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  • WF从入门到精通(第八章):调用外部方法及工作流 (转)

        为什么不这样呢?公开一个对象,来从执行的工作流中传给宿主应用程序,或者从宿主应用程序传给工作流不就行了吗?其实,使用现有的串行化技术,如.NET Remoting或者XML Web服务,就可完成这些事。串行化,也叫序列化,它可把数据从原有的形式转换成合适的形式,以在不同进程甚至不同计算机之间进行传输。
        但我们想在我们的工作流和正控制该工作流的宿主进程间传送数据时,使用.NET Remoting或者XML Web服务这样的技术为什么并没有认为是多余的呢?其实这绝对有必要!我们将创建local通信,本章将以此出发。我们将搭建必须的体系来满足线程数据序列化,以进行计算机之间或进程之间的数据传输。



        对于简单的通信任务,WF使用“abstraction layer”来在工作流和宿主之间进行缓冲。抽象层像一个黑盒,你为它提供输入,它会执行一些神奇的任务,然后信息流出到另一边。但我们不用知道它是如何工作的。
        在这种情形下,该黑盒就是一个知名的“local communication”服务。和WF术语中的任何一种服务一样,它也是另一种可插拔服务。区别是它不像WF中的那些已预先创建好的服务,你需要写出这个服务的一部分。为什么呢?因为你在宿主应用程序和你的工作流之间传递的数据有一定的特殊性。更进一步说,你可创建各种各样的数据传输方法,你可使用你设计的各种方法从宿主应用程序发送数据,然后在工作流中接收数据。
        你可写这种local service,把它插进工作流,然后打开连接,发送数据。这些数据可以是字符串,DataSet对象,甚至可以是你设计的任何可被序列化的自定义对象。通信可以是双向的,尽管在本章我没有演示它。(这里,我仅仅是把数据从工作流中传回给宿主应用程序。)从工作流的角度来说,我们使用工具生成活动的目的是发送和接收数据。从宿主应用程序的角度来说,接收数据等同于一个事件,而发送数据就是在一个服务对象上的方法的简单调用。

        我们然后需要写一些代码:外部数据服务的一部分。它表述了连接或者称作桥接代码,宿主和工作流将使用它来和WF提供的ExternalDataService进行交互。假如我们正涉及一个XML Web服务,Visual Studio会为我们自动地创建代理代码。但对于工作流来说没有这样的工具,因此我们需要亲自设计这个桥接代码。我们这里使用的“桥”实际上由两个类组成:一个connector类和一个service类。你可用你喜欢的名称来命名它们,但我推荐使用这样的名字来命名它们。connector类管理数据管道(状态维护),而service类被宿主和工作流用来直接进行数据交换。
        在创建好接口后,我们将使用一个工具:wca.exe,它的位置通常是在你的“Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin”目录下。该工具叫做Workflow communications Activity generator utility,该工具的作用是,给出一个接口,它将生成两个活动,你能使用它们去把该接口和你的工作流实例进行绑定。一个用来发送数据,为invoker,另一个用来接收数据,为sink。一旦它们创建好后,你就能从Visual Studio工具箱中把它们拖拽到工作流视图设计器上,它们也和任何其它工作流活动一样进行工作。但前面我已经提到过,我们没有一个工具创建连接桥代码,这样的工具在工作流方面一定很有用。


        本示例应用程序是一个Windows Forms应用程序,它提供了一个用户界面,上面集中了指定驾驶员的机动车数据。该应用程序本身已是很有意义的,我不想再重复创建它的每一个细节。相反,你将使用这个已经提供好了的样本代码来作为本章的起点。但是,我将展示怎样把它们绑进工作流组件中。

    图8-1 MVDataChecker窗体的主用户界面
        当你点击“Recrieve MV Data”按钮时,你就会初始化一个新的工作流实例,用户界面会禁用该检索按钮及驾驶员下拉列表框控件并显示一个“searching”通知,如图8-2所示。你在该窗体底部看到的picture box控件是一个动画图片文件。该应用程序根据情况对其中的label控件和picture box控件进行隐藏或显示。

    图8-2 MVDataChecker窗体的“searching”用户界面

    图8-3 MVDataChecker窗体检索数据后的用户界面



        1.该MVDataChecker示例应用程序,同前面的例子一样,包含两个版本:练习版本(MVDataChecker目录中)和完整版本(MVDataChecker Completed目录中),它们可在本章的源代码中进行下载。我们现在就使用Visual Studio打开练习项目中的解决方案。
        2.在该解决方案中包含三个项目。在Visual Studio解决方案浏览器中展开MVDataServic项目,然后打开IMVDataService.cs文件。

    public interface IMVDataService
    void MVDataUpdate (DataSet mvData);



        ExternalDataExchange特性是一个简单的标记,WF使用它来指明接口可适合于本地通信服务使用。记得我提到的wca.exe工具吗?它和Visual Studio都使用这个特性来指明接口可被你的工作流实例使用。我们就来添加ExternalDataExchange特性。

        在Visual Studio中打开IMVDataService.cs文件,为前面定义的接口添加下面的代码:

    清单8-1 IMVDataService.cs完整代码
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;
    using System.Data;

    namespace MVDataService
    public interface IMVDataService
    void MVDataUpdate(DataSet mvData);




