
    10 255  小端序  -->  b'xffx00x00x00'
    11 256  大端序  -->  b'x00x00x01x00'
    12 256  小端序  -->  b'x00x01x00x00'
    13 257  大端序  -->  b'x00x00x01x01'
    14 257  小端序  -->  b'x01x01x00x00'

        - 3.from_bytes | 把指定大小端序的bytes对象转换成十进制整数表示

    1 num_byte_list = [b'x00x00x00xfe', b'x00x00x00xff', b'x00x00x01x00', b'x00x00x01x01']
    2 for by in num_byte_list:
    3     print("%s  大端序转换为十进制数  -->  %d" % (by, int.from_bytes(by, 'big')))
    5 ---
    6 b'x00x00x00xfe'  大端序转换为十进制数  -->  254
    7 b'x00x00x00xff'  大端序转换为十进制数  -->  255
    8 b'x00x00x01x00'  大端序转换为十进制数  -->  256
    9 b'x00x00x01x01'  大端序转换为十进制数  -->  257

    - 布尔值/bool

      - 类型  不可变(immutable)

      - 基础功能

        - 1.整数里只有0是 False,其他都是 True

        - 2.字符串里只有 "" 是 False,其他均是 True

        - 3.如果列表为空,即[] 视为 False,其他均是 True

      - 扩展补充

        - 经常会把 'while True' 这样用作最外层的循环使用;

    - 列表/list

      - 类型  可变类型


        - 1.append | 追加元素到列表

    1 user_list = ['alex','eric','jerry','tim','alven']
    2 v = user_list.append('beric')
    3 print(v)
    4 print(user_list)
    6 ---
    7 None
    8 ['alex', 'eric', 'jerry', 'tim', 'alven', 'beric']

        - 2.clear | 清空列表元素

    1 user_list = ['alex','eric','jerry','tim','alven']
    2 user_list.clear()
    3 print(user_list)
    5 ---
    6 []

        - 3.copy | 拷贝列表(浅拷贝)

    1 user_list = ['alex','eric','jerry','tim','alven']
    2 v = user_list.copy()
    3 print(v)
    4 print(user_list)
    6 ---
    7 ['alex', 'eric', 'jerry', 'tim', 'alven']
    8 ['alex', 'eric', 'jerry', 'tim', 'alven']

        - 4.count | 计算列表里某个元素重复的个数

    1 user_list = ['alex','eric','jerry','tim','alven','tim']
    2 v = user_list.count('tim')
    3 print(v)
    5 ---
    6 2

        - 5.extend | 扩展原列表

    1 user_list = ['jerry','tim','alven']
    2 user_list.extend(['beric','jakie'])
    3 print(user_list)
    5 ---
    6 ['jerry', 'tim', 'alven', 'beric', 'jakie']

        - 6.index | 查找元素索引/下标值;(没有则报错:ValueError: 'xxx' is not in list)

    1 user_list = ['alex','eric','jerry','tim','alven']
    2 v = user_list.index('tim')
    3 # v = user_list.index('tim1')
    4 print(v)
    6 ---
    7 3

        - 7.insert | 在 arg1 索引处插入 arg2 这个元素

    1 user_list = ['alex','eric','jerry','tim','alven']
    2 user_list.insert(0,'tom')
    3 print(user_list)
    5 ---
    6 ['tom', 'alex', 'eric', 'jerry', 'tim', 'alven']

        - 8.pop | 删除并且获取元素 (按照索引/下标值进行 pop; 不加参数则默认pop出最后一个元素)

    1 user_list = ['alex','eric','jerry','tim']
    2 # v = user_list.pop()
    3 v = user_list.pop(2)
    4 print(v)
    5 print(user_list)
    7 ---
    8 jerry
    9 ['alex', 'eric', 'tim']

        - 9.remove | 删除列表中的某个元素,arg1 是列表中的值;

