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  • Oracle基础

    create table students(
    studentsid number(10) primary key,
    sname varchar2(10) not null,
    sex varchar2(4),
    grade number(3),
    classid number(10),foreign key (classid) references class(classid)
    alter table students rename column studentsid to studentid;
    alter table students add
    studentid number(8) primary key;
    alter table students drop (studentsid);
    drop table students;
    create table class (
    classid number(10),
    cname varchar2(20)
    alter table class modify (classid number(10) primary key);
    alter table students modify (studentid number(10));
    create view ST as
    select sname,sex from students;
    drop view ST;
    create view SDetail as
    select s.studentid,s.sname,s.sex,s.grade,c.cname from students s,class c;
    insert into students(studentid,sname,sex,grade,classid) values(10001,'Jim','男',65,1001)
    insert into class (classid,cname) values(1001,'信息与技术科学')
    delete from students t where t.studentid=10001;
    update students set studentid=rownum+10000;
    insert into students (studentid,sname)
    select distinct a.m,students.sname from students,(select max(studentid)+1 m from students) a

     i number(2);
       for i in 1..8 loop
          insert into students (studentid,sname)
          select distinct a.m,students.sname from students,(select max(studentid)+1 m from students) a;
       end loop;
    insert into students (studentid,sname)
    select substr(cast(dbms_random.value as varchar2(1000)),5,5),students.sname from dual,students;
    select count(*) from students
    --首字母最大,结果为Hello World
    select initcap('hello world') from dual

    create table Match(
    mdate date,
    rq varchar2(4)

    insert into match values('2005-5-10','胜')

    select mdate,sum(case when rq='胜' then 1 else 0 end) as 胜,sum(case when rq='负' then 1 else 0 end) as 负 from match
    group by mdate
    select a.mdate,a.胜,b.负 from
    (select mdate,count(rq) 胜 from match where rq='胜' group by mdate) a,
    (select mdate,count(rq) 负 from match where rq='负'group by mdate) b
    where a.mdate=b.mdate
    --方法3:用嵌套子查询+join on
    select a.mdate,a.胜,b.负 from
    (select mdate,count(rq) 胜 from match where rq='胜' group by mdate) a join
    (select mdate,count(rq) 负 from match where rq='负'group by mdate) b
    on a.mdate=b.mdate
    select * from se_innerapplies t where to_char(t.operatedate,'yyyy-mm-dd')=to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd')

    create table Score(
    scoreid varchar2(10) primary key,
    studentid varchar2(10),
    mark number(3),
    subject varchar(20)

    select d.studentid,(case when d.mark>=80 then '优秀' when d.mark>60  then '及格' else '不及格' end) , d.subject
    from score d
    ---- 右连接
    select d.studentid,d.subject from score d right join (select studentid,mark from score) f
    on d.studentid=f.studentid
    select d.studentid,count(*) as 总数 from score d group by d.studentid having count(*)>1

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/stranger/p/3664218.html
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