    1.使用Visual Studio打开MVDataService项目,定位在MVDataAvailableArgs.cs文件上,打开该文件准备进行编辑。

    public class MVDataAvailableArgs : ExternalDataEventArgs


    public MVDataAvailableArgs(Guid instanceId)


    清单8-2 完整的MVDataAvailableArgs.cs源文件

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;

    namespace MVDataService
    public class MVDataAvailableArgs : ExternalDataEventArgs
    public MVDataAvailableArgs(Guid instanceId)




        在这里,我们将创建一个稍微简化的连接桥版本(这是对于完整的连接桥架构来说)。该版本仅仅支持工作流到宿主的通信。(当我们学到17章时,我们将会创建一个可重用的通用双向连接桥。)我们在此将创建的连接桥被分成了两个部分:一是connector,它实现了我们前面已经开发好了的接口;二是service,除了别的事情外,它有一个职责是激发“data available”事件以及提供一个“read”方法,使用该方法来把数据从工作流中取出。

        创建桥接器(bridge connector)类
        1.在Visual Studio中打开MVDataService项目,定位到MVDataCnnector.cs文件,最后打开该文件。

    public sealed class MVDataConnector : IMVDataService
    private DataSet _dataValue = null;
    private static WorkflowMVDataService _service = null;
    private static object _syncLock = new object(); 


    public static WorkflowMVDataService MVDataService
    get return _service; }
    if (value != null)
    lock (_syncLock)
    // Re-verify the service isn't null
    // now that we're locked
                    if (value != null)
    = value;
     // if
    throw new InvalidOperationException("You must provide a service instance.");
     // else
     // lock
     // if
    throw new InvalidOperationException("You must provide a service instance.");
     // else



    public DataSet MVData
    get return _dataValue; }


    public void MVDataUpdate(DataSet mvData)
    // Assign the field for later recall
      _dataValue = mvData;
    // Raise the event to trigger host read


    清单8-3 完整的MVDataconnector.cs源文件

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;
    using System.Data;

    namespace MVDataService
    public sealed class MVDataConnector : IMVDataService 
    private DataSet _dataValue = null;
    private static WorkflowMVDataService _service = null;
    private static object _syncLock = new object();

    public static WorkflowMVDataService MVDataService
    get return _service; }
    if (value != null)
    lock (_syncLock)
    // Re-verify the service isn't null
    // now that we're locked
                            if (value != null)
    = value;
     // if
    throw new InvalidOperationException("You must provide a service instance.");
     // else
     // lock
     // if
    throw new InvalidOperationException("You must provide a service instance.");
     // else


    public DataSet MVData
    get return _dataValue; }

    // Workflow to host communication method
            public void MVDataUpdate(DataSet mvData)
    // Assign the field for later recall
                _dataValue = mvData;

    // Raise the event to trigger host read



        创建桥接服务(bridge service)类
    1.再次在Visual Studio中打开MVDataService项目,定位到WorkflowMVDataService.cs文件,打开该文件准备进行编辑。

    public class WorkflowMVDataService
    static WorkflowRuntime _workflowRuntime = null;
    static ExternalDataExchangeService _dataExchangeService = null;
    static MVDataConnector _dataConnector = null;
    static object _syncLock = new object();
    public event EventHandler<MVDataAvailableArgs> MVDataUpdate;
    private Guid _instanceID = Guid.Empty;


    public Guid InstanceID
    get return _instanceID; }
    set { _instanceID = value; }


    public static WorkflowMVDataService CreateDataService(Guid instanceID, WorkflowRuntime workflowRuntime)
    lock (_syncLock)
    // If we're just starting, save a copy of the workflow runtime reference
            if (_workflowRuntime == null)
    // Save instance of the workflow runtime.
                _workflowRuntime = workflowRuntime;
     // if

    // If we're just starting, plug in ExternalDataExchange service
            if (_dataExchangeService == null)
    // Data exchange service not registered, so create an 
    // instance and register.
                _dataExchangeService = new ExternalDataExchangeService();
     // if

    // Check to see if we have already added this data exchange service
            MVDataConnector dataConnector = (MVDataConnector)workflowRuntime.
    if (dataConnector == null)
    // First time through, so create the connector and 
    // register as a service with the workflow runtime.
                _dataConnector = new MVDataConnector();
     // if
    // Use the retrieved data connector.
                _dataConnector = dataConnector;
     // else

    // Pull the service instance we registered with the connection object
            WorkflowMVDataService workflowDataService = MVDataConnector.MVDataService;
    if (workflowDataService == null)
    // First time through, so create the data service and
    // hand it to the connector.
                workflowDataService = new WorkflowMVDataService(instanceID);
    = workflowDataService;
     // if
    // The data service is static and already registered with
    // the workflow runtime. The instance ID present when it 
    // was registered is invalid for this iteration and must be
    // updated.
                workflowDataService.InstanceID = instanceID;
     // else

    return workflowDataService;
     // lock


    public static WorkflowMVDataService GetRegisteredWorkflowDataService(Guid instanceID)
    lock (_syncLock)
            WorkflowMVDataService workflowDataService 
    = MVDataConnector.MVDataService;

    if (workflowDataService == null)
    throw new Exception("Error configuring data serviceservice cannot be null.");
     // if

    return workflowDataService;
     // lock


    private WorkflowMVDataService(Guid instanceID)
    = instanceID;
    = this;

