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  • 基于面向对象思想封装一个水球插件







      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3   <head>
      4     <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      5     <title>test</title>
      6     <style>
      7       body {
      8         display: flex;
      9         flex-flow: column wrap;
     10         justify-content: center;
     11         align-items: center;
     12       }
     13       #c {
     14         margin-top: 20px;
     15         background: #435ae4;
     16       }
     17     </style>
     18   </head>
     19   <body>
     20     <canvas id="canvas">当前浏览器不支持canvas 请升级!</canvas>
     21   </body>
     22   <script>
     23     canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
     24     ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
     25     datas = 100;
     26     M = Math;
     27     Sin = M.sin;
     28     Cos = M.cos;
     29     Sqrt = M.sqrt;
     30     Pow = M.pow;
     31     PI = M.PI;
     32     Round = M.round;
     33     oW = canvas.width = 250;
     34     oH = canvas.height = 250;
     35     canvas.style.borderRadius = "50%";
     36     // 线宽
     37     lineWidth = 1;
     38     // 大半径
     39     r = oW / 2;
     40     cR = r - 1 * lineWidth;
     41     ctx.beginPath();
     42     ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
     43     // 水波动画初始参数
     44     axisLength = 2 * r - 16 * lineWidth; // Sin 图形长度
     45     unit = axisLength / 9; // 波浪宽
     46     range = 0.4; // 浪幅
     47     nowrange = range;
     48     xoffset = 8 * lineWidth; // x 轴偏移量
     49     data = datas / 100; // 数据量
     50     sp = 0; // 周期偏移量
     51     nowdata = 0;
     52     waveupsp = 0.006; // 水波上涨速度
     53     // 圆动画初始参数
     54     arcStack = []; // 圆栈
     55     bR = r - 20 * lineWidth;
     56     soffset = -(PI / 2); // 圆动画起始位置
     57     circleLock = true; // 起始动画锁
     58     // 获取圆动画轨迹点集
     59     for (var i = soffset; i < soffset + 2 * PI; i += 1 / (8 * PI)) {
     60       arcStack.push([r + bR * Cos(i), r + bR * Sin(i)]);
     61     }
     62     // 圆起始点
     63     cStartPoint = arcStack.shift();
     64     ctx.fillStyle = "transparent";
     65     ctx.moveTo(cStartPoint[0], cStartPoint[1]);
     66     ctx.fill();
     67     // 开始渲染
     68     render();
     69     function drawSine() {
     70       ctx.beginPath();
     71       ctx.save();
     72       var Stack = []; // 记录起始点和终点坐标
     73       for (var i = xoffset; i <= xoffset + axisLength; i += 20 / axisLength) {
     74         var x = sp + (xoffset + i) / unit;
     75         var y = Sin(x) * nowrange;
     76         var dx = i;
     77         var dy = 2 * cR * (1 - nowdata) + (r - cR) - unit * y;
     78         ctx.lineTo(dx, dy);
     79         Stack.push([dx, dy]);
     80       }
     81       // 获取初始点和结束点
     82       var startP = Stack[0];
     83       var endP = Stack[Stack.length - 1];
     84       ctx.lineTo(xoffset + axisLength, oW);
     85       ctx.lineTo(xoffset, oW);
     86       ctx.lineTo(startP[0], startP[1]);
     87       ctx.fillStyle = "#3B7BF8";
     88       ctx.fill();
     89       ctx.restore();
     90     }
     92     function drawText() {
     93       ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
     94       var size = 0.4 * cR;
     95       ctx.font = "bold " + size + "px Microsoft Yahei";
     96       txt = (nowdata.toFixed(2) * 100).toFixed(0) + "%";
     97       var fonty = r + size / 2;
     98       var fontx = r - size * 0.8;
     99       ctx.fillStyle = "#9E90EF";
    100       ctx.textAlign = "center";
    101       ctx.fillText(txt, r + 5, r + 20);
    102     }
    103     //最外面淡黄色圈
    104     function drawCircle() {
    105       ctx.beginPath();
    106       ctx.lineWidth = 15;
    107       ctx.strokeStyle = "#3F1EB9";
    108       ctx.arc(r, r, cR - 6.1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    109       ctx.stroke();
    110       ctx.restore();
    111     }
    112     //灰色圆圈
    113     function grayCircle() {
    114       ctx.beginPath();
    115       ctx.lineWidth = 1;