    1 user_list = ['alex','eric','tim','alven']
    2 user_list.remove('eric')
    3 print(user_list)
    5 ---
    6 ['alex', 'tim', 'alven']

        - 10.reverse | 翻转,将列表逆序

     1 user_list = ['jerry','tim','alven']
     2 print(user_list)
     3 v = user_list.reverse()
     4 print(v)
     5 print(user_list)
     7 ---
     8 ['jerry', 'tim', 'alven']
     9 None
    10 ['alven', 'tim', 'jerry']

        - 11.sort | 排序(sort(self, key=None, reverse=False)); arg1 暂时没讲; arg2 True则是逆序,不写或者False就是顺序;

     1 num_list = [11,3,8,99,21,4]
     2 print(num_list)
     3 num_list.sort()
     4 print(num_list)
     5 num_list.sort(reverse=True)
     6 print(num_list)
     8 ---
     9 [11, 3, 8, 99, 21, 4]
    10 [3, 4, 8, 11, 21, 99]
    11 [99, 21, 11, 8, 4, 3]

      - 扩展补充

         - 切片(和字符串切片类似)

    1 li =['alex','eric','rain','tim','jerry']
    2 print(li[0])
    3 print(li[0:3])
    4 print(li[0:4:2])
    6 ---
    7 alex
    8 ['alex', 'eric', 'rain']
    9 ['alex', 'rain']

        - 删除(结合切片功能实现删除多个元素)

    1 li =['alex','eric','rain','tim','jerry']
    2 print(li)
    3 del li[1:4]
    4 print(li)
    6 ---
    7 ['alex', 'eric', 'rain', 'tim', 'jerry']
    8 ['alex', 'jerry']

        - 求长度和 for 循环遍历

    1 li =['alex','eric','rain','tim','jerry']
    2 print(len(li))
    3 for i in li:
    4     print(i)
    5 for i in range(0, len(li)):
    6     print(li[i]) 

    - 元组/tuple

      - 类型  不可变(immutable)

     1 user_tuple = ('alex','eric','alex',)
     2 print(user_tuple[0])
     3 user_tuple[0] = 'li'
     5 ---
     6 alex
     7 Traceback (most recent call last):
     8   File "D:/soft/work/Python_17/day02/s03.py", line 27, in <module>
     9     user_tuple[0] = 'li'
    10 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

      - 基础功能

        - 1.count | 获取元素出现的个数

    1 user_tuple = ('alex','eric','alex',)
    2 v = user_tuple.count('alex')
    3 print(v)
    5 ---
    6 2

        - 2.index | 获取指定元素第一个索引位置

    1 user_tuple = ('alex','eric','alex',)
    2 v = user_tuple.index('alex')
    3 print(v)
    5 ---
    6 0

      - 扩展补充

        - 元组赋值最后需要加一个 ','

    1 li = ('alex')          <--  由于元组赋值最后没有加 ',' 导致被解释器理解为 str 类型
    2 tpl = ('alex',)          <--  正确写法 
    3 print(type(li),li)
    4 print(type(tpl),tpl)
    6 ---
    7 <class 'str'> alex
    8 <class 'tuple'> ('alex',)

        - 长度可以用 len() 获取

        - 循环遍历元组

    1 user_tuple = ('alex','eric','alex',)
    2 for i in user_tuple:
    3     print(i)
    5 ---
    6 alex
    7 eric
    8 alex

        - 切片

     1 user_tuple = ('alex','eric','jerry','mark','tim','li',)
     2 print(user_tuple[0:2])
     3 print(user_tuple[0:5:2])
     4 print(user_tuple[-1])
     5 print(user_tuple[-3:-1])
     7 ---
     8 ('alex', 'eric')
     9 ('alex', 'jerry', 'tim')
    10 li
    11 ('mark', 'tim')