    // Clean up
        _workflowRuntime = null;
    = null;
    = null;


    public DataSet Read()
    return _dataConnector.MVData;

        8.要为我们的桥接服务添加的最后的功能块是一个方法,它激发“机动车数据更新(motor vehicle data update)”事件。工作流使用这个方法来为宿主发送一个通知,告知要挑选的数据已经获取完了。代码如下:

    public void RaiseMVDataUpdateEvent()
    if (_workflowRuntime == null)
    = new WorkflowRuntime();

    // loads persisted workflow instances
        if (MVDataUpdate != null)
    thisnew MVDataAvailableArgs(_instanceID));
     // if


    清单8-4 完整的WorkflowMVDataService.cs源文件

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;
    using System.Data;

    namespace MVDataService
    public class WorkflowMVDataService
    static WorkflowRuntime _workflowRuntime = null;
    static ExternalDataExchangeService _dataExchangeService = null;
    static MVDataConnector _dataConnector = null;
    static object _syncLock = new object();

    public event EventHandler<MVDataAvailableArgs> MVDataUpdate;

    private Guid _instanceID = Guid.Empty;

    public Guid InstanceID
    get return _instanceID; }
    set { _instanceID = value; }

    public static WorkflowMVDataService CreateDataService(Guid instanceID, WorkflowRuntime workflowRuntime)
    lock (_syncLock)
    // If we're just starting, save a copy of the workflow runtime reference
                    if (_workflowRuntime == null)
    // Save instance of the workflow runtime.
                        _workflowRuntime = workflowRuntime;
     // if

    // If we're just starting, plug in ExternalDataExchange service
                    if (_dataExchangeService == null)
    // Data exchange service not registered, so create an 
    // instance and register.
                        _dataExchangeService = new ExternalDataExchangeService();
     // if

    // Check to see if we have already added this data exchange service
                    MVDataConnector dataConnector = (MVDataConnector)workflowRuntime.
    if (dataConnector == null)
    // First time through, so create the connector and 
    // register as a service with the workflow runtime.
                        _dataConnector = new MVDataConnector();
     // if
    // Use the retrieved data connector.
                        _dataConnector = dataConnector;
     // else

    // Pull the service instance we registered with the connection object
                    WorkflowMVDataService workflowDataService = MVDataConnector.MVDataService;
    if (workflowDataService == null)
    // First time through, so create the data service and
    // hand it to the connector.
                        workflowDataService = new WorkflowMVDataService(instanceID);
    = workflowDataService;
     // if
    // The data service is static and already registered with
    // the workflow runtime. The instance ID present when it 
    // was registered is invalid for this iteration and must be
    // updated.
                        workflowDataService.InstanceID = instanceID;
     // else

    return workflowDataService;
     // lock

    public static WorkflowMVDataService GetRegisteredWorkflowDataService(Guid instanceID)
    lock (_syncLock)
                    WorkflowMVDataService workflowDataService 
    = MVDataConnector.MVDataService;

    if (workflowDataService == null)
    throw new Exception("Error configuring data serviceservice cannot be null.");
     // if

    return workflowDataService;
     // lock

    private WorkflowMVDataService(Guid instanceID)
    = instanceID;
    = this;

    // Clean up
                _workflowRuntime = null;
    = null;
    = null;

    public DataSet Read()
    return _dataConnector.MVData;

    public void RaiseMVDataUpdateEvent()
    if (_workflowRuntime == null)
    = new WorkflowRuntime();

    // loads persisted workflow instances
                if (MVDataUpdate != null)
    thisnew MVDataAvailableArgs(_instanceID));
     // if






        我们本章正生成的应用程序把数据从工作流中发送到宿主应用程序中,也就是说数据传送是单向的。我故意这样做是因为,我们只有积累了足够的知识,才能更好地学习并充分理解双向数据传送。我们将使用的Workflow Communication Activity生成器完全有能力创建那些发送和接受宿主数据的活动。对于本应用程序的特殊性,我们将“扔掉”它的输出部分,因为我们不需要它。(其实,将生成的活动是畸形的,因为我们的接口没有指定宿主到工作流的通信,这些我们将保留到第10章讲解。)

        5.wca.exe文件默认情况下被安装到Program Files目录下的Windows SDK子目录中。(当然,假如你没有使用默认目录进行安装,你在此需要使用你安装Windws SDK的目录。)在命令行提示符下输入下面的命令来执行该工具(包含双引号):
        “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bin\Wca.exe” MVDataService.dll


        7.IMVDataService.Sinks.cs文件不是必须要的,可忽略它甚至是删除它,因为该文件只是包含了一些指示,没有代码。(在我们的通信接口中没有定义事件。)我们在第十章将再使用这个文件。对于另一个生成的文件:IMVDataService.Invokes.cs文件,是我们要保留的文件。它包含我们能使用的一个新活动的源代码,该活动可把数据从工作流中发送给宿主应用程序。因此,我们将重命名该文件以便更加好用。在命令提示符下输入“ren IMVDataService.Invokes.cs MVDataUpdate.cs”,然后按下回车键重命名该文件。
        8.因为我们刚刚重命名的这个文件是一个工作流活动,因此我们需要把它从当前目录下移动到MVWorkflow目录下以便编译和使用。在命令提示符下输入“move MVDataUpdate.cs ..\..\..\MVWorkflow”,然后按下回车键。
        9.回到Visual Studio,我们需要把这个新创建的MVDataUpdate.cs文件添加我们的工作流项目中。