    116       ctx.strokeStyle = "transparent";
    117       ctx.arc(r, r, cR + 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    118       ctx.stroke();
    119       ctx.restore();
    120       ctx.beginPath();
    121     }
    122     //橘黄色进度圈
    123     function orangeCircle() {
    124       ctx.beginPath();
    125       ctx.strokeStyle = "#B0BAEE";
    126       //使用这个使圆环两端是圆弧形状
    127       ctx.lineCap = "round";
    128       ctx.arc(
    129         r,
    130         r,
    131         cR - 4,
    132         0 * (Math.PI / 180.0) - Math.PI / 2,
    133         nowdata * 360 * (Math.PI / 180.0) - Math.PI / 2
    134       );
    135       ctx.stroke();
    136       ctx.save();
    137     }
    138     //裁剪中间水圈
    139     function clipCircle() {
    140       ctx.beginPath();
    141       ctx.arc(r, r, cR - 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
    142       ctx.clip();
    143     }
    144     //渲染canvas
    145     function render() {
    146       ctx.clearRect(0, 0, oW, oH);
    147       //最外面淡黄色圈
    148       drawCircle();
    149       //灰色圆圈
    150       grayCircle();
    151       //橘黄色进度圈
    152       orangeCircle();
    153       //裁剪中间水圈
    154       clipCircle();
    155       // 控制波幅
    157       if (data >= 0.85) {
    158         if (nowrange > range / 4) {
    159           var t = range * 0.01;
    160           nowrange -= t;
    161         }
    162       } else if (data <= 0.1) {
    163         if (nowrange < range * 1.5) {
    164           var t = range * 0.01;
    165           nowrange += t;
    166         }
    167       } else {
    168         if (nowrange <= range) {
    169           var t = range * 0.01;
    170           nowrange += t;
    171         }
    172         if (nowrange >= range) {
    173           var t = range * 0.01;
    174           nowrange -= t;
    175         }
    176       }
    177       if (data - nowdata > 0) {
    178         nowdata += waveupsp;
    179       }
    180       if (data - nowdata < 0) {
    181         nowdata -= waveupsp;
    182       }
    183       sp += 0.07;
    184       // 开始水波动画
    185       drawSine();
    186       // 写字
    187       drawText();
    188       requestAnimationFrame(render);
    189     }
    190   </script>
    191 </html>







      1 /**
      2  *  author:starry
      3  *  version:0.0.1;
      4  *  params:{
      5  *    id:canvans的id,默认canvas string
      6  *    text:为空则不显示,水纹的字体颜色 string
      7  *    textC:字体颜色,默认是#000, string
      8  *    r:圆球半径大小 number
      9  *    lineW:线条的粗细 number
     10  *    data:进度数据,number
     11  *    pC: 进度条颜色  string
     12  *    wc:水球颜色    string
     13  *    bg: canvas背景色 string
     14  * }
     15  *
     16  */
     17 function getWater(options) {
     18   let id = options.id ? options.id : "canvas";
     19   let text = options.text ? options.text : "";
     20   let textC = options.textC ? options.textC : "#000";
     21   let r = options.r ? options.r : 200;
     22   let lineW = options.w ? options.w : 1;
     23   let data = options.data ? options.data : 30;
     24   let progress = options.pC ? options.pC : "";
     25   let wc = options.wc ? options.wc : "#3B7BF8";
     26   let bg = options.bg ? options.bg : "#fff";
     27   canvas = document.getElementById(id);
     29   this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
     31   M = Math;
     32   Sin = M.sin;
     33   Cos = M.cos;
     34   Sqrt = M.sqrt;
     35   Pow = M.pow;
     36   PI = M.PI;
     37   Round = M.round;
     38   oW = canvas.width = r;
     39   oH = canvas.height = r;
     40   if (options.bg != "") {
     41     canvas.style.borderRadius = "50%";
     42   }
     43   canvas.style.background = bg;
     44   // 线宽
     45   lineWidth = lineW;
     46   // 大半径
     47   r = oW / 2;
     48   cR = r - 1 * lineWidth;
     49   this.ctx.beginPath();
     50   this.ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
     51   // 水波动画初始参数
     52   axisLength = 2 * r - 16 * lineWidth; // Sin 图形长度
     53   unit = axisLength / 9; // 波浪宽
     54   range = 0.4; // 浪幅