        - 关于元组里面嵌套列表

     1 user_tuple = ('eric','seven',['谢霆锋','王旭','王强'],'alex',)
     2 print(type(user_tuple), user_tuple, len(user_tuple))
     3 print(user_tuple)
     4 print(type(user_tuple[2]), user_tuple[2])
     5 user_tuple[2][1] = '白百合'
     6 print(user_tuple)
     8 ---
     9 <class 'tuple'> ('eric', 'seven', ['谢霆锋', '王旭', '王强'], 'alex') 4
    10 ('eric', 'seven', ['谢霆锋', '王旭', '王强'], 'alex')
    11 <class 'list'> ['谢霆锋', '王旭', '王强']
    12 ('eric', 'seven', ['谢霆锋', '白百合', '王强'], 'alex')

    > 虽然元组是不可变类型,但是里面如果嵌套了可变类型的对象(列表、字典等),例如本例中的 list对象,则可以用 [user_tuple[2][1] = '白百合'] 类似方法去修改所嵌套对象的内部元素的值;

    - 字典/dict

      - 类型  可变类型

      - 基础功能

        - 1.clear | 清空一个字典

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 print(dic)
    3 dic.clear()
    4 print(dic)
    6 ---
    7 {'k2': 'v2', 'k1': 'v1'}
    8 {}

        - 2.copy | 拷贝一个字典(浅拷贝

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 v = dic.copy()
    3 print(v)
    4 print(dic)
    6 ---
    7 {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}
    8 {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}

        - 3.get | 根据key获取指定的value;不存在则返回 None,不报错

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 v = dic.get('k1')
    3 print(v)
    4 v2 = dic.get('kxxx')
    5 print(v2)
    7 ---
    8 v1
    9 None

        - 4.items | 获取键值对

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 for item in dic.items():
    3     print(item)
    5 ---
    6 ('k1', 'v1')      <-- 元组对象
    7 ('k2', 'v2')

        - 5.keys | 获取字典键值

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 for item in dic.keys():
    3     print(item)
    5 ---
    6 k2
    7 k1

        - 6.pop | 删除并获取对应的value值; arg1 不存在则报错;

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 v = dic.pop('k1')
    3 print(v)
    4 print(dic)
    6 ---
    7 v1
    8 {'k2': 'v2'}

        - 7.popitem | 随机删除键值对,并获取到删除的键值;

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2','k3':'v3'}
    2 v = dic.popitem()
    3 print(v)
    4 print(dic)
    6 ---
    7 ('k2', 'v2')          <-- 获取的是元组对象
    8 {'k3': 'v3', 'k1': 'v1'}

        - 8.setdefault | 增加一个元素,如果键值存在则不做操作;

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 dic.setdefault('k3','v3')
    3 print(dic)
    4 dic.setdefault('k1','1111111')
    5 print(dic)
    7 ---
    8 {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2', 'k3': 'v3'}
    9 {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2', 'k3': 'v3'}

        - 9.update | 批量增加和修改

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 print(dic)
    3 dic.update({'k3':'v3','k1':'v24'})
    4 print(dic)
    6 ---
    7 {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}
    8 {'k3': 'v3', 'k1': 'v24', 'k2': 'v2'}

        - 10.values | 获取字典值

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 for item in dic.values():
    3     print(item)
    5 ---
    6 v2
    7 v1

        - 11.fromkeys | 原型:dict.fromkeys(seq[], value); 用于创建一个新字典,以序列seq中元素做字典的键,value为字典所有键对应的初始值。

    1 dic = dict.fromkeys(['k1','k2','k3'],'China')
    2 print(dic)
    3 dic['k1'] = 'Beijing'
    4 print(dic)
    6 ---
    7 {'k2': 'China', 'k3': 'China', 'k1': 'China'}
    8 {'k2': 'China', 'k3': 'China', 'k1': 'Beijing'}

     - 扩展补充

        - 1.默认显示键值

    1 dic = {'k1':'v1','k2':'v2'}
    2 for item in dic:
    3     print(item)
    5 ---
    6 k1
    7 k2