        10.编译并生成MVWorkflow项目,假如出现编译错误的话,修正所有的错误。在你成功编译后,在视图设计器界面模式下打开Workflow1.cs文件将会在Visual Studio的工具箱中看到这个MVDataUpdate活动。
        备注:假如MVDataUpdate因为某些原因没有添加进Visual Studio工具箱中,请关闭该解决方案,然后再重新打开它。

        1.在Visual Studio中以视图设计器的模式打开MVWorkflow项目中的Workflow1.cs文件。该工作流预先加载了两个活动:一个是Delay活动,用来模拟处理数据的等待时间;一个是Code活动,它创建并填充一个基于驾驶员姓名的DataSet。
        2.打开Visual Studio工具箱,定位到MVDataUpdate活动。



    // Assign the DataSet we just created as the host data
    mvDataUpdate1.mvData = ds;



        备注:尽管这是一个简化的例子,但这个应用程序仍然是一个完全意义上的Windows Form应用程序,它演示了怎样处理工作流及其怎样进行多线程操作(比如updating控制的时候)。
        为了让我们的接口可使用工作流返回的数据集,我们需要使用桥接代码中的connector类来对我们的工作流实例进行注册(为了使我们能正确的接收DataSet)。我们也需要勾住(hook)MVDataUpdate事件,以便我们的应用程序知道接收数据的时间。为方便做这些事。我们将为“Retrieve MV Data”按钮的event handler添加一点代码,并为MVDataUpdate添加一个新的event handler。
        备注:假如你不熟悉匿名方法(anonymous methods)的话,现在就是简要学习它的一个好机会!

    1.在Visual Studio解决方案资源管理器中打开Form1.cs文件,并切换到代码视图界面。
        2.找到cmdRetrieve_Click方法。在该响应按钮点击的事件方法中已经存在了初始化工作流实例的代码,但我们还需要在创建工作流实例和启动该实例之间的地方插入一些代码,也就是在调用“_workflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow”的下面添加如下的代码(为让Visual Studio为我们自动生成事件处理程序的代码,请尽量不要使用复制粘贴的方式,应在=号后使用连续两个Tab键):

    // Hook returned data event.
    MVDataService.WorkflowMVDataService dataService =
    new EventHandler<MVDataService.MVDataAvailableArgs>(

        3.在Form1类中,为Visual Studio刚刚创建的dataService_MVDataUpdate事件处理程序添加下面的事件处理代码,并去掉存在的“not implemented”异常。

    IAsyncResult result = this.BeginInvoke(
    new EventHandler(
    // Retrieve connection. Note we could simply cast the sender as
    // our data service, but we'll instead be sure to retrieve
    // the data meant for this particular workflow instance.
                   MVDataService.WorkflowMVDataService dataService =

    // Read the motor vehicle data
                   DataSet ds = dataService.Read();

    // Bind the vehicles list to the vehicles table
                   ListViewItem lvi = null;
    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Vehicles"].Rows)
    // Create the string array
                       string[] items = new string[4];
    0= (string)row["Plate"];
    1= (string)row["Make"];
    2= (string)row["Model"];
    3= (string)row["Color"];

    // Create the list item
                       lvi = new ListViewItem(items);

    // Add to the list
     // foreach

    // Bind the violations list to the violations table
                   foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Violations"].Rows)
    // Create the string array
                       string[] items = new string[4];
    0= (string)row["ID"];
    1= (string)row["Plate"];
    2= (string)row["Violation"];
    3= ((DateTime)row["Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

    // Create the list item
                       lvi = new ListViewItem(items);

    // Add to the list
     // foreach
     // delegate
            ), nullnull
    // BeginInvoke

    // Reset for next request

        就这样!我们的应用程序就完成了,编译并执行该应用程序。当你点击“Retrieve MV Data”按钮时,选中的驾驶员姓名就会被传给工作流实例。当DataSet创建好后,该工作流实例就会激发MVDataUpdate事件。宿主应用程序代码会截获该事件进行数据的接收,然后把它绑定到ListView控件。



        2.在Visual Studio加载WorkflowInvoker解决方案后,在WorkflowInvoker解决方案中添加一个新的基于顺序工作流库的项目,工作流的名称命名为:Workflow1,保存该项目。
        4.Visual Studio会自动切换到代码编辑界面。定位到Visual Studio刚刚添加的SayHello方法,在该方法内输入下面的代码:

    // Output text to the console.
    Console.WriteLine("Hello from Workflow1!");

        5.我们现在需要添加第二个要执行的工作流,因此重复步骤2,但工作流的名称命名为:Workflow2。重复步骤3和4,但把信息“Hello from Workflow1!”替换为“Hello from Workflow2!”,当然工作流源文件的名称也要重命名为workflow2.cs,以避免冲突。
        7.回到Visual Studio解决方案资源管理器,为Workflow1项目添加对项目Workflow2的项目级引用。



        11.然后Visual Studio会检查该Workflow2工作流,并在工作流视图设计器的InvokeWorkflow活动内部展示它的图形界面。

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for workflow completion.");

