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  • [Swift]LeetCode547. 朋友圈 | Friend Circles


    There are N students in a class. Some of them are friends, while some are not. Their friendship is transitive in nature. For example, if A is a directfriend of B, and B is a direct friend of C, then A is an indirect friend of C. And we defined a friend circle is a group of students who are direct or indirect friends.

    Given a N*N matrix M representing the friend relationship between students in the class. If M[i][j] = 1, then the ith and jth students are directfriends with each other, otherwise not. And you have to output the total number of friend circles among all the students.

    Example 1:

    Output: 2
    Explanation:The 0th and 1st students are direct friends, so they are in a friend circle. 
    The 2nd student himself is in a friend circle. So return 2. 

    Example 2:

    Output: 1
    Explanation:The 0th and 1st students are direct friends, the 1st and 2nd students are direct friends, 
    so the 0th and 2nd students are indirect friends. All of them are in the same friend circle, so return 1.


    1. N is in range [1,200].
    2. M[i][i] = 1 for all students.
    3. If M[i][j] = 1, then M[j][i] = 1.

    班上有 N 名学生。其中有些人是朋友,有些则不是。他们的友谊具有是传递性。如果已知 A 是 B 的朋友,B 是 C 的朋友,那么我们可以认为 A 也是 C 的朋友。所谓的朋友圈,是指所有朋友的集合。

    给定一个 N * N 的矩阵 M,表示班级中学生之间的朋友关系。如果M[i][j] = 1,表示已知第 i 个和 j 个学生互为朋友关系,否则为不知道。你必须输出所有学生中的已知的朋友圈总数。

    示例 1:

    输出: 2 

    示例 2:

    输出: 1


    1. N 在[1,200]的范围内。
    2. 对于所有学生,有M[i][i] = 1。
    3. 如果有M[i][j] = 1,则有M[j][i] = 1。


     1 class Solution {
     2     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         var count = 0
     4         var visited: [Int] = [Int](repeating: 0, count: M.count)
     5         for i in 0...(M.count - 1) {
     6             if visited[i] == 0 {
     7                 self.dfs(M, &visited, i)
     8                 count += 1
     9             }
    10         }
    12         return count
    13     }
    15     func dfs(_ M : [[Int]], _ visited: inout [Int], _ i: Int){
    17         for j in 0...(M.count  - 1) {
    18             if M[i][j] == 1 && visited[j] == 0 {
    19                 visited[j] = 1
    20                 dfs(M, &visited, j)
    21             }
    22         }
    23     }    
    24 }