        - 2.字典可以嵌套

        - 3.字典的键值必须是不可变类型(字符串、元组、整数、布尔值等都可以)

     1 dic = {
     2     'k1': 'v1',
     3     'k2': [1,2,3,],
     4     (1,2): 'tuple',
     5     111: 'asdf',
     6     True: 'china',
     7     False: 'Japen',
     9 }
    10 print(dic)
    12 ---
    13 {'k1': 'v1', (1, 2): 'tuple', 'k2': [1, 2, 3], False: 'Japen', True: 'china', 111: 'asdf'}

          - 关于True和1

     1 dic1 = {
     2     1: '1',
     3     True: 'True',
     4     False: 'False',
     5 }
     6 dic2 = {
     7     True: 'True',
     8     1: '1',
     9     False: 'False',
    10 }
    11 print(dic1)
    12 print(dic2)
    14 ---
    15 {False: 'False', 1: 'True'}
    16 {False: 'False', True: '1'}

    - 集合

      - 类型  可变类型,可以理解为不可重复的列表,但是集合是无序的

      - 基础功能

        - 1.add | 增加一个元素到集合

    1 s1 = {'eric','tony','王阳明'}
    2 print(type(s1),s1)
    3 s1.add('袁崇焕')
    4 print(type(s1),s1)
    6 ---
    7 <class 'set'> {'tony', 'eric', '王阳明'}
    8 <class 'set'> {'tony', 'eric', '袁崇焕', '王阳明'}

        - 2.difference | s1.difference(s2)  -->  列出s1中存在,s2中不存在的元素;

     1 s1 = {'eric','tony','王阳明'}
     2 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
     3 v = s1.difference(s2)
     4 v2 = s2.difference(s1)
     5 print(v)
     6 print(v2)
     8 ---
     9 {'tony'}
    10 {'孙承宗'}

        - 3.difference_update | s1.difference_update(s2)  --> s1中存在,s2中不存在,然后对s1清空,把对比出结果的赋值给s1

    1 s1 = {'eric','tony','王阳明'}
    2 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
    3 print(s1)
    4 s1.difference_update(s2)
    5 print(s1)
    7 ---
    8 {'tony', '王阳明', 'eric'}
    9 {'tony'}

        - 4.discard | 移除指定元素

    1 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
    2 s2.discard('eric')
    3 print(s2)
    5 ---
    6 {'王阳明', '孙承宗'}

        - 5.intersection | 求交集

    1 s1 = {'eric','tony','王阳明'}
    2 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
    3 v = s1.intersection(s2)
    4 print(v)
    6 ---
    7 {'eric', '王阳明'}

        - 6.union | 求并集

    1 s1 = {'eric','tony','王阳明'}
    2 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
    3 v = s1.union(s2)
    4 print(v)
    6 ---
    7 {'孙承宗', 'tony', '王阳明', 'eric'}

        - 7.symmetric_difference | 求差集

    1 s1 = {'eric','tony','王阳明'}
    2 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
    3 v = s1.symmetric_difference(s2)
    4 print(v)
    6 ---
    7 {'tony', '孙承宗'}

        - 8.pop | 随机移除一个元素,并获取

    1 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
    2 v = s2.pop()
    3 print(s2)
    4 print(v)
    6 ---
    7 {'王阳明', 'eric'}
    8 孙承宗

        - 9.remove | 删除指定值

    1 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
    2 s2.remove('eric')
    3 print(s2)
    5 ---
    6 {'王阳明', '孙承宗'}

        - 10.update | 批量增加,如果有则忽略

    1 s1 = {'eric','tony','王阳明','tim'}
    2 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明'}
    3 s2.update(s1)
    4 print(s2)
    6 ---
    7 {'孙承宗', 'eric', 'tim', '王阳明', 'tony'}

     - 扩展补充

        - 1.set 不记录元素位置或者插入点(无序)。因此,set不支持 indexing, slicing, 或其它类序列(sequence-like)的操作;