    // Create the workflow instance.
    WorkflowInstance instance =
    // Start the workflow instance.


    if (e.WorkflowDefinition is Workflow1.Workflow1)
    "Workflow 1 completed.");
    "Workflow 2 completed.");


    图8-4 WorkflowInvoker应用程序的控制台输出



    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting;

    namespace MVDataChecker
        public static class WorkflowFactory
            // Singleton instance of the workflow runtime
            private static WorkflowRuntime _workflowRuntime = null;

            // Lock (sync) object
            private static object _syncRoot = new object();

            // Factory method
            public static WorkflowRuntime GetWorkflowRuntime()
                // Lock execution thread in case of multi-threaded
                // (concurrent) access.
                lock (_syncRoot)
                    // Check for startup condition
                    if (null == _workflowRuntime)
                        // Provide for shutdown
                        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(StopWorkflowRuntime);
                        AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(StopWorkflowRuntime);

                        // Not started, so create instance
                        _workflowRuntime = new WorkflowRuntime();

                        // Start the runtime
                    } // if

                    // Return singleton instance
                    return _workflowRuntime;
                } // lock

            // Shutdown method
            static void StopWorkflowRuntime(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (_workflowRuntime != null)
                    if (_workflowRuntime.IsStarted)
                            // Stop the runtime
                        catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                            // Already disposed of, so ignore...
                        } // catch
                    } // if
                } // if
    namespace MVDataChecker
        partial class Form1
            /// <summary>
            /// Required designer variable.
            /// </summary>
            private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

            /// <summary>
            /// Clean up any resources being used.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
            protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
                if (disposing && (components != null))

            #region Windows Form Designer generated code

            /// <summary>
            /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
            /// </summary>
            private void InitializeComponent()
                System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager resources = new System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager(typeof(Form1));
                this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
                this.cmbDriver = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
                this.cmdRetrieve = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
                this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
                this.lvVehicles = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView();
                this.columnHeader1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
                this.columnHeader2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
                this.columnHeader3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
                this.columnHeader4 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
                this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
                this.lvViolations = new System.Windows.Forms.ListView();
                this.columnHeader5 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
                this.columnHeader6 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
                this.columnHeader7 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
                this.columnHeader8 = new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader();
                this.cmdQuit = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
                this.lblSearching = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
                this.pbSearching = new System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox();
                // label1
                this.label1.AutoSize = true;
                this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 9);
                this.label1.Name = "label1";
                this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(69, 13);
                this.label1.TabIndex = 0;
                this.label1.Text = "Driver Name:";
                // cmbDriver
                this.cmbDriver.DropDownStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
                this.cmbDriver.FormattingEnabled = true;
                this.cmbDriver.Items.AddRange(new object[] {
                "Marc Faeber",
                "Tracy Tallman",
                "Darrell Meisner"});
                this.cmbDriver.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 25);
                this.cmbDriver.Name = "cmbDriver";
                this.cmbDriver.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(330, 21);
                this.cmbDriver.TabIndex = 1;
                // cmdRetrieve
                this.cmdRetrieve.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(390, 22);
                this.cmdRetrieve.Name = "cmdRetrieve";
                this.cmdRetrieve.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(109, 23);
                this.cmdRetrieve.TabIndex = 2;
                this.cmdRetrieve.Text = "Retrieve MV Data";
                this.cmdRetrieve.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
                this.cmdRetrieve.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.cmdRetrieve_Click);
                // label2
                this.label2.AutoSize = true;
                this.label2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 59);
                this.label2.Name = "label2";
                this.label2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(101, 13);
                this.label2.TabIndex = 3;
                this.label2.Text = "Motor Vehicle Data:";
                // lvVehicles
                this.lvVehicles.Columns.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader[] {
                this.lvVehicles.FullRowSelect = true;
                this.lvVehicles.GridLines = true;
                this.lvVehicles.HeaderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeaderStyle.Nonclickable;
                this.lvVehicles.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 75);
                this.lvVehicles.Name = "lvVehicles";
                this.lvVehicles.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(475, 97);
                this.lvVehicles.TabIndex = 4;
                this.lvVehicles.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
                this.lvVehicles.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details;
                // columnHeader1
                this.columnHeader1.Text = "Plate Number";
                this.columnHeader1.Width = 88;
                // columnHeader2
                this.columnHeader2.Text = "Vehicle Make";
                this.columnHeader2.Width = 85;
                // columnHeader3
                this.columnHeader3.Text = "Vehicle Model";
                this.columnHeader3.Width = 85;
                // columnHeader4
                this.columnHeader4.Text = "Color";
                this.columnHeader4.Width = 80;
                // label3
                this.label3.AutoSize = true;
                this.label3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 186);
                this.label3.Name = "label3";
                this.label3.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 13);
                this.label3.TabIndex = 5;
                this.label3.Text = "Citation Information:";
                // lvViolations
                this.lvViolations.Columns.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader[] {
                this.lvViolations.FullRowSelect = true;
                this.lvViolations.GridLines = true;
                this.lvViolations.HeaderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeaderStyle.Nonclickable;
                this.lvViolations.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 202);
                this.lvViolations.Name = "lvViolations";
                this.lvViolations.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(475, 97);
                this.lvViolations.TabIndex = 6;
                this.lvViolations.UseCompatibleStateImageBehavior = false;
                this.lvViolations.View = System.Windows.Forms.View.Details;
                // columnHeader5
                this.columnHeader5.Text = "Citation ID";
                this.columnHeader5.Width = 88;
                // columnHeader6
                this.columnHeader6.Text = "Plate Number";
                this.columnHeader6.Width = 86;
                // columnHeader7
                this.columnHeader7.Text = "Violation";
                this.columnHeader7.Width = 82;
                // columnHeader8
                this.columnHeader8.Text = "Date";
                this.columnHeader8.Width = 82;
                // cmdQuit
                this.cmdQuit.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(390, 306);
                this.cmdQuit.Name = "cmdQuit";
                this.cmdQuit.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(109, 23);
                this.cmdQuit.TabIndex = 7;
                this.cmdQuit.Text = "Quit";
                this.cmdQuit.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
                this.cmdQuit.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.cmdQuit_Click);
                // lblSearching
                this.lblSearching.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(15, 306);
                this.lblSearching.Name = "lblSearching";
                this.lblSearching.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(66, 23);
                this.lblSearching.TabIndex = 8;
                this.lblSearching.Text = "Searching";
                this.lblSearching.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
                this.lblSearching.Visible = false;
                // pbSearching
                this.pbSearching.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("pbSearching.Image")));
                this.pbSearching.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(87, 311);
                this.pbSearching.Name = "pbSearching";
                this.pbSearching.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(149, 18);
                this.pbSearching.TabIndex = 9;
                this.pbSearching.TabStop = false;
                this.pbSearching.Visible = false;
                // Form1
                this.AcceptButton = this.cmdRetrieve;
                this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
                this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
                this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(513, 335);
                this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
                this.MaximizeBox = false;
                this.MinimizeBox = false;
                this.Name = "Form1";
                this.Text = "Workflow-Based Motor Vehicle Query";
                this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);