    Runtime: 184 ms
    Memory Usage: 19 MB
     1 class Solution {
     2     //经典思路:联合查找Union Find
     3     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     4         var n:Int = M.count
     5         var res:Int = n
     6         var root:[Int] = [Int](repeating:0,count:n)
     7         for i in 0..<n
     8         {
     9             root[i] = i
    10         }
    11         for i in 0..<n
    12         {
    13             for j in (i + 1)..<n
    14             {
    15                 if M[i][j] == 1
    16                 {
    17                     var p1:Int = getRoot(&root, i)
    18                     var p2:Int = getRoot(&root, j)
    19                     if p1 != p2
    20                     {
    21                         res -= 1
    22                         root[p2] = p1                        
    23                     }
    24                 }
    26             }
    27         }
    28         return res
    29     }
    31     func getRoot(_ root:inout [Int],_ i:Int) -> Int
    32     {
    33         var i = i
    34         while(i != root[i])
    35         {
    36             root[i] = root[root[i]]
    37             i = root[i]
    38         }
    39         return i
    40     }
    41 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         var ans = 0
     5         let size = M.count
     6         var visited = [Bool].init(repeating: false, count: size)
     7         var current = 0
     8         func DFS(_ cur: Int) {
     9             guard !visited[cur] else {
    10                 return
    11             }
    12             visited[cur] = true
    13             for i in 0 ..< size {
    14                 if !visited[i] && M[cur][i] == 1 {
    15                     DFS(i)
    16                 }
    17             }
    18         }
    19         for i in 0 ..< size where !visited[i] {
    20             ans += 1
    21             DFS(i)
    22         }
    23         return ans
    24     }
    25 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func findCircleNum(_ matrix: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         guard !matrix.isEmpty else {
     4             return 0
     5         }
     7         let n = matrix.count
     9         var visitedStudents = [Bool](repeating: false, count: n)
    10         var numOfCircles = 0
    12         for student in 0..<n {
    13             if visitedStudents[student] {
    14                 continue
    15             }
    17             numOfCircles += 1
    18             visitFriends(student: student, matrix: matrix, visitedStudents: &visitedStudents)
    19         }
    21         return numOfCircles
    22     }
    24     func visitFriends(student: Int, matrix: [[Int]], visitedStudents: inout [Bool]) {
    25         visitedStudents[student] = true
    27         for friend in 0..<matrix.count {
    28             guard matrix[student][friend] == 1 else {
    29                 continue
    30             }
    31             guard !visitedStudents[friend] else {
    32                 continue
    33             }
    35             visitFriends(student: friend, matrix: matrix, visitedStudents: &visitedStudents)
    36         }
    37     }
    38 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         var visited = Set<Int>()
     4         var num = 0
     5         for i in 0..<M.count {
     6             if !visited.contains(i) {
     7                 self.recurse(i, M, &visited)
     8                 num += 1
     9             }
    10         }
    11         return num
    12     }
    14     func recurse(_ node: Int, _ graph: [[Int]], _ visited: inout Set<Int>) {
    15         visited.insert(node)
    16         for i in 0..<graph.count {
    17             if !visited.contains(i) && graph[node][i] > 0 {
    18                 recurse(i, graph, &visited)
    19             }
    20         }
    21     }
    22 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         guard M.count > 0 && M[0].count > 0 else {
     4             return 0
     5         }
     7         var unionFind = UnionFind<Int>()
     9         for row in 0..<M.count {
    10             for column in 0..<M[row].count {
    11                 if M[row][column] == 1 {
    12                     unionFind.addSet(row)
    13                     unionFind.addSet(column)
    14                     unionFind.union(row, column)
    15                 }
    16             }
    17         }
    19         return unionFind.numerOfSets
    20     }
    21 }
    24 public struct UnionFind<T: Hashable> {
    25     private var index: [T: Int] = [:]
    26     private var parent: [Int] = []
    27     private var size: [Int] = []
    28     public var numerOfSets: Int = 0 
    30     public mutating func addSet(_ element: T) {
    31         if index[element] == nil {
    32             index[element] = parent.count
    33             parent.append(parent.count)
    34             size.append(1)
    35             numerOfSets += 1
    36         }
    37     }
    39     public mutating func find(_ element: T) ->Int? {
    40         guard let index = index[element] else {
    41             return nil 
    42         }
    43         return setByIndex(index)
    44     }
    46     private mutating func setByIndex(_ index: Int) -> Int {
    47         if parent[index] == index {
    48             return index 
    49         } else {
    50             parent[index] = setByIndex(parent[index])
    51             return parent[index]
    52         }
    53     }
    55     public mutating func union(_ element1: T, _ element2: T) {
    56         guard let set1 = find(element1), let set2 = find(element2) else {
    57             return 
    58         }
    60         if set1 != set2 {
    61             numerOfSets -= 1 
    62             if size[set1] > size[set2] {
    63                 parent[set2] = set1 
    64                 size[set1] += size[set2]
    65             } else {
    66                 parent[set1] = set2 
    67                 size[set2] += size[set1]
    68             }
    69         }
    70     }
    71 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     class UnionFind {
     3         private var parent: [Int]
     4         private (set) var count = 0
     6         init(size: Int, count: Int) {
     7             self.parent = Array(0..<size)
     8             self.count = count
     9         }
    11         func union(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) {
    12             let px = find(x)
    13             let py = find(y)
    14             if px != py {
    15                 parent[px] = py
    16                 count -= 1
    17             }
    18         }
    20         func find(_ x: Int) -> Int {
    21             if parent[x] == x {
    22                 return x
    23             }
    24             parent[x] = find(parent[x])
    25             return parent[x]
    26         }
    27     }
    29     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
    30         if M.isEmpty || M[0].isEmpty {
    31             return 0
    32         }
    34         let n = M.count
    35         let unionFind = UnionFind(size: n, count: n)
    37         for y in 0..<n {
    38             for x in 0..<n {
    39                 if x != y, M[y][x] == 1 {
    40                     unionFind.union(x, y)
    41                 }
    42             }
    43         }
    44         return unionFind.count
    45     }
    46 }