        - 2.可以用 len() 获取集合的长度;

        - 3.可以循环遍历

     1 s2 = {'eric','孙承宗','王阳明','白起','商鞅'}
     2 for i in s2:
     3     print(i)
     5 ---
     6 商鞅
     7 孙承宗
     8 王阳明
     9 eric
    10 白起

        - 4.可以把list对象去重list2 = list(set(list1))

    1 user_list = ['china','japan',(1,2),'china',(1,2),1]
    2 print(type(user_list),len(user_list),user_list)
    3 v = list(set(user_list))
    4 print(type(v),len(v),v)
    6 ---
    7 <class 'list'> 6 ['china', 'japan', (1, 2), 'china', (1, 2), 1]
    8 <class 'list'> 4 [(1, 2), 1, 'china', 'japan']


    - range 和 xrange

      - range()  | arg1 -> 起始计数; arg2 -> 终点计数; arg3 可选,代表的是步长;

     1 for i in range(0,10,2):
     2     print(i)
     3 for j in range(10,0,-2):
     4     print(j)
     6 ---
     7 0
     8 2
     9 4
    10 6
    11 8
    12 10
    13 8
    14 6
    15 4
    16 2

      - Python 2.7

        - range(1,10) 会立即在内存中生成10个数字;

        - xrange(1,10) 不会立即生成,只有循环迭代时,才一个一个生成;

      - Python 3.5

        - 没有 xrange() 这个函数;

        - range(1,10) 等价于 Py2.7中的 xrange(0,10)

      - 常把 range() 和for循环结合使用,遍历数组或者字符串等。

    - enumerate

      - Python的内置函数,表示枚举、列举的意思

      - 函数原型:enumerate(self, iterable, start=0); arg1 必须是可遍历的; arg2 可选,即设置起始的数据下标;

      - 即对一个可遍历的数据对象(如列表、元组或字符串),enumerate会将该数据对象组合为一个索引序列,同时列出数据和数据下标

     1 li =['alex','tim','jerry']
     2 for i,ele in enumerate(li):
     3     print(i,ele)
     4 for i,ele in enumerate(li,100):
     5     print(i,ele)
     7 ---
     8 0 alex
     9 1 tim
    10 2 jerry
    11 100 alex
    12 101 tim
    13 102 jerry



     1 """
     2 # 1. 练习题两个试卷:readme
     3 # 2. 购物系统
     4     - 个人账户,文件: user,pwd,3,余额
     5     - 商品,文件
     6     - 查看商品分页显示:
     7         li = [
     8             {...}
     9             {...}
    10             {...}
    11             {...}
    12             {...}
    13             {...}
    14             {...}
    15         ]
    16         p = int(input('请输入页码:'))
    17         start = (p -1) * 10
    18         end = p * 10
    19         v1 = li[start:end]
    20         for i v1:
    21             print(i)
    22     - 个人购物记录,文件
    23         查看:娃娃
    24     if "al" in "alex":
    25         pass
    26 """