            private System.Windows.Forms.Label label1;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox cmbDriver;
            private System.Windows.Forms.Button cmdRetrieve;
            private System.Windows.Forms.Label label2;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ListView lvVehicles;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader1;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader2;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader3;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader4;
            private System.Windows.Forms.Label label3;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ListView lvViolations;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader5;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader6;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader7;
            private System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader columnHeader8;
            private System.Windows.Forms.Button cmdQuit;
            private System.Windows.Forms.Label lblSearching;
            private System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox pbSearching;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;

    namespace MVDataChecker
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            // Our workflow runtime instance
            WorkflowRuntime _workflowRuntime = null;

            // Currently executing workflow instance (we'll only have
            // one).
            WorkflowInstance _workflowInstance = null;

            public Form1()

            private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Initialize the driver combobox
                cmbDriver.SelectedItem = cmbDriver.Items[0];

                // Create an instance of the workflow runtime
                _workflowRuntime = WorkflowFactory.GetWorkflowRuntime();
                _workflowRuntime.WorkflowTerminated += new EventHandler<WorkflowTerminatedEventArgs>(workflowRuntime_WorkflowTerminated);
                _workflowRuntime.WorkflowCompleted += new EventHandler<WorkflowCompletedEventArgs>(workflowRuntime_WorkflowCompleted);

            void workflowRuntime_WorkflowCompleted(object sender, WorkflowCompletedEventArgs e)
                // Remove the local data service
                MVDataService.WorkflowMVDataService dataService = MVDataService.WorkflowMVDataService.CreateDataService(_workflowInstance.InstanceId, _workflowRuntime);
                dataService.MVDataUpdate -= new EventHandler<MVDataService.MVDataAvailableArgs>(dataService_MVDataUpdate);

                // Clear instance (for application termination purposes)
                _workflowInstance = null;

                // Update the user interface

            void workflowRuntime_WorkflowTerminated(object sender, WorkflowTerminatedEventArgs e)
                // Remove the local data service
                MVDataService.WorkflowMVDataService dataService = MVDataService.WorkflowMVDataService.CreateDataService(_workflowInstance.InstanceId, _workflowRuntime);
                dataService.MVDataUpdate -= new EventHandler<MVDataService.MVDataAvailableArgs>(dataService_MVDataUpdate);

                // Clear instance (for application termination purposes)
                _workflowInstance = null;

                // Some error...
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Your vehicle record search was terminated! Error: {0}", e.Exception.Message));

                // Update the user interface

            private void cmdRetrieve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Disable the search button
                cmdRetrieve.Enabled = false;

                // We've selected a driver, so disable the driver selection
                // combobox
                cmbDriver.Enabled = false;

                // Clear the lists

                // Show the search controls
                lblSearching.Visible = true;
                pbSearching.Visible = true;

                // Set the cursor to "app starting"
                Cursor = Cursors.AppStarting;

                // Process the request, starting by creating the parameters
                Dictionary<string, object> parms = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                parms.Add("DriverName", cmbDriver.SelectedItem);

                // Create instance.
                _workflowInstance = _workflowRuntime.CreateWorkflow(typeof(MVWorkflow.Workflow1), parms);

                // Hook returned data event
                // Hook returned data event.
                MVDataService.WorkflowMVDataService dataService =

                dataService.MVDataUpdate += new EventHandler<MVDataService.MVDataAvailableArgs>(dataService_MVDataUpdate);