     1 class UnionFind {
     2     private var connectivities: [Int]
     3     private var sizes: [Int]
     4     init(size: Int) {
     5         self.connectivities = [Int](repeating: 0, count: size)
     6         self.sizes = [Int](repeating: 1, count: size)
     7         for i in 0..<size {
     8             connectivities[i] = i
     9         }
    10     }
    11     func connect(n1: Int, n2: Int) {
    12         guard let root1 = root(of: n1),
    13             let root2 = root(of: n2),
    14             root1 != root2 else { return }
    15         let sz1 = sizes[root1]
    16         let sz2 = sizes[root2]
    17         if sz1 > sz2 {
    18             connectivities[root2] = root1
    19             sizes[root1] += sizes[root2]
    20         } else {
    21             connectivities[root1] = root2
    22             sizes[root2] += sizes[root1]
    23         }
    24     }
    25     func isConnected(n1: Int, n2: Int) -> Bool {
    26         return root(of: n1) == root(of: n2)
    27     }
    28     func root(of n: Int) -> Int? {
    29         guard n < connectivities.count else { return nil }
    30         let parent = connectivities[n]
    31         if parent == n {
    32             return n
    33         }
    34         guard let rt = root(of: parent) else { return nil }
    35         connectivities[n] = rt
    36         return rt
    37     }
    38     func snapshot() {
    39         print("c: (connectivities)")
    40         print("s: (sizes)")
    41     }
    42 }
    44 class Solution {
    45     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
    46         let size = M.count
    47         let uf = UnionFind(size: size)
    48         for (y, row) in M.enumerated() {
    49             for (x, _) in row.enumerated() {
    50                 if x <= y {
    51                     continue
    52                 }
    53                 if M[y][x] == 1 {
    54                     uf.connect(n1: y, n2: x)
    55                 }
    56             }
    57         }
    58         var groupSet = Set<Int>()
    59         for i in 0..<M.count {
    60             guard let root = uf.root(of: i) else { continue }
    61             groupSet.insert(root)
    62         }
    63         return groupSet.count
    64     }
    65 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         var visited: Set<Int> = Set<Int>()
     4         var res = 0
     5         var q: [Int] = []
     6         for i in 0..<M.count {
     7             if !visited.contains(i) {
     8                 res += 1
     9                 q.append(i)
    10                 while !q.isEmpty {
    11                     let friend = q.removeFirst()
    12                     if !visited.contains(friend) {
    13                         visited.insert(friend)
    14                         for j in 0..<M[friend].count {
    15                             if M[friend][j] == 1 {
    16                                 q.append(j)
    17                             }
    18                         }
    19                     }
    20                 }
    21             }
    22         }
    23         return res
    24     }
    25 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     4         var sum = 0
     5         var circle = M
     6         let mCount = M.count
     7         for i in 0 ..< mCount {
     8             let isCircle = p_circle(&circle, down: i, right: i, s: mCount)
     9             if isCircle {  sum += 1 }
    10         }
    11         return sum
    12     }
    14     func p_circle(_ circle: inout [[Int]], down: Int, right: Int, s: Int) -> Bool {
    15         guard
    16             down < s,
    17             right <= down,
    18             circle[down][right] == 1
    19             else { return false }
    20         circle[down][right] = 0
    21         circle[right][down] = 0
    23         var r = 0
    24         if down == 0 { r = 1 }
    25         while (r < s) {
    26             if circle[down][r] == 1 {
    27                 _ = p_circle(&circle, down: r, right: r, s: s)
    28             }
    29             r += 1
    30             if down == r { r += 1 }
    31         }
    32         return true
    33     }
    34 }