     55   nowrange = range;
     56   xoffset = 8 * lineWidth; // x 轴偏移量
     57   this.data = data / 100; // 数据量
     58   sp = 0; // 周期偏移量
     59   this.nowdata = 0;
     60   waveupsp = 0.006; // 水波上涨速度
     61   // 圆动画初始参数
     62   arcStack = []; // 圆栈
     63   bR = r - 20 * lineWidth;
     64   soffset = -(PI / 2); // 圆动画起始位置
     65   circleLock = true; // 起始动画锁
     66   // 获取圆动画轨迹点集
     67   for (var i = soffset; i < soffset + 2 * PI; i += 1 / (8 * PI)) {
     68     arcStack.push([r + bR * Cos(i), r + bR * Sin(i)]);
     69   }
     70   // 圆起始点
     71   cStartPoint = arcStack.shift();
     72   this.ctx.fillStyle = "transparent";
     73   this.ctx.moveTo(cStartPoint[0], cStartPoint[1]);
     74   this.ctx.fill();
     75   // 开始渲染
     76   this.drawSine = function() {
     77     this.ctx.beginPath();
     78     this.ctx.save();
     79     var Stack = []; // 记录起始点和终点坐标
     80     for (var i = xoffset; i <= xoffset + axisLength; i += 20 / axisLength) {
     81       var x = sp + (xoffset + i) / unit;
     82       var y = Sin(x) * nowrange;
     83       var dx = i;
     84       var dy = 2 * cR * (1 - that.nowdata) + (r - cR) - unit * y;
     85       this.ctx.lineTo(dx, dy);
     86       Stack.push([dx, dy]);
     87     }
     88     // 获取初始点和结束点
     89     var startP = Stack[0];
     90     var endP = Stack[Stack.length - 1];
     91     this.ctx.lineTo(xoffset + axisLength, oW);
     92     this.ctx.lineTo(xoffset, oW);
     93     this.ctx.lineTo(startP[0], startP[1]);
     94     this.ctx.fillStyle = wc;
     95     this.ctx.fill();
     96     this.ctx.restore();
     97   };
     98   this.drawText = function() {
     99     this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
    100     var size = 0.4 * cR;
    101     this.ctx.font = "bold " + size + "px Microsoft Yahei";
    103     if (typeof text == "number") {
    104       txt = (that.nowdata.toFixed(2) * 100).toFixed(0) + "%";
    105     } else {
    106       txt = text;
    107     }
    109     var fonty = r + size / 2;
    110     var fontx = r - size * 0.8;
    111     this.ctx.fillStyle = textC;
    112     this.ctx.textAlign = "center";
    113     this.ctx.fillText(txt, r + 5, r + 20);
    114   };
    115   //最外面淡黄色圈
    116   this.drawCircle = function() {
    117     this.ctx.beginPath();
    118     this.ctx.lineWidth = 15;
    119     this.ctx.strokeStyle = progress;
    120     this.ctx.arc(r, r, cR - 6.1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    121     this.ctx.stroke();
    122     this.ctx.restore();
    123   };
    124   //灰色圆圈
    125   this.grayCircle = function() {
    126     this.ctx.beginPath();
    127     this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
    128     this.ctx.strokeStyle = "transparent";
    129     this.ctx.arc(r, r, cR + 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    130     this.ctx.stroke();
    131     this.ctx.restore();
    132     this.ctx.beginPath();
    133   };
    134   //橘黄色进度圈
    135   this.orangeCircle = function() {
    136     this.ctx.beginPath();
    137     this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#B0BAEE";
    138     //使用这个使圆环两端是圆弧形状
    139     this.ctx.lineCap = "round";
    140     this.ctx.arc(
    141       r,
    142       r,
    143       cR - 4,
    144       0 * (Math.PI / 180.0) - Math.PI / 2,
    145       that.nowdata * 360 * (Math.PI / 180.0) - Math.PI / 2
    146     );
    147     this.ctx.stroke();
    148     this.ctx.save();
    149   };
    150   //裁剪中间水圈
    151   this.clipCircle = function() {
    152     this.ctx.beginPath();
    153     this.ctx.arc(r, r, cR - 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
    154     this.ctx.clip();
    155   };
    156   var that = this;
    157   this.render = function() {
    158     that.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, oW, oH);
    159     //最外面淡黄色圈
    160     that.drawCircle();
    161     //灰色圆圈
    162     that.grayCircle();
    163     //橘黄色进度圈
    164     that.orangeCircle();
    165     //裁剪中间水圈
    166     that.clipCircle();
    167     // 控制波幅
    169     if (that.data >= 0.85) {