                // Start instance.

            void dataService_MVDataUpdate(object sender, MVDataService.MVDataAvailableArgs e)
                IAsyncResult result = this.BeginInvoke(
                    new EventHandler(
                               // Retrieve connection. Note we could simply cast the sender as
                               // our data service, but we'll instead be sure to retrieve
                               // the data meant for this particular workflow instance.
                               MVDataService.WorkflowMVDataService dataService =

                               // Read the motor vehicle data
                               DataSet ds = dataService.Read();

                               // Bind the vehicles list to the vehicles table
                               ListViewItem lvi = null;
                               foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Vehicles"].Rows)
                                   // Create the string array
                                   string[] items = new string[4];
                                   items[0] = (string)row["Plate"];
                                   items[1] = (string)row["Make"];
                                   items[2] = (string)row["Model"];
                                   items[3] = (string)row["Color"];

                                   // Create the list item
                                   lvi = new ListViewItem(items);

                                   // Add to the list
                               } // foreach

                               // Bind the violations list to the violations table
                               foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Violations"].Rows)
                                   // Create the string array
                                   string[] items = new string[4];
                                   items[0] = (string)row["ID"];
                                   items[1] = (string)row["Plate"];
                                   items[2] = (string)row["Violation"];
                                   items[3] = ((DateTime)row["Date"]).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

                                   // Create the list item
                                   lvi = new ListViewItem(items);

                                   // Add to the list
                               } // foreach
                           } // delegate
                        ), null, null
                ); // BeginInvoke

                // Reset for next request

            private void cmdQuit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Check for executing workflows
                if (_workflowInstance != null)
                    // Cease processing
                } // if

                // Quit...

            private delegate void WorkflowCompletedDelegate();

            private void WorkflowCompleted()
                if (this.InvokeRequired)
                    // Wrong thread, so switch to the UI thread...
                    WorkflowCompletedDelegate d = delegate() { WorkflowCompleted(); };
                } // if
                    // Hide the search controls
                    lblSearching.Visible = false;
                    pbSearching.Visible = false;

                    // Reset the cursor
                    Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

                    // Enable the driver selection combobox
                    cmbDriver.Enabled = true;

                    // Enable the search button
                    cmdRetrieve.Enabled = true;
                } // else


    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;
    using System.Data;

    namespace MVDataService
        public interface IMVDataService
            void MVDataUpdate(DataSet mvData);
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;

    namespace MVDataService
        public class MVDataAvailableArgs : ExternalDataEventArgs
            public MVDataAvailableArgs(Guid instanceId)
                : base(instanceId)
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;
    using System.Data;

    namespace MVDataService
        public sealed class MVDataConnector : IMVDataService
            private DataSet _dataValue = null;
            private static WorkflowMVDataService _service = null;
            private static object _syncLock = new object();

            public static WorkflowMVDataService MVDataService
                get { return _service; }
                    if (value != null)
                        lock (_syncLock)
                            // Re-verify the service isn't null
                            // now that we're locked
                            if (value != null)
                                _service = value;
                            } // if
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("You must provide a service instance.");
                            } // else
                        } // lock
                    } // if
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("You must provide a service instance.");
                    } // else

            public DataSet MVData
                get { return _dataValue; }

            public void MVDataUpdate(DataSet mvData)
                // Assign the field for later recall
                _dataValue = mvData;

                // Raise the event to trigger host read
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;
    using System.Data;

    namespace MVDataService
        public class WorkflowMVDataService
            static WorkflowRuntime _workflowRuntime = null;
            static ExternalDataExchangeService _dataExchangeService = null;
            static MVDataConnector _dataConnector = null;
            static object _syncLock = new object();

            public event EventHandler<MVDataAvailableArgs> MVDataUpdate;

            private Guid _instanceID = Guid.Empty;

            public Guid InstanceID
                get { return _instanceID; }
                set { _instanceID = value; }

            public static WorkflowMVDataService CreateDataService(Guid instanceID, WorkflowRuntime workflowRuntime)
                lock (_syncLock)
                    // If we're just starting, save a copy of the workflow runtime reference
                    if (_workflowRuntime == null)
                        // Save instance of the workflow runtime.
                        _workflowRuntime = workflowRuntime;
                    } // if

                    // If we're just starting, plug in ExternalDataExchange service
                    if (_dataExchangeService == null)
                        // Data exchange service not registered, so create an
                        // instance and register.
                        _dataExchangeService = new ExternalDataExchangeService();
                    } // if

                    // Check to see if we have already added this data exchange service
                    MVDataConnector dataConnector = (MVDataConnector)workflowRuntime.
                    if (dataConnector == null)
                        // First time through, so create the connector and
                        // register as a service with the workflow runtime.
                        _dataConnector = new MVDataConnector();
                    } // if
                        // Use the retrieved data connector.
                        _dataConnector = dataConnector;
                    } // else