     1 class FriendCircle {
     2     var friends: Set<Int> = []
     3 }
     5 extension FriendCircle: Hashable {
     6     var hashValue: Int {
     7         return ObjectIdentifier(self).hashValue
     8     }
    10     static func ==(lhs: FriendCircle, rhs: FriendCircle) -> Bool {
    11         return lhs === rhs
    12     }
    13 }
    16 class Solution {
    17     func findCircleNum(_ matrix: [[Int]]) -> Int {
    18         guard !matrix.isEmpty else {
    19             return 0
    20         }
    22         let n = matrix.count
    23         var numOfCircles = 0
    24         var personToCircle = [FriendCircle?](repeating: nil, count: n)
    26         for column in 0..<n {
    28             var friends: Set<Int> = []
    29             var circles: Set<FriendCircle> = []
    31             for row in 0..<n {
    32                 if matrix[row][column] == 1 {
    33                     friends.insert(row)
    35                     if let existingCircle = personToCircle[row] {
    36                         circles.insert(existingCircle)
    37                     }
    38                 }
    39             }
    41             let circle: FriendCircle
    42             if circles.count > 1 {
    43                 for circle in circles {
    44                     friends.formUnion(circle.friends)
    45                 }
    46                 circle = FriendCircle()
    47                 numOfCircles -= circles.count-1
    48             } else if let existingCircle = circles.first {
    49                 circle = existingCircle
    50             } else {
    51                 circle = FriendCircle()
    52                 numOfCircles += 1
    53             }
    56             for friend in friends {
    57                 circle.friends.insert(friend)
    58                 personToCircle[friend] = circle
    59             }
    60         }       
    61         return numOfCircles
    62     }
    63 }


     1 class Solution {
     3     private var circles: [Int] = []
     4     private var count = 0
     6     func connect(_ index: Int, _ index2: Int) {
     7         let af = find(index)
     8         let bf = find(index2)
     9         guard af != bf else {
    10             return
    11         }
    13         for index in 0..<circles.count {
    14             if circles[index] == af {
    15                 circles[index] = bf
    16             }
    17         }
    19         count -= 1
    20     }
    22     func find(_ index: Int) -> Int {
    23         if index >= 0 && index < circles.count {
    24             return circles[index]
    25         } else {
    26             return -1
    27         }
    28     }
    30     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
    31         guard !M.isEmpty && !M[0].isEmpty else {
    32             return 0    
    33         }
    35         count = M.count
    36         for index in 0..<M.count {
    37             circles.append(index)
    38         }
    40         for row in 0..<M.count {
    41             for column in 0..<M[row].count {
    42                 if row != column && M[row][column] == 1 { 
    43                     connect(row, column)
    44                 }
    45             }
    46         }
    48         return count
    49     }
    50 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     var pre:[Int]
     3     init() {
     4         self.pre = [Int]()
     5     }
     6     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     8         if (M.count > 0) {
     9             self.pre = [Int](repeating: 0, count: M.count)
    10             for (i, v) in pre.enumerated() {
    11                 pre[i] = i
    12             }
    13             for i in 0...M.count - 1 {
    14                  if (M[i].count == M.count) {
    15                     for j in 0...M[i].count - 1 {
    16                          // print("a loop 1")
    17                         if (M[i][j] == 1) {
    18                             join(i, j)
    19                         }
    20                     }
    21                  } else {
    22                      return 0 //异常数据
    23                  }
    24             }
    25             var count = 0
    26             for (i, v) in pre.enumerated() {
    27                 if (i == v) {
    28                     count+=1
    29                 }
    30             }
    31             // print("(count)")
    32             return count
    33         }
    34         return 0
    35     }
    37     func join( _ i:Int, _ j:Int) {
    38         var preI = find(i)
    39         var preJ = find(j)
    40         if (preI != preJ) {
    41             self.pre[preI] = preJ
    42         }
    43         // print("(self.pre)")
    44     }
    45     func find(_ i:Int)->Int {
    46         var i = i
    47         while (self.pre[i] != i) {
    48             i = self.pre[i]
    49         }
    50         return i
    51     }
    52 }


     1 class Solution {
     2     func findCircleNum(_ M: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     3         var ret = 0
     4         var visited:Array<Bool> = Array(repeating: false, count: M.count)
     5         func getFriend(_ y:Int) {
     6             for x in 0..<M.count {
     7                 if !visited[x] && M[y][x] == 1{
     8                     visited[y] = true
     9                     getFriend(x)
    10                 }
    11             }
    12         }
    13         guard M.count > 0 else {
    14             return ret
    15         }
    16         for y in 0..<M.count {
    17             if(!visited[y]) {
    18                 ret += 1
    19                 getFriend(y)
    20             }
    21         }
    22         return ret
    23     }
    24 }
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10414531.html
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