    170       if (nowrange > range / 4) {
    171         var t = range * 0.01;
    172         nowrange -= t;
    173       }
    174     } else if (that.data <= 0.1) {
    175       if (nowrange < range * 1.5) {
    176         var t = range * 0.01;
    177         nowrange += t;
    178       }
    179     } else {
    180       if (nowrange <= range) {
    181         var t = range * 0.01;
    182         nowrange += t;
    183       }
    184       if (nowrange >= range) {
    185         var t = range * 0.01;
    186         nowrange -= t;
    187       }
    188     }
    189     if (that.data - that.nowdata > 0) {
    190       that.nowdata += waveupsp;
    191     }
    192     if (that.data - that.nowdata < 0) {
    193       that.nowdata -= waveupsp;
    194     }
    195     sp += 0.07;
    196     // 开始水波动画
    197     that.drawSine();
    198     // 写字
    199     if (text != "") {
    200       that.drawText();
    201     }
    202     requestAnimationFrame(that.render);
    203   };
    204   this.render();
    206   //渲染canvas
    207 }




      1 /**
      2  *  author:starry
      3  *  version:0.0.1;
      4  *  params:{
      5  *    id:canvans的id,默认canvas string
      6  *    text:为空则不显示,水纹的字体颜色 string
      7  *    textC:字体颜色,默认是#000, string
      8  *    r:圆球半径大小 number
      9  *    lineW:线条的粗细 number
     10  *    data:进度数据,number
     11  *    pC: 进度条颜色  string
     12  *    wc:水球颜色    string
     13  *    bg: canvas背景色 string
     14  * }
     15  *
     16  */
     17 function getWater(options) {
     18   let id = options.id ? options.id : "canvas";
     19   let text = options.text ? options.text : "";
     20   let textC = options.textC ? options.textC : "#000";
     21   let r = options.r ? options.r : 200;
     22   let lineW = options.w ? options.w : 1;
     23   let data = options.data ? options.data : 30;
     24   let progress = options.pC ? options.pC : "";
     25   let wc = options.wc ? options.wc : "#3B7BF8";
     26   let bg = options.bg ? options.bg : "#fff";
     27   canvas = document.getElementById(id);
     29   this.ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
     31   M = Math;
     32   Sin = M.sin;
     33   Cos = M.cos;
     34   Sqrt = M.sqrt;
     35   Pow = M.pow;
     36   PI = M.PI;
     37   Round = M.round;
     38   oW = canvas.width = r;
     39   oH = canvas.height = r;
     40   if (options.bg != "") {
     41     canvas.style.borderRadius = "50%";
     42   }
     43   canvas.style.background = bg;
     44   // 线宽
     45   lineWidth = lineW;
     46   // 大半径
     47   r = oW / 2;
     48   cR = r - 1 * lineWidth;
     49   this.ctx.beginPath();
     50   this.ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
     51   // 水波动画初始参数
     52   axisLength = 2 * r - 16 * lineWidth; // Sin 图形长度
     53   unit = axisLength / 9; // 波浪宽
     54   range = 0.4; // 浪幅
     55   nowrange = range;
     56   xoffset = 8 * lineWidth; // x 轴偏移量
     57   this.data = data / 100; // 数据量
     58   sp = 0; // 周期偏移量
     59   this.nowdata = 0;
     60   waveupsp = 0.006; // 水波上涨速度
     61   // 圆动画初始参数
     62   arcStack = []; // 圆栈
     63   bR = r - 20 * lineWidth;
     64   soffset = -(PI / 2); // 圆动画起始位置
     65   circleLock = true; // 起始动画锁
     66   // 获取圆动画轨迹点集
     67   for (var i = soffset; i < soffset + 2 * PI; i += 1 / (8 * PI)) {
     68     arcStack.push([r + bR * Cos(i), r + bR * Sin(i)]);
     69   }
     70   // 圆起始点
     71   cStartPoint = arcStack.shift();
     72   this.ctx.fillStyle = "transparent";
     73   this.ctx.moveTo(cStartPoint[0], cStartPoint[1]);
     74   this.ctx.fill();
     75   // 开始渲染
     76   this.drawSine = function() {
     77     this.ctx.beginPath();
     78     this.ctx.save();
     79     var Stack = []; // 记录起始点和终点坐标
     80     for (var i = xoffset; i <= xoffset + axisLength; i += 20 / axisLength) {
     81       var x = sp + (xoffset + i) / unit;
     82       var y = Sin(x) * nowrange;
     83       var dx = i;
     84       var dy = 2 * cR * (1 - that.nowdata) + (r - cR) - unit * y;
     85       this.ctx.lineTo(dx, dy);
     86       Stack.push([dx, dy]);