      1 #!/usr/bin/python
      2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
      4 import getpass
      5 import time
      7 WARNING = "You have attempt 3 times which all wrong, so we have to lock your account to keep the security.
      8 You can contact the admin: admin@standby.pub"
      9 GOODS_FILE = "D:softworkPython_17day02goods_info.txt"
     10 USERS_FILE = "D:softworkPython_17day02\user_info.txt"
     11 RECORD_FILE = "D:softworkPython_17day02\record.txt"
     12 OPTIONS = "Type 1 to buy, Type 2 to select your record; 9 to exit... >>>"
     14 # f.readlines()   --> []
     15 # f.open('file',mode='a',encoding='utf-8')
     16 # user_info = "alex|123|0|900
     17 # with open('user_info.txt',mode='w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
     18 #     f.write(user_info)
     20 # 购物主函数
     21 def do_shopping(user_name):
     22     goods_list = []
     23     buy_array = {}
     24     with open(GOODS_FILE,mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
     25         goods_info = f.readlines()
     26         for line in goods_info:
     27             goods_dict = {
     28                 'name':line.split('|')[0],
     29                 'price':line.split('|')[1],
     30             }
     31             goods_list.append(goods_dict)
     32     while True:
     33         page_num = input("
    Input page num >>> ")
     34         if page_num.isdigit():
     35             num = int(page_num)
     36             if 0 == len(goods_info)%3:
     37                 # // 整除     / 带余数
     38                 pages_num = len(goods_info)//3
     39             else:
     40                 pages_num = len(goods_info)//3 + 1
     41             if num >= 1 and pages_num >= num:
     42                 # 1 -> 0-2; 2 -> 3-5; 3 -> 6-8;...
     43                 start_num = num*3-3
     44                 end_num = num*3
     45                 tmp_list = goods_info[start_num:end_num]
     46                 for i,ele in enumerate(tmp_list,1):
     47                     line = '	'.join(tmp_list[i-1].split('|')).expandtabs(20)
     48                     print("{}	{}".format(i,line),end='')
     49                 while True:
     50                     toBuy = input("
    Buy something? y/Y to buy, n/N scan continue >>> ")
     51                     if toBuy.isalpha():
     52                         if 'Y' == toBuy.upper():
     53                             goods_num = input("Input the goods number: ")
     54                             if goods_num.isdigit():
     55                                 if int(goods_num) > 0 and int(goods_num) <4:
     56                                     count = input("How many do you want?		")
     57                                     if count.isdigit():
     58                                         index = ((num-1)*3 + int(goods_num)) - 1
     59                                         buy_array[index] = count
     60                         elif 'N' == toBuy.upper():
     61                             break
     62                         else:
     63                             print("Invalid input.")
     64                     else:
     65                         print("Invalid input.")
     66             else:
     67                 print("{} pages only.".format(pages_num))
     68         elif 'Q' == page_num.upper():
     69             print("Bye...")
     70             break
     71         else:
     72             print("Invalid input.")
     73     print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
     74     print("You have choosen goods below: ")
     75     print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
     76     sum = 0
     77     buy_array_tmp = {}
     78     for key,value in buy_array.items():
     79         key_num = int(key)
     80         good_name = goods_list[key_num]['name']
     81         buy_array_tmp[good_name] = value
     82         cost = int(goods_list[key_num]['price'])
     83         costs = cost * int(value)
     84         print(goods_list[key_num]['name'] + "	" + "*" + "	" + value)
     85         sum += costs
     86     print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
     87     print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")
     88     confirm = input("Are you sure to buy them(y/n)?		")
     89     for i in range(0,len(user_list)):
     90         if user_name == user_list[i]['name']:
     91             money = user_list[i]['money']
     92             user_id = i
     93     if "y" == confirm:
     94         if money < sum:
     95             print("Sorry, your credit is running low...")
     96         else:
     97             do_record(user_name,buy_array_tmp)
     98             user_list[user_id]['money'] = money - sum
     99             print("The payment has been successfully completed and you have %d$ left." % (money - sum))
    100     else:
    101         print("Bye...")
    102         exit(0)
    104 # 把当前用户购物记录追加到文件中
    105 def do_record(username, buy_array_tmp):
    106     line = "
    107     for goods_name,count in buy_array_tmp.items():
    108         line = line + username + "|" + goods_name + "|" + count + "|" + 
    109           time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
    110     with open(RECORD_FILE,mode='a',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    111         f.write(line)
    113 # 读取用户信息
    114 def get_user_list():
    115     user_list = []
    116     with open(USERS_FILE,mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    117         data = f.read()
    118         user_info = data.split('
    119         for user in user_info:
    120             user_dict = {'name': user.split('|')[0], 'pwd': user.split('|')[1],
    121              'times': int(user.split('|')[2]), 'money':int(user.split('|')[3])}
    122             user_list.append(user_dict)
    123     return user_list
    125 # 查找购物记录
    126 def do_select_record(user_name):
    127     while True:
    128         key = input("Input keyword, q/Q to exit >>> ")
    129         if 'Q' != key.upper():
    130             with open(RECORD_FILE,mode='r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
    131                 record_list = f.readlines()
    132                 flag = -1
    133                 for record in record_list:
    134                     if user_name in record and key in record:
    135                         print(record)
    136                         flag = 0
    137                 if -1 == flag:
    138                     print("No record found...")
    139         else:
    140             break
    142 # 执行操作前的判断
    143 def do_something(user_name):
    144     options = input(OPTIONS)
    145     if options.isdigit():
    146         if 1 == int(options):
    147             do_shopping(user_name)
    148         elif 2 == int(options):
    149             do_select_record(user_name)
    150         elif 9 == int(options):
    151             print("Bye...")
    152             exit(0)
    153         else:
    154             print("Invalid input.")
    155             do_something(user_name)
    156     else:
    157         print("Input not number, type again...")
    158         do_something(user_name)
    160 # 用户登录验证
    161 def login():
    162     count = 0
    163     while count < 3:
    164         name = input("Please input your name: ")
    165         flag = -1
    166         for item in user_list:
    167             if item['name'] == name:
    168                 if item['times'] >= 3:
    169                     print(WARNING)
    170                     exit(0)
    171                 else:
    172                     count = 0
    173                     flag = 0
    174                     pwd = getpass.getpass("Please input your password: ")
    175                     if item['pwd'] == pwd:
    176                         print("Welcome %s." % name)
    177                         item['times'] = 0
    178                         count = 3
    179                         do_something(name)
    180                     else:
    181                         if 0 == 2-item['times']:
    182                             pass
    183                         else:
    184                             print("Wrong password, you have %s times to retry." % (2-item['times']))
    185                         item['times'] += 1
    186                     if item['times'] >= 3:
    187                         print(WARNING)
    188                         count = 3
    189                         break
    190         if -1 == flag:
    191             print("Invalid account, please check your user name...")
    192         count += 1
    194 # 程序入口
    195 user_list = get_user_list()
    196 login()
    198 # 程序执行结束,格式化用户信息并写回文件
    199 result = ""
    200 for item in user_list:
    201     user_info_str = item['name'] + "|" + item['pwd'] + "|" + str(item['times']) + "|" + str(item['money'])
    202     result = result + user_info_str + "
    203 f2 = open(USERS_FILE,'w')
    204 f2.write(result.strip())
    205 f2.close()