                    // Pull the service instance we registered with the connection object
                    WorkflowMVDataService workflowDataService = MVDataConnector.MVDataService;
                    if (workflowDataService == null)
                        // First time through, so create the data service and
                        // hand it to the connector.
                        workflowDataService = new WorkflowMVDataService(instanceID);
                        MVDataConnector.MVDataService = workflowDataService;
                    } // if
                        // The data service is static and already registered with
                        // the workflow runtime. The instance ID present when it
                        // was registered is invalid for this iteration and must be
                        // updated.
                        workflowDataService.InstanceID = instanceID;
                    } // else

                    return workflowDataService;
                } // lock

            public static WorkflowMVDataService GetRegisteredWorkflowDataService(Guid instanceID)
                lock (_syncLock)
                    WorkflowMVDataService workflowDataService = MVDataConnector.MVDataService;

                    if (workflowDataService == null)
                        throw new Exception("Error configuring data serviceservice cannot be null.");
                    } // if

                    return workflowDataService;
                } // lock

            private WorkflowMVDataService(Guid instanceID)
                _instanceID = instanceID;
                MVDataConnector.MVDataService = this;

                // Clean up
                _workflowRuntime = null;
                _dataExchangeService = null;
                _dataConnector = null;

            public DataSet Read()
                return _dataConnector.MVData;

            public void RaiseMVDataUpdateEvent()
                if (_workflowRuntime == null)
                    _workflowRuntime = new WorkflowRuntime();

                _workflowRuntime.GetWorkflow(_instanceID); // loads persisted workflow instances
                if (MVDataUpdate != null)
                    MVDataUpdate(this, new MVDataAvailableArgs(_instanceID));
                } // if


    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler;
    using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Serialization;
    using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
    using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Workflow.Runtime;
    using System.Workflow.Activities;
    using System.Workflow.Activities.Rules;
    using System.Data;

    namespace MVWorkflow
        public sealed partial class Workflow1: SequentialWorkflowActivity
            public Workflow1()

            private string _driver = String.Empty;

            public string DriverName
                get { return _driver; }
                set { _driver = value; }

            private void GenerateMVData(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Create a blank DataSet to pass back
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();

                // Pull (create) the vehicle information for the
                // assigned driver

                // Pull (create) the vehicle information for the
                // assigned driver

                // Assign the DataSet we just created as the host data
                mvDataUpdate1.mvData = ds;

            private DataTable GenerateVehicleTable(string driverName)
                // Create the empty table
                DataTable dt = new DataTable("Vehicles");

                // Add the columns for plate number, make, model, and color
                // (all strings).
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Plate",typeof(string)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Make",typeof(string)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Model",typeof(string)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Color",typeof(string)));

                // Now add the actual data, based on the driver. Normally
                // this would be a database or service call of some type,
                // but we're just simulating pulling data here. We know
                // we have only three drivers...
                if (driverName == "Marc Faeber")
                    // Add a vehicle
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["Plate"] = "2FAST4U";
                    row["Make"] = "Chevrolet";
                    row["Model"] = "Corvette";
                    row["Color"] = "Arrest Me Red";

                    row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["Plate"] = "VIPER1";
                    row["Make"] = "Dodge";
                    row["Model"] = "Viper";
                    row["Color"] = "Midnight Black";
                } // if
                else if (driverName == "Tracy Tallman")
                    // Add a vehicle
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["Plate"] = "28ADX55";
                    row["Make"] = "Buick";
                    row["Model"] = "LeSabre";
                    row["Color"] = "Polo White";
                } // else if
                else if (driverName == "Darrell Meisner")
                    // Add a vehicle
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["Plate"] = "42NBR31";
                    row["Make"] = "Ford";
                    row["Model"] = "Windstar";
                    row["Color"] = "Does it matter?";
                } // else if

                return dt;

            private DataTable GenerateViolationTable(string driverName)
                // Create the empty table
                DataTable dt = new DataTable("Violations");

                // Add the columns for citation ID, plate number, violation,
                // and date (all strings but date, which is a date).
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", typeof(string)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Plate", typeof(string)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Violation", typeof(string)));
                dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Date", typeof(DateTime)));

                // Now add the actual data, based on the driver. Normally
                // this would be a database or service call of some type,
                // but we're just simulating pulling data here. We know
                // we have only three drivers...
                if (driverName == "Marc Faeber")
                    // Add a violation
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["ID"] = "24175641";
                    row["Plate"] = "2FAST4U";
                    row["Violation"] = "Speeding, 55MPH in a 25MPH zone";
                    row["Date"] = new DateTime(2006, 5, 21);

                    row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["ID"] = "38573319";
                    row["Plate"] = "2FAST4U";
                    row["Violation"] = "Speeding, 85MPH in a 65MPH zone";
                    row["Date"] = new DateTime(2006, 11, 6);

                    row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["ID"] = "67112487";
                    row["Plate"] = "VIPER1";
                    row["Violation"] = "Ran red light";
                    row["Date"] = new DateTime(2007, 2, 12);
                } // if
                else if (driverName == "Tracy Tallman")
                    // You're kidding, right? In a LeSabre?
                } // else if
                else if (driverName == "Darrell Meisner")
                    // Add a violation
                    DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
                    row["ID"] = "43564217";
                    row["Plate"] = "42NBR31";
                    row["Violation"] = "Illegal Parking";
                    row["Date"] = new DateTime(2006, 10, 3);
                } // else if

                return dt;
    关于作者: 王昕(QQ:475660) 在广州工作生活30余年。十多年开发经验,在Java、即时通讯、NoSQL、BPM、大数据等领域较有经验。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/starcrm/p/1948498.html
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