     87     }
     88     // 获取初始点和结束点
     89     var startP = Stack[0];
     90     var endP = Stack[Stack.length - 1];
     91     this.ctx.lineTo(xoffset + axisLength, oW);
     92     this.ctx.lineTo(xoffset, oW);
     93     this.ctx.lineTo(startP[0], startP[1]);
     94     this.ctx.fillStyle = wc;
     95     this.ctx.fill();
     96     this.ctx.restore();
     97   };
     98   this.drawText = function() {
     99     this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
    100     var size = 0.4 * cR;
    101     this.ctx.font = "bold " + size + "px Microsoft Yahei";
    103     if (typeof text == "number") {
    104       txt = (that.nowdata.toFixed(2) * 100).toFixed(0) + "%";
    105     } else {
    106       txt = text;
    107     }
    109     var fonty = r + size / 2;
    110     var fontx = r - size * 0.8;
    111     this.ctx.fillStyle = textC;
    112     this.ctx.textAlign = "center";
    113     this.ctx.fillText(txt, r + 5, r + 20);
    114   };
    115   //最外面淡黄色圈
    116   this.drawCircle = function() {
    117     this.ctx.beginPath();
    118     this.ctx.lineWidth = 15;
    119     this.ctx.strokeStyle = progress;
    120     this.ctx.arc(r, r, cR - 6.1, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    121     this.ctx.stroke();
    122     this.ctx.restore();
    123   };
    124   //灰色圆圈
    125   this.grayCircle = function() {
    126     this.ctx.beginPath();
    127     this.ctx.lineWidth = 1;
    128     this.ctx.strokeStyle = "transparent";
    129     this.ctx.arc(r, r, cR + 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    130     this.ctx.stroke();
    131     this.ctx.restore();
    132     this.ctx.beginPath();
    133   };
    134   //橘黄色进度圈
    135   this.orangeCircle = function() {
    136     this.ctx.beginPath();
    137     this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#B0BAEE";
    138     //使用这个使圆环两端是圆弧形状
    139     this.ctx.lineCap = "round";
    140     this.ctx.arc(
    141       r,
    142       r,
    143       cR - 4,
    144       0 * (Math.PI / 180.0) - Math.PI / 2,
    145       that.nowdata * 360 * (Math.PI / 180.0) - Math.PI / 2
    146     );
    147     this.ctx.stroke();
    148     this.ctx.save();
    149   };
    150   //裁剪中间水圈
    151   this.clipCircle = function() {
    152     this.ctx.beginPath();
    153     this.ctx.arc(r, r, cR - 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
    154     this.ctx.clip();
    155   };
    156   var that = this;
    157   this.render = function() {
    158     that.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, oW, oH);
    159     //最外面淡黄色圈
    160     that.drawCircle();
    161     //灰色圆圈
    162     that.grayCircle();
    163     //橘黄色进度圈
    164     that.orangeCircle();
    165     //裁剪中间水圈
    166     that.clipCircle();
    167     // 控制波幅
    169     if (that.data >= 0.85) {
    170       if (nowrange > range / 4) {
    171         var t = range * 0.01;
    172         nowrange -= t;
    173       }
    174     } else if (that.data <= 0.1) {
    175       if (nowrange < range * 1.5) {
    176         var t = range * 0.01;
    177         nowrange += t;
    178       }
    179     } else {
    180       if (nowrange <= range) {
    181         var t = range * 0.01;
    182         nowrange += t;
    183       }
    184       if (nowrange >= range) {
    185         var t = range * 0.01;
    186         nowrange -= t;
    187       }
    188     }
    189     if (that.data - that.nowdata > 0) {
    190       that.nowdata += waveupsp;
    191     }
    192     if (that.data - that.nowdata < 0) {
    193       that.nowdata -= waveupsp;
    194     }
    195     sp += 0.07;
    196     // 开始水波动画
    197     that.drawSine();
    198     // 写字
    199     if (text != "") {
    200       that.drawText();
    201     }
    202     requestAnimationFrame(that.render);
    203   };
    204   this.render();
    206   //渲染canvas
    207 }


  • 相关阅读:
    Hibernate Validation注解列表
    Session 会话
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/starryyang/p/10535049.html
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