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  • Google Code Jam 2014 Round 1 A:Problem B. Full Binary Tree


    A tree is a connected graph with no cycles.

    A rooted tree is a tree in which one special vertex is called the root. If there is an edge between X and Y in a rooted tree, we say that Y is a child of X if X is closer to the root than Y (in other words, the shortest path from the root to X is shorter than the shortest path from the root to Y).

    A full binary tree is a rooted tree where every node has either exactly 2 children or 0 children.

    You are given a tree G with N nodes (numbered from 1 to N). You are allowed to delete some of the nodes. When a node is deleted, the edges connected to the deleted node are also deleted. Your task is to delete as few nodes as possible so that the remaining nodes form a full binary tree for some choice of the root from the remaining nodes.


    The first line of the input gives the number of test cases, T. T test cases follow. The first line of each test case contains a single integer N, the number of nodes in the tree. The following N-1 lines each one will contain two space-separated integers: Xi Yi, indicating that G contains an undirected edge between Xi and Yi.


    For each test case, output one line containing "Case #x: y", where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the minimum number of nodes to delete from G to make a full binary tree.


    1 ≤ T ≤ 100. 1 ≤ Xi, Yi  N Each test case will form a valid connected tree.

    Small dataset

    2 ≤ N ≤ 15.

    Large dataset

    2 ≤ N ≤ 1000.


    Input    Output   
    2 1
    1 3
    4 5
    4 2
    1 2
    3 1
    6 4
    3 7
    1 2
    2 3
    3 4
    Case #1: 0
    Case #2: 2
    Case #3: 1

    In the first case, G is already a full binary tree (if we consider node 1 as the root), so we don't need to do anything.

    In the second case, we may delete nodes 3 and 7; then 2 can be the root of a full binary tree.

    In the third case, we may delete node 1; then 3 will become the root of a full binary tree (we could also have deleted node 4; then we could have made 2 the root).

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/stonehat/p/3690919.html
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