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  • Delphi XE2有什么新功能


     Delphi XE2有什么新功能Delphi XE2提供(offers)了令人兴奋(exciting)的新功能,让您能够建立高度可视化的,在Windows,Mac和iOS上的业务应用。新的Windows 64位支持,整个FireMonkey,新的VCL样式,实时数据绑定,扩展的数据库连接,和更多。构建64位Windows应用程序现在,你可以用Delphi创建64位Windows应用程序充分利用了最新的硬件,访问更多的内存,更高的性能。所有Windows技术支持64位FireMonkey,VCL,RTL,Delphi编译器和调试器简化迁移现有的VCL应用程序到64位。为Windows,Mac和移动平台,提供丰富的应用程序。
    delphiXE2 FireMonkey应用程序与新的平台,使您可以在Windows,Mac和iOS原生编译。你的应用程序充分利用CPU和GPU的力量和速度。创建令人惊叹的视觉和交互应用快速构建FireMonkey壮观的视觉,互动性强,数据的应用程序,丰富的PC,Mac和移动设备。提供丰富的业务应用,搞你的用户提供了一种身临其境的,有趣的,交互式应用程序体验。为你的VCL应用程序带来新的风格。delphiXE2引进(introduces )VCL样式,使您可以将自定义您的VCL应用程序的外观和感觉。样式应用到现有的设备和UI元素,因此无需更换组件,可以很容易地得到一个新的面貌。从自带的(included),专业设计的风格选择或使用自定义或创建自己的VCL风格设计。把你数据和逻辑放在在云中.delphiXE2包括扩大云计算的新的数据集成和部署选项。包括云API支持数据存储和访问在比如Windows Azure,Amazon Simple Queue Services(亚马逊简单队列服务), Simple DB, and Simple Storage Service。使用新的部署管理应用程序部署到Amazon EC2 and 微软的Windows Azure。连接无处不在Delphi XE2的dbExpress的提供了新的连接选项与支持的InterBase XE,Firebird 2.5,SQL ANYWHERE 12和ODBC给你的选择比以往任何时候都更多的数据库。新的DataSnap移动连接器允许您构建移动客户端的iOS,安卓,黑莓和Windows Phone(使用Xcode,Eclipse和Visual Studio的移动开发工具),你的Delphi DataSnap服务器无缝连接。数据感知用户界面和超越 - 实时数据可视化delphi的新LiveBindings的让任何数据源连接到任何VCL或FireMonkey用户界面或图形元素。LiveBindings给你的权力和创作自由,将数据提供给用户更加直观和互动的方式。LiveBindings还包括让你难以置信的力量和灵活性,以建立“动态”计算和更新绑定表达式。和更快的工作更具有扩展的开发工具箱delphiXE2包括新的和更新的集成工具,帮助你得到你的工作做得更快。现在delphiXE2包括FastReport的快速设计和生成报告和文档的洞察力,综合现场源代码文档工具。XE2还包括64位版本的TeeChart,IBX,InstallAware,IP *作品,AQtime,FinalBuilder值得说的是,和Indy。©版权所有2011 Embarcadero Technologies公司,公司保留所有权利。
    What's new in Delphi XE2
    Delphi XE2 offers exciting new functionality giving you the ability to build highly visual, business applications for Windows, Mac and iOS. New Windows 64-bit support throughout, FireMonkey, new VCL styles, live data bindings, expanded database connectivity, and much more.    

        Build 64-bit Windows applications
    Now you can create 64-bit Windows applications with Delphi to take advantage of the latest hardware, access more memory, and push the envelope of performance. All Windows technologies are 64-bit enabled included FireMonkey, VCL, RTL, the Delphi compiler and debugger streamlining the migration of existing VCL applications to 64-bit.    
    Deliver rich applications to Windows, Mac and mobile
    Delphi XE2 with the new FireMonkey application platform enables you to compile natively to Windows, Mac and iOS. Your applications take full advantage of the power and speed of the CPU and GPU.        
        Create visually stunning and interactive applications
    Quickly build FireMonkey applications that are visually spectacular, highly interactive and data rich for PCs, Macs and mobile devices. Deliver rich business applications that engage your users with an immersive, interesting, and interactive application experience.    
    Bring new style to your VCL applications
    Delphi XE2 introduces VCL Styles, enabling you to apply a custom look and feel to your VCL applications. Styles are applied to your existing components and UI elements so it's easy to get a new look without swapping out components. Choose from the included, professionally designed styles or use the VCL Style Designer to customize or create your own.        
        Put your data and logic in the cloud
    Delphi XE2 includes expanded cloud computing integration with new data and deployment options. The included cloud API supports data storage and access to blobs, message queues and tables on Windows Azure as well as Amazon Simple Queue Services, Simple DB, and Simple Storage Service. Use the new Deployment Manager to deploy your applications to both Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Windows Azure.    
    Connect everywhere
    Delphi XE2's dbExpress delivers new connectivity options with support for InterBase XE, FireBird 2.5, SQL Anywhere 12 and ODBC giving you more database choices than ever. New DataSnap mobile connectors allow you to build Mobile clients for iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone (using Xcode, Eclipse, and Visual Studio mobile development tools) that connect seamlessly with your Delphi DataSnap servers.        
        Data-aware UIs and beyond – visualize live data
    Delphi's new LiveBindings let you connect any data source to any VCL or FireMonkey user interface or graphic element. LiveBindings give you the power and creative freedom to present data to users in more intuitive and interactive ways. LiveBindings also include expressions giving you incredible power and flexibility to build "dynamically" calculated and updated bindings.    
    Work smarter and faster with an expanded developer toolbox
    Delphi XE2 includes both new and updated integrated tools to help you get your job done faster. Delphi XE2 now includes FastReport for quickly designing and generating reports; and Documentation Insight, an integrated live source code documentation tool. XE2 also includes 64-bit versions of TeeChart, IBX, InstallAware, IP*Works, AQtime, FinalBuilder, IntraWeb and Indy.        
    © Copyright 2011 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/stevenlaz/p/3276857.html
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