     1 user_info.txt:
     2 ---
     3 alex|123|0|90000
     4 eric|124|3|800
     5 rain|125|0|23
     6 tim|123|0|9619
     7 ---
     9 goods_info.txt
    10 ---
    11 Linux v1|129
    12 Solaris beta|322
    13 Free BSD|666
    14 AWK cookbook|79
    15 GO lang|88
    16 Python lang|57
    17 CentOS 6.6|333
    18 CentOS 5.9|103
    19 Unix-like 9|999
    20 艽野尘梦|59
    21 ---
    23 record.txt
    24 ---
    25 alex|Linux v1|1|2017-05-15 23:37:53
    26 alex|GO lang|1|2017-05-15 23:37:53
    27 alex|艽野尘梦|3|2017-05-15 23:37:53
    28 tim|CentOS 6.6|3|2017-05-15 23:42:26
    29 tim|艽野尘梦|1|2017-05-15 23:42:26
    30 tim|AWK cookbook|2|2017-05-15 23:42:26
    31 tim|艽野尘梦|1|2017-05-15 23:48:52
    32 rain|Free BSD|1|2017-05-15 23:50:58
    33 rain|Solaris beta|2|2017-05-15 23:52:39
    34 tim|Solaris beta|1|2017-05-15 23:53:23
    35 ---


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/standby/p/6819815.html
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