定位分区-->with cube维度组合 --> 去null过滤 --->
spark执行代码 --- 调用工具类
public class StatDayActJava{ public static void main(String[] args) throw Exception{ SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); conf.setAppName("statNew"); conf.setMaster("local[4]"); //spark链接 SparkSession sess = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate(); //注册执函数 ExecSQLUtil.execRegisterFuncs(sess); //执行sql ExecSQLUtil.execSQLScript(sess, "stat_act_day.sql"); } }
日活跃量 sql语句 启动日志下appstartuplogs
use big12_umeng ; create table if not exists stat_act_day( day string , appid string, appplatform string, brand string , devicestyle string, ostype string , appversion string , cnt int ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by ' '; insert overwrite table stat_act_day select formatbyday(-5, 'yyyyMMdd'), tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion , count(tt.deviceid) FROM ( select t.appid , t.appplatform, t.brand , t.devicestyle, t.ostype , t.appversion , t.deviceid FROM ( select appid , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , appversion , deviceid from appstartuplogs WHERE concat(ym,day) = formatbyday(-5, 'yyyyMMdd') group BY appid , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , appversion, deviceid with cube )t where t.appid is not null and t.deviceid is not null )tt group BY tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion order by tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion
concat() 连接函数
use big12_umeng ; create table if not exists stat_act_week( day string , appid string, appplatform string, brand string , devicestyle string, ostype string , appversion string , cnt int ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by ' '; insert overwrite table stat_act_week select formatbyday(-5, 'yyyyMMdd'), tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion , count(tt.deviceid) FROM ( select t.appid , t.appplatform, t.brand , t.devicestyle, t.ostype , t.appversion , t.deviceid FROM ( select appid , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , appversion , deviceid from appstartuplogs WHERE formatbyweek(concat(ym,day) , 'yyyyMMdd' , 0 , 'yyyyMMdd') = formatbyweek(-1 , 'yyyyMMdd') group BY appid , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , appversion, deviceid with cube )t where t.appid is not null and t.deviceid is not null )tt group BY tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion order by tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion
use big12_umeng ; create table if not exists stat_act_month( month string , appid string, appplatform string, brand string , devicestyle string, ostype string , appversion string , cnt int ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' lines terminated by ' '; insert into table stat_act_month select '${ym}' , tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion , count(tt.deviceid) FROM ( select t.appid , t.appplatform, t.brand , t.devicestyle, t.ostype , t.appversion , t.deviceid FROM ( select appid , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , appversion , deviceid from appstartuplogs WHERE ym = '${ym}' group BY appid , appplatform, brand , devicestyle, ostype , appversion, deviceid with cube )t where t.appid is not null and t.deviceid is not null )tt group BY tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion order by tt.appid , tt.appplatform, tt.brand , tt.devicestyle, tt.ostype , tt